• 2 months ago
👉 La situación en Venezuela se intensifica con la denuncia de más de 120 extranjeros detenidos por el régimen de Nicolás Maduro, incluyendo al gendarme argentino Nahuel Gallo. Se acusa al gobierno venezolano de secuestro, desaparición forzada y detención arbitraria bajo falsas acusaciones. Líderes opositores hacen un llamado a la comunidad internacional y a las fuerzas armadas venezolanas para no reprimir al pueblo que busca libertad.

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00:00The accusation was directed against...
00:30...the vice-president, Delcy Rodríguez.
00:32God takes care of her, God protects her.
00:36It's a lie that they came, that they had a girlfriend here, a lover.
00:40No, no. That man already has his wife and his family in Argentina.
00:44And directly, the Argentine government is involved in the violent plans...
00:51...to attack the peace of Venezuela.
00:53That's how he denounced it.
00:56Walter Molina is a political scientist, he is Venezuelan.
00:59He is here in Argentina. Walter, good morning.
01:02What is the first reflection that arises from these words of Nicolás Maduro?
01:09Hello, how are you?
01:10Well, here the main thing is to make it clear that what is living in Venezuela...
01:15...is a problem not only of the Venezuelans, but of the whole region.
01:19And I think that what has happened with the Argentine gendarme...
01:22...Nahuel Gallo is a clear example of that.
01:24And not only in his case.
01:26He made it clear a couple of days ago that there are more than 120 foreigners...
01:31...arrested, kidnapped by the tyranny of Nicolás Maduro.
01:35What Maduro is doing is something that Venezuelans have been denouncing...
01:39...for many, many years.
01:41Kidnapping, forced disappearance, arbitrary detention of innocent citizens...
01:49...alleging any nonsense they want to say.
01:52Betrayal of the homeland, hate speech, attempted massacres, as in this case.
01:57The problem is that, in effect, they are denunciations without arguments...
02:02...even ridiculous denunciations from a certain point of view.
02:05But the citizen, in this sense, detained, in this case, Nahuel Gallo...
02:10...will be judged based on what they say he tried to do.
02:14And this is very serious, because they are saying that he attempted the massacre...
02:18...of the vice president of the tyranny.
02:21And it is something really serious, which in the end has as a logic...
02:28...from a criminal regime that acts like a mafia...
02:32...that is to use these citizens as hostages and as bait for change...
02:36...and as bait for extortion against the countries from where they come from.
02:41Now, Walter, what is the luck that you consider that this Argentine citizen is running...
02:50...considering that the eyes of the world are on him?
02:53I mean, it is known that he is there, they have shown this video...
02:57...which, of course, from the national authorities has been discredited...
03:01...in the sense that there is no concrete date or place of where he was taken.
03:08There is no concrete record to know how Nahuel Gallo is today.
03:15But what is your perception, knowing that this citizen is there...
03:20...and that he is recognized by Nicolás Maduro himself as a prisoner?
03:27Well, Nahuel Gallo at this time, and since a month ago, on August 8...
03:32...a month of his kidnapping is going to be fulfilled, is in forced disappearance.
03:37And it is a forced disappearance because, as you say, and as you said, among others...
03:41...for example, the Minister of Security, Patricia Ulrich...
03:44From the Argentine position of the Argentine Chancellery.
03:47...does not know when that video was shown.
03:51It is not known exactly the location, since there, in my case, as I obviously study this...
03:58...it could be concluded that that video was taken in one of the largest concentration camps...
04:04...that the Chavista regime has, which is the Rodeo I prison.
04:09But it is not a confirmation of that, and of course it is not known how he is.
04:13Neither his family nor his lawyers have been able to see him, have been able to know about him.
04:16Therefore, he is in forced disappearance, which is a crime against humanity.
04:21So, as I said at the beginning, this gives account of a regime that is a scourge for the entire region.
04:29It not only has almost 2,000 Venezuelan detainees in prisons...
04:33...including children, women who are constantly raped...
04:36...but also foreigners who are detained for the simple fact of being a foreigner.
04:43That is, Venezuela today is the epicenter from where drug trafficking comes out...
04:47...from where terrorism in general comes out and the terrorism of the Chavismo state...
04:52...but it is also a place where any foreigner can be detained, kidnapped...
04:57...drugged and forcibly disappeared, and then, as I said, used as a hostage.
05:02Walter, how are you doing? Carlos Estrella greets you.
