• 2 months ago
👉 La diva se separó de su actual pareja, el empresario gastronómico, Carlos Bustin.

👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24
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00:00It turns out that in the month of October-November of last year,
00:06Graciela Alfano started to see this shameless, I'm not going to call him shameless,
00:10Carlos Bustin, the guy was a looker, a bichon,
00:15a lady was passing by and the guy, I overtook Alfano,
00:20I'm not going to say it with humor because she's very touched,
00:23so we got a little out of it, I talked to her like that and I talked to her today,
00:27and I talked a few days ago too, and I told her everything I knew and everything I had seen.
00:33I tell you that on the 23rd she decided to go to Buenos Aires to take a break,
00:38but the couple was already cracking, cracking, cracking, cracking,
00:41that she had to hit her with plasticine.
00:43The situation was tense, hard.
00:46There was an incident in Miami that I'm not going to talk about.
00:50Yes, but the Miami incident, she told me she should have left it there.
00:55I want to tell you that yesterday Graciela came to his hotel,
01:00she is staying in an important hotel, she told him to come here, Carlos,
01:03tell me what's going on.
01:04Well, no, what it seems, no, what it doesn't seem, blah, blah, and what did she do?
01:08You go now, I block you now.
01:11We cut the relationship and I make the decision.
01:14No, but let's talk next week.
01:16We don't talk anymore.
01:17No, but the other one, I'll call you later.
01:19No, you didn't understand.
01:21When I cut, I cut forever.
01:23There is no going back.
01:24There is no going back in my life.
01:25There is no going back.
01:26Now something must have happened.
01:27There is no going back.
01:28Because there was a blonde who passed 31.
01:30Yes, and I know it.
01:31Ah, and the issue is if there is a relationship beyond the look.
01:35I know it.
01:38No, the look, the hand, the hand and the other hand that from the waist to here,
01:46to here I am going to tell you, to here I am going to tell you.
01:50And all that in front of hundreds of people who had gone to spend the 31st at the restaurant.
01:55Ah, and Graciela told him.
01:56And she told me things.
01:57No hair.
01:59It's not done.
02:00But of course, there were friends, there were friends of Graciela Alfonsi.
02:02Hey Graciela, what are you doing?
02:04This is not your boyfriend.
02:05And they took a picture and sent it to Graciela.
02:07And Graciela, like a lady, calm down, calm down, I'm going to get there.
02:12I'm going to get there and she's going to have to say it to my face.
02:14Let's see.
02:15And the worst of all is that, let's see, how do I tell you this?
02:19She felt betrayed.
02:21She had told me that this was the last flight of her life
02:26and that she wanted to deposit all her affection and her heart
02:30in the arms of a man who would take care of her and respect her.
02:33But he didn't take care of her until this.
02:35And he told me a very nice thing.
02:36Until this.
02:37He didn't take care of her, she felt.
02:38No, no, he.
02:39But she felt protected.
02:40He didn't take care of her.
02:41He took pictures with him on the yacht.
02:45But already with the little hand, with another.
02:47No, no, well, after that.
02:48With the little hand.
02:49It's called gallery mockery, Norita.
02:51Gallery mockery.
02:52Those words, tribune, they were tribune photos.
02:56I know Estrioli is shocked, he can't believe it.
02:59I can't believe it.
03:00The truth, the truth.
03:01I can't believe it.
03:02Gustavo, the truth.
03:03I can't believe it.
03:04I can't believe it, because you threw the scoop
03:06and now that you're reaffirming this, I'm stunned.
03:12But she, she already confirmed it.
03:14And besides, I'm going to tell you one thing.
03:16They did a little maneuver of those cheap ones
03:18that they do with two or three cheap cementers
03:20that there are in Buenos Aires and in other channels.
03:22They say, no, this is one thing, blah, blah.
03:24They get together again.
03:25No, no, definitely.
03:26An impasse, he said.
03:27She is separated, but no, the impasse.
03:30It wasn't.
03:31The impasse.
03:32I'll give you another consultation.
03:33Because an event.
03:34Yes, tell me, tell me everything.
03:35A consultation that there was an event in the Polo field
03:38where the president was, Javier Milei,
03:40and Graciela Alfano was also there.
03:42There are people who say that from there
03:44there was some message.
03:45Did she deny it to you, that she sent a happy New Year message?
03:50We spent it, it was a Sunday.
03:53We were here and just there was Milei,
03:55and Graciela Alfano was there.
03:56But does she deny that there was a message?
03:59Yes, I asked her.
04:00What did she tell you?
04:01I asked her, I asked her face to face.
04:04What about the message that came out of her cell phone?
04:06It's a lie.
04:07It's a big lie like a house.
04:09I crossed myself in a place with the president,
04:11because he is a president, I greet him, and nothing else.
04:14There is no greeting message of the 31st,
04:16and all that is a lie.
04:18I say, Graciela, you denied me in the face that I was separated.
04:21You told me that there was no shooting with the other blonde.
04:25And now you tell me, no.
04:27And that's when she confirmed everything to me.
