• 2 months ago
Inside The Flip Off: How did these exes (and their new spouses!) end up back together?!


00:00Well, for the last couple years, Heather and I have been talking about creating a house-flipping competition show.
00:05So, we already knew we wanted to do this, we just had no idea it was against my ex-wife.
00:14You know, we go to sports events for the kids, and we're always like sitting next to Heather together,
00:19and then she starts talking smack to Tarek that she's a better flipper than him, and I could beat you guys,
00:25and then he's like, oh, really? You think you can? Well, let's do this. Let's do a competition.
00:32And then that's kind of how it happened.
00:33And here we are. It sounds like a very interesting, it sounded like an exciting idea at the moment, you know,
00:38but now, you know, a few months later, we're in the middle of this thing, and it's been interesting.
00:41It's a lot of work.
00:42It's a lot of stress.
00:43No one's asked this before.
00:44My only fear and worry would be that they would team up against me, which they did.
00:48No, that's why that's my answer. There's no reason to get deep.
00:50Like, what would I get worried about? You're sweet.
00:52I don't know.
00:54She's Christina.
00:56Did you think that we were going to catfight at all, though? Like, real fight, like, at all?
00:59No, I know both of you, and it's just not in either of you.
01:02Yeah, her and I don't fight with each other. We don't pick on each other.
01:04That's why I turn it to Tarek, because she picks on Tarek all the time,
01:08and then I kind of jump in there, and I start picking on him.
01:11But he takes it well. It's fun.
01:12I'm used to it.
01:13No, absolutely no jealousy. I'm so happy for them, and they make a great couple,
01:16and honestly, he's become a better man.
01:18But my whole thing that I was worried about, I've never shot with her.
01:22Like, what's it going to be like to shoot with her?
01:24Me and Tarek have a playful banter, so I'm like, is she going to be jealous?
01:28Is she not going to like this?
01:29I was more thinking about how I need to be respectful, but right away, it was so easy.
01:33Like, she's actually very easy to film with,
01:35and the three of us create something that's pretty funny.
01:39I mean, personally, concerns, I would say a little bit.
01:43You know, because the last couple of years, we're in a really good place.
01:46We're co-parenting. We're friendly. We've been getting along,
01:49and it took us almost 10 years to get there, right?
01:52And then to go back into working together and filming together and creating content together
01:56and shooting shows together, it's a lot more intimate of a relationship.
02:01So I would say there have been some reservations at times,
02:07but as the show has gone on, as working together has gone on,
02:10we've all realized that it's just daily business.
02:14I think they had a healthy break after Flip or Flop.
02:17It was a nice recharge so that I think when this came about, it was ready.
02:23It was time, you know?
02:24And so they had that little breather away from each other, and then now we're back.
02:27Now we're back right into the fire pit.
02:29It's just time too, you know?
02:31It's been a long time since we split.
02:34It's been a couple years since we filmed together.
02:36I've gone through a lot of personal healing.
02:39I got my life back. I met Heather.
02:41I created this new environment, this new family with Taylor, Brayden, and Tristan.
02:45And I know she's gone through a lot of ups and downs too,
02:48but she's gone through a lot of healing as well.
02:50And I think that, you know, full circle, we came back together
02:53and we remembered that, you know, we have kids together.
02:55We worked together for a very long time, and we're both very competitive.
02:59So it was a good idea to compete against each other.
03:02I think we had sort of like everything came to head a few years ago.
03:06We had an incident on the sports court, and we talked it out after that.
03:10And we sat down together, and we had a truce.
03:13Like, let's stop. This is ridiculous, you know?
03:17We ultimately, of course, it's all about the kids.
03:20And Brayden had to have appendix surgery, and there's a lot going on.
03:23So I feel like there's so many things that happened,
03:25and then all of a sudden it was like, it blew up.
03:27And then after that, we were able to 100% come together,
03:30speak calmly and normally, and all express our feelings.
03:33And since then, we've been totally fine.
03:35I've always gone back to the kids.
03:37Like, they are the most important to me.
03:39And Heather and Christina, right?
03:41The kids are number one.
03:42And for me to become a healthy dad and a healthy husband and a healthy human,
03:46I had a lot of work to do, you know,
03:48because of the time that Christina and I split almost 10 years ago, 2016,
03:52I just got out of two different cancers, and I was on testosterone,
03:55and I was on all these different fat burners and hormones
03:58and all these things the doctors gave me that really messed me up.
04:01So it took a long time to find my way again.
04:03And luckily, I found Tarik.
04:05He can't even lose it like rock, paper, scissors.
04:08I'm not even kidding.
04:09He, like, lost to me, and he actually ran out of the house down the neighborhood.
04:12And he's not even kidding.
04:14He hates losing.
04:16We did this competition, and he was like,
04:18you know me, I will literally chop off my own tongue before I lose that.
04:22I was like, okay.
04:23Oh, yeah.
04:24He's dead serious.
04:25He just doesn't like to lose.
04:26It's not because we're around each other a lot, you know,
04:29for the kids, and we're at school events and sports events,
04:32and we've been in each other's lives, and we've always gotten along.
04:36So it's not like it was, like, all of a sudden,
04:38we were brought together to work and film together,
04:40and we didn't like each other.
04:41We had to pretend like we liked each other, you know.
04:43Like, it's really real.
04:44Like, we do get along.
04:46I mean, I'm a very confident person, and I'm very happily married,
04:50and we're two very different people, and our careers are different too.
04:55And, like, she's designing.
04:57I'm flipping houses.
04:58I do luxury real estate.
04:59So we're just different people, and we just happen to get along.
