• 2 months ago
Secret Billionaire CEO Marries Stranger Overnight - FULL MOVIE
00:00I'm gonna go to the guest room this way.
00:09Or maybe you...
00:10Yeah, nevermind.
00:11I'll go this way.
00:13Dad is so stupid.
00:14Looks like I'll just have to take it from here.
00:15Yeah, nevermind.
00:16I'll go this way.
00:35The patient is pregnant and has been physically abused.
00:38Weighing just severe blood loss.
00:49Emergency C-section.
00:51If my old money boyfriend finds out that my sister's a slut, he's going to break up with
01:06Oh, boo-hoo, Carmilla.
01:07Daddy, what are we going to do with her?
01:11You heard her, Rachel.
01:12As soon as this bastard is born, you need to give it up.
01:16We will not have this disgrace in our family.
01:20You know what, fine, Dad.
01:28You cheated on my mom to have her, so why don't you give her up, and then I'll give
01:34up mine.
01:36How dare you.
01:38It's a beautiful baby girl.
01:39Oh, with a cute little birthmark on her neck.
01:58Oh, no need to worry.
02:03She's perfectly healthy.
02:16I went through a lot of trouble to sneak her out.
02:22And what do you plan on telling Rachel?
02:25I have the death certificate already.
02:27The mother will think her baby is dead.
02:29What a pity.
02:32I'm not going to get to see Rachel's face when they tell her the baby's dead.
02:36Oh, well.
02:45Let's go, little one.
03:03Your signature here, sir.
03:09That job I gave you.
03:12Any leads on that woman from that night?
03:17With all due respect, sir, considering you don't remember what she looks like, I...
03:31Good news, sir.
03:33They found the woman.
03:39There's a baby with her.
03:42She said it's yours.
03:49No way.
03:57Sweetie, you are the best manicurist ever.
04:04You should give her a raise.
04:07Bye, see you next time.
04:11So, how am I going to reward my number one employee?
04:15Mr. James, I was actually just thinking...
04:18Maybe you could pay me that 30 grand bonus you owe me for the past...
04:22Six months?
04:23Of course, gorgeous.
04:25As soon as you agree to marry me.
04:29You know what? I would just love to.
04:33But I'm going to have to ask my husband first.
04:37You're married?
04:41I wonder where we're going to find a husband.
04:47We figured out who leaked your contact information.
04:50It was your daughter.
04:55Hiring Mom.
04:57Ten million dollar reward.
05:02You really crossed the line this time, mister.
05:04I've crossed the line?
05:06Yeah, a single dad your age should find me a mom.
05:09The other kids at school tease me because of you.
05:12Whether I have a partner or not is none of your business.
05:14And as for you, young lady, you're grounded.
05:18Lock up a free man and you'll have a man of vengeance on your hands.
05:22Vengeance? Where are you going?
05:24Right away from this prison cell you call home.
05:30What are you waiting for? Go get her!
05:40Oh my god, this news is crazy.
05:43Snapping a kid right off the street?
05:47Leave me alone!
05:50Hey, let her go!
05:55Trying to steal a kid from under my nose?
05:57Running into me is going to be the biggest mistake of your life!
06:04It's her!
06:07Daddy, we found Mommy!
06:26I'm so sorry. I really didn't realize that you guys knew each other.
06:30Don't blame yourself, Mommy.
06:32Why do you keep calling me Mommy?
06:34Because you look just like the woman I've always imagined my mom would be.
06:40She's just gorgeous.
06:48Are you single? I can introduce you to someone.
06:52Ugh, kids talking here.
06:56Mom, check it out.
06:59He's a total ten, got a six-pack, and super-shammy inside.
07:04But just so you know, he's divorced with a kid.
07:08Andrea Astro.
07:11So this is your dad.
07:13If you don't shut it right now, I swear I will...
07:16Hey, watch your language.
07:20Don't worry, Mom. He's all talk, but he's actually super nice to me.
07:25What qualifies you to judge me as a parent?
07:28Have you ever been a mother before?
07:32Come on, Andrea. Let's go.
07:35Hey, wait. Um...
07:37Would you like to marry me?
