• 2 months ago
Speech by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro during the notification by the National Assembly of the new legislative year 2025-2026. teleSUR


00:00:00If Diputy Timoteo Zambrano allows me, paraphrasing what he was speaking then, it was like a vision
00:00:11of the future, with the arrival of the new National Assembly, we would completely substitute
00:00:18and replace the National Assembly that had been elected in 2015, where a coalition, a
00:00:27powerful coalition of the entire United Opposition had obtained a great electoral victory.
00:00:41In life one has to have balance in everything, in victory and defeat, in difficult moments
00:00:50and in the good moments.
00:00:55There's never a definite victory and there's never a definite defeat, and unfortunately
00:01:02that 2015, between a coalition of the opposition won by a majority, the National Assembly,
00:01:12the political heading of that National Assembly did not know how to manage the power that
00:01:19the people gave them with their vote.
00:01:26They did the exact opposite of what they promised, of what they promoted, and when that power,
00:01:35with that power, they always let go, they always follow the more ambitious, perversive
00:01:44minds, by the most extremist minds, that from the oligarchy of the far right, fully dependent
00:01:55of the US mandate, have always wanted to reach to a moment of a final battle, of a definite
00:02:03defeat of the Bolivarian revolution, that we bravely and with a lot of love we carry
00:02:14on because of our convictions.
00:02:20We have to remember, Deputy Jorge Rodriguez, the mismanagement completed without idea of
00:02:28those that had power and the hegemonic decision of that opposition.
00:02:37Where are they?
00:02:40Where are they?
00:02:42Those that stole the political victory of that year, where are they?
00:02:53Because all of them are today multimillionaires living in big mansions in Madrid, in Miami,
00:03:00and in other places like Washington.
00:03:06Where are they?
00:03:09Those that promised and did not deliver.
00:03:13We have to remember how unfortunately Venezuela began a cycle of pain and sacrifice that we
00:03:23call a strong resistance to all kinds of conspirations.
00:03:32How they worked year by year, 2016, to overthrow the government, like if Venezuelan voters
00:03:42had elected them to overthrow the legitimate government, to substitute illegally the elected
00:03:53Always making the mistake of overestimating their strength and provide lies and not fulfill
00:03:59what they promised and the worst of all the mistakes of underestimating us.
00:04:09Underestimate the immense moral political power that the Bolivarian revolution has,
00:04:16that has had, has and will have the ideas of Chavez in this 21st century, a fundamental
00:04:25strength to talk about Venezuelan politics in this century.
00:04:30It's a dangerous cocktail, harmful.
00:04:35It is dangerous to overestimate their own strength, to get greedy and overconfident
00:04:47that takes them to a point past madness.
00:04:51One goes back and sees those videos of 2016, the speeches of that time, of the main spokespersons
00:05:00here and abroad, and one realizes how out of place they made the same promises.
00:05:12The final battle, the final day, and now is the day.
00:05:15Today it is, now.
00:05:21Right on the verge of madness.
00:05:25And they harm their own voters and they harm even more our country.
00:05:34Today the situation is different, but their craziness, their hate, have turned into fascism.
00:05:45In 2016 we didn't speak about fascism.
00:05:48I said it then, deputies of the opposition.
00:05:54Many of you were part of that coalition bloc that was victorious.
00:05:59Today you continue to be part of an important opposition coalition here in Venezuela, and
00:06:04I respect the differences that exist between us, between our political parties.
00:06:17Opinion is welcome.
00:06:20In democracy all is possible.
00:06:25Well here, right here in this palace, that day, December, Jorge Rodriguez, you have a
00:06:33very good memory.
00:06:35That day of December 3, 6, I don't remember, from the year 2015, it was precisely that
00:06:49December 6, Jorge Rodriguez, as head of the electoral commission, I was, Sunday in the
00:06:57night, I was here in the presidential office, accompanied by different colleagues, but I
00:07:03remember that Jose Vicente Rangel was there with me.
00:07:13And even if we had a few warnings that the election was going to be a close one, and
00:07:21I say this truly, always prepare for anything.
00:07:24Always to really assume victories and defeats, threats.
00:07:29Always ready, all of us.
00:07:32I received a call from Jorge Rodriguez, who from the voting center, told me in time and
00:07:41told me we are completely lost in these elections.
00:07:46And among us we had a debate, because there were colleagues of ours that amid the economic
00:07:53war that we were suffering in 2015, Obama's decree threatening us, how they took away
00:08:01all the supplies and 70% of the markets, how they created the big lines, which was the
00:08:07headquarters of the far right, the last line.
