• 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're counting down our picks for the 10 Most Disappointing
00:16Video Game DLCs.
00:25Before we begin, we publish new content all week long, so be sure to subscribe and ring
00:29the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
00:34Horse Armor, The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Apart from being one of the most infamous
00:47pieces of DLC ever, the Horse Armor was also the progenitor for disappointing ludicrous
00:54Sure, nowadays the thought of paying a few bucks for cosmetic goodies is normal, albeit
01:00However, Oblivion's Horse Armor was the exception, not the rule back in 2006.
01:04If you wanted your trusty steeds to look a bit more bougie, then you had to cough up
01:08a few dollars of your hard-earned cash.
01:11Your horses could be decked out in either steel or dwarven armor for that extra fanciness
01:16and an extra boost of protection as you wander around Cyrodiil.
01:20Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go buy that $20 Fortnite skin.
01:32My First Pet Stuff, The Sims 4 Do you want some DLC for your DLC?
01:43If that sounds like you, then get your wallet ready because The Sims 4's My First Pet
01:47Stuff DLC is ready to loot you of $10.
01:51Now the average player might assume that the Cats and Dogs expansion, sold separately,
01:55would kindly include the content of the My First Pet Stuff DLC.
01:59However, think again, this is EA we are talking about after all.
02:03If you wanted to get your grubby mitts on some new pets and some extra crap for your
02:07pets, then My First Pet Stuff truly has it all.
02:10The thought of buying this extra DLC in addition to the expansion in addition to the base game
02:15is truly greedy.
02:16Thanks EA, I didn't want that money anyway.
02:24Lost on Mars, Far Cry 5 Far Cry 5's Lost on Mars DLC isn't disappointing
02:39in the way many other DLCs on this list are.
02:42This is one of those DLCs that just doesn't live up to its predecessors, namely Far Cry
02:473's Blood Dragon expansion.
02:49Now it could be unfair to compare the two, however it's hard not to do so given the
02:53sci-fi similarities.
02:55Lost on Mars sees Nick Rye and Herc battle it out against some menacing alien spiders
02:59on Mars.
03:01Now it's an intriguing enough premise, but the overall package just fails to deliver
03:05on the exploration, action, or humor.
03:07The new Mars open world area is just too small for its own good, and there isn't enough
03:12to see and do to justify a purchase, again especially compared to the off-the-wall behemoth
03:17that was Blood Dragon.
03:19You'll have a bit of fun with the new alien weapons and the robot for hire, pal, but it's
03:23all just too shallow overall.
03:34Frame Data, Tekken 7 The fighting game genre often feels impenetrable
03:48given the high skill ceiling and intense fan bases for many of its games.
03:53One area where rabid fighting games fans can hone their skill is through the use of frame
03:58Frame data helps players to know what advantage or disadvantage they have after utilizing
04:02a particular movement, combo, attack, or ability in regards to hits and blocks.
04:07It's a tactic players can use to learn their given fighter and thus gain the upper edge
04:11in battle.
04:12So, you might assume, surely any fighting game would simply include this frame data
04:17free, right?
04:18Well, in the case of Tekken 7, it has to be purchased as DLC, much to the annoyance and
04:23aggravation of fans.
04:24I mean, come on Bandai Namco, this is a low blow indeed.
04:39Peril of Gorgon The Outer Worlds
04:49Much like Far Cry 5's Lost on Mars DLC, The Outer Worlds' Peril of Gorgon DLC is
04:54lacking in almost every area, especially considering how robust the main game is.
04:59Peril of Gorgon thrusts players onto the planet of Gorgon in hopes of solving a mysterious
05:05While Gorgon is a somewhat unique place to check out, at least for a little while, it
05:09quickly becomes apparent that this DLC feels underbaked, underwhelming, generic, and just
05:14downright disappointing.
05:15The characters aren't all that interesting, the story beats fall flat, and the new weapons,
05:20while interesting somewhat, don't hold a candle to the base game's weapons.
05:24Peril of Gorgon is a prime example of more of the same, and isn't worth the full price
05:28of admission.
05:46Kingdom Hearts 3 Here's something that you don't typically
06:01hear Kingdom Hearts fans say, yeah, this narrative definitely makes sense.
