• 2 months ago
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 42 en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 42 en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 42 en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 42 en Español Completo
00:00¿Qué haces, mamá?
00:03¿Por qué no me habías dicho nada?
00:06No sé de qué me estás hablando.
00:08¡Mar! ¡Tu bebé sigue contigo!
00:12¿Qué tonterías estás diciendo?
00:14No me mientas, por favor.
00:16A ver, ¿qué es esto?
00:20No sé, mamá. Esto no, no, no es mío.
00:24¿Ah, sí?
00:26Entonces, ¿por qué tiene tu nombre y te lo acabas de hacer?
00:30No sé.
00:32¿Cómo lo encontraste?
00:34¿Estabas buscando entre mis cosas?
00:36Hija, ¿qué hice para que dejaras de confiar en mí?
00:51Hola, hija, muy buenas tardes.
00:54Qué bueno que ya estás aquí. ¿Dónde andabas, hija?
00:56Estaba con mi papá.
00:58Ay, pues, muy bien. ¿Sabes qué?
01:00No hay nada más bonito que juntarse con los hijos.
01:03Pues sí, supongo.
01:04Oye, el día que quieras puedes invitar a tu papá a venir, ¿eh?
01:07No, no se moleste, señora.
01:09No, si no es ninguna molestia. Este es tu casa.
01:11Tú dime, ¿le puedo preparar algo especial?
01:14¿Un molito de olla?
01:15¿O unos pambacitos que me quedan deliciosos?
01:17Sí, yo, yo le aviso.
01:20¿Y a dónde vas?
01:22Voy a mi cuarto.
01:24Oye, ¿no quieres ver la novela conmigo?
01:26Ayer se quedó buenísima.
01:28No, no, yo no veo novelas.
01:31Mira, vas a ver. Nada más te cuento de qué se trata y vas a ver que te quedas bien picada.
01:35No, no, me encantaría, pero estoy muy cansada.
01:37Mejor mañana, pero gracias.
01:44¿Es en serio que no sabes qué hiciste para que yo dejara de confiar en ti?
01:48¿De verdad?
01:49No, no, no, eres increíble, mamá.
01:51Siempre te he apoyado.
01:53Eso no es cierto.
01:55¿Te acuerdas de todo lo que me dijiste cuando te conté que estaba embarazada?
01:59Sí, me acuerdo.
02:01Y sé que me equivoqué.
02:03Pero, hija, es que, es que...
02:05Es que fue una noticia que me diste de súper tonos.
02:08No supe cómo reaccionar.
02:10Me asusté porque...
02:12Porque no teníamos nada que darle a ese bebé.
02:16Pero ya está todo solucionado, ¿no?
02:18Ahora sí no tienes nada de qué preocuparte.
02:21Lo resolví yo sola y no te causé ningún problema.
02:27Ese bebé no es ningún problema, mi amor.
02:31Mamá, para ti sí.
02:34Por eso ya no te dije más.
02:36Porque quería evitarme tus insultos.
02:38Lo único que yo quería era que me escucharas.
02:41Que me dijeras que tú y yo íbamos a salir adelante.
02:45Que éramos un equipo.
02:46Que íbamos a salir adelante con este bebé.
02:50Necesitaba tu cariño.
02:52Perdóname, hija. Perdóname.
02:57Yo no voy a permitir que le digas nada de esto a mi hijo.
03:01Yo no quiero que lo envenenes con tus palabras y con tu ambición.
03:09Sí, me encantaría participar en el Congreso de Proveedores del Bajío.
03:13Muchísimas gracias por la invitación.
03:15Yo hoy mismo lo confirmo con mi papá.
03:17Y si no puede ir, cuente con mi presencia.
03:19Mi papá sabe que el futuro de la empresa soy yo.
03:22Así que todo va a salir bien.
03:24Muchas gracias.
03:31Qué bueno que te veo.
03:32Porque acabo de colgar con la gente del Congreso de Proveedores del Bajío.
03:35Me dijeron que no tienen tu confirmación.
03:37Y les dije que era porque estabas de luna de miel.
03:39Pero que puedo ir yo en tu lugar si no quieres ir.
03:42¿Cómo esperas que te deje al frente de la empresa
03:44si cuando no estoy no puedes controlar lo que sucede en la casa?
03:48¿De qué hablas?
03:49Pues, ¿por qué sacaron a tu hermana así?
03:51Ah, no. A ver, papá, yo no estaba de acuerdo.
03:53Pero Nicolás estaba furioso y le dijo que se fuera sin sus cosas.
03:56¿Y no pudiste hacer nada?
03:57No, pues yo pensé que era para que ella reaccionara y que no se fuera.
04:00Evidentemente no fue así.
04:02No puedo creer que no conozcas a tu hermana.
04:04Esa no es la forma de ayudarla.
04:07¿Y así quieres que confíe en ti?
04:09No puedo. ¡No puedo!
04:17¿Cómo crees que le voy a decir algo malo a tu bebé?
04:21Es mi nieto.
04:23Lo voy a amar con todo mi corazón.
04:25Ay, ahora sí lo vas a amar. Ahora sí.
04:28Por supuesto que sí.
04:30No lo puedo creer.
04:32¿Entonces ya no crees que eché mi vida a perder porque me embaracé?
04:37No, nunca pensé eso.
04:39Solo que cuando me diste la noticia, pues me dio miedo.
04:42Me dio mucho miedo, mi amor, de...
04:45de no poderle dar una buena vida.
04:47Y me equivoqué.
04:50Pero siempre voy a estar contigo, mi amor.
04:53No te preocupes por mí.
04:55¡Claro que sí!
04:58Es que...
05:00cuando le digas la verdad al señor Portilla,
05:03seguro no va a tomar nada bien la noticia.