00:08:12The results of those elections had not been free.
00:08:20Because the people were submitted to a blockade, to a war, to lack of supplies, and to many
00:08:28other ways of psychological warfare.
00:08:35And that debate, we ended it when the president of the National Electoral Council, Tivisa
00:08:49Lucena, came out in national broadcast, almost at midnight, to give the electoral results
00:09:01that the polls had given, and said that the opposition bloc had triumphed.
00:09:12Immediately we finished the debate.
00:09:18And I said to all of them, some are here present today, Jose Vicente has also seen us from
00:09:29the heavens.
00:09:30And I said, we are going to recognize that result as the Democrats we are.
00:09:37We are going to talk plainly to the country.
00:09:40And as soon as Tivisa ended her speech, I was also national broadcast, it was already
00:09:52There was a lot of people, of our people, upset in the interior of the country.
00:09:59I can say this, we are a volcanic force that comes from the centuries.
00:10:11We are the heirs of all the fighting in these past 500 years.
00:10:17We did not get our education in Harvard.
00:10:20We were educated and forced in the struggle for resistance of the neighborhoods of the
00:10:27country, of the factories.
00:10:29And knowing all too well how Commander Chavez taught me on life, knowing all too well this
00:10:37volcanic character of our leadership, I told our colleagues, I have to go and talk as soon
00:10:45as possible.
00:10:46Because I knew there was a people here that was going to react with a lot of Bolivarian
00:10:51And I knew there is a strength there that is called the Bolivarian fury that is in the
00:10:56blood of the people due to the evil that they had bestowed upon us and that they had triumphed
00:11:02in that year, 2015.
00:11:06I beg pardon to the opposition deputies here for speaking of a subject that is in the past,
00:11:16and is the truth, Jorge Rodríguez.
00:11:22And seconds away from that, I came out and say, as is recorded, and you know this, those
00:11:32that are in TikTok and Instagram, you can go and look for these videos.
00:11:37I went out and I believe I was wearing a red jacket and said, the National Electoral Council
00:11:47as electoral power of this country has spoken, and it's sacred war.
00:11:53We have electoral results.
00:11:54I recognize the victory of the opposition at the National Assembly.
00:12:00But I also said, remembering Commander Chavez, you have to know how to manage your victory.
00:12:09And I also said to the world, the world has to know that in Venezuela, it's not a democratic
00:12:18opposition that has won, although I knew there were powerful democratic currents inside that
00:12:27In Venezuela, who have won is a counter-revolution, and you can look up for that video.
00:12:39Publish it on your TikTok.
00:12:40America can also put it on her TikTok, she's on TikTok.
00:12:48And then we began to deal.
00:12:51They named Henry Ramos-Alut as the first president surprise, and Henry Ramos-Alut was going every
00:13:00day to have lunch at this meat restaurant that is near the church conference with the
00:13:12field marshals, Freddy Guevara, the thing that I don't know, I know that he had lunch
00:13:21with Freddy Guevara, with the others, because he would say, we have to win those guys from
00:13:27the right, and doing things to that far right, in the end, he fell deep and failed in the
00:13:39opportunity that life had given him to return to politics.
00:13:46All that story, you know it well.
00:13:52So the year 2017 came, with Julio Borges, one of the criminals, thief, one of the worst
00:14:03that we have known in the political history of Venezuela in 200 years, and there have
00:14:11been bad people in politics here in this country, there have been very good people, there have
00:14:16been honorable people, like the President Romulo Gallego, like General Isaias Medina
00:14:23Maria, we have had honorable people without a doubt in our policy in 20th century, and
00:14:35in the 19th century we had the great Ezequiel Zamora, our forefathers.
00:14:42There have been a lot of traitors and bad people in politics, about that we could write
00:14:48entire encyclopedias, but I think that the worst chapter, the most perverse of a calculated
00:14:58crime, of an ambush, of a murderous ambush, and of great theft, Julio Andres Borges is
00:15:10the one that takes it home, today living as a tycoon in Spain and managing bank accounts.
00:15:22They named him President for a kind of rotation, it was the turn of the Primero Justicia party
00:15:30back then, you allow me to say sorry because I don't want to offend that party, because
00:15:43you knew all too well that man, those that today are part of that political group know
00:15:50him very well, they have denounced him publicly, and what did he do?
00:15:59In the year 2017 he headed the violent action, the most destructive action that we have known
00:16:06in decades, the Guarimbas in 2017, who can forget these Guarimbas in 2017, who?
