• 2 months ago
In the first of these tender swap stories Thomas and his friends all agree to swap jobs for the day which also means swapping tenders as well. How will the swap with Gordon go?
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00:00Thomas, I know you're behind me.
00:17Er, no I'm not.
00:21Oh great, now I need to stop at this signal.
00:25Hehe, this is my chance.
00:27I'll take your tender, thank you.
00:30Thomas, give that back!
00:33No, why do you always get to have a tender when I don't?
00:37It would really help me pull Annie and Clarabel.
00:39Well I needed to pull the express.
00:44Go away Percy, you can't have my tender.
00:48Why not Henry?
00:50Is Percy trying to take your tender?
00:53Yes he is.
00:54We just want to have a tender for a day.
00:57Yeah, it'll help me deliver the mail.
01:01But I need to pull four heavy cargo trucks.
01:05What is going on here?
01:08Sir, Thomas and Percy are trying to take our tenders.
01:12We just want to see what it's like having a tender for a day.
01:15But our jobs are harder than yours.
01:18We need the tenders.
01:20Our jobs are hard too?
01:23Hmm, it doesn't sound like anyone here appreciates how hard the other engines work.
01:28So I think Gordon and Henry, you should give Thomas and Percy your tenders for the day.
01:35But you shall all swap jobs too.
01:38Then you will all see just how hard everyone here works.
01:45Hehe, this is awesome.
01:49I'm pulling the express with my tender.
01:52That's my tender and my express.
01:55Don't worry Gordon, you're with us today.
01:58We'll make your job nice and easy.
02:01Yes, okay, off to Knapford we go.
02:05No, we're going to Maithwaite first.
02:09No, that doesn't make any sense.
02:11Oh dear, Thomas didn't mention how much Annie and Clarabel argue.
02:16This might not be as easy as I first thought.
02:19But we should never go to Maithwaite first.
02:21You're going the wrong way, Gordon.
02:24No, he's not.
02:26Okay, Percy, all of your trucks are loaded with cargo.
02:31They're very heavy, so be careful.
02:34I will be.
02:35You be careful delivering the mail too, Henry.
02:40How hard is it to deliver mail?
02:42Okay, the first letter is for the palace.
02:48Hmm, where is the palace?
02:52Ah, are you looking for my palace, Henry?
02:56Ah, there you are.
02:58I have a letter for you.
03:01No, no, Henry.
03:03This letter is for Fairy Funling's Ice Palace.
03:06Take it back.
03:07D'oh, silly Henry.
03:09Oops, I'm at the wrong palace.
03:13This job is harder than I thought.
03:17This job is easy with a tender.
03:20Oh, I need to stop at this signal, though.
03:24There you go.
03:29Slow down, Percy.
03:32I can't stop.
03:35Oh dear, these trucks are too heavy.
03:38I can't slow down.
03:42Hmm, I think he should have let Henry do that job.
03:46What do I do?
03:52Hello, Funlings.
03:53Where do each of you need to go today?
03:55I need to go to the beach.
03:57Oh, that's really far away.
04:00I need to go to the windmill.
04:03Oh, that's really, really far away.
04:06I need to go to the safari zone.
04:08Oh, that's really, really, really far away.
04:11Thanks, Thomas.
04:13Okay, here we go.
04:15Phew, we're at the beach.
04:17Thanks, Thomas.
04:19Are you alright?
04:20Yeah, I'm just a bit tired.
04:23Okay, off we go.
04:26Oh, okay.
04:28We've arrived at the windmill.
04:32Just the safari zone left.
04:36Oh, okay, we're here.
04:39Thanks, Thomas.
04:40Oh, you look tired.
04:42Well, I'm just not used to going so far in one trip.
04:46Don't forget, you have to go all the way back now.
04:50Oh, I forgot about that.
04:53Take a left turn, Gordon.
04:56No, go straight ahead.
04:59Now we're going the wrong way.
05:02No, we're not.