05:04In fact, the trips of the people who were going to Venezuela, the Argentines...
05:10...especially those who were going to that wonder that was Isla Margarita...
05:14...have dropped dramatically, just out of fear of being stopped...
05:16...because the passport says Argentina.
05:18Walter, I wanted to ask you, González Urrutia was with President Milley...
05:23...and the dictatorship wants to be perpetrated from January 10.
05:27What do you think is going to happen?
05:31Look, as you say, he was last Saturday in a meeting that...
05:35...I really have to say, was very emotional for Venezuelans.
05:38He went out to the balcony there in Casa Rosada with President Milley.
05:42Then he made other visits.
05:44He was in Uruguay with President Luis Lacalle Pou.
05:47Yesterday he was with President Joe Biden...
05:50...and then with other Republican congressmen, with Luis Almagro.
05:54And this is the prelude of what is going to happen in the next few days.
05:58Maria Corina Machado, the leader of Venezuela, who is in the country...
06:02...called for demonstrations on the street on January 9, Thursday.
06:07What do you imagine for this day, for this day, January 9?
06:10The world of González should assume as elected president.
06:14And well, he clearly said that he was going to enter the country...
06:17...or try to enter the country.
06:19And there are nine former presidents who announced that they would accompany him.
06:23Among others, for example, President Pastrana of Colombia...
06:27...or President Mario Abdo Benítez of Paraguay.
06:30So, well, what is going to happen in Venezuela...
06:33...it is difficult for me to know exactly...
06:36...but I think there will be a mobilized citizenship.
06:39Making clear what they already made clear, what we made clear...
06:42...on the 28th of July, which is that we want a change...
06:45...that we want to live in freedom.
06:4790%, more than 90% of the country wants to be free...
06:50...because what we are facing is barbarism.
06:52And the only solution is precisely that, to rescue democracy.
06:56So, well, the call, there are two calls, right?
06:59Maria Corina Machado to the people on the street...
07:02...to the international community to accompany...
07:04...and from the elected president of the world, González...
07:07...to the National Armed Forces, to the police...
07:10Now, now...
07:18Considering the antecedents, not so complex in the streets of Caracas...
07:23...precisely around situations linked to demonstrations...
07:28...by the opposition, to Maduro, that's what I meant.
07:33Can you imagine that this situation can be reiterated?
07:36Of course, the wish is for peace, the wish is that they can demonstrate...
07:40...in a, let's say, peaceful, calm way, making themselves heard...
07:46...and showing their divergence regarding the current president...
07:52...let's say, well, that we already know the situation...
07:55...of the elections that took place in July.
07:57How do you imagine this Thursday will be?
08:01Well, at this moment the streets of Caracas are militarized.
08:06A large part of the security forces, of the task groups...
08:10...of Nicolás Maduro's regime, moved to Caracas...
08:13...and left the areas of the other states, the other provinces of Venezuela...
08:17...in the hands of what they call the armed collectives...
08:21...which are paramilitary groups, pro-officialism.
08:24Caracas is militarized because what they don't want...
08:27...is for people to go out to the streets.
08:29As you say, there have been very large demonstrations before.
08:31I remember, for example, the one in 2017 in which I participated...
08:34...almost a million and a half people in Caracas...
08:37...were brutally repressed, 160 dead that year.
08:41The protests of this year, after the 28th and 29th of July...
08:45...when the statues of Chávez fell, there were more than 40 murders.
08:49And, of course, Nicolás Maduro's regime is going to bet on that...
08:52...to repress, to murder, to sow terror, to paralyze people.
08:56But I genuinely believe that this time they won't be able to achieve it...
09:01...because there is a clear decision, as I said before, to be free.
09:06There is an elected president, I can't forget that.
09:09He voted despite not being a democratic election.
09:12He won, it was proven that he won.
09:15And now the president is going to try to enter the country...
09:17...and the leader of the country is going to command these protests...
09:20...which will be peaceful protests.
09:22Here there is no clash between two extremes or anything like that.
09:26There is a whole country that wants to be free, that is peaceful...
09:29...that wants to live in freedom, that wants to live in democracy...
09:32...and a small group that only bets on brute force.
09:36The reason for which I take advantage of this and all the spaces I have...
09:40...to call on everyone who really believes in democracy...
09:43...internationally, to accompany Venezuelans to that...
09:47...which is the only desire, to respect what we said on July 28th...
09:50...and to live in democracy.