00:16:18120 days of violence, organized, financed, and maintained, it was a moment that they
00:16:28had a thousand points in the country, upheld with criminal groups, and with some oppositions
00:16:35that were being deceived, that believed that through violence and to burn and break and
00:16:40to destroy and shoot, they would accomplish something in Venezuela.
00:16:50They forced me to activate a constitutional mechanism that is foreseen here in this constitution,
00:16:59which is to invoke the original constituent power, and with that is that we began to balance
00:17:10the burden with that glorious national assembly of the year 2017 that saved the republic,
00:17:18that saved peace, that brought understanding and defeated extremism.
00:17:26What did they do?
00:17:27Did we forget?
00:17:29Maybe those younger, our elementary student skills have to listen to our testimonies,
00:17:37but these youth from the golden generation, these younger youth that is headed by America,
00:17:45Grecia, Genesis, among other girls, Robertsa, that youth grew up in the schools, we defended
00:17:58their right to school, and they rose seeing the truth of the destruction that the Guarimbas
00:18:06And then came the elections, governors, one election, an election for dignity, a giant
00:18:14victory, then came the merit ships, and then came the betrayed electoral process of 2018.
00:18:25Coming up, for what purpose did they use that huge capital power that they won in 2015
00:18:37to harm, to destroy, to self-destroy themselves?
00:18:47And one small detail would Jose Vicente Arangel said, a data to get wealthy at outrageous
00:18:58levels that cannot be fathomed by any of us that are here today.
00:19:04They got really wealthy of the main leaders of that oligarchy of the last names and the
00:19:10far right that despised the rest of Venezuelans, including the opposition that they only used
00:19:192019 came, and with 2019 came the greatest gift that they gave Venezuela.
00:19:29On January 23rd of the National Assembly, in contempt, president for that year, because
00:19:36it was a time for those that were out of the popular will, and they designated an unknown
00:19:48Then all Venezuelans knew who he was.
00:19:53He was a U.S. agent with a lot of years of training and preparation, and they thought
00:20:00that the mandate was made, and on January 23rd, before the extremist screams unsurprisingly,
00:20:08they tried a coup d'etat, but the first coup d'etat was made against the opposition when
00:20:13that afternoon there in the Chacao Square, in a public square, sworn in to be president
00:20:21of Venezuela from that day, and began the rehearsal.
00:20:29The failed rehearsal of Juan Guaidó, and once again from this presidential palace.
00:20:41I used for the first time the people's balcony, sacred for us, from where Commander Chavez
00:20:47would speak to our people, and from that balcony of the people, that January 23rd, the year
00:20:552019, I said, this is a coup d'etat to try a major intervention in Venezuela, and it's
00:21:07a failed, unconstitutional, immoral, extremism took all the control of the opposition, and
00:21:14they will fail.
00:21:15And we, with the strength of morality and our people, we will defeat them, and you will
00:21:21see me as president, as constitutional president, in this same balcony in 2020, 21, 2022, 2023,
00:21:312024, and you'll see this time pass.
00:21:36We will resist, we will face them, we will defeat them, and we will triumph and persevere.
00:21:45Like your father said, Jorge Rodríguez Gómez, your father said in the year 70s, we will
00:21:54persevere, we will not be defeated, we will triumph.
00:22:01Five decades later, we said the same motto in Caracas.
00:22:08History is well known.
00:22:12It's always important, these meetings, these talks, to reflect, in a serene and calm manner,
00:22:22as Stan Paisa, how much damage was done to Venezuela, Minister Hector Rodríguez, in
00:22:30the social aspect, how much damage they did with the criminal sanctions that they asked
00:22:35against Venezuela, and they continue to ask against Venezuela, how hard it was to resist
00:22:44in the hardest moments, in the moment when they stole from Venezuela 99% of our income.
00:22:51From that year, we went from 54 billion U.S. dollars to 700 million next year.
00:23:01What country could resist this?
00:23:04That same year, 2019, we had a record inflation in the world, 340,000% of inflation.
00:23:19That same year, 2019, things were completely out of stock for 80% of products for our people.
00:23:29That same year, 2018, 2019, from Venezuela, over 1.5 million Venezuelans left the country,
00:23:37an escape that was promoted by them.
00:23:41They were the ones responsible for this vast migration, with their political war, with
00:23:47their economic war, with their criminal sanctions.
00:23:53The truth has to be said, and truth has to be broadcasted in the conscience of a noble
00:24:02people of Venezuela, that has a right to freedom, to sovereignty, that has a right to democracy,
00:24:09that has a right for the existence of all the political currents, but to add for the
00:24:16homeland, not to destroy them from within, not to try to create a civil war from within.
