• 2 months ago
00:00Jimmy Butler
00:01suspended indefinitely
00:03By the heat after walking out of their shoot around this morning
00:09So I mean look I'll give him credit
00:11He's trying real hard to get traded like he's doing everything missing flights
00:17Walking out of shoot arounds like he's basically just saying please get me the hell out of here
00:23I just don't want to be here anymore. I
00:26Mean he really is a j-off
00:29This guy is such a j-off
00:31He is such a cancer and a team killer
00:34And he doesn't matter anymore, and they act like he does like he's some kind of stud dropping 30 a game those days
00:40they're long gone and
00:43This guy has just absolutely
00:45Destroyed the Miami Heat this year. He's destroyed the team the team is wrecked. They're ruined. They're going nowhere
00:53The season's over
00:55Pack it in glad bag city, and it's all because of this guy
00:59He is really something else what a narcissistic tool this guy has become I wouldn't want him anywhere near my organization
01:07Nowhere near it and now he's part of this gigantic
01:10Alleged five-team trade that they're saying is gonna go down Carver high
01:14And I'll talk to coach young about it when he comes on and get the particulars
01:20He ends up in in this you know desert with the Suns and then
01:26We'll talk about where all these other guys end up later, but I think he's just really a pain in the ass
01:33Jimmy Butler is
01:34He's just an absolute team wrecker
01:38He is and he'll probably be out of there sooner rather than later trade deadline is close
01:44February 6th right I believe it is
01:50Tuesday or Wednesday and
01:52How and it is it's it's Thursday the 6th
01:55While you're in the world, and I said this to you last year because I guess with how the Superbowl's now
02:00How stupid is the NBA why wouldn't you make it the next week when football's over nobody cares about?
02:09Superbowl Superbowl's done
02:10And you have the whole floor to yourselves and you can have people talking about your sport trade deadline who's getting moved instead you do
02:21I agree with you
02:22But I'm gonna take advantage of it because I'm so not
02:25Interested in talking about the Eagles and the Chiefs that I'm gonna make it a double segment in New Orleans
02:31I may make an entire hour. I mean spare me spare me. Maybe they did the right thing
02:38This is the smartest thing Adam Silver's ever done to spare us the agony of spending two weeks talking about the Eagles and Chiefs
