• 2 months ago
As-tu entendu ? 🚀 Les scientifiques pourraient avoir déchiffré le secret du voyage interstellaire ! Ils explorent des systèmes de propulsion avancés, comme les moteurs à distorsion et les voiles lumineuses, qui pourraient rendre le voyage entre les étoiles une réalité. 🌌 Une idée consiste à plier l'espace-temps pour raccourcir la distance, tandis qu'une autre utilise des voiles propulsées par laser pour pousser les vaisseaux spatiaux à des vitesses incroyables. Ces percées sont encore en cours de développement, mais le potentiel est énorme—imagine visiter d'autres systèmes stellaires au cours d'une vie humaine ! 🌠 Tout est question de combiner la physique, l'innovation et quelques rêves de science-fiction sérieux. Qui sait ? L'avenir des voyages spatiaux pourrait être plus proche que nous le pensons ! 🌟 Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:01Our universe is four-dimensional.
00:04Three dimensions are reserved for space, and one is for time.
00:08Now, let's mix them together.
00:10Ah, we get a nice dough called spacetime.
00:13This dough has an amazing feature.
00:16Even if you can't use it to bake a pie, you can fold it and tear it.
00:21Now let's forget our culinary analogy.
00:24Let's go into space.
00:26The waves that propagate through spacetime can travel at speeds much higher than those of light.
00:32However, in terms of propulsion, or, more simply, of moving forward,
00:37moving in space by ejecting hot gases at the back of your spaceship is not the most efficient approach.
00:43A much more elegant method is to manipulate the spacetime trajectory around your ship.
00:49This is how we address the subject of propulsion by distortion of Alcubierre.
00:53Up to now, this is only a hypothetical concept.
00:56But who knows?
00:57Maybe in ten or twenty decades, we will use this device to pay a visit to our loved ones
01:02who have moved on the other side of the Milky Way.
01:04Anyway, propulsion by distortion theoretically contracts spacetime in front of a spaceship,
01:10while expanding it behind it.
01:12This allows the ship to move from one point to another at an incredibly fast speed.
01:17While the spaceship would deform spacetime,
01:20a person outside the ship's distortion bubble would observe it move faster than the speed of light.
01:27At the same time, if you were this fortunate traveler inside the ship,
01:31you would not feel any acceleration.
01:33If we could make a supraluminic distortion reactor a reality,
01:38supraluminic, which is a sophisticated word to describe something faster than the speed of light,
01:43it would change our lives forever.
01:45This would allow us to travel through our entire solar system,
01:48and could even help us reach the neighboring stellar systems.
01:52For example, we could reach Alpha Centauri,
01:55the closest stellar system to us located a little more than four light years away,
02:00in a few days or weeks instead of thousands of years.
02:03Unfortunately, I must temper your enthusiasm, my friend.
02:06Propulsion by distortion has a huge problem.
02:08The force behind its operation, called negative energy,
02:11involves quite exotic particles.
02:14Worse still, they are completely hypothetical,
02:17and as far as we know, do not exist in our universe.
02:21Scientists have managed to describe them only in mathematical terms.
02:25These exotic particles behave in an unexpected way.
02:29For example, they have a negative mass.
02:32I would like to be able to perform such a tour after a family dinner.
02:35And they act opposite to gravity.
02:38But wait, there is still a little hope.
02:41A new discovery could solve this seemingly unremovable obstacle.
02:45New York researchers have imagined a system of positive energy
02:49that does not disturb the known physical laws.
02:52The authors of the study claim that this is a radical change
02:56that could constitute the first chapter of the Interstellar Travel Manual.
03:00You see, this positive energy makes all the difference.
03:04Let's say you are an astronaut on a spacewalk,
03:07and you decide to play tennis over there.
03:10You push the ball away from you.
03:13But instead of floating away, the ball pushes back.
03:16And this confrontation can continue until it can tear off your hand
03:19if you apply enough force.
03:22Well, this is a quality of negative energy that the distortion motor needs.
03:26But as you can see, there is no way to capture this energy,
03:30and it seems dangerous.
03:33This is why we should probably turn to the good old positive energy
03:36for the construction of the distortion bubble.
03:39This bubble is a spherical structure
03:42surrounding a spaceship using an ordinary material hull,
03:45although super dense.
03:48The bubble propels the spaceship forward
03:51using the powerful gravity of the hull.
