• 2 months ago
فوائد مخفية وراء شرب الماء

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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00:00This is a very important question, which is drinking a lot of liquids, especially God's water, in order to avoid cancer.
00:05Of course, we have to reduce our salt intake. When we talk about the ratio of drinking tea, it shouldn't be a lot.
00:10When we talk about the ratio of drinking coffee or soda, it shouldn't be a lot.
00:14We have to reduce our salt intake, all of that.
00:16But there is one very important thing, drinking a lot of water.
00:20And this will make us wonder, how much water do we drink? A liter or two, as the books say, or what?
00:26No, we drink until the color of the bowl is close to the color of the tap water.
00:30This happens in a liter or a dozen, it doesn't matter to us at all.
00:33Because it depends on the nature of the body and the nature of the work of the person himself.
00:37I mean, someone like me, for example, is sitting in his office, his air conditioner is working,
00:42the world is good, he doesn't sweat, and there is no effort.
00:45So a liter may be enough for him during the day, and things will be good.
00:49But an oil engineer working in the desert and in the heat, this won't work at all.
00:55A baker standing in front of a live oven, baking and in front of a direct fire,
01:00this may not be enough at all, and it may be better.
01:03So that's why we don't like to say, drink two glasses of water a day, or two liters, or, or.
01:08No, drink until the color of the bowl is close to the color of the tap water.