07:42Please, Daddy, please say yes.
07:46I mean, if we got married, then I'd be a mother.
07:50There you are.
07:52What the hell?
07:55You max out all my credits.
07:58And then block me.
08:01Uh, just, just...
08:03Give me one second. Why don't we talk over here?
08:10Just another gold digger.
08:12I've been looking all over for you, my darling.
08:16Save it, Steve. I know about your wife.
08:19How did you know?
08:21Listen, it was actually your wife who told me to use your credit cards as punishment for being a scumbag.
08:28But you can not just keep this kid for yourself.
08:31Oh. Actually, I didn't.
08:34I gave them all to your wife.
08:36You happy now?
08:38Stay away from me, Steve.
08:41I'll make sure that you don't cheat on anyone ever again.
08:46Got it?
08:51I am so sorry about that.
08:53Uh, so, have you...
08:57made up your mind?
09:02Why don't you go get a smoothie with David?
09:09Oh, have you two...
09:11We can get married.
09:13But I have to warn you.
09:15I'm broke.
09:21I mean, with the nice suit and security.
09:26You really could have fooled me.
09:28No, this is just a work uniform and...
09:35So what do you do?
09:37I'm a chauffeur.
09:39Do you mind me asking how much you make?
09:43Between, you know, three to four thousand dollars a month.
09:48Wow, really? That's like really good.
09:50No, I mean three dollars to four thousand dollars. It's very unstable.
09:55That's what I'm saying.
09:56I mean, last month I only made three hundred.
09:59I get it.
10:01You know, sometimes people go through really rough times.
10:05Where do you live?
10:07Mason Hudson.
10:09Mason Hudson?
10:10You mean, like, the really, really nice top-notch penthouse that costs like
10:14a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a month with a really nice view of the river?
10:17Actually, I lied.
10:20Um, I live with my parents.
10:24Yeah, I'm a dishonest person.
10:30Me neither.
10:32You know, sometimes people like us just have to, you know, extend the truth a little bit so people can be on our side.
10:38Anyway, so, my turn.
10:41I'm a manicurist. I was born and raised in Brooklyn.
10:43I make about three thousand dollars a month.
10:45And I don't know about you, but I think we're kind of like a perfect match.
10:48Well, hold on. There's a lot more that you need to know about me.
10:51I get it. You kind of need more time to think about it.
10:53Um, here.
10:56Take my card.
10:59Give me a call after you've made up your mind.
11:07Felix asked her.
11:09If you don't marry Mommy, I'm never drinking milk again.
11:13Not even a little bit.
11:15As you wish.
11:22I just don't get it.
11:25I mean, why are you so obsessed with her?
11:27I mean, what if she turns out to be another evil woman?
11:30Have you already forgotten about that nanny who tried to kidnap you and drug your milk?
11:42Hey, Andrea, you know I can't stand to see you cry.
11:47You'd let your baby girl go hungry just to keep your silly pride.
11:52You're so cruel. So, so cruel.
11:55Andrea, you know I cannot stand to see you cry here.
12:04Okay, fine. Fine.
12:07I'll marry her.
12:09That's what you want, isn't it?
12:11On one condition.
12:14We can't let her know that our family is wealthy.
12:18I want to find out if she's truly a good person.
12:35This man gets tricked so easily.
12:38When Mommy marries him, all of his money will be Mommy's too.
12:45Who is this?
12:47This is F-
12:51Frank who?
12:53Your future husband.
12:55Let's go to the city hall, bring our IDs, and get married.
13:00Wait, wait, wait. You're married?
13:03To who?
13:05Someone I met yesterday.
13:09Oh, man.
13:12Felix, you have such a special understanding of intimate relationships, don't you?
13:18I mean, first the baby, now the woman.
13:20Look who's talking.
13:22That's fair.
13:24You can blame me for the baby, but I didn't take you out drinking that night.
13:27You would have been drugged and ended up a father.
13:30A dad?
13:32And broke?
13:34And you proposed to him the moment you met him and get married?
13:39Seriously, what were you thinking?
13:41Well, he's kind of cute.