06:05Convoluted, messy, confusing, cryptic are all typically the words you actually hear
06:09when discussing this beloved RPG series.
06:12One would hope that when Kingdom Hearts 3 was receiving DLC, it would possibly help
06:17to add content that better explains the overall story.
06:20Nope, it didn't do that.
06:22We got Remind instead, a piece of story-based DLC that throws narrative sense right out
06:27of the window.
06:28Kingdom Hearts 3 is already a weaker entry in the series, and Remind didn't help here.
06:32For brevity's sake, Remind seeks to tell a parallel tale to the climax of Kingdom Hearts
06:373, where Sora hopes to rescue Kairi from the Keyblade Graveyard.
06:41Remind just sort of feels unnecessary, leaving fans with more questions than answers.
06:57All the DLC, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is a brilliant Dungeons
07:12and Dragons-inspired spin-off of the Borderlands series.
07:15Taking cue from Borderlands' Tiny Tina, Wonderlands is a thoroughly enjoyable high-fantasy
07:20romp through an over-the-top world where you must stop an evil dragon lord.
07:25It's a great experience that combines the loot-driven shenanigans and humor-infused
07:29madcaps of Borderlands with all the D&D goodness you could want.
07:33However, sadly, Wonderlands' DLC, yes, all of it, rolls a natural 1 on the D20.
07:39It's not that it's the worst DLC out there, it just pales in comparison to the base game,
07:44and ends up feeling incredibly disappointing and repetitive.
07:48Each one lacks the whimsy, charm, and humor of the base game, on top of feeling meager,
07:52with poorly designed areas, very few new enemies, and no new gameplay innovations to
07:57enchant you, with each episode more or less feeling the same as the last.
08:01Spread across multiple episodes such as shattering spectroglass, molten mirrors, and coiled captors,
08:07only Tina's Wonderlands' DLC are an easy miss.
08:23The Taken King might just be the most on-the-nose description
08:44for DLC, given that it quite literally took away much-loved content from the base game
08:49while adding in the new stuff.
08:51Now, it needs to be acknowledged that The Taken King is a truly fantastic piece of DLC
08:56in terms of lore and gameplay mechanics that helped Destiny rise to the top.
09:00However, when all of the shiny new good things lock out content for those who simply want
09:04to continue to enjoy the base game, well, that's majorly disappointing to say the least.
09:09The Taken King locked out huge parts of the base game, since it changed up the game's
09:13structure for the DLC.
09:15Things like the Nightfall missions, heroic strikes, and certain Crucible match types
09:19became inaccessible to those unable or unwilling to spend the extra coin for The Taken King.
09:36From Ashes, Mass Effect 3
09:43Everyone loves when important narrative-based content gets locked behind a paywall, right?
09:47That sounds like something players would definitely love.
09:49Well, EA are back at it again, surprise surprise.
09:53Yes, we all know by now that Mass Effect 3's vanilla ending was lackluster and highly disappointing,
09:58especially for those who watched their Commander Shepard grow and augment over the previous
10:02two games.
10:03But come on, making players open their wallets just to get a better quote-unquote ending
10:08that conclusively wraps things up?
10:10Well, that's absurd on so many levels, but that's just what Mass Effect 3 did in the
10:15form of the From Ashes DLC.
10:29True Ending, Asura's Wrath
10:30Gosh, this one really, really hurts.
10:41While Asura's Wrath might not be a household game for many, the 2012 title was heralded
10:46for its overall enjoyable story, intense battles, and over-the-top set-piece moments.
10:51However, the packed-in ending to Asura's Wrath left things on a cliffhanger with the
10:55good ol' to-be-continued text.
10:57So if you actually wanted to get the intended true ending, then you needed to pay up or
11:02miss out.
11:03Greedy greedy.
11:04It's the fact that players needed to purchase this DLC in order to get the full grasp of
11:08the game's narrative, even though it could have easily been included.
11:12That truly makes it and takes the disappointing cake here.
11:15Manipulating fans of your game to cough up more money just to get the true ending is
11:18nefarious indeed, and deeply disappointing.
11:33So do you agree with our picks for this list?
11:35What video game DLC did you find to be disappointing?
11:38Let us know down in the comments.