00:24:22With perseverance and firmness, we have prevented a civil war, and we have defeated them in
00:24:28all scenarios, and in this historical time, we will defeat them again.
00:24:34Write that down.
00:24:35We will defeat them again, to all those extremists, yesterday counter-revolutionaries, today fascists.
00:24:49With patience, patience, serenity, perseverance, and of course, work, always work.
00:25:07Sometimes you work faster, sometimes, you know, slower.
00:25:17As I say to all political, military, police leaders, when it's time to rest, you tell
00:25:24the one next to you, continue you, you take a moment, take a break, and then you continue
00:25:30working together.
00:25:32Work and always work for the future, because those that are working here, we have on our
00:25:39shoulders the destiny of our entire people, and why don't we have the right to a better
00:25:48destiny, or don't we have the right to exist, to independence, to exist, or is it that the
00:25:55only people that have this right are the powerful of the world, the imperialists of the world?
00:26:00Do only them have a right?
00:26:02No, they are mistaken.
00:26:04They committed a big mistake with us, because we are the sons and daughters of this giant
00:26:08that is behind me, that is here, hugging us, with us, we are the sons and daughters
00:26:14of Bolivar, and of all the leaders of this continent that were under the clothes of imperialism
00:26:21by Spain for over 300 years.
00:26:26That's the history.
00:26:38Those that understand well, you can always pick them with the truth.
00:26:43Many of you, but for those that want to listen, always the truth, or I dare not say otherwise,
00:26:52those fascist multimillionaires, they cherish, if only you knew, they compliment themselves
00:27:08on the field march of General Smolanski.
00:27:17They cherish, they compliment themselves, because they have good contacts with the White
00:27:24House these days.
00:27:27With the contacts in the White House, they managed to get all the funds for what they
00:27:33call cooperation projects.
00:27:37I'm not a spokesperson for anyone, but I can show you this here.
00:27:42I have all this here, and they speak among themselves.
00:27:47They managed, I got this amount, that amount, they have this on their phones, ready.
00:27:58They will deposit all this money here before the outgoing government of the White House
00:28:09The General of Divisions and Defeats, Smolanski and Field Marshal of the Pizarro, they applaud
00:28:19What can we say of the vampire Antonio Ledesma, who managed to suck all the blood from the
00:28:28dumb neo-Nazi of Malay, and from a secret fund that they have, that is managed by Patricia
00:28:35Burrich, the minister, they take, and it's not a little money from the Argentine government
00:28:44that is given to Ledesma.
00:28:47They are doing all the money that they need for them.
00:28:53It's a big business conspiracy of this opposition, of these extremists, fascists, for these people
00:29:04that I just named, and many others that are not known and are perverse.
00:29:11You didn't know this.
00:29:12You knew this.
00:29:14Can you bring a coffee, please?
00:29:17To strengthen, right?
00:29:23You like the gossip.
00:29:24We love it.
00:29:25And if I tell you, if I could tell you, do we want more Guaidos?
00:29:42Do we want?
00:29:44I ask the world, a new Guaido for Venezuela?
00:29:51Is that what you want?
00:29:53Do we want more interventionism, a new Lima group, a decaying, that looks more instead
00:30:12of a Lima group, they look more like Sodoma and Gomorrah.
00:30:17If you don't know what this is, look it up.
00:30:21A real Sodoma and Gomorrah has been put around the new Guaido, a museum of terror.
00:30:31In Children's Park in the world, there is something that they call the house of terror,
00:30:36you know?
00:30:37Well, today in Panama, you will be witness of this house of terror, Sodoma and Gomorrah.
00:30:46Paedophiles as Andres Pastrana corrupts bandits and traitors like Maria Moscoso.
00:30:58And the worst of the museum of corruption, of banditry, of drug traffic and pedophilia
00:31:07of former presidents of our Latin American Caribbean is all surrounding the new Juan
00:31:16Guaido, Sodoma and Gomorrah.
00:31:19But they do get a lot of money, a lot of money.
00:31:24Every statement, every tweet, every text, every act, every plane ticket, pay, pay, pay.
00:31:34And the outgoing government of the United States and the State Department of the United
00:31:38States, a blank check, always paying.
00:31:42I wish someone in the United States would investigate how the outgoing government of
00:31:48Joe Biden is using U.S. resources to finance the new Guaido.
00:31:58Enough of interventionism, enough extremism, enough, enough of all these Lima groups, of
00:32:08all these people.
00:32:15Do you remember the Lima group?
00:32:17We should recall that, because the human brain, according to specialists and neurologists,
00:32:23they say that the human brain tends to erase those bad memories, those bad moments.
