• 2 months ago
00:00It's like I almost fell over when I saw that Deshaun Watson retore his Achilles.
00:09Now, I have actually never seen that before.
00:12I've never seen like a guy tears his Achilles.
00:16And in the midst of the rehab, like, you know, he's literally what?
00:20Two, three months out of tearing his Achilles and it's torn again.
00:26How many times have you seen this as a surgeon?
00:28You've obviously seen it before.
00:30I don't remember ever seeing a guy tear it like whoever it was,
00:34Kobe, whoever that tore it.
00:35And then it retore and he had to start over.
00:37That sounds to me like he's finished.
00:41Well, you know, I have seen it tear again, of course, not of my patients.
00:46Right now, but actually not your patients.
00:49Your patients are all perfect.
00:52But part of that is this is why I want my patients to wear a boot
00:56for at least the first three months.
00:59And apparently, yeah, he's about two and a half months.
01:01I guess he was in Miami.
01:02He turned his ankle and they discovered it on exit physicals.
01:06I always say the busiest day of the year for a team doctor
01:09is the day after the season is over.
01:12And so he flew in for an exit physical.
01:14And we talked about it on our podcast.
01:17That's probably how they discovered it.
01:19He probably was out of his boot.
01:20I'm not saying he did anything wrong.
01:21I'm just saying, you know, it is also a hazard of pushing
01:25through rehab hard and early.
01:28Aaron Rodgers last year did it, did not have a retear
01:31and came close to returning to play.
01:33But, you know, I always say NFL sports medicine is driving an Indy car.
01:38Everyone can go fast on the straightaway.
01:40Everyone can slow down to get through the turn.
01:43It's when you know that the turn is coming to slow down
01:46or when the turn is ending to speed up.
01:49That's the trick of it all.
01:50And there's only one piece of good news on.
01:53First of all, I don't think from a physical standpoint,
01:57Deshaun Watson's career is over from a practical standpoint.
02:02And indeed, maybe if you add up all of this time in Houston
02:05really hasn't finished the season in Cleveland and now a second Achilles,
02:10now essentially going to miss all next year from a practical standpoint.
02:15He probably is, because who's really going to give him a starting job
02:18anymore going forward?
02:20And will he be a backup?
02:21I mean, and make backup money.
02:23He's had made a lot of money.
02:25The only silver lining for the Browns here is they're likely able to cash in now
02:31on their 40 plus million dollar insurance policy.
02:35If he doesn't play a snap next season, doesn't help their salary cap,
02:40but it helps the pocketbook of Jimmy Haslam.
02:43Real quick on this, just just if you will on the
02:48the answer.
02:49So the guy retears it.
02:51Now, what do they do?
02:52They they is it the original fix?
02:55And he's back to ground zero day one and he needs 12 months.
02:59How does it work when there's a retear?
03:03Well, hopefully it's just the original fix.
03:06Hopefully they don't need additional grafting, but there's no doubt
03:09they're going to go slower on rehab.
03:12And as it is an Achilles primary tear now, this late in the season
03:17is a tough return for next season.
03:20They're going to slow that process down.
03:22And apparently it's going to be done by the same surgeon that did the first one.