05:06Y yo no voy a permitir que te digan nada malo,
05:09porque no estás sola, mi amor.
05:12Luis ya sabe todo.
05:15Yo nunca le mentí.
05:18¿Ya ves que puedo resolver mi vida y la de mi bebé sin ti?
05:56Omar, ¿vamos a cenar?
05:58Sí, ahorita voy.
06:02¿Qué pasa?
06:03¿Qué pasa?
06:06La verdad es que no quiero ver a mi mamá.
06:08¿Está todo bien?
06:09Sí, pero no tengo ganas.
06:11Siento que todo el tiempo estamos discutiendo.
06:14Solo te impresioné que debes comer y estar bien por tu bebé.
06:18O si prefieres, puedo pedir que nos suban a cena.
06:21Tengo que arreglar mis cosas porque mañana salgo de la ciudad.
06:24¿Cómo? ¿A dónde vas a ir?
06:25Me voy a un congreso, a lo agio.
06:27Tengo que hablar con Arturo cuando llegue.
06:30¿Pasó algo malo con Arturo?
06:33A ver, recuerda que tú también tienes que estar tranquilo por tu corazón.
06:38Sí, tiene razón.
06:41Voy a hablar con él, pero más tranquilo.
06:57De nada.
07:03¿Todo bien?
07:04Sí, mi papá.
07:08Gracias por traerme hasta acá.
07:10De nada.
07:12Quiero recuperar el tiempo que no estuve contigo.
07:14Yo también.
07:16Te invitaría a pasar, pero no tengo nada que ofrecerte.
07:20Ni siquiera una silla. ¿Dónde te sientes?
07:22Mejor no.
07:25Eso no me importa.
07:26Por supuesto que me quedaría, nada más que tengo que ir a mi casa.
07:29Mi papá quiere hablar conmigo.
07:31¿Todo bien?
07:33Sí, yo creo que sí.
07:34Puede ser de la empresa.
07:36Además, mientras tenga un lugar en tu corazón, lo demás no me importa.
07:45¿Qué pasa?
07:46¿Qué pasa?
07:48Me da miedo que se hagamos lastimados.
07:52A mí también me da miedo.
07:54Pero mientras los dos le pongamos fe, todo va a estar bien.
07:58Y estoy dispuesto a hacerlo.
08:01Yo también.
08:03Yo también.
08:20Hola viejo, ¿cómo te fue?
08:21Pues mira, el día estuvo bien cansado, pero me fue bien.
08:34¿Otra vez andas haciendo todo tú sola?
08:37No podemos seguir así.
08:39Ya sé, pero ni modo que no cenemos.
08:42¿Y en la tarde?
08:43¿Qué? ¿Camila no te ayudó con la casa?
08:45No estuvo aquí, se fue a ver a su papá.
08:47Bueno, ¿será que no piensa ayudar en nada?
08:51¿Con decirte que le invité a ver la novela y me rechazó?
08:54Es que las cosas no deberían de ser así, mi amor.
08:58A ver, tú no deberías de estar acercándote a ella.
09:01Ella debería buscar acercarse a ti.
09:04Así como tú te ganaste a mi mamá, por ejemplo.
09:08Ya sé que eso no va a pasar.
09:10Pues ella se lo pierde.
09:14Al final eres la mamá de su marido, eres una mamá a todo dar.
09:20Y debería de tener la atención.
09:23Mira, si ella me quiere rechazar, pues ni modo.
09:28¿Pero sabes que no podría soportar?
09:32Que el día que Camila y Juan tengan hijos, no quieran que me acerque a ellos.
09:38Imagínate que no voy a poder estar cerca de mis nietos.
09:41No, no voy a hacer eso.
09:44La dejo estar en mi casa, le hago de comer diario, le lavo, le plancho su ropa.
09:51¿Qué más tengo que hacer para que Camila me acerte?
10:01Gracias, Rosita.
10:02De nada, señor.
10:05Con permiso. Buenas.
10:08Buenas noches.
10:09¿Le sirvo de cenar?
10:11No, muchas gracias. Voy a esperar a Mar.
10:14Mar no va a bajar.
10:16Quiso cenar a solas con Luis en el cuarto.
10:21Seguro se le pasó a avisarme.
10:23¿O más bien no tiene por qué avisarle nada?
10:26No la culpo por no querer bajar.
10:28No la culpo por no querer bajar.
10:30No, pues claro que yo tampoco la culpo.
10:33Con tanta gente en la mesa, debe ser incómodo vivir un matrimonio.
10:37Sí, somos muchos, ¿verdad? No siempre fue así.
10:42Claro, entiendo lo que me quiere decir.
10:45Es incómodo tener a la suegra en la mesa.
10:48Pero con la suegra, bueno, no hay de otra, ¿verdad?
10:50Pero que los hijos sigan aquí con la esposa.
10:55Y la hermana también nombre. Eso es incómodo.
10:59Ay, finito.
11:14Vine en cuanto pude. ¿Qué pasó?
11:16¿Qué pasó?
11:21Hijo, necesito que me expliques
11:23con qué derecho sacaron a Camila así de la casa.
11:27Papá, yo estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo.
11:29Eso no se lo merecía.
11:30¿Y entonces por qué dejaste que se fuera?
11:33Porque fueron días difíciles. Todo se salió de control.
11:36De hecho, yo fui con ella, le ofrecí mi ayuda.
11:38No la aceptó.
11:39¿Pues cómo la va a aceptar después de hacerle una humillación así, hombre?
11:42Porque estábamos desesperados. Estábamos mal.
11:45Solás lo hizo porque creyó que era lo mejor para ella,
11:47para que se sintiera presionada.
11:49A ver, siempre les he enseñado a que se protejan entre ustedes,
11:53no que se unan para destruirse.
11:55Pues si te molesta tanto, entonces hubieras estado aquí.
