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01:08they get her market comma school Kajal mama is a big one in mystic a
01:13huge shocking sharms are carnavala ski Jitni Ninda Ki Jai yet come up school
01:20ka antim dint a session Samarth hora a or bettia a to say kishore per signature
01:25a see betta yoga principal nepony chamber may bullock or unkiss shut to Tarwadi a
01:31male teachers case I'm a year old plaga or us cabado inners may or unko blazer
01:36may or a pin codes may her Jana Komash book yeah yeah principal ko abhi tak
01:42Sarkar negraftar kill a kia DC neck committee kaka turn kya yeh I wash a
01:46Carmel school kajal principal a unki avalam hirasat me lekar push touch oni
01:53deputy commissioner Dhanbad Karek is a machete a Calcutta yogi
01:57cure a see betta yoga pita or betta yoga dipty commissioner say she can't keep
02:02licking a Sarkar cover-up operation Karna Milaghi a Agar Carmel school kip
02:07principal key giraftar in a you just the betta question sir kia up so she in a
02:12valley betta yoga must is perky avita hoga kitna trauma in on a jail of a
02:16German coach shut to Tarwadi a male teachers case I'm a much more kia gaya
02:19or just principle kakehne paria kia gaya wo abhi tak bahar kio avalam
02:24principal key giraftar eo or cathartam karvai ho
02:34the gay Agar Sarkar Talmud all Karegi Kyunki a Sarkar Patani mission kiprati
02:39baris Anubhuti rakhti hai or Carmel school mission school hai to Bharti a
02:44janta party Sarko parut reiki up for Gigi a kisi Samani school me a ghatna
02:48yoti chap principle kehne pehassi bettyo kishadu tar diya gaya hote male
02:53teachers ke presence me to kya bhi tak principle bachiyoti principle key
02:57arresting ho jitne log is maukai vardat pe the sabko hirasat me leke karahi se
03:02pustach ho aur in bettyo ki counselling karne ki bhi aushakta manu chikitsak se
03:07ki aap wo trauma sochi male teachers ke saamne assi bettyo ko samoyi group se
03:12shirt utarne ko majboor kia gaya or blazers me aur inners me ghar beja gaya
03:17aise principle ko bahar rehne ka koi aak nahi hai. Sarkar taal matol ki
03:21raajneeti kar rahi hai. Agar hum Sarkar ko chetavani dete 24 ghante ke
03:25andar principle ki ghiraftani nahi hoi toh hum Sarko par utrehenge.
03:36See what has happened in Digwadi of Dhanbad is absolutely shocking and
03:43unimaginable in 21st century. The 25th year of 21st century a principal has
03:49ordered removal of shirts of 80 girls just because you know on the last
03:54functioning day of the school they were signing autographs on each other shirts
03:58and somebody complained and the girls were 80 girls were called to the
04:02principal office and they were asked to strip their shirts were taken off and
04:07they had to go home in inners and only blazers and that to the stripping was
04:12done in presence of the male teachers and the government is trying to do a
04:16cover-up operation just because the school belongs to missionary group with
04:20which the government is very very like you know friendly term will not allow
04:24this why has the principal not been taken into custody the deputy
04:28commissioner comes out with an explanation that today is Sunday
04:30tomorrow will you do will do more investigation no we will not agree to
04:34that immediately arrest the culprit immediately arrest the principal
04:38imagine the plight of the 80 students 80 girls students all of them are minors
04:43who had to take off their shirts in presence of the male teachers just
04:47because of the signatures and autographs on the last day and the principal is
04:51still roaming around scot-free this is a cover-up operation if the principal is
04:56not arrested the sternest of action is not taken against the school