00:32:29It's only natural.
00:32:32It takes it out.
00:32:35Because the human brain tends to focus on the good things, on the beautiful things,
00:32:40on the positive things, on things that motivate life.
00:32:46At least this life ended up adrenal.
00:32:49The next life, they say, is just joy if one earns it here, heaven, religious utopia.
00:33:02Although those that theology, like Pope Francis, and many, talk about the kingdom of God in
00:33:14the earth, and I believe this as a Christian, but the Lima group managed to have, I was
00:33:23speaking with Celia this last night, you remember, they managed to get colleagues, Ricardo Menendez,
00:33:37Gabriela Jimenez, professors, you that are scientists, 25 countries, with their governments,
00:33:49with their satellite governments, all dependent of the U.S. State Department and its government,
00:33:5725 countries that met every 15 years, every 15 days, and had a statement threatening in
00:34:05the OAS at the petition of Leopoldo Lopez and Guaidó, they approved a military intervention
00:34:14against Venezuela and the reactivation of a lone dead zombie, TIARA, the Inter-American
00:34:23Treaty of Self-Defense.
00:34:27That far-right opposition said that it had to be believable, the threat, in their scheme
00:34:35of imperialist psychological warfare, and the Grima Loop, here in the map of Venezuela,
00:34:52towards the west, Ivanduque, with drug trafficking and paramilitaries and the military encampments
00:35:02training to invade Venezuela, spying with the Pegasus system Venezuela, and leading
00:35:11all the kinds of wars against Venezuela.
00:35:17To the south, we had Bolsonaro's Brazil, preparing with Mike Pompeo in the south an
00:35:25invasion and promoting all plans against Venezuela.
00:35:33Even to the south, further south, Macri in Argentina.
00:35:38In Chile, rest in peace, and the devil has him in his glory, Sebastián Piñera.
00:35:49In Peru, in Ecuador, 25 countries, and we had a higher force to them, because we had
00:36:05Bolívar's moral and the truth of our savior Jesus Christ.
00:36:12We faced them, we resisted them, we defeated them, and one by one, they all went down.
00:36:22One by one.
00:36:23And where is the Lima group today?
00:36:28Who remembers them?
00:36:29Now they want to update the group to Sodoma and Gomorrah, of governments, of decaying
00:36:45governments and former corrupt and pedophile presidents that work in drug trafficking.
00:36:53All of them.
00:36:55What do they offer Venezuela?
00:37:00To colonize it again, to govern themselves, to lead them through a puppet.
00:37:11That is why Venezuela, today our people, flies the flag of the right, the legitimate self-defense,
00:37:22the constitutional defense of our democracy, of our institutionality, of our constitution,
00:37:28and of our right to peace, which is the right to the future.
00:37:33That is why Venezuela is exercising constitutionally and legally all the actions of legitimate
00:37:38defense, internal and external defense, and be certain that from this one will come out
00:37:47even better than all the previous battles that we had, and we will have more peace,
00:37:52more recovery, more growth, and more strength as a country, and we will manage the admiration
00:37:59of the peoples of the world.
00:38:04And the group of Sodoma and Gomorrah and their puppets, that guy that cannot even walk right
00:38:17now, that puppet, his time will also come, as it did to Guaido.
00:38:29At Guaido, they upheld him in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and then in 2023, the U.S. empire,
00:38:43with their diplomacy, preparing all this ambush.
00:38:48Those Democrats that are so well-intended, those people that have honorable words, those
00:38:58guys that are in the government that are going from the government now, we know them well.
00:39:04No one is going to come here and tell you stories, because we have seen them face-to-face.
00:39:13You know who had war 200 years ago?
00:39:15The head of the Spanish armies, General Murillo.
00:39:19You know who had war 200 years ago?
00:39:23The head of the armies of the South, defeated by Antonio Reyes Sucre.
00:39:32Bolivar signed, over 200 years ago, the Treaty of Realization of War, and Bolivar with Murillo,
00:39:40they ended up admiring each other, because they were both men of honor, even though they
00:39:45were at war with each other, and what a war they had.
00:39:50Sucre and Canterac, despite that Spanish army had killed all the brothers of Sucre, as soon
00:40:04as Sucre was proposed the surrender, he negotiated the document where all Spanish troops would
00:40:13be surrendered.
00:40:16What an achievement.
00:40:20And Canterac withdrew.
00:40:23Then in Spain, he was head of the Spanish army with the passing of time, and he never
00:40:30forgot that young man that defeated him, Antonio José de Sucre, Toñito de Cúmara.