11:58Pero no, ¿en dónde estabas? En tu luna de miel, ¿no?
12:02Yo no tuve la culpa, papá.
12:46¿O sea que soy bonita?
12:50¿Tú crees?
12:53Lo vas a hacer muy bien.
13:02Te ves guapísima.
13:04Sí, sí, te ves muy bien.
13:08Cuando se murió mi papá, yo me hice cargo de ella.
13:11Siempre la defendí de mi mamá.
13:33Así es como tenían que ser las cosas.
13:36Así es como tenían que ser las cosas.
13:58Ya, perdón.
14:00Por fin estás aquí. Pensé que ibas a llegar antes.
14:03Sí, sí, yo también.
14:04Es que el último pasaje que agarré fue hasta el aeropuerto.
14:06Imagínate, me tocó un traficar que...
14:08Es que esos viejes dejan mucha lana, está bueno.
14:10Lo mínimo, ¿no?
14:12¿Quieres seguir por las quejas?
14:14Podemos dejar para otro día.
14:15Es que fui a comer con mi papá y comí mucho.
14:19¿Viste a tu papá?
14:20Sí, pero terminamos peleados como siempre.
14:25Lo siento.
14:28Lo siento mucho.
14:29De verdad, ¿qué pasó?
14:30Nada, lo de siempre.
14:31Defendió con toda la estúpida de su esposa.
14:34En serio, no tengo ni idea que le hizo mal para que mi papá esté así de enamorado.
14:38Y gracias a eso no tengo ganas de nada.
14:43No te preocupes.
14:45¿Nos quedamos aquí?
15:00¿Ya te vas?
15:02Ay, perdón, me quedé dormida.
15:05No te preocupes, está bien que descanses.
15:08Es por el embarazo.
15:11¿Pudiste hablar con Arturo?
15:12Sí, hablé con él, pero no me pude tranquilizar, Mar.
15:15De verdad, ¡me saca de mis casillas!
15:17No me gustó que corrieran así a Camilo.
15:19No me gustó que corrieran así a Camilo.
15:21No me gustó que corrieran así a Camilo.
15:23No me gustó que corrieran así a Camilo.
15:25No me gustó que corrieran así a Camilo.
15:27No me gustó que corrieran así a Camilo.
15:29No me gustó que corrieran así a Camilo.
15:31Ay, Luis, ¿en qué quedamos?
15:33Ya sé, ya sé.
15:34Solo me falta hablar con Nicolás.
15:37Espero que puedas arreglar las cosas con tus hijos.
15:39Son lo más importante para ti.
15:41Lo son, lo son.
15:42Lo único que les estoy pidiendo es que recuerden la educación que le dimos a su madre y yo.
15:47La que le hemos dado toda la vida.
15:49Es mucho pedir.
15:53Por supuesto que no.
15:56Oye, Luis.
16:00Era rápido.
16:01No te preocupes.
16:02De todos modos, me avisas que llegaste bien.
16:05Y tú, por favor, trata de estar bien con tu mamá.
16:09Ya descubrió lo de mi embarazo.
16:13¿Y cómo reaccionó?
16:16Se sorprendió mucho.
16:18Pues sí.
16:19Mar, mejor evítala.
16:21Ya no la confrontes.
16:23Y menos hoy, que no voy a estar.
16:25Si quieres, yo hablo con ella cuando regrese.
16:27No, no te preocupes.
16:29No quiero que tengas un problema fuerte con ella y que yo no esté.
16:32No lo voy a tener.
16:34Te lo prometo.
16:36Voy ya.
17:15Why did you come?
17:17I was just passing by.
17:18I thought maybe we could go to work together.
17:21You were just passing by.
17:23Well, no.
17:24I missed you so much that...
17:27I got distracted and came all the way here.
17:29I missed you a lot too.
17:36And that?
17:37Did it cross your path too?
17:42And did you see Valeria?
17:45I saw her with those little faces of affection.
17:48Of course.
17:49Since her mom left, who knows what she's been up to?
17:51Of course.
17:52Let's see, Maria Plucia.
17:54Look at her.
17:55Look at you.
18:07Now we're evading each other?
18:09You scared me.
18:11It's your conscience.
18:12Yesterday I was tired and didn't want to go out.
18:15How many times have I told you that you can't lie to a mother?
18:18I'm not lying to you.
18:20You're evading me.
18:22But I won't allow it.
18:23Let's see.
18:25Come here.
18:29I love you.
18:31More than anything in this world.
18:36Tell me why you're like this with me.
18:38Because things have changed, Mom.
18:40Well, I understand that.
18:42But what I don't agree with is that you trust more in a man you barely know.
18:47Than in your mother who brought you here.
18:51Your mother.
18:54Your mother.
18:57What happened?
18:58Aren't you going to have breakfast?
18:59Oh, no.
19:00I'm very hungry, but I don't want to live with that lady anymore.
19:03I mean, yesterday she made us feel like a bunch of losers
19:05when the only one left here is her.
19:07Look, I know it's not easy to live together.
19:09But you've told me a thousand times.
19:10Don't you listen to her?
19:11Yes, it's true.
19:12It's very easy for you to say.
19:15But you're in the office all day.
19:16I'm the one who has to support her.
19:18Yes, I know.
19:19But there's nothing else to do.
19:20The truth is that I am very uncomfortable with the comments he makes to me.
19:23What did he say to you?
19:25That I was exaggerating with what happened to me and what the victim was doing to me.
19:30But how dare he tell you something like that?
19:32Honey, he's a bad person.
19:33Do you know what? I'm going to put a stop to him.
19:34No, let's see, come, come, let's see.
19:37Honey, you know very well that that woman manipulates everything in her favor.
19:40And the only thing that's going to happen is that you're going to have another problem with your father.
