• 2 months ago
জোনাই : জোনাইৰ লালী নদীৰ বালি চাপৰিত মিচিং স্বায়ত্তশাসিত পৰিষদৰ উদ্যোগত অহা ১০, ১১ আৰু ১২ জানুৱাৰীত অনুষ্ঠিত হ’ব লগা দ্বিতীয় পবা মহোৎসৱৰ দিন সলনি কৰা হৈছে ৷ অনিবাৰ্য কাৰণৱশত পূৰ্বে নিৰ্ধাৰিত দ্বিতীয় পবা মহোৎসৱৰ তাৰিখ ১০, ১১ আৰু ১২ জানুৱাৰীৰ পৰিৱৰ্তে আগন্তুক ৭, ৮ আৰু ৯ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰীলৈ পিছুৱাই দিয়া হৈছে ৷ সংবাদ  মাধ্যমৰ আগত এই মন্তব্য কৰে উদযাপন সমিতিৰ বিষয়ববীয়াসকলে ৷উল্লেখ্য যে, জৈৱ বৈচিত্ৰৰ ভঁৰাল জোনাইৰ পবা অভয়াৰণ্যৰ লালী নদীৰ বালি চাপৰিত নৈসৰ্গিক সৌন্দৰ্য মাজত আয়োজন কৰা হ’ব পবা মহোৎসৱ ৷ এই মহোৎসৱতে পৰিৱেশ সজাগতাৰ বাবে কেবাটাও আলোচনা চক্ৰ, জংগল ট্ৰেকিং, নৌকা বিহাৰ, পৰম্পৰাগত খেল-ধেমালি, বণ্যপ্ৰাণী ফটোগ্ৰাফী, চিত্ৰাংকন প্ৰতিযোগিতা, ৰচনা-তৰ্ক প্ৰতিযোগিতা, চৰাই নিৰীক্ষণ, কেম্প চাইট, জনগোষ্ঠীয় পৰম্পৰাগত খাদ্য সম্ভাৰ আদি নানা কাৰ্যসূচী অনুষ্ঠিত কৰা হ’ব ৷লগতে পঢ়ক : লালী নদীৰ বালি চাপৰি সাজু হৈ উঠিছে পবা মহোৎসৱ আয়োজনৰ বাবেলগতে পঢ়ক : অতুলনীয় প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দৰ্য তথা জৈৱ-বৈচিত্ৰ্যৰ সাক্ষ্য বহনকাৰী 'পবা'ৰ কথাৰে...


00:00we have to postpone our, you know, festival program from
00:04Earlier we have decided a date which was on
00:0810 11 and 12th of january, which was a very next week of this week and we have postponed it to the month of
00:15February and the dates for february are 7 8 9 february. That is the weekend itself
00:21and the reason we have why we have postponed this program is because the time when we propose the date of january, which is
00:29Very short
00:30Earlier, we thought that it would be quite an adequate time for all the people of jonai or people of assam to conduct this festival
00:36but later on we got a request from all the
00:40peripheral villages of poba that this is a quite short time for us to prepare as because
00:45we are conducting exhibition come sale of
00:48Ethnic food as well as ethnic traditional dresses. So this is a quite short period where they would be preparing all those
00:55Local ethnic this is like oroapong nogginapong. So for that
00:59Uh a time frame of at least 15 to 20 days is required
01:02They didn't have any stock. So they requested us that at least if we could push the festival for at least two weeks
01:08That would be very helpful
01:10So by looking all those requests our festival committee as well as our neighborhood mla and our chief sir of missing autonomous council
01:17pamananda sanyasar have decided that we should listen to the request of the people and
01:22Push back the festival to the month of february 7 8 and 9 and with this I would like to add that all the
01:30students from local schools and colleges who get associated with this festival because
01:34We are conducting very exciting
01:36Contest for all those people out here
01:39for the very first time in june, we are conducting a
01:42photo competition, we'll be listing out all the
01:45contest details in
01:48Our festival official facebook page so you can go there visit the
01:53page and you can find out all the details about what would be the criteria what would be the eligibility conditions for
01:58participating in the
02:00photo exhibition come
02:02Competition and this is a very golden opportunity of for people of june especially the student friends
02:08to showcase your talent in
02:10Photography and that is absolutely welcome with mobile photography as well as dslr and apart from that
02:16We have debating competition with excellent subject related to phobar rainforest and then we have quiz competition
02:23Essay writing competition. This is the very first time that you know on this phobar festival
02:28We are adding up more and more editions up so that we get engaged with these students out there
02:32So essay competition bring up all your ideas about phobar rainforest write down all your you know
02:39All those details in the paper and go ahead and take the prize and apart from that
02:44Uh this time as this is a festival of preservation and conservation we have
02:48Engaged a special team out here so that we could conduct this festival with the proper legal proper legal way
02:55That is looking with the theme of preservation and conservation