00:40:43He never forgot him, because they had honor, they had war, those Spanish military chiefs.
00:40:57Aguaidó, they withdrew him in 2023, everything was ready, diplomacy of the seat was already prepared.
00:41:05I won't say any more.
00:41:07The only thing I will say, Dr. Jorge Rodríguez, as President of the Legislative Power of Venezuela,
00:41:14the Legislative Power, Constitutional Power of Venezuela, you've had to live all these
00:41:23What I can tell you is never again diplomacy of the seat.
00:41:29That is over.
00:41:34Venezuela will be respected.
00:41:37And those that don't have honor, don't have a word, it's over for them.
00:41:45This is the last year of this assembly.
00:41:53Four years with a result extremely positive.
00:42:02Was this said in the 2020 campaigns?
00:42:05I remember the desperate attempts by the imperialist diplomacy of the United States of that time,
00:42:12the desperate efforts of some opposition sectors, so that elections would not be held
00:42:19for the National Assembly of 2020, and we said, it doesn't matter if it rains or thunderstorms,
00:42:26it doesn't matter anything, there will be an election for the National Assembly.
00:42:31And Gustavo Timoteo, I quote you because you have been one of people that have been here
00:42:37in these historical moments from the opposition, from the social democracy of Venezuela.
00:42:42And I hear a lot of your analysis, even though I don't share some of your opinions.
00:42:51But you say that it is possible to live, to live together.
00:42:55It's not that it's only possible, but it is necessary that Bolivarian supporters of Chavez
00:43:02and revolutionaries can live and understand and live alongside with all the leadership
00:43:08and opposition sectors that believe in a constitution and democracy.
00:43:15With the arrival of the National Assembly, with the new National Assembly, on January
00:43:235th, 2021, we began a great time of progress in the stability of the country.
00:43:35And we began this cycle of recovery that for 14 months, we had a recovery of the economy
00:43:48in Venezuela.
00:43:50It came simultaneously, political stability, political peace, political.
00:44:02In the year 2021, there were elections in them at the regional levels.
00:44:07And in 2021, Dr. Jorge Rodríguez, the month of growth began.
00:44:17In 2022, we had 15% of growth of the economy.
00:44:21In 2023, 5.5%.
00:44:26In 2024, Central Bank has not given the numbers, but I think according to the international
00:44:33statistics, that is going to be above 9% of the GDP.
00:44:40The economic recovery is a reality of our country.
00:44:45We must strengthen it.
00:44:47So simultaneously, in the year 2025, has to be a year of progress and of consolidation.
00:44:58We cannot let them steal our peace, our economic recovery, our social recovery, and the right
00:45:05that Venezuela has to follow its own path, its own model, and its own destiny with this
00:45:12constitution in hand.
00:45:18I took note of the important laws that the year 2024 passed in public consultations,
00:45:35the law that creates the Guayana-Zequiva state.
00:45:40This year is going to be an election in the governorship, and we're going to for the first
00:45:45time elect the governor of the state of Guayana-Zequiva, thanks to the law approved by the National
00:45:51Assembly, so that all candidates get ready, Guayana-Zequiva will have for the first time
00:45:59in history, by mandate of law, an elected government elected by the people of Guayana-Zequiva.
00:46:09I will go to that campaign over there for that beautiful thing, to support those elections.
00:46:19Also they approved a reform of the organic law of the communal power, broadening democracy
00:46:28and participation.
00:46:31In November, approved the organic law of the justice and peace of Venezuela.
00:46:37On December 15th, we had the first election of judges for peace, so from here I greet
00:46:44all the judges of peace, the main ones and the substitutes of nearly 2,000 communal circuits
00:46:53of the country.
00:46:54What a wonderful thing.
00:46:56If you could speak and listen, the level that the judges of peace have, we would be amazed.
00:47:05It proves that we have some values and rose awareness of a people that is educated, professional,
00:47:14very valuable people in the communities, that their opinion was never taken into account,
00:47:19and that was a debt that we had.
00:47:20This year, 2025, we also have to strengthen, we have to go strengthening of the capacity
00:47:32of defense of the country.
00:47:37I asked Minister Bladimir Padrino López, as on the context of activating yesterday
00:47:50the integral defense body for being activated, which is done for the first time in our history,
00:47:57I asked that they also draft and present in the shortest amount of time a special
00:48:03law before the National Assembly for the functioning of the integral defense bodies of the country,
00:48:12the special law of ODI as the main body of the state and society to exercise their legitimate
00:48:22right to defense in the face of foreign and internal threats.
00:48:27We are going to talk about this in a meeting today.