13:43He's got this, like, really adorable daughter.
13:46And then what?
13:48Your maternal instincts kicked in and you couldn't wait to be a new stepmom?
13:54Girl, wake up.
13:56Don't let this divorce guy take advantage of you.
13:59At least spend his money in return.
14:01You're right, I should spend some money.
14:04Inviting me shopping.
14:06Her gold-digger nature is showing already.
14:08All right, well, don't be too hard on her now, okay?
14:11Oh my god, this is so precious.
14:13Do you think Andrea will like it?
14:17I mean, she's a kind of like a mermaid.
14:21Oh my god, she's gonna love it.
14:23She's gonna be so happy.
14:25She's gonna be so happy.
14:27And I'm gonna be so happy, too.
14:29I'm gonna be so happy.
14:32She's gonna be so happy.
14:34And I'm gonna be so happy.
14:36I'm gonna be so happy.
14:38She's gonna be so happy.
14:40You know what? Yeah. I'm just gonna get it.
14:44Wait, hold on. Let me get this straight. You brought me to this boutique to get a gift for Andrew?
14:48Yeah. It's like my first time being a real mom. It's like the least I could do.
14:53I'll take this. The total will be $599.
14:58Do you, uh, you know, have discounts or something? Coupons?
15:02Oh, you know what? I'll give you a full mani-pedi at the salon.
15:06This is a high-end boutique, ma'am. We don't do discounts.
15:12Oh, but you could try a street vendor. I'm sure they have prices that would work for you.
15:17Wait. I will do hard.
15:20You know, they usually do have discounts here.
15:23It's too bad it's not my birthday.
15:26Um, actually, could you, do you have like a nice box or something?
15:31Wow, you are asking for a lot here.
15:34Please move aside if you finished your purchase.
15:37We said we're done.
15:40Honey, do you like this watch?
15:43I mean, it's very nice.
15:45You can't afford it.
15:47It's top of the line, diamond-encrusted hands, and a gold face.
15:53It would cost you $52,000.
15:56Wow, that's very expensive.
15:59Wrap it up.
16:00What are you doing?
16:02I'm buying you something nice.
16:11I forgot my wallet.
16:13I knew it.
16:15Stop pretending like you have money.
16:17Hippies like you aren't welcome here.
16:19Now fuck off.
16:20What is wrong with you? Do you seriously kiss your mother with that mouth?
16:23What's going on in here?
16:26Oh, you must be the manager.
16:28My wife is interested in this watch.
16:31I heard you have birthday discounts.
16:34It happens to be my birthday.
16:42Oh my God, it's...
16:45Of course.
16:46Which one were you interested in?
16:50Actually, you know what? Pick whichever one you want. It's on the house.
16:54Ma'am, but why?
16:56Shut up.
16:57It's your birthday after all.
17:08Please accept this exquisite scarf for a beautiful lady.
17:13They'll go together perfectly, just like the two of you.
17:20Oh my God, $50,000 watch for free?
17:23It's my birthday.
17:24Happy birthday.
17:26Also, we have to come back here. This place is amazing.
17:32Ma'am, why would we do business that loses us money?
17:35Do you know who that was?
17:37That was Felix Astor.
17:39Astor? Like, that Astor?
17:42Yes, he is the richest man in the city and he has assets all over this country.
17:48That's the kind of person you have to be friends with, not enemies.
18:02Andrea! I got you a little something.
18:06My first gift from Mommy!
18:08Here, I'll put it on you.
18:10It's A for Andrea.
18:22It's a beautiful baby girl.
18:26Oh, with a cute little birthmark on her neck.
18:32Where'd you get Andrea from?
18:39What are you talking about? Her mother, of course.
18:43Where's her mother?
18:45You mean my ex?
18:47She's studying in Europe, after our divorce.
18:50What is wrong with me? There is no way Andrea could be my daughter.
18:57Oh, what are you guys doing later?
19:00I have an appointment with the realtor at four o'clock today.
19:03We could go look at this place together.
19:05We, uh, together? Like, as in us living together?
19:09Yeah, like, isn't that the point of getting married?
19:12You save money and, uh, you know, you can take care of each other.