19:42Look, I don't care about that.
19:43For a long time, anything causes me problems with him.
19:46I can't let that lady get away with hers.
19:48Well, I'm asking you, please.
19:51I don't want any more conflicts.
19:55If you tell him, it's because I don't want to hide anything from you anymore, okay?
19:59Look, the best thing is that we leave it that way.
20:02I swear that one day he will regret everything he is doing.
20:19Luis is a good man, even if you want to make me believe something else.
20:23He's the only one who's really worried about me.
20:26Oh yeah?
20:28The only one who's worried about you?
20:29Yes, he has thought about what I want, what I need.
20:32How can you be so ungrateful?
20:35The only thing I've done since you were born is worry about me.
20:40Do you know how many sacrifices I've made for you?
20:42Let's see, nobody asked you for those sacrifices.
20:45Let's see, you say you do everything for me.
20:48But in reality, you do everything for yourself, mom.
20:50No, no, I can't believe you're telling me that.
20:53Let's see, tell me, when have you asked me what I want?
20:55I don't have to ask you.
20:57I know what you've always wanted.
20:59Then tell me what I want.
21:00What do I want to do with my life?
21:02Be a famous model.
21:04And I broke my back for you to achieve it.
21:07Well, you broke your back for something I didn't want.
21:10You wanted that for me.
21:12It can't be, it can't be.
21:14See? You're not even listening to me.
21:16Of course I'm listening to you.
21:17What's going on here?
21:18Why so much shouting?
21:20That's how we talk when we're talking.
21:24Right, honey?
21:26Nothing bad is happening.
21:41Good morning, dad.
21:44Are you okay?
21:47You've deeply disappointed me.
21:51How could you kick Camila out of the house like that?
21:54I thought she was going to react, dad, but it wasn't like that.
21:57Of course not, Nicolás.
21:58When did we do something like that to your mother and me?
22:01And then your brothers watching everything and supporting you instead of doing the right thing.
22:05Dad, listen to me.
22:07I did it thinking about her.
22:09But how could you?
22:10It was the same thing you did to me, wasn't it?
22:14What are you talking about?
22:15That they sent me to live abroad to mature faster?
22:19You made me believe all these years that you did it to make me more independent, safe.
22:25It was the example you gave me, wasn't it?
22:26It's not the same.
22:28Why not?
22:29Let's see, what's the difference?
22:31Because that's not in the conditions.
22:33Well, explain it to me.
22:35Because for many years I felt isolated from the family.
22:39What was the real reason, dad?
22:45I don't know.
23:15He left with my innocence in the bag.
23:19The ambassador is my counselor.
23:26No matter what it costs, I'll get up.
23:30Today I know I'm worth a lot and now I'll charge.
23:35Cash, money, last name.
23:40I make my own destiny.
23:44No matter what it costs, I'll get up.
23:48And I'll have everything I want.
23:53Neither free, borrowed or paid.
23:57I want it all counted.
24:01So that I cry.
24:03So that another cries.
24:06So that the world cries.
24:14La NFL está en Televisa.
24:17Y Televisa está en la NFL.
24:43Go to your room.
24:45Don't touch my daughter.
24:46He's my son.
24:47Abel, son, are you okay?
24:48Take the reins of the family with Abel.
24:51This Sunday, 9 p.m. on Las Estrellas.
25:13Connecting with you.
25:16We celebrate two years together with Las Noticias en Punto.
25:19Two years at the point of the conversation.
25:21Connecting you with the characters that mark the news.
25:26Always where the news happens.
25:28En Punto.
25:29Committed with you every night.
25:35You touched me.
25:38I already have my gift.
25:41Let's fly!
25:44Here's your gift.
25:49And the gift of being together lasts all year.
25:54We have the best for you to start 2025.
25:57At 9 p.m.
25:58Tips, exercise routines, games and much more today.
26:01We're going to make an anti-aging mask that has grapes.
26:04And at 12 p.m.
26:05Fashion, cuisine, celebrities and interviews only on Cuéntamelo Ya.
26:09Kate took her father to dance.
26:11From Monday to Friday with Las Estrellas.
26:14This beginning of the year we want to get handsome.
26:17And that cake is a gift.
26:20Well, pay for that cake.
26:22I'm going to bring you this humble gift.
26:25A plum.
26:26You know that everything I have is yours.
26:29We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
26:32Monday to Friday with Las Estrellas.
26:35Wake up and know the most relevant information every morning.
26:38With the analysis of each news.
26:44Sport, climate and entertainment.
26:46We have the keys to start the day well and well informed.
26:49Wake up.
26:50Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
26:52With Las Estrellas.
26:54This is an advance of what we will have today in the newsroom.
26:57In point documents about fentanyl dose in Baja California.
27:00The federal government launches a permanent campaign.
27:02Alert for winter storm in the north of the country.
27:05The return to class will be optional in Nuevo León.
27:07And advance the protection of the reserve of the forest of water.
27:10Details in point of the 10-30.
27:37Kids are key to the development of girls and boys.
27:40You already have what you need.
27:42Follow your curiosity.
27:43Look at what interests you.
27:44Extend your ideas.
27:46Turn in the activities and talk.
27:48Discover more tips at empiezatemprano.org.
27:52A program of Fundación Televisa with support from Broome.
27:54In the Angel of Aurora, the accounts of the past are about to be charged.
27:58You killed my dad.
27:59How dare you accuse me of something like that?
28:01Everyone will know who you are and what you have done.
28:03I love Angel and I'm going to fight for him to come back to my side.
28:06The suffering seems to have no end.
28:08Your life in freedom or that of Aurora Campeo?
28:10They found a body and it looks like it's your dad.
28:12Monday to Friday, 4.30 in the afternoon.
28:14If we want to discover the truth, we have to convince everyone that you and I are no longer together.