03:54But the passengers inside the ship do not feel any acceleration.
03:57An elevator ride is apparently more mobile
04:00than the fact of passing through space in such a bubble.
04:03All this because of the immense density of the hull
04:06and the pressure it would exert on the inside
04:09if it were properly controlled.
04:12And since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light,
04:15according to the theory of general relativity,
04:18the bubble is designed so that those inside can feel a normal time.
04:21At the same time, the bubble compresses the space-time in front of it
04:24and expands it behind the ship,
04:27just like this distortion motor that uses negative energy.
04:30This allows it to propel itself and the ship incredibly fast.
04:33The walls of the bubble produce the necessary momentum,
04:36like the momentum of the balls that roll.
04:39If you decide to take control of a distortion bubble,
04:42it would require great coordination.
04:45These bubbles require huge amounts of matter and energy
04:48to ensure the safety of the passengers
04:51and maintain the correct passage of time.
04:54In addition, communication between people inside and outside the bubble
04:58would become extremely distorted
05:01during the passage through the curves of the distorted space.
05:04Of course, there are still tons of problems
05:07that researchers have to solve
05:10before finally building a functional distortion propeller.
05:13But some of them claim that the model should finally
05:16get closer to the speed of light.
05:19But even if it remains below the speed of light,
05:22it will still be a great improvement compared to our current technologies.
05:26Traveling at half the speed of light to Alpha Centauri
05:29would take 9 years.
05:32However, Voyager 1, which currently travels at 61,000 km per hour,
05:35would need about 75,000 years
05:38to reach our neighboring stellar system.
05:41There are other elements to consider.
05:44As you get closer to the speed of light,
05:47things become really strange.
05:50For example, the faster an object moves,
05:53the greater its mass becomes.
05:56And this mass can increase indefinitely,
05:59requiring an infinite amount of energy to maintain its speed.
06:02Another problem.
06:05Current models only allow a stable distortion bubble for a constant speed.
06:08But then, how are you supposed to accelerate at the beginning of your trip?
06:11And what should you do when you finally have to slow down and stop?
06:14Experts say that the process of creating distortion training
06:17is comparable to trying to understand
06:20the concept of automobiles for the first time.
06:23We can compare the stage of distortion training
06:26to that of automobile technology at the end of the 19th century.
06:29At that time,
06:32it was possible to travel by car,
06:35but it seemed to be a complex process that everyone could not handle.
06:38So, the general idea of the distortion engine
06:41is to stretch and compress space to travel the universe.
06:44Well, there is an even crazier theory.
06:47What if, instead of bending space-time,
06:50we simply tore it apart?
06:53Think about it this way.
06:56When you bend space-time, you always have to face all the stretching and compression.
06:59It's like folding a piece of paper.
07:02You always have to drag your finger through the folds.
07:05But try to tear the paper in half and join the two ends.
07:08Bam! You're already there.
07:11So, how can we tear space-time?
07:14We may not need to.
07:17The black holes may already do it.
07:20In the center of a black hole, gravity becomes uncontrollable.
07:23Everything collapses into an infinitely small point, and time stops.
07:26This point, called singularity,
07:29could be this same tear in space-time.
07:32And if you could direct your spaceship to a sufficiently large black hole,
07:35gravity could be smooth enough for you to survive the trip.
07:38Then, some scientists think
07:41you could get out of the other side of the universe through a white hole.
07:44Another type of tear is called a glass hole.
07:47Unlike a black hole,
07:50glass holes have both an entrance and an exit.
07:53They are like shortcuts in the cosmic tunnel.
07:56If we could understand how to find them, open them,
07:59and prevent them from closing,
08:02we could obtain the key to intergalactic travel.
08:05And now, prepare for a situation reversal.
08:09Let's say you're playing a video game,
08:12and your character can cross walls by magic.
08:15It's a bit like what particles do in the quantum tunnel effect.
08:18Particles can cross barriers,
08:21even if they don't have enough energy to overcome them,
08:24thanks to their wavy and quantum nature.
08:27But what would happen if particles could cross
08:30glass holes connected by quantum tunnel effects?
08:33Instead of simply sneaking through a wall,
08:36we could use cosmic shortcuts through space-time,
08:39going from one part of the universe to another instantaneously.
08:42In theory, this could open up
08:45totally new possibilities on how we understand the universe,
08:48and travel through it.
