• 2 months ago
ليه بنتعصب لما نحس بالجوع؟

“لماذا يتحول الجوع إلى شعور مزعج يمكن أن يثير الغضب؟ هل هو مجرد نقص في الطعام أم أن هناك شيئًا أعمق في طريقة تفاعل أجسامنا مع هذه الحاجة الأساسية؟ اكتشف السبب وراء هذا التحول المفاجئ في المزاج وكيف يرتبط الدماغ بالجوع بطرق قد تدهشك.”

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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00:00How many times have you seen yourself angry and angry without a clear reason?
00:05And after you ate, you ate again, and everything was fine.
00:09You didn't ask yourself why you get angry quickly when you are hungry?
00:13It's not just a random feeling.
00:15This has a scientific explanation and many studies have talked about it.
00:18When we are hungry, our body needs energy to continue working.
00:23Food turns into energy.
00:25This energy comes from glucose, which is a type of sugar in our blood.
00:30When the glucose level decreases, your body begins to send signals to the brain.
00:35And the brain uses glucose to work, especially in decisions and dealing with stress.
00:42When glucose decreases, the brain is under pressure and unable to work normally.
00:47Studies show that there is an area in the brain called the frontal lobe,
00:51which is responsible for controlling the nerves.
00:54And this function is greatly affected when the blood sugar drops.
00:58We come to the role of hormones.
01:00With a lack of glucose, the body begins to produce hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol,
01:06which we call stress hormones.
01:08The goal is to give you energy, but the result is that you get angry quickly
01:14and you feel that everything around you is shaking.
01:17There is a study that says that hunger directly affects moods
01:21and increases anxiety and nervousness.
01:24Another study from the University of Cambridge
01:26has shown that people who eat regular meals are less likely to get nervous
01:31compared to those who eat late.
01:34And to get rid of this nervousness, don't skip your main meals
01:38and try to have a light snack in your bag.
01:41Drinking water regularly also helps, because dryness can increase anxiety.
01:46Always remember that you are not you when you are hungry.
01:50And when you feel nervous, you may not need to eat.
01:53And being nervous when you are hungry is not a weakness,
01:56it is a natural response from your body.
01:59Calm down and have a light snack.