28:20Only then can we get closer to our enemies.
28:23I feel like everyone is against me.
28:25I'm here to tell you that I'm going to help you.
28:27Thank you for being with me.
28:28Do you think if from today we start a new story?
28:32Monday to Friday, 6.30 in the afternoon.
28:34Rafael suffers complications.
28:37You're my mom!
28:38I don't know what you're doing in the castle!
28:40Abel with the women.
28:42You are mine and no one else's.
28:45And that makes Alejandra make a decision.
28:47Are you going to get married at the end of the month?
28:49Until the money stops.
28:51Monday to Friday, 2.30 in the afternoon.
28:54Abel returns to his home.
28:56Let's go, my love.
28:57And he will take the role he needs.
29:00This arrest is wrong.
29:01That's the date.
29:02Kids, go to your room.
29:04What do you want?
29:05Don't you remember me?
29:06You're my son!
29:07Abel, son, are you okay?
29:08Take the family's stories with Abel.
29:11This Sunday, 9 p.m. on Las Estrellas.
29:14In the first hours of the day you will have all the information in the news.
29:18What matters in Mexico and also beyond our borders.
29:22In a space with the stories that must be known quickly and clearly.
29:27I'm Carlos Hurtado and I'll wait for you in the news on Friday at 5.50 p.m.
29:32On Las Estrellas.
29:35Wake up and know the most relevant information every morning.
29:38With the analysis of each news.
29:44Sport, climate and entertainment.
29:46We have the keys to start the day well and well informed.
29:49Wake up, Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
29:52On Las Estrellas.
29:54Early on, we know that the first years are key for the development of girls and boys.
30:00You already have what you need.
30:02Follow your curiosity.
30:03Look at what interests you.
30:04Extend your ideas.
30:06Take turns in activities and talk.
30:08Discover more tips at EmpiezaTemprano.org.
30:12A Fundación Televisa program with support from BRUM.
30:14In La Rosa de Guadalupe, we are sure that 2025 will be a great year.
30:19And we commit to giving you stories that touch your heart,
30:23that excite you and fill you with hope.
30:26We wish to continue counting on your preference throughout the year.
30:30La Rosa de Guadalupe.
30:32Monday to Friday, 7.30 p.m.
30:35To get the money, you will go through a very embarrassing moment.
30:38And how easy, right?
30:39You get me pregnant with that thing of artificial rimmel.
30:42Artificial insemination.
30:44Who said insemination?
30:46No, you already have like seven months of pregnancy.
30:48No, the normal belly.
30:50In Mi Querida Herencia, we know how to make you laugh.
30:53This Thursday, at the end of the lottery.
30:55We have the best for you to start in 2025.
30:58At 9 p.m., tips, exercise routines, games and much more today.
31:02We are going to make an anti-aging mask that has grapes.
31:05And at 12 p.m., fashion, cuisine, celebrities and interviews only in Cuéntamelo Ya.
31:10Kate took her father to dance.
31:12From Monday to Friday with the stars.
31:16You chose me.
31:19I already have my gift.
31:24Here is your gift.
31:30And the gift of being together lasts all year.
31:46You already know, son.
31:47Your mother and I wanted you to grow up, to become independent.
31:51Dad, I'm telling you that for a long time I felt far away on purpose for you.
31:57Nicolás, we were looking for you to be better.
31:59What happened with Camila has nothing to do with one thing or another.
32:02And I know.
32:03I thought that was the way for Camila to learn to live away from the family.
32:08Well, she's not like you, she's a woman.
32:11I don't like that you've made that kind of decision.
32:13Dad, look, I'm sorry for what I'm going to tell you.
32:16But be responsible for your actions.
32:18Instead of going with your wife, you would have stayed here taking care of your daughter.
32:24You were my only support and I thought you wouldn't understand me.
32:28But now it's clear to me that your anger can do more.
32:43Look, Mrs. Ofelia, we don't want any more problems in this house.
32:47So please, respect.
32:49But if everything is fine.
32:51It's just that sometimes, well, Mar and I raise our voices a little bit.
32:55With the heat of the conversation.
32:58Are you sure, Mar? Are you okay?
33:00Of course she's sure.
33:01Well, then I'm going to ask you to learn to regulate your voice.
33:04Because in this house we don't talk out loud.
33:09Come on, honey.
33:10Well, yes, but I've heard them talk out loud too.
33:14Ma'am, isn't this your neighborhood?
33:22Do you need anything else?
33:24No, no, nothing.
33:26It's just that I find it very funny that your daughter doesn't even support you anymore.
33:31Oh, how funny, huh?
33:33You don't know what you're saying.
33:36You better shut up.
33:37You know that everyone opens their eyes sooner or later, Ofelia.
33:41And Mar is already starting to do it.
33:44Oh, please.
33:45Look, give me some advice.
33:47Take care of your daughter.
33:49The truth is that I would be very sad if this beautiful relationship that you have broke.
34:05No, my God, no, no.
34:07Not this relationship with my daughter.
34:10We're going to see each other again.
34:27You look beautiful.
34:29Hey, look, I loved this one.
34:30Let's see.
34:32You look like another Valeria.
34:33This one.
34:35You did it, you see, I told you.
34:37You look much safer.
34:45Do you like them?
34:46A lot.
34:47Well, if you want, we still have time to put them in the catalog, right?
34:50They are amazing.
34:52Do you know why they are amazing?
34:54No, why?
34:56For you.
34:58Now we can start thinking about the launch of the campaign.
35:03I don't even recognize myself.
35:05It's good that I took these pictures of you.
35:07So you'll never forget the way I look at you.
35:15Hey, let's eat.
35:18Yes, I'm starving.
35:19Well, let me go see Nicolas and we'll go.
35:25Let's go, please.