05:04Oh, how does Thomas cope with these two?
05:08I can't see anything.
05:10I can't stop.
05:16I can't wait for today to be over.
05:22Okay, everyone, you've all completed each other's jobs.
05:26I hope you now all understand just how hard everyone here works, tender or not.
05:33Yes, sir.
05:34Yes, sir.
05:36Just because you have a tender doesn't mean that you work harder.
05:40And it's only by working well together that we can get all the jobs done.
05:49Okay, let's pick up some cargo.
05:53Hi, Cranky.
05:55Please can you load Fix-It Funding's three cargo blocks into my trucks?
05:59Sure thing, Thomas.
06:01One, two, three cargoes.
06:06Uh, Thomas, one of them is on your tender.
06:10Don't be silly, truck.
06:11I don't have a tender.
06:14I'm not holding anything.
06:16Cranky, put one on your tender.
06:18I don't have a tender.
06:23Okay, we're here.
06:25Hello, Fix-It Funding.
06:27Hi, Thomas.
06:29Hi, Thomas.
06:30I see you have my cargo blocks.
06:33Hold on.
06:34You only have two.
06:36Where's the third?
06:37Oh, truck, what have you done with it?
06:41Cranky, put it on your tender.
06:43We've been trying to tell you.
06:47I do have a tender.
06:49That's Gordon's tender.
06:51Why do I have that?
06:54I think it suits you, Thomas.
06:56Well, I need to give it back to him right away.
07:01Hello, Fundlings.
07:02All aboard.
07:04Hmm, I feel like I'm missing something.
07:07Oh, well, it's probably nothing.
07:11Oh, Duck is looking very smart today.
07:14Has he done something different with his trucks?
07:19Uh-oh, I've run out of coal.
07:22Gordon, why have we stopped?
07:24I've run out of coal.
07:26Meese, could you bring me some from my tender, Fireman Fundling?
07:29Sure thing.
07:31Oh, hold on.
07:33You don't have your tender.
07:36So that's what I'm missing.
07:38Where is it?
07:39Gordon, there you are.
07:41I have your tender.
07:42Thomas, why do you have it?
07:45I don't know, but you can have it back.
07:48I'll uncouple it for you.
07:53Oh, come on, it won't budge.
07:57Nope, it's stuck.
07:59I can't get it off.
08:01Hmm, let me borrow some of your coal, Thomas,
08:04and then I'll show you how to get it off.
08:08Okay, when I say go, we both move forward at the same time.
08:13And because I'm stronger than you,
08:15the tender will stay attached to me.
08:18Sure thing, Gordon.
08:20Three, two, one, go.
08:23Oh, come on, take it.
08:29Wow, it's not wanting to let go of Thomas, is it?
08:32Almost there.
08:35Got it.
08:36Yes, nice one.
08:38Uh, actually, Thomas, you still have it.
08:42Obviously, the tender wants to be with Thomas now.
08:46But it's my tender.
08:48How did that not work?
08:51I don't know.
08:52It's like it's stuck to me with magic or something.
08:57I need help.
08:58Duck has my tender.
09:00I don't know how I got it, and now I can't get rid of it.
09:06Hmm, just like Thomas.
09:09What is going on?
09:11You're not the only ones missing their tenders.
09:16Obviously, I don't want your tender, Douglas.
09:19I'm a diesel engine, but I can't get it off.
09:23What is happening?
09:24Why have all of the smaller engines got our tenders?
09:29I need help.
09:30Both of my tenders have been taken.
09:34Sorry, Flying Scotsman.
09:36I have one, and I have the other.
09:40But there's nothing we can do about it.
09:44Engines, what is happening today?
09:47No one seems to be doing their jobs.
09:49Sir, every long engine has lost their tender to a smaller one.
09:53But they can't take them off.
09:55No one knows how this happened.
09:59We'll have to figure something out.
10:01We're getting very behind with our work.
10:03Who did this?
10:06I think it might have been me.