19:15Yeah, I'm not sure that that's...
19:17Sounds interesting.
19:21So, do you guys want to back me up on the lowering the price a little bit?
19:25So, no matter what they say, just sound, like, uninterested.
19:31We will!
19:40That's everything about the place, so...
19:43Tell me your thoughts.
19:45I mean, overall, it's, uh...
19:49It's not too bad.
19:51But I did notice that the bathroom's kind of leaking,
19:54so we're going to have to get that properly fixed up.
19:57And then the $1,500, it's just, you know, a little too steep.
20:02I mean, don't you think, hon?
20:07Yeah. Yeah, no, I mean, it only has one bathroom.
20:10How could anyone live like that?
20:12The closet space wouldn't even fit my summer wardrobe.
20:15And where's our live-in maid supposed to stay?
20:18Okay, seriously?
20:20With a $1,500 budget, you want to live in the White House?
20:24Okay, you're clearly not serious about this deal.
20:27I'm done here.
20:29Wait, wait, wait, we can talk about the price!
20:35Guys, I said act unsatisfied, not devastated!
20:43Okay. It's fine.
20:45We will just be sleeping under a bridge. Okay?
20:48It's okay, Mom. We have plenty of houses all over the world.
20:51Z-ah-ah-ah-ah! Hey, Andrea?
20:54No, we don't.
20:56How many times did I tell you?
20:58The mansions in your Minecraft game are not real.
21:02But actually, I came across a wonderful place.
21:05You want to take a look?
21:07Well, we've got no other option, so...
21:10Lead the way.
21:12Come on.
21:18So, this is the place.
21:20What do you think?
21:24A place this big and nice for $1,500.
21:27Actually, it's $1,000.
21:30That doesn't even make sense.
21:34Did something unfortunate happen here?
21:40Did something unfortunate happen here?
21:43No, absolutely not.
21:45No, this place is brand new.
21:48Then why is it so cheap?
21:51Well, this house actually belongs to a former boss of mine.
21:55He has a lot of properties, and, um, the vacant property tax is pretty high.
21:59He has a lot of properties, and, um, the vacant property tax is pretty high.
22:03So he figured he would just rent it out to us.
22:06On the condition that we, you know, maintain the place.
22:11Then what are we waiting for?
22:13We should move in right now!
22:15Okay, sweetie, what is your favorite meal?
22:17Because I'm going to go make us a meal at our first house.
22:19I'd like anything you make, Mommy.
22:21Aw, you're just a little heart stealer, aren't you?
22:26Okay, I'm going to go make dinner.
22:29Dad, come on. Mom could use a hand in the kitchen.
22:34Okay, yeah.
22:41Okay, I don't know. What do you think? Right here?
22:45Yeah, let's see.
22:51Aw, she's so cute!
22:54Oh my God!
22:58Okay, ready? Okay, don't touch it. It's really, really hot.
23:06Peace out.
23:08Come on, son.
23:13Hey, kids stick in first.
23:16Do you need a girl at your age?
23:24All right, here you go.
23:26Eat as much as you want, okay?
23:32I promise I'll make us something from the rib drippings. It'll be really good.
23:42Rachel didn't finish that earlier.
23:45Wow, this is so good. Where did you learn to cook?
23:49Well, I actually don't just cook. I can fix locks, plumbing, wiring, pretty much anything.
23:55Wow. And most of the women I know learned how to play piano or horseback ride or golf.
24:02I mean, where did you learn all these handyman skills?
24:05Well, it has three requirements.
24:08First, your mom dies at a young age.
24:11Second, your dad remarries.
24:13And third, you have an evil stepmother.
24:16Hey, that's a Cinderella story.
24:19Mom, are you Cinderella?
24:22Does that make Dad Prince Charming?
24:27You know what? You are absolutely right, Andrea.
24:31I'm not Cinderella.
24:34You know what? You are absolutely right, Andrea.
24:38Even the driver of the pumpkin coach can be Prince Charming to the right girl.
24:44Okay, time for dishes.
24:47No, you rest. I'll do the dishes.