35:30I love you.
35:31I love you.
35:45Cut this onion in half, please.
35:47In half?
35:49No, no, no, no, not like that.
35:51Not like that.
35:53No, not like that either.
35:54It was like that.
35:55No, look.
35:56You grab the onion like this.
35:59You cut it.
36:01And then you start to chop this part, but you do it very fine, okay?
36:07Let's see.
36:08Oh, no, not here.
36:15My eyes are very good.
36:17That always happens.
36:19What did you never cook with your mom?
36:21Well, she only prepared desserts.
36:26She almost never was in the kitchen.
36:28Mom will be in her studio painting.
36:31The one who cooked was Gloria.
36:33I just asked her what she wanted and she gave it to me.
36:37You know what?
36:39For me, the kitchen is very important.
36:43Because that way I can show my family how much I love them.
36:46So from today on, I'm going to teach you.
36:50Go on, but much finer.
36:51Now cut these into pieces.
36:53So that when you eat, you don't feel the piece of onion.
36:57That's why, you see?
36:59Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
37:00I was looking for you.
37:03What happened?
37:05What a love.
37:06Do you bring?
37:07Nothing, I had a problem with my dad.
37:11Because of what happened with Camila, Arturo.
37:13Oh, yes, he also spoke to me.
37:15He told me how it was possible that we had let our sister go.
37:19I don't know why he wants to blame us for this.
37:23What happened?
37:24What are you doing?
37:26Nicolás, my dad complained about Camila.
37:30I also had to complain.
37:31Oh, yes?
37:33Why does he get like that?
37:35It's good that I find you together.
37:37I'm going to the Congress of Providers in El Bajío.
37:39And when I return, I want to talk to the four of you.
37:41Let your sister know.
37:43I can't believe you don't realize the big mistakes you're making.
37:54Come in.
37:58You know what?
37:59I'm going to ask you to go home.
38:01Aren't you going to the Congress anymore?
38:03No, but I'm going alone.
38:04I need you to be on the lookout.
38:06I don't want my wife to need anything.
38:08If you want, I can accompany you there.
38:10I'll go back myself.
38:11It doesn't cost me anything.
38:12I don't thank you, but it's not necessary.
38:14Give me the keys.
38:15I'm much calmer knowing that someone is aware of anything
38:18that happens to me.
38:20I'm much calmer knowing that someone is aware of anything
38:23that Mrs. Amar needs.
38:25As you wish, sir.
38:26Tell one of the company's vehicles to bring you home.
38:29And please let me know if anything happens.
38:31As you wish, sir.
38:53What are you doing?
38:56Hey, did I see wrong?
38:57Or are you having problems with your mom?
39:00No, no, it's not that.
39:02Well, a while ago it was obvious that you were fighting.
39:04Leonardo noticed.
39:07It's just that my mom is always very imprudent.
39:10And we argued, but it was nothing serious.
39:14The truth is that for a moment I thought you had told her
39:18what I told you.
39:19Do you remember?
39:21The truth is that I would feel very bad
39:23if it were a problem between you two.
39:25No, don't worry.
39:28I did tell my mom something about that,
39:31but this argument was for something else.
39:33Well, I'm very sorry that you are fighting so much.
39:37It's just that my mom is very complicated.
39:39Sometimes I feel that my mom doesn't even care
39:42what I want.
39:43She doesn't even listen to me.
39:45Look, I guess it must be normal.
39:47Before it was just you two,
39:49and now you have your own family and that complicates it.
39:53But you're not alone.
39:55Mar, I honestly want you to know
39:58that I'm here for whatever you need.
40:11What a beautiful place.
40:13Do you like it?
40:14Do you like it?
40:15Yes, a lot.
40:17I really wanted to bring you here.
40:20Thank you for inviting me.
40:22There you are.
40:25You know, this place was my mom's favorite.
40:37Valeria, I know everything people say about me.
40:41What they think is probably even worse,
40:44even if they don't tell me.
40:46But since the day we opened our hearts
40:49and we shouted that you missed your dad and I missed my mom,
40:54I understood that there is something in you.
40:58There is something that allows me to be as I am,
41:03without having to meet anyone's expectations
41:06or keep appearances.
41:09That's why I brought you here.
41:12Because you don't know all the good and bad in me.
41:17And I swear there is nothing in the world
41:19that I would like more than, despite all that,
41:23accepting to be my girlfriend.
41:29What do you say?
41:32Do you accept to have a formal relationship with me
41:35and discover how love feels together?
41:44Oh, sorry.
41:45Yes, obviously.
42:00I can't believe my dad has become like this, aunt.
42:03I don't understand it either.
42:04Camila is his only daughter.
42:06She's a girl.
42:07He's always protected her.
42:11Is something wrong?
42:14I'm angry at the argument I had with my dad.
42:18Son, please.
42:20I know you very well.
42:22You have something else.
42:24Is it something with the new line?
42:27Well, a little bit, yes.
42:30Tell me.
42:32No one else can know, aunt.
42:36Valeria and Arturo were having a lot of problems.
42:39And somehow I forced them to reconcile.
42:44Because they love each other.
42:45Because they deserve each other.
42:47Valeria is a special woman who is worth it.
42:52She manages to get the best out of each person.
42:56And why does that make you so sad?
42:59If that's good.
43:02Is there anything else you want to tell me?
43:11It doesn't matter, aunt.
43:18What I told you is serious.
43:19No one knows me like you.
43:21I could tell you the same thing.
43:23I always put barriers to people so they don't know me.
43:26But you jumped them very well.
43:29That's good.
43:31You have something special.
43:33Very special.
43:36Thanks to you I can see it now.
43:38You always told me
43:40that I wish I could see myself with the eyes you saw me with.
43:43And I do have flaws.