10:09You see, yesterday, I was doing my job.
10:15I was thinking how amazing it would be to have a tender.
10:20Hello, Luke.
10:22Hi, Flying Scotsman.
10:24I love your tenders.
10:26I wish I had one.
10:27And then, I saw a shooting star.
10:31So I wished that every small engine could get a tender.
10:35But I didn't think my wish would actually come true.
10:41So, I guess this is all my fault.
10:44Well, can you undo your wish?
10:47Yeah, give it a go.
10:49Okay, I wish that everything went back to normal.
10:57Ah, that's better.
11:00Thank you, Luke.
11:01Ah, excellent.
11:03Everyone can get on with their jobs now.
11:06Sorry again, everyone.
11:08Next time I see a shooting star, I'll be a lot more careful about what I wish for.
11:15I am in a fantastic mood today.
11:20That's nice, Gordon.
11:21Why are you so happy?
11:23Because today is a special day.
11:25I'm pulling a special express which will have king funnelling,
11:29queen funnelling,
11:30mare funnelling,
11:31and rock star funnelling aboard.
11:33Wow, that's very exciting.
11:36Yes, I'm so glad to be pulling it.
11:40Not necessary, little brother.
11:42I'd quite like to pull that express too.
11:46But I was chosen to do it.
11:48Well, if something goes wrong for you, I'll have to step in.
11:53Nothing will go wrong.
11:57I can't see where I'm going.
11:58Trucks, you'll have to tell me if there's something in the way.
12:01Okay, Thomas.
12:10Trucks, you didn't warn me.
12:12Oops, I forgot.
12:15Oh no, my tender is covered in coal.
12:19Sorry, Gordon.
12:20I'll take these trucks away.
12:23What shall I do?
12:25Looks like I'll be pulling that express after all.
12:30Oh, give me one of your tenders.
12:32You don't need both of them.
12:35Absolutely not.
12:36I do need them.
12:38Unlucky, Gordon.
12:39You were so close to pulling that express,
12:41but looks like it'll be me pulling it instead.
12:45What shall I do?
12:46Well, you can always borrow someone else's tender for now.
12:50Yes, Funling.
12:51I'll borrow someone else's.
12:53Good idea.
13:02Oh, hi, Thomas.
13:04Hi, Ferdinand.
13:08Got it.
13:09Okay, off I go.
13:12Yes, I did it.
13:14I have a tender.
13:17Look at me.
13:18I'll be pulling that express coach in no time.
13:24Oh, what's wrong?
13:26Why am I breaking down?
13:28I can answer that, Gordon.
13:30You've got Ferdinand's tender for some reason.
13:33He's powered by wood, not coal.
13:36That won't work for you.
13:38Oh, dear.
13:39I'll take that away for you.
13:45I feel like I'm missing something.
13:49Whatever it is, it can't be that important.
13:52I need another tender now.
13:55Time to do some jobs.
13:58James, perfect.
14:01Now then, do I go this way or this way to find Billy?
14:09I'll go this way.
14:12I did it.
14:13This tender will work.
14:16There you are, James.
14:17Thank you for taking this chicken to Farmer Funding's farm for me.
14:23Hold on.
14:24I'm not James.
14:25Thanks again, James.
14:28Oh, he thought I was James because of my tender.
14:32Hi, James.
14:33Thanks for agreeing to take the mail truck back to the truck yard for me.
14:38I'm not James.
14:40Hi, James.
14:41Can you take me to Candy's Candy Shop, please?
14:44I'll ride in this truck.
14:47Oh, hi, chicken.
14:51Oh, this isn't working.
14:52Too many people think I'm James.
14:55I need a blue tender.
14:59Where's my tender?
15:00Oh, and here are all the trucks I need.
15:03That was lucky.
15:05Hello, Recycling Funding.
15:06I need to make myself a tender.
15:08Do you have a blue truck I can use?
15:11Sorry, I only have a grey truck, a red truck, and a green truck.
15:16What about that one?
