• 2 months ago
00:00on Friday night. And that's when the Heat said, yeah, stay home, stay home, Jimmy, for a little
00:06while with his seven game suspension. Do they want him out completely down there at this point? Just
00:12get rid of Jimmy, find, you know, 10 cents on a dollar, whatever it is, just get him off the team.
00:20Well, I got news for you, the Miami Heat fans are done with him. They, you know, he's got a mural
00:26down there by the stadium and somebody's already painted a, a quitter headband on him. I mean,
00:33it's, there you are. They are not happy right now when it comes to Jimmy Butler and how this whole
00:39thing has unfolded. And listen, you know, I think the final straw was the minute he came out and he
00:45said, you know, that he didn't want to play for the Heat. He's got no joy in playing basketball.
00:50Like Pat Riley had tolerate a lot of stuff, but you being a distraction that way and basically
00:56throwing the organization under the bus, it's, yeah, it was, it didn't have to go that way,
01:03but name me one place Jimmy Butler has left that didn't end in total turmoil there. That's,
01:09that's how he rolls. That's how he does it except he's 35, 36 now and not 27.
01:15And nobody's running, knocking down the door to get Jimmy Butler to be overpaid.
01:20See, that's the thing, Joe, it, it always ends the same way. Like, you know, it's never,
01:26it's never like, you know, you know, there's always some kind of an issue,
01:31no matter where it's been, whether it's Chicago or Minnesota or Philadelphia,
01:36there's always been a reason because he's a hell of a player. It's just, well in the playoffs,
01:42right? I mean, he's kind of gotten to the point and I guess that's what also bothers the Heat is
01:45that he wants to really wants to coast through the regular season and then just show up in the
01:51playoffs and start playing. And that's not the, that's just not the Riley way. Pat don't like
01:57that. Especially after, what was it last year? What was it after the end of last year? Right,
02:01Joe? When he said, when Riley said, yeah, we need, we need them available all year is what
02:07we need out of Jimmy and Jimmy's not playing that way. Jimmy likes to coast and then have
02:12himself ready for the big stretch run.