00:48:32This body is already activated to defend our democracy, our constitution, our sovereignty,
00:48:37and our territorial integrity, and the right of our people.
00:48:41So this is something, a special call I make for the Defense Commission of the National
00:48:46Assembly to coordinate with the Vice President of Sovereignty, Bladimir Padrino, that he
00:48:56can participate there with the Commission of Foreign Policy, look for, I was speaking
00:49:04with Celia, to look for experiences, because it seems that all the countries in the world,
00:49:14they have the right to defend themselves from terrorism, whether it comes from abroad
00:49:20or domestic, from threats.
00:49:22It seems that all the world leaders have the right to denounce coup d'etat and to defend
00:49:28themselves from coup d'etat, but it seems that Nicolás Maduro and Venezuela don't have
00:49:33that right, that we have to let these aggressions happen and let all these hitmen and terrorists
00:49:40attack us and assume our defeat by coup d'etats announced by TikToks because they do it for,
00:49:49because that's something progressive now, to let ourselves be attacked.
00:49:55They are mistaken.
00:49:57They are completely mistaken with us.
00:50:02The Venezuelan state and the Venezuelan people have the right to the legitimate self-defense
00:50:08before an announced coup d'etat.
00:50:16You know that 125 foreign mercenaries have been detained from 25 nationalities.
00:50:25Yesterday, three Ukrainian mercenaries were detained coming from the war.
00:50:33We detained two U.S. citizens, a high official from the FBI and a high official from the military branch.
00:50:42They fell with their hands dirty.
00:50:45We have the evidence.
00:50:47We have two hitmen from Colombia in two different locations, and they confessed what their mission was.
00:50:56And yesterday, overnight, today, the detention of other mercenaries continues because one
00:51:04information leads to another one.
00:51:06There's lots of great information to dismantle what we are dismantling, a mercenary foreign
00:51:13aggression financed by the outgoing government of the United States.
00:51:20So I tell the world, to the whole world, first learn what is happening in Venezuela,
00:51:28which is the call to a coup d'etat, the call to a civil war, again another call to a civil
00:51:35war, another call to a coup d'etat, and we won't stay with our hands crossed, never.
00:51:46We already have the experience that we had then.
00:51:52How many years is it going to be, 23 years?
00:51:59From the coup d'etat of April 11th, a denounced coup d'etat.
00:52:08We denounced it with proofs.
00:52:14A coup d'etat that everyone knew, they called it on TVs and radio and the press, the same
00:52:23as always.
00:52:24Back then, there were no social medias.
00:52:27How old were you?
00:52:29Eight years you had, and you have seven, and you nine, just little children, and you had
00:52:36eight, you five, six, all children, 20, was a small kid also, I had 39, very young.
00:52:53They called it, and they executed it, and they hired mercenaries that April 11th, snipers,
00:53:01German snipers, to kill their own people in the Avenue, to create the motive, the narrative,
00:53:15their reason to give the coup d'etat against Commander Chavez, and call him a criminal,
00:53:20a murderer, Chavez murdered people.
00:53:24They assaulted power, and right here in this hall, in this palace, Pedro Carmon arrived,
00:53:31arrested in Bogota, a lead coup actor that dissolved all the powers, Pedro.
00:53:39The first thing that he dissolved was the Constitution.
00:53:42He dissolved the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, with that one single decree, he dissolved
00:53:47the Supreme Court of Justice, the Attorney General, the National Electoral Council, the
00:53:52Ombudsman Office, the National Assembly, with one single pen.
00:53:58He took away all the governors that went and signed the decree where he was being dissolved.
00:54:05Your colleague, Manuel Rosales, signed the decree.
00:54:16Today Manuel Rosales is governor, why?
00:54:18Because the people voted for him.
00:54:21I don't know if he will continue.
00:54:27Conspiracy has been too forgiving to those that have stopped the Constitution, too forgiving.
00:54:35I think that time has ended.
00:54:40We have decided that the time of conspiracy and conspirators ends, and a new time comes
00:54:46in Venezuela.
00:54:48Before an announced coup d'etat, an executed coup d'etat on April 11th and 12th, they underestimated
00:54:54the people.
00:54:56This general-in-chief that is here next to me, back then, when he was young, back then,
00:55:03he was a commander of a battalion in Caracas, and this military youth next to the people
00:55:11came together to reestablish the Constitution and to rescue alive Commander Chavez without
00:55:16firing a single shot on April 13th and 14th.
00:55:21You don't have that experience that we had, but that's why we have to tell you and transmit
00:55:26it, and we said back then, you heard us a lot of times say, never again on April 11th.