15:17Uh, it is blue, but that one's very troublesome.
15:22I don't mind.
15:23This will do.
15:26Yes, it's perfect.
15:28Now then, do you have any coal I can fill it up with?
15:31Yes, I do.
15:33Here you are.
15:34Thanks, Recycling Funding.
15:36No problem, Gordon.
15:39Be careful.
15:40Yes, this plan will work.
15:42Hee hee hee hee.
15:44Uh-oh, Gordon, it threw out the coal.
15:47Oh, fireworks.
15:49Hee hee hee hee.
15:51I'm here, everyone.
15:53Ah, Gordon, time to pull the express.
15:57Yes, let me just fill up with coal for my tender.
16:00Let me just fill up with coal for my tender.
16:03Hey, that didn't feel like coal.
16:06It wasn't!
16:07It was fireworks!
16:13Oh no, I can't stop.
16:16Wow, what an awesome show.
16:20Oh dear, I can't pull the express with this truck as my tender.
16:25Maybe Sir Topham Hatt will know what I can do.
16:28I'm back, sir.
16:30Oh no!
16:32Flying Scotsman, please can you pull the express?
16:36No, it's my job.
16:38I know, Gordon.
16:40That's why I had your tender cleaned for you.
16:42I know how much this job means to you.
16:46Of course, I should have just cleaned my tender.
16:50Thank you, brother.
16:52So in the end, Gordon did pull the special express.
16:57And it was all thanks to the kindness and help from his brother, the Flying Scotsman.
17:08Got you now, Tom Moss.
17:18I have super powers.
17:29I can go really fast.
17:35And I have super strength.
17:38I have an idea.
17:39I'll switch all the tenders.
17:48This isn't a tender.
18:06Where's my tender?
18:11There's a note.
18:12It says where the tender is.
18:15The colour of the train is blue and their number is 2 plus 2.
18:21That must be Gordon.
18:23He's the number 4.
18:33You're missing your tender, hero.
18:39Gordon, you have my tender.
18:42No, I don't.
18:44Look in the mirror.
18:46Oh, that's not my tender.
18:52So where's mine?
18:55My tender's gone.
19:01Oh, thank you.
19:02The colour of the train is green in the place where you get clean.
19:08Oh, yes.
19:09Fireman Funling is cleaning trains today.
19:13Let's go.
19:16That's not your tender, but it is green.
19:26Thanks, Fireman Funling.
19:30Henry, you have my tender.
19:33Told you.
19:34So where's my tender?
19:39I'm also missing my tender.
19:43My treasure.
19:46Oh, a riddle.
19:48The colour of the train is red.
19:51Go to the tallest tree instead.
19:54Let's look for the tallest tree.
19:58Oh, that's not my tender.
20:00Let's look for the tallest tree.
20:06There's a tree.
20:08Oh, but that tree is taller, and that tree is even taller.
20:13There are lots of tall trees.
20:15How about Professor Funling's treehouse?
20:19Great idea.
20:27What was that noise?
20:31James, you have my treasure.
20:33Oh, sorry, Thomas.
20:37Where has all the gold gone?
20:39Where's my tender?
20:42We're also missing our tenders.
20:46My tender.
20:52Let's follow Rascal Funling.
21:00Your tender is in one of these tunnels.
21:04What is seven minus three?
21:07Is it three, four, or five?
21:12I know this.
21:13It's my number.
21:14The answer is four.
21:17Let's see if you're correct.
21:22Here's your tender.
21:24Oh, that's not my tender.
21:26Let's look for the tallest tree.
21:28Where's my tender?
21:30I found it.
21:39Come back!
21:50My tender is in the middle of the sleeping tigers.
21:54I need to be sneaky.
22:00Got it!
22:04Run away!
22:07Where's my tender?
22:11There it is!
22:22Got it!
22:28You can't catch me!
22:33Oh, my superpowers have run out!
22:37We caught Rascal Funman and got our tenders back!
