• 2 months ago
00:00Let's move ahead a little.
00:02Aleema Khan Sahiba has said that we will go towards international human rights organizations.
00:07In my program, you said last time that we are not looking towards Trump,
00:12now Trump has also become a criminal, a stamped criminal.
00:16We are not looking towards anyone else, we are looking towards the public.
00:20So instead of looking towards the public, have you turned towards international human rights organizations, Sheikh Sahib?
00:26Look, we are definitely looking towards the public.
00:29But tomorrow you will say that we are looking towards the public, so we don't need to go to court.
00:33This is how it is.
00:35As much as you want, the public is with you, you keep your case in court.
00:38Tomorrow we will say that because the public is with us,
00:41we don't need to do a press conference and tell the media that the public is with us.
00:45Despite having the public, there are forums and platforms
00:48on which you sit with more confidence due to the power of the public.
00:52You know that the public is with you.
00:54But these platforms are not international human rights organizations, Sheikh Sahib.
00:59These platforms are within the country, because I want to add to this.
01:03Mariam Nawaz believes that you are taking out the trash of the image of Pakistan internationally.
01:09No, the trash of the image of Pakistan internationally is when the people who have won the Mandate Chaur form 47 sit in the government.
01:18It happens when you don't have seats and you become the Chief Minister in Punjab.
01:23It happens when there is a government under the supervision of the PDM.
01:27You sit in it and finish all the family cases and then you get installed in such a prime minister.
01:33They know everything where you try to fix the image.
01:37When you go to ask for money every fourth day, your party has been in power for more than 35 years in Punjab.
01:43And even today you have to go inside China and fulfill the weaknesses of Punjab.
01:47The image is spoiled when you go to ask for money.
01:51The image is spoiled when you do corruption.
01:54The image is not spoiled by raising your voice on human rights.
01:57Now let me tell you something interesting.
02:00There is an IPU, an International Parliamentary Union, which has an office in Switzerland.
02:08And there is an assembly there.
02:09Our people go there twice a year.
02:11And there are standing committees there.
02:13Parliaments from all over the world.
02:14Members from Pakistan and from all over the world.
02:16There are standing committees there.
02:18And there is such a committee where the regimes in these countries are doing injustice to their parliamentarians.
02:24Then there are requests there.
02:26Then the people of the government go there.
02:28They are called and asked.
02:30Pakistan is a member of the IPU.
02:32And as long as I was there, listen, I was there.
02:35These people, these Noon League people and these People's Party people.
02:39They have been giving false applications against each other.
02:44Mr. Shehzad, let me put the other side in front of you.
02:47Because obviously they are not with us now.
02:49Mr. Rana will be with us after this.
02:51They say that you wrote a letter to the IMF.
02:54You protest when the Chinese president comes.
02:56You protest when the Belarusian president comes.
02:58You give a protest date when the SCO comes.
03:00You write a letter to the IMF.
03:02You write a letter to the international organizations.
03:05You give money for lobbying to people sitting outside Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf.
03:09They tell you such a long list.
03:11International organizations, international people.
03:13You are preparing statements against Pakistan.
03:16You are preparing to stop the money.
03:18And the IPU thing is different.
03:21And the international organizations thing is different.
03:24The thing that has harmed Pakistan.
03:26You say that do not send remittances.
03:28So tell me that this is not the thing.
03:30This is a list, isn't it, Mr. Shehzad?
03:32The first thing is this.
03:34This list has all their propaganda.
03:36It's all a lie.
03:38It's all nonsense.
03:40By telling these stories, by giving these remittances.
03:42You will not be accepted by the people.
03:44You were telling these stories in the elections.
03:46What happened?
03:47We were not present there.
03:49Despite that, the people saw what you did.
03:51The world saw everything.
03:52So it doesn't matter.
03:53This is nonsense.
03:55On that visit to China or Belarus.
03:59It was a coincidence that we got such a time.
04:02And when the SCO happened, do you remember?
04:04That we also delayed it.
04:06Why don't you mention that our protest in Multan.
04:08And the England team came there.
04:10It was just two months ago.
04:12So Imran Khan said from inside that the guest team had come there.
04:14You take that protest to another city.
04:16You don't have to mention this.
04:18Mr. Khan is more involved in cricket anyway.
04:21Mr. Khan is more involved in cricket anyway.
04:23He is involved in everything from Pakistan.
04:25So it was a coincidence.
04:27Now someone says that money has been invested in the lobby.
04:30Tell me which Pakistani has invested how much money.
04:33It is very easy to talk.
04:35You are saying that the government should give proof.
04:37Not just talk.
04:38Big sense.
04:39They tell such stories.
04:40Especially the people who have been defeated.
04:42And have been made to sit.
04:43No one believes in their true story.
04:45And on top of that they are lying.
04:47Who listens to them?
04:48SCO will not leave.
04:49No one believes in their true stories.
04:51What will anyone believe in their lies?
04:53So this is your narrative building.
04:56You won Mr. Sheikh.
04:58Which narrative building?
05:00The narrative you give.
05:02And the narrative they have.
05:04We are not talking about lies.
05:05Our narrative is straightforward.
05:07Our narrative is straightforward.
05:09Because of the article 245 of Pakistan.
05:15And it will have to be judged.
05:17The prisoners will have to be judged.
05:19This is our narrative.
05:20This is our narrative.
05:21We will not back down from this.
05:22If there will be demands, we will find out.
05:25Mr. Sheikh, tell me.
05:26This will be written.
05:28This will be written.
05:29Point noted.
05:30Tell me.
05:31A call was made.
05:33In that call, Mr. Imran Khan himself said.
05:35Stop sending remittances.
05:37The government has released data.
05:40In that they are saying.
05:41The record of Tarseelat-e-Zar has been broken.
05:45And a very good Tarseelat-e-Zar has come.
05:47The entire call has failed.
05:49Mr. Imran Khan's PTI.
05:51These are stupid people.
05:53These are political clowns.
05:55Let me tell you.
05:56They are saying that the record has been broken.
05:58They have no shame.
05:591.8 million Pakistanis have left Pakistan in the last 6 months.
06:03These are official figures.
06:05But that would mean more remittances, right?
06:07Listen. Listen. Listen.
06:09Listen to me.
06:10Listen to my answer.
06:11You said that the government is saying that the record has been broken.
06:14So, let me tell you about those 3 months.
06:16In 6 months, 1.8 million people left the country.
06:18Because in your situation, there is no job.
06:22There is no money.
06:23There is no business.
06:24There is no business.
06:25The brains, the good degrees and the skilled people.
06:28They left Pakistan and went.
06:29They must have also sent some money.
06:31Remittances in 2022 and today's remittances in 2024.
06:36You can see how many billions of remittances have been reduced.
06:41It has not increased.
06:43Mr. Sheikh.
06:44Obviously, this is a topic that will be ongoing.
06:47In the next 3 months, we will know the position of remittances.
06:50Thank you very much for joining me in the program.
