• 2 months ago


00:00Namaskaram. Namaskaram to all. All mean all good devotee to Ranganatha. Today is a very
00:15highest happiest to do all. One thing so many events in world but Srirangam is very particular
00:24about Vaigundaya Ghasi. Today is the surga vasal day. What is the happening? What is
00:30the highest happiest day to all? Surga vasal means paramapadam. That is called in Tamil
00:37paramapadam. That is heaven. In the human being only only last day we are going for
00:44the heaven. We are totally surrounding in this lotus feet of lord Narayana. Before our
00:51life sometime plus sometime minus. But all the times watching, monitoring by lord Ranganatha.
01:00All the days we are enjoying but nobody can thinking about the paramapadam. So today is
01:05the important day. This human being only one day is coming to his lotus feet. Before that
01:12the surga vasal opening day the real Ranganatha in paramapadam rupam. Paramapadam Vaigun in
01:20Tamil shlokam Vaigundam Pukubadu Mannavar Vidhiye. One day definitely we are going for
01:27the paramapadam. Before that the surga vasal day all are praying my life is through your
01:35lotus feet. Sometime giving some happiness, unhappiness. But everything is going out.
01:41But that is the sasodha place. Sasodha place is permanent place. We are going for that
01:47place. Before that this is called Booloka Vaikunta. This is Srirangam is called Booloka
01:53Vaigundam. Vaigundam means in heaven. But Boolokam in the universe Srirangam is capital
01:59place of heaven. Nigarana place. So that place is today Ranganatha coming out from the paramapadam
02:06vasal. Paramapadam before that we are going Vraja Nadi. In Srirangam Kaveri. Kaveri called
02:15Vraja in heaven. So before going this place Vraja Nadi, Veda Parayanam. Veda means every
02:22verse is promising verse. Veda means no compromise. The Veda Mantram is his hearing. So this soul
02:30is coming to him. He purifying this atma. Body is destroyed but atma is not destroyed.
02:38So this atma directly going this heaven. Before that this is one of the drama in Srirangam.
02:45Drama. What is our life? What is our last life? Everything is showing this Vaikuntha
02:51Ekadashi festival. So all the people from your place the message is coming to you. You
02:57are also the time for surrendering his lotus feet. That is called Vaikuntha Ekadashi. All
03:04the people praying to lord Ranganatha. Immai, Marumai. Immai means this life. Marumai means
03:10heaven life. So both is coming to all our life. I am praying to Ranganatha. So he is
03:17the boss. He is showing is our life. So this Swarga Vasal day, Vaikuntha Ekadashi day all
03:24the places, all the people are praying and fasting and thinking. Everything is nicely
03:30total days to Ranganatha's feet. He fulfilled all our desires and giving all happiness not
03:36only this. Next generation also to you. Thank you. All the Vaishnava temples celebrating
03:43this Vaikuntha Ekadashi. But Srirangam is very particular. This is called Bhurloka Vaikuntha.
03:50Suppose Vaikuntha means going for the soul, not coming. But Srirangam is showing all the
03:57ways good things. So Vaikuntha Ekadashi festival celebrating only Srirangam. Bhurloka Vaikuntham,
04:04Ranganatha is first Deivam, Dividesam first Dividesam, Swayambhaktakshetram first Swayambhaktakshetram.
04:13So all good things only Srirangam is authorized place. So that Srirangam is celebrating Vaikuntha
04:20Ekadashi. Vaikuntha Ekadashi is very very important compared with other places.
04:25Srimataya Ramanujaaya Navaha. This is Srinivasan, Trimalaya Anantanpillai Srinivasan from Srirangam.
04:31The biggest festival of Srirangam that is Periyathirunad or Thiru Adhyayana Utsavam which is happening right now in Srirangam
04:37is a 22 day long festival. The first 10 days are Pagalpathu or 10 days. The next 10 days are Raapathu or 10 nights.
04:47This Utsavam started in Srirangam which is now followed in all other Sri Vaishnava Dividesams including Tirupati, Kanchipuram and all of them.
04:55This was started by Thirumangai Azhvar, the last of Azhvar.