43:46But if you accept me with everything and them,
43:48then we will be very happy.
43:50I accept you.
43:51I had never been as happy as when I kissed you for the first time.
43:57Thank you for always being so nice to me.
44:05Whenever I have good news,
44:07the first thing I want to do is run and tell Mar.
44:11I always understand you.
44:13Do you know anything about her?
44:15Well, no.
44:16The truth is that I have seen her very little at home.
44:18But if you want, after we eat, I'll take you home.
44:20So you can see her.
44:21I would love to.
44:25Well, apparently you care a lot about what happens to that girl.
44:29Aunt, please.
44:31No, what I did was for my brother, nothing more.
44:36I never thought I'd see you like this.
44:38Like what?
44:40What are you talking about?
44:41What you did does not make you a hero.
44:44But someone who forces others to face their emotions,
44:47but the one who can't do it is you.
44:51And that's cowardice.
44:54No, aunt.
44:55No, that's not true.
44:56What you actually did was get her away from you.
45:01By doing that, you closed that door.
45:04With that, my heart.
45:07Love is not that romantic idea that we are going to be together forever.
45:11Until eternity.
45:13Love is something that ends.
45:15That has a deadline.
45:18Not necessarily, Nico.
45:21Well, anyway, aunt.
45:23I can't let what I feel
45:25break up the relationship I have with Arturo.
45:27No, son.
45:28Love does not consume, does not evaporate, does not fade.
45:32It does not disappear.
45:36If you continue to keep all your feelings,
45:39in the long run you will explode
45:42and you will hurt yourself and everyone around you.
45:51No matter what it costs, get up.
46:21Every news.
46:26Sport, climate and entertainment.
46:28We have the keys to start the day well and well informed.
46:31Wake up Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
46:34with the stars.
46:52We know how to make you laugh.
46:56There are very macabre destinations.
46:58These are the lungs.
46:59How did you get in here if we have both vaccines?
47:01I'm a friend of the chain man.
47:03I just hope it's not too much.
47:05I just hope it's a rebound, right?
47:07Guasomple, enemy of Batman in the old Tenochtitlan.
47:11In macabre stories, we know how to make you laugh.
47:14This Saturday at the stars.
47:16In the cave of Simón, they are starting to enjoy another type of six-pack.
47:20They don't feel like it either.
47:22No, having a washbasin for the clothes.
47:24Oh, I'd better shut up.
47:26Would it be good to make an abdomen?
47:28I meant to say mark the abdomen.
47:31In Simón Dices, we know how to make you laugh.
47:33This Tuesday at the stars.
47:37Did you get it right?
47:40I already have my gift.
47:46Here's your gift.
47:47I don't have it.
47:52And the gift of being together lasts all year.
47:56In the Angel of Aurora, the accounts of the past are about to be charged.
48:00You killed my dad.
48:01How dare you accuse me of something like that?
48:03Everyone will know who you are and what you have done.
48:05I love Angel and I'm going to fight for him to come back to my side.
48:08And the suffering seems to have no end.
48:10Your life in freedom?
48:11Aurora Campero's.
48:12They found a body there.
48:13It looks like it's your dad.
48:14Monday to Friday, 4.30 pm.
48:16Let the problems not overwhelm your heart.
48:19In El Dicho, we want to cheer you up and more than one solution.
48:23I don't have to give you explanations.
48:25I don't want your money.
48:26I want you to be responsible.
48:28I ask you not to turn your back on me.
48:30I'm going to take care of you.
48:31I promise you.
48:32As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
48:36To get the money, you will go through a very embarrassing moment.
48:40And how easy, right?
48:41You get me pregnant with that thing of artificial rimmel.
48:44Artificial insemination.
48:46Anyone who inseminates.
48:47No, you already have like seven months of pregnancy.
48:50No, the normal belly.
48:51In my dear inheritance, we know how to make you laugh.
48:54This Thursday at the end of the noti.
48:56These guests will put together a good party.
48:59We welcome everyone with open arms.
49:01And not just the arms.
49:02Let the drum be heard.
49:05I had never been so excited.
49:09You at the party lost the cuckoo.
49:12In Bola de Loco, we know how to make you laugh.
49:14Friday at the end of the noti.
49:16Wake up and know the most relevant information every morning.
49:20With the analysis of each news.
49:26Sport, climate and entertainment.
49:28We have the keys to start the day well and well informed.
49:31Wake up Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
49:34With the stars.
49:36My children and I have just moved.
49:38Are we going to live here?
49:39I am willing to testify in favor of the father of my children.
49:42I made the decision to return to the sea.
49:44But I alone.
49:46I love you.
49:48Your aunt Fede is very bad with me.
49:50She put some microphones in my chair.
49:52I had also put a bomb.
49:54Monday to Friday, 8 and a half at night.
49:56Rafael suffers complications.
49:59You are my mother.
50:00But you are going to feel the sea in the castle.
50:03With women.
50:04You are mine and no one else's.
50:07And that makes Alejandra make a decision.
50:09Are you going to get married at the end of the month?
50:11Until the money stops.
50:13Monday to Friday at 2.30 by the stars.
50:16In La Rosa de Guadalupe we are sure that 2025 will be a great year.
50:21And we commit to delivering stories that touch your heart.
50:25That excite you and fill you with hope.
50:27We want to continue counting on your preference throughout the year.
50:32La Rosa de Guadalupe.
50:34Monday to Friday, 7.30 at night.
50:36We have the best for you to start 2025.
50:39At 9.
50:40Advice, exercise routines, games and much more today.
50:43We are going to make an anti-aging mask that has grapes.
50:46And at 12.
50:47Fashion, cuisine, celebrities and interviews only on Cuéntamelo Ya.
50:51Kate took her father to dance.
50:53Monday to Friday with the stars.
50:56In the first hours of the day you will have all the information in the news.