24:52Hey, boss. There was actually something I wanted to ask you.
24:57I still haven't gotten that $30,000 bonus and I was hoping you could go and...
25:02One night with me and you'll get it right away.
25:06Did you forget that I'm married?
25:08Oh, married. Oh, joy.
25:11I've just been putting more and more pressure on you.
25:15Did you forget that I'm married?
25:17Oh, married. Oh, joy.
25:20I've just been putting more and more pressure on you.
25:24Stop or I'm going to send this video to my husband.
25:27Oh, your husband.
25:30I did my homework on him.
25:33He's a nobody. He's just a driver.
25:39Stop. Get off of me.
25:42Stop it.
25:48You must be her driver husband.
25:50Wow, so you're a fortune teller, huh?
25:52Why don't you predict what's going to happen to you next?
25:54You're nothing. You're just a broke loser.
25:58If you dare lay your hands on me again,
26:00I'm going to make sure that you and that whore live a life of misery.
26:04Wrong fucking answer. You're going to be beaten to a bloody fucking pulp.
26:13Hey. Hey, I've got to make a phone call, okay?
26:17I'll be right back.
26:23He's not going to do anything.
26:25You know what? Your husband's really pissed me off.
26:29So you know what you can do with your $30,000. Goodbye.
26:33I don't care. I don't even want it anymore.
26:36You ought to think long and hard how you're going to pay for my medical bills.
26:40And if you don't, you'll be in deep financial trouble.
26:49Hello? Yes, boss.
26:52What? You're firing me? Why?
26:56Hello? Hello?
26:58Hey, scumbag. Somebody paid us to teach you a lesson.
27:01And we're going to make it hurt.
27:05Somebody paid us to teach you a lesson.
27:07And we're going to make it hurt.
27:09It wasn't me. It wasn't me.
27:11Help! Help! Help me! Please, help me!
27:16Hey, Rachel.
27:26So, you're a fortune teller now?
27:29Well, before I became a driver, I had to learn a few things to get by.
27:33Well, why don't you tell my fortune and not tell me when I'm getting that $30,000?
27:38Okay. Okay, yeah.
27:53Oh my god, wait, I just got the $30,000!
27:55Oh my god, you're amazing!
27:58Wait, hold on. So just $30,000 makes you this happy, really?
28:02What do you mean, just $30,000? I'm, like, so rich right now.
28:08Yeah. Yeah, you are.
28:11Yeah, I know, look!
28:15Thank you, Wade. I owe you one this time.
28:17Hey, don't mention it.
28:20I'll say I'm surprised that Cinderella's working for one of my companies.
28:25But seriously, why are you so invested in her?
28:33Oh, don't tell me you've already slept with her, have you?
28:37No, she wishes. And don't call her Cinderella.
28:40Oh, someone's being defensive of her.
28:43But you're thinking about it, aren't you?
28:47I mean, I bet you haven't been with another woman since that night.
28:51Ah, ah, ah, Wade. Shut up.
28:59Spell it, girl. How's married life been treating you? Have you guys, you know?
29:05No. He wishes.
29:08Come on. It's been, like, seven years since your last time, right?
29:15Do you even remember what the guy looked like?
29:17Yeah, how am I supposed to remember what he looked like?
29:20It was, like, so drunk that night.
29:30I think I do remember, like, a scar on his little abs.
29:35Oh, I'm, like, completely making that up.
29:54Are you okay?
29:56Yeah, yeah. Um, so, Andrea's sleeping?
30:00Yeah, I just turned out her light.
30:06I'm gonna go to the guest room this way.
30:10Right. Or maybe you... Yeah, never mind. I'll go this way.
30:16Gosh. Dad is so stupid. Looks like I'll just have to take it from here.
30:24Yeah, never mind. I'll go this way.
30:31Andrea, what's wrong? Why are you up again?
30:34Hey, Mommy. I can't sleep. I'm afraid of the dark.
30:40Oh, sweetie. Okay, Mommy will come with you.
30:43Um, it's okay if you sleep in my room.
30:47Yeah, sure.
30:48No, wait. I can't sleep without Daddy, either.
30:56Andrea falls asleep super fast.
