• 2 months ago


01:27this will cost and impose more threat for the people living in those hazard
01:35prone areas this is something and this is a clear reminder the current the
01:40recent earthquake that whatever China is doing in Tibet Tibetan plateau is
01:45something that people should hold China accountable I'm working at students for
01:53free Tibet India it is actually very sad to see not only China but then some
02:10paid Chinese media and also some of the like major media in the world are using
02:16Shizang instead of Tibet we're very like we're very certain to see the loss of
02:22like 128 plus lives of our own brothers and sisters but then China and
02:26some of the paid medias are using this very mournful events to to how do we
02:34say to play to downplay the name Tibet itself and like it is not only China but
02:40then some other medias too so we will definitely tackle all those medias and
02:44and we have like to reach out to some medias to not you to not use world
02:49Shizang but then instead of instead use the word Tibet because because Shizang
02:54is because Shizang is a propaganda vote by China to you know like Shizang not
03:02only refers to Tibet but then it only refers to the autonomous region of Tibet
03:05so that's why we are like very worried and like historically we can see because
03:11nowadays in UN because of the like because of the localized vote of the
03:18Shizang in in UN they are using what Shizang instead of Uyghurs and and like
03:24East Turkistan so we fear that in 10 years in 20 years it it might happen
03:29also to Tibet so that's why we are like working really hard and we are also like
03:35on a grassroot level to we are working to to let and to let everyone else know
03:40that it is only Tibet not Shizang
03:45My name is Rinzin and I'm a Tibetan living here in India, Dharamshala.
04:02As a Tibetan we feel this is one of the most disgusted disgusting moves by China
04:09it's one of the policies actually to propagate and distort the very history
04:14of Tibet. Tibet has Tibet is and was always called as Tibet there was no
04:19other name in history if you look back you know and this has been Chinese
04:23maneuver to distort history and we have seen especially now it's really
04:29disheartening to see international media and media houses reputed media houses
04:35singing the same tune of CCP you know they are using Shizang and Shizang and
04:41some of them are even using China's Tibet and their Western Tibet which is
04:45totally absurd and I think such negligence such mistakes is something
04:50it's basically quote owing to China's you know propaganda so this is something
04:55that we object and that we should be careful