51:00What matters in Mexico and also beyond our borders.
51:04In a space with the stories that must be known quickly and clearly.
51:09I am Carlos Hurtado and I wait for you in the news Monday to Friday, 5.50 am.
51:13By the stars.
51:38They are starting to enjoy another type of six-pack.
51:41Don't you feel like having a washing machine for clothes?
51:45Oh, I better shut up.
51:47Would it be good for you to have an abdomen?
51:49I meant to say mark the abdomen.
51:52In Simón Dices, we know how to make you laugh.
51:54This Tuesday at the end of the Noti.
51:56By the stars.
51:57If we want to discover the truth,
51:59we have to convince everyone that you and I are no longer together.
52:02Only then can we get closer to our enemies.
52:05I feel like everyone is against me.
52:07I'm here to tell you that I'm going to help you.
52:09Thank you for being with me.
52:10Do you think if from today we start a new story?
52:14Monday to Friday, 6.30 pm.
52:16Let the problems not overwhelm your heart.
52:19In El Dicho we want to cheer you up and more than one solution.
52:23I don't have to give you explanations.
52:25I don't want your money.
52:26I want you to be responsible.
52:28I ask you not to turn your back on me.
52:30I'm going to take care of you, I promise you.
52:32As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
52:37No matter what happens, get up.
52:42You are a good brother, Nicolás.
52:45I think love, like everything important in life,
52:49is not something you look for.
52:51It just comes to you.
52:56Hello, family.
53:01How beautiful.
53:02Oh, now.
53:03Why are you in such a good mood?
53:05Because I am the happiest man in the world, aunt.
53:08Oh yeah?
53:09Valeria agreed to be my girlfriend.
53:14Many congratulations.
53:16Thank you very much.
53:20You deserve it, brother.
53:21We are very happy to see you happy.
53:27And that?
53:28Thanks to you.
53:30My brother reminded me of what really matters in life, aunt.
53:34I just hope you don't forget it.
53:36Because what Nicolás did is also an act of love for you.
53:40I know, I know.
53:42There's something else, Arturo.
53:45Don't hurt that girl.
53:47No, aunt.
53:48Not at all.
53:49Valeria is very important to me.
53:51I'm sure we're going to be fine.
53:54Oh, how nice to meet you together.
53:57Well, I wanted to thank you for considering me for the conduct of your event.
54:08The truth is that at first I thought I wouldn't be able to do it.
54:11But I realize that it doesn't have to go forward, right?
54:15No one can take my life just like that.
54:19Paula, we know you're going to be amazing.
54:23Thank you, Paula.
54:43Look, in fact, I have it recorded.
54:45In case you don't believe me, it's time for you to really see what my brothers are like.
54:49And I hope you realize that the only thing you can trust is me.
54:53Well, if it bothers you so much, then you would have been here.
54:57But not where you were.
54:59On your honeymoon, right?
55:01It wasn't my fault, Dad.
55:07They sent me to live abroad so I could mature faster.
55:11You made me believe during all these years that you did it to make me more independent, safe.
55:17It was the example you gave me, right?
55:19It's not the same.
55:21It's not the same.
55:40And, well, now I can tell you that...
55:46That I officially have a boyfriend.
55:49Come here. Tell me everything.
55:52I can't believe it.
55:54Who would have thought?
55:56The girl who said she was never going to fall in love.
56:01You don't know how happy I am to see you so happy.
56:04Look at that smile.
56:05I can't believe it, Omar.
56:07I never thought I would feel like this.
56:10And you deserve it, Vale.
56:13You have a heart.
56:15Oh, look.
56:16Look at you.
56:18Why do I have to find out about your servitude here?
56:22Because I came to see Omar.
56:25Oh, look, look at how pretty you look.
56:29Since you've been a model, you look like I imagined.
56:32As I always told you, I would see you and you would get a little better.
56:36I'm leaving.
56:37I'm leaving.
56:44No, no, better.
56:45Let's see.
56:46Tell me.
56:47Have they taken more pictures of you?
56:50In fact, they are going to launch the new line and the catalog.
56:54And with your face, my love.
56:56Well, the whole city is going to be filled with pictures of you.
57:03It's best if I leave.
57:05I don't want to have problems.
57:06It's been a very nice day.
57:08I don't want it to end badly.
57:10I'll look for you later, okay?
57:14I love you.
57:15I love you too.
57:34Good evening.
57:36Nicolás, I am very happy that you are here.
57:44We miss you a lot.
57:46The house feels so different without you.
57:49Yes, we miss you.
57:51And the table feels uncomfortable with strange presences, right?
57:58Oh yes, Paula.
58:00Mrs. Graciela is not to blame for your anger.
58:10It's late, isn't it?
58:14Look for Mrs. Amar.
58:16Yes, Mrs. Amar.
58:19Excuse me.
58:23How strange.
58:24What was the lady of the house doing?
58:27Don't get confused, Paula.
58:30Not everyone has so many things to hide.
58:34Right, Mr. Leonardo?
58:35Not everyone has things to hide.
58:40Or not?
58:49Good evening.
58:50Mrs. Portilla?
58:51Yes, it's me.
58:52I introduce myself to you.
58:54I am Agent Quintero of the Investigation Police.
58:58What's up?
58:59I come to report about an accident that Mr. Portilla suffered.
59:04Oh my God.
59:05Luis, are you okay?
59:06I'm sorry to inform you that in the accident Mr. Portilla lost his life.
59:12Oh my God, no.
59:20I thought Leonardo had made the worst decision of his life, but no.
59:23My dad and you are lost.
59:25I don't know what these women see in him.
59:27My dad is not dead.
59:31My dad can't die.
59:33My dad can't die.
59:36You just got widowed.
59:38That means that everything corresponds to you.