31:00When she's out, you can leave if you want.
31:03Okay, sounds good.
31:15If I take away Daddy's blanket, he'll get cold and cuddle with Mommy.
31:21I'm such a genius.
31:33Oh, God. His muscles. It's been so long since I've been with a man.
31:44Hey, what are you trying to do?
31:49Where's my blanket?
31:51That's what I was gonna ask you. This is my blanket. What are you doing with it?
31:55You were the one getting all handsy with me.
31:58You're my husband. I can do whatever I want.
32:00Oh, yeah?
32:04And you're my wife, so I can do whatever I want.
32:09Um, I think that's Andrea. I'm gonna go make breakfast.
32:20Ow. God, this mattress is so hard.
32:24Did they get it from a medieval torture museum?
32:28David. Yeah, we need a new mattress. Get the Hastins one.
32:36Yes, yes, the $50,000 one.
32:40All right.
32:52What are you doing?
32:54I, uh, I got this mattress from that yard sale across the street.
32:58It's only, uh, 50 bucks. Pretty nice, right?
33:03Hm. Wow, you're so lucky.
33:07Good thing she's gullible.
33:13What is that watch?
33:15Isn't that like a Patek Philippe or something? Like, that's like half a million dollars at least.
33:19How were you able to afford that?
33:24I don't know.
33:25I don't know.
33:26I don't know.
33:27I don't know.
33:28I don't know.
33:29I don't know.
33:30I don't know.
33:31I don't know.
33:32I don't know.
33:33I don't know.
33:34I don't know.
33:35I don't know.
33:36I don't know.
33:37I don't know.
33:38I don't know.
33:39I don't know.
33:40I don't know.
33:41I don't know.
33:42I don't know.
33:43I don't know.
33:44I don't know.
33:45I don't know.
33:46I don't know.
33:47I don't know.
33:48I don't know.
33:49I don't know.
33:50I don't know.
33:51I don't know.
33:52I don't know.
33:53I don't know.
33:54I don't know.
33:55I don't know.
33:56I don't know.
33:57I don't know.
33:58I don't know.
33:59I don't know.
34:00I don't know.
34:01I don't know.
34:02I don't know.
34:03I don't know.
34:04I don't know.
34:05I don't know.
34:06I don't know.
34:07I don't know.
34:08I don't know.
34:09I don't know.
34:10I don't know.
34:11I don't know.
34:12I don't know.
34:13I don't know.
34:14I don't know.
34:15I don't know.
34:16I don't know.
34:17I don't know.
34:18I don't know.
34:19I don't know.
34:20I don't know.
34:21I don't know.
34:22I don't know.
34:25I don't know.
34:29I don't know.
34:32You should leave.
34:34What's going on?
34:51Who did this to you?
34:57But I
35:02It's sorry
35:05He's back
35:11How long does he expect us to wait for him as long as he wants
35:18We're not here as guests
35:21If alpha Ethan buys her my money troubles are over
35:28I'm Rosalie and I didn't know if it was the best or worst day of my life
35:32I was finally getting away from my father and stepmother
35:36But it was so they could sell me to the alpha of dragomore
35:40all I could think about was
35:42How badly I needed to pee
35:56Please come in just a girl
36:34I'm sure he's just up in his office. Please wait here while I fetch him
36:55What are you doing it's occupied, I'm sorry, but the door wasn't locked the door was closed you didn't even knock
37:02Can you please hurry? I really need to go
37:16Why are you still here, can you please leave you're the one who barged in here
37:29Ethan the girls here walk out the breeder. You're meeting with alpha Harlan about buying his daughter. Remember
37:36I'm so sorry. I'll fight Ethan. I'll go
37:43I'll take it. What I'll take her as my breeder
37:51And this is the man my father would sell me to alpha Ethan I like the way you apologize
38:16Says could I have my flute back?
38:45Mom's favorite flute. It's the only thing she left for me and I can't even keep it safe
39:03I want my freedom and why should I give you that?