00:55:36But every 11th will have a 13th, and I say today, Dr. Jorge Rodriguez, never again on
00:55:46April 11th, because on the 13th will be before the 11th.
00:55:53It doesn't matter who it paints, and those that are in conspiracy and coups will see
00:56:02the face of the Constitution and law and justice, because Venezuela has the right to peace,
00:56:11to democracy.
00:56:16So let's move forward.
00:56:22There is a great issue to end this reflection, Dr. Jorge Rodriguez, deputies here, that is
00:56:37the issue of the Constitution of Reform.
00:56:49I'm very excited.
00:56:53Taking the example of Commander Chavez, I announce that on January 10th, after taking
00:57:04my oath as mandated by the Constitution before the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic
00:57:11of Venezuela, the first decree I will sign will be constituting a broad national and
00:57:25international commission to go to a great Constitution of Reform with debates and dialogues
00:57:32of all political sectors, social sectors, economic sectors of the country.
00:57:39In this occasion, that Constitution of Reform will have to come at the seat of the National
00:57:53Assembly in this fifth year of the National Assembly.
00:57:59The National Assembly will be the epicenter of a great debate that has to move the democratic
00:58:07grounds if you ask me what is the objective of that great Constitution of Reform, I would
00:58:15say to define with clarity the model of Venezuelan development for the next 30 years and to democratize
00:58:28to the infinite and beyond the political social life of Venezuela, transform the state
00:58:35in a true democratic state of the people, for the people, with the people, of the people,
00:58:40for the people, with the people.
00:58:45That's the definition.
00:58:46Alfred Nazareth, you are in charge of writing the political documents.
00:58:55What's the objective, the debate?
00:59:01You know that at the University of Communication, International Communication, you have so many
00:59:07spaces of relations, of world relations, I would like that we come, would make a proposal
00:59:15for the planning, a proposal of important men and women of Venezuela to create and form
00:59:29part of this commission that managed to create a Constitution of Reform that ends with harmony
00:59:35and the reunification of Venezuela among a common project.
00:59:41We have to build a great consensus of a Venezuelan of peace, of a Venezuela for the future among
00:59:48all Venezuela without exclusions.
00:59:53Who cares of fascist extremism and those that sell their homeland?
00:59:58Those that are in charge will be, the justice will be in charge of them with the Venezuelan
01:00:04It is a tremendous work, I'm highly motivated for all these tasks and challenges we have.
01:00:14They are true challenges, but in positive challenges, challenges that are worth it for
01:00:30one to feel that life, that one's life and the life of the country has meaning, has a
01:00:38great meaning to build happiness of the people, to build peace and harmony, peace, unification
01:00:48of Venezuelans and before those that pretend to sow hate, vengeance, those that want to
01:00:57create ambushes with commandos and violence, go out there and face them.
01:01:04Who will be stronger, love or hate?
01:01:08What's stronger has to be love, for homeland, for country, for family, for our history,
01:01:17for our community.
01:01:19Who will be stronger, those that want violence and civil war and foreign intervention or
01:01:23those who want peace and national union and respect for our sovereignty?
01:01:28Who will be stronger, the constitution, the institutions, united in perfect popular military
01:01:37union, police union?
01:01:39Who will be stronger, democracy and the people of Venezuela or the empire with their greed
01:01:47and their desire to dominate the world?
01:01:51I know who will be stronger.
01:01:54We will be stronger with the favor of God Almighty, with the example of Jesus Christ
01:02:02the Redeemer always with us and with the strength of Bolivar.
01:02:05I congratulate all of you.
01:02:07We will see each other in the coming days.
01:02:10We have different appointments and I'm highly motivated with what is to come this year 2025
01:02:19where doors are fully open to blessed years full of miracles, great years for the whole
01:02:27of Venezuela.
01:02:28Thank you very much for this information and for this institutional visit.
01:02:34And God be with you.
01:02:35God bless you.
01:02:36This was the meeting, the National Assembly as candidate by the institution came to present
01:02:45the new legislative year after the installation of the National Assembly last Sunday to the
01:02:50President Nicolás Maduro.
01:02:53President Nicolás Maduro received this notification of the beginning of the legislative activities
01:02:57of the National Assembly for the year 2025, received the official document of the Board
01:03:03of Directors established by the constitution.
01:03:11The President Nicolás Maduro expressed went over the history of the National Assembly
01:03:16and the achievements that it has had and all that has been accomplished in the last four
01:03:21years of economic recovery.
01:03:23We're seeing life here on our screen here in Telesur English.
