• 2 months ago
पटना, बिहार: प्रशांत किशोर पर हुई दूसरी एफआईआर को लेकर जेडीयू प्रवक्ता नीरज कुमार ने कहा, "प्रशांत किशोर जी ने जमानत याचिका में अपना आपराधिक इतिहास छिपाया है। इसका खुलासा करें, नहीं तो हम आपका खुलासा करेंगे। हालांकि मामला तेजस्वी यादव और पप्पू यादव जी का है। मेरे पास अधिकार नहीं है, लेकिन उन्होंने कितना बड़ा झूठ बोला है। उन्होंने कहा कि उन्होंने जेल जाना स्वीकार किया, सशर्त जमानत नहीं ली। ये कोर्ट के दस्तावेज हैं और दस्तावेज झूठ नहीं बोलते हैं। दस्तावेज में साफ लिखा हुआ है की आपने पर्सनल बॉन्ड नहीं लिए।"

#JDU #NeerajKumar #Patna #Bihar #PrashantKishore #criminalhistory #BiharPolitics, #conditionalbail


00:00Prashant Kishore has hidden his criminal history in the bail petition
00:05Do it openly, otherwise I will do it openly
00:11Although this is the case of Tejaswi Yadav and Pappu Yadav
00:14This is not my problem, but he has spoken such a big lie
00:19He said that he accepted going to jail, but did not take a conditional bail
00:26These are the documents of the court, the documents do not lie
00:33It is clearly written in this document that you took a personal bond
00:40You said that you have a video recording of everything in Fatwa and AIMS
00:48It was a bailable section, the bail was being paid from the police station
00:53But you wanted to pretend to be a politician, so you took me to Beur jail
00:58You can't even see the difference between Beur jail and Beur police station
01:03How many cars were there in Beur police station? 25
01:07Thousands of people get into Beur police station
01:10This is the land of Aryabhatta, where Chakraborty's courtyard is
01:15He was caught red-handed
01:20The situation is such that he has changed the number of cars he has bought from Punjab
01:31He has changed the number of cars he has bought from Punjab
01:35He has changed the number of cars he has bought from Punjab
01:39His political post-mortem will be such that he won't be able to show his face