04:29And she told me details of her scandalous separation
04:32with businessman Carlos Bustin.
04:34That the truth, Carlos Bustin, I'm going to tell you,
04:37mistreated this lady.
04:40What was it?
04:41He humiliated her.
04:42I say it.
04:43Yes, yes.
04:45And she feels hurt, because she told me,
04:48in this last flight of my life,
04:50I had found a partner, a gentleman,
04:54a man who is solid, who could be calm.
04:58But the truth is, I met a shameless person, she told me.
05:03I met someone who disrespected me.
05:06As a woman, she disrespected me.
05:08And I say, Bustin, did you see what you lost?
05:12The photos were left.
05:13Like Wanda, who now returns with the other photos.
05:16They are archived, they are fixed, and they are back.
05:19Take them out, like Wanda's.
05:20Of course, they are unarchived, and they are put back.
05:23This is not.
05:24This is not.
05:25Norita, this is not.
05:27This is not.
05:28I know Graciela Alfano.
05:31When she spoke to me, with the tone that Norita spoke to me,
05:35with the quarrel, with the disappointment, disappointed,
05:39and she tells me, as a woman, I am disappointed with this man.
05:42Because if she had fallen in love with another person,
05:44if she had a relationship with another person,
05:46she tells me, hey, look, Graciela,
05:48the truth is, I fell in love with Juanita, Pepita, ready, that's it.
05:51No, but you are with Graciela Alfano.
05:52If you don't realize that you are with Graciela Alfano,
05:54a big kiss, Bustino, Bustino, I don't know what it's called.
05:57That's shameless.
05:59That's shameless.
06:00That's why she put me at the end.
06:02Eloy, ex-Alfano.
06:03He is a businessman who ...
06:05From Uruguay, right?
06:07No, the ex-ex-ex-Alfano, the ex-Alfano, shameless ex-Alfano.
06:12He owns a restaurant, he is a partner in a very important restaurant.
06:15Yes, I say it shamelessly, because that is not done to a lady.
06:18Do you know how the poster fell?
06:20When we captured an image that I will never broadcast to the air,
06:24of the attitude of this shameless, yes, of this shameless, with another lady.
06:29I will never broadcast it to the air,
06:31about Alfano and about the other lady.
06:34What's more ...
06:35Oh, I can't get into this topic, because it explodes everything.
06:38Get in, get in.
06:39Get in, get in.
06:40Get in, get in.
06:41Get in, get in.
06:42Get in, get in.
06:43Get in, get in.
06:44A little bit, an advance.
06:45A little tip.
06:46A tip.
06:47She is known in high society, in high society here in Punta del Este.
06:52She is a businesswoman related to the producer, related to culture.
06:55I'm just going to say about her.
06:57But I saw it.
06:58He denied it in my face.
06:59And I say, do you want to see the image with me?
07:01And he said no.
07:02That's it.
07:03That's it.
07:04She is Uruguayan.
07:05That's it.
07:06Oh, well, because ...
07:07It doesn't matter.
07:08Yes, but it doesn't matter.
07:09It doesn't matter.
07:10She is Uruguayan.
07:11She is also Uruguayan.
07:12She is a very beautiful person, a beautiful person.
07:14She is very beautiful.
07:15And she has an intelligent life.
07:16Beautiful, beautiful.
07:17But, but, but, but ...
07:22Boosting's picker did something that Mrs. Alfano ...
07:26Yes, I call him a picker because he, while he was with Graciela, shot other women.
07:31He saw Graciela and caught his attention more than once.
07:35That's why I tell you that Graciela did well to put an end to it.
07:39And also to show what this man really is.
07:43He got lost with the best ...
07:44Excuse me, I don't have to tell you.
07:46No, but it's true.
07:47With Graciela.
07:48There is a generation ...
07:49With the icon, with Alfano.
07:51We are all in love with her.
07:52Without a doubt.
07:53Alfano, now that you are alone, let's see if you look at us, Alfano.
07:56Alfano, are you alone?
07:57Look at me, look at us, Alfano.
07:59Alfano, Alfano, Alfano, look at us.
08:01Another one is going to pass without shame.
08:04What happened?
08:05What did he say?
08:06What did he say?
08:07He killed me.
08:08Come, come, come.
08:09I don't know if he spoke for you.
08:10He's going to have fun.
08:11He killed me.
08:12Look what I have for you.
08:13Show me the picture.
08:14He's going to have fun.
08:15He's going to have fun.
08:16Last image of the offices of A24 in the splendid.
08:20Look at what this is.
08:21Here we are going to put together the offices.
08:23All the producers are invited.
08:25There we put the production office, the editing office, the work office.
08:29Everything will be here.
08:30Look at what it is.
08:31A wonder.
08:32Dear friends.
08:33In the palm tree.
08:34In the palm tree.
08:35It looks good in the palm tree.
08:36Several of the producers want to go there with you.
08:42We send them.
08:43Come all.
08:44All the receipts.
08:45Bye, Gustavo.
08:46Stay here.
08:49We'll meet again in a little while.