39:09You want a healthy baby, don't you
39:14Then you'll give me what I want
39:22Welcome to the Luna suite
39:30This is really nice
39:33It is
39:35It was Ethan's mother's
39:38You should have seen it then
39:40Full of laughter and love
39:47But that was a long time ago
39:50I'll have some new clothing center for you as well
40:25Was little my mother used to play this song for me
41:19You play beautifully, but he's very sensitive about noises at night
41:46It's soaring again, that's two more dead
41:49He's getting closer. What does he want? I don't know
41:53But I do know what King James wants. He sent the message again. We want you to produce an heir as soon as possible
42:00I just don't understand why so obsessed with it
42:04Because he can
42:07He's testing me
42:17On the bed now what now
42:54Guess it's the day no matter how much I try to avoid it it still comes
42:59It can't be worse than the whipping from my stepmother
43:04All I need to do
43:27What's the matter trip your dick off
43:34She's a virgin
43:36Well, why do you say something
43:42Doesn't matter
43:45But someone should have should have said something. It's kind of it's important information
43:51you know, I
43:54Could take care of it for you
43:58Get her a book
44:06Excuse me
44:20With this bandage, I think it's really gonna help
44:46Okay, Rosalie it's time to fulfill your role do whatever he demands and you will have freedom
45:30There's something sweet about him
45:40He's not as bad as I feared he would be
46:44As my flute
47:08Is she she looks glamorous somehow I feel this gloom from her
47:34Hi, hi, sorry, I didn't know you'd still be cleaning in here. Oh
47:41Could you close that window for me I'd love to take a nap before dinner
48:05Who are you never seen your face before
48:11I'm Rosalie
48:14Ethan's breeder breeder. Mm-hmm. He got a breeder
48:35I'm sorry. I don't know who you are. He didn't tell you about me. Oh
48:45This is Madeline the king's daughter he is very important to me
48:54Ethan darling
48:56Proposed to me again, and I might just say yes this time
49:00Now get me a room with a better view
49:11She's pretty
49:44Your majesty what brings you here? I thought we were coming to you. Oh
49:50Just here for the fresh air and a bit of fun I
49:53was hoping to get a look at your breeder and
49:56I heard Madeline was here too, right Helen
49:59Now show me these lovely ladies
50:20Come here my child
50:25Fearsome king with an iron fist
50:28If an alpha Ethan is scared of him
50:31His word is law
50:33He has no mercy for those who are against him. I
50:39Have the spinning image of Ethan's mother
50:47Carrying a precious cargo in there, aren't we?
51:04Hi, I'm Ethan's sister Georgia, it is a pleasure to meet you likewise
51:23Sorin is coming
51:27Won't be long until he attacks, but we'll be ready for him
51:35With you even he's your brother
51:45He is nothing but an enemy to us
51:47He is nothing but an enemy to us
52:18Oh and goddess, what should I do now?
52:32Rosa I
52:38Heard sorens back
52:42So well you might want to know
52:47Kassar and he's Ethan's twin brother
52:52What happened between them
52:55Our parents died when we were young so soren left home
53:01Ethan became another person King James
53:08How did they die a terrible accident
53:32Wouldn't say she failed your highness these things they take time, isn't that right even I
53:41Want you to marry Madeline produce an heir with her instead, but what about
53:48She cost us a fortune
53:52You're fond of this breeder, no, of course not
53:57Okay news send her up to my room tonight
54:08Just kidding my boy you should have seen the look on your face. I'll take it with me when I leave
54:18So enjoy her while you can
54:30Should I have a drink with me
54:58Might kiss you
55:00You may be bad at it
55:03Impossible if you're a chapter one
55:16Was that bad
55:24Try again
56:34You should leave
56:44Giving you the freedom you wanted talking about
57:08It's the king he wants you there's nothing I can do about it
57:17For some reason I have confidence in you
57:26Please don't make me leave
57:33I have confidence in myself when you leave my arm
57:46I'm pregnant
57:51King James mentioned something about special cargo. I think he already knows
58:20So there's that
58:22You really should be getting going before it's too late I doubt he's gonna give up on her that easily I know my father
58:31He doesn't want Rosa
58:35He wants the baby as a hostage
58:38Just like he kept me around all these years
