• 2 months ago
X-ray dimasukkan ke dalam sistem inovasi – pengguna boleh memuat naik imej dan terus mendapatkan keputusan sama ada terdapat masalah atau tidak.
• Sistem ini hanya memerlukan laptop untuk key-in data bagi tujuan pengesanan.
• Sudah berbincang dengan KKM dan dinasihatkan untuk bekerjasama dengan pihak tempatan – menjalin kerjasama dengan HKM bagi membentuk pasukan penyelidikan yang menyumbangkan 500 imej untuk penambahbaikan serta berkolaborasi dengan IKN.

Kalau korang suka produk ni, jangan lupa untuk mengundi Innovathon people choice awards di www.gempak.com/innovathon ok?

Merealisasikan Impian Inovasi Anda

INNOVATHON kembali dengan musim kedua, sebuah inisiatif menarik bersama Kementerian Ekonomi dan Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi (MOSTI) dengan kerjasama Astro.

Saksikan pertandingan hebat dalam INNOVATHON Musim 2 yang akan disiarkan mulai 30 November 2024. Para inovator tempatan dari pelbagai latar belakang akan tampil dengan idea-idea kreatif dan berinovasi, bersaing merebut hadiah utama. Setiap episod menampilkan cabaran-cabaran sengit yang menguji daya kreativiti dan ketekunan peserta, sambil memberi peluang untuk merealisasikan impian mereka.

Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk melihat bagaimana idea-idea luar biasa ini berkembang dan bersaing di layar kaca! Saksikan #INNOVATHON Musim 2 di saluran berikut.

Setiap Sabtu, 9 PM

🔭ASTRO AEC (Siaran Ulangan)
Setiap Ahad, 6 PM

🔭RTM (Siaran Ulangan)
Setiap Ahad, 9 PM

#Innovathon2 #MotivasiInspirasi #AstroMalaysia #AstroBaharu #AstroGo #sookaMalaysia


00:0095% of lung cancer cases in Malaysia are affected in a rather late stage.
00:14We are actually a project that has been set up specifically to help solve the problem of lung cancer
00:23in an early stage.
00:26With the AI system that we have built, with more than 900,000 x-ray images with labels,
00:33we have trained it, we have taught it.
00:35And now, if someone gives us an empty x-ray image,
00:41we put it in the system and the AI scanner can detect it.
00:46The result of its study can be detected, whether there is a problem or not.
00:50So, it can be used as one of the initial samples.
00:53And with this process, we can see if the patient or those at high risk
00:59can be given priority or priority for the next injection.
01:06I want to tell everyone to stop smoking.
01:12My father died because of smoking.
01:17My brother and I died because of smoking.
01:20Please, I feel sorry for my brothers and sisters.
01:24I feel sorry for my mother.
01:28Please stop smoking.
01:30Life is like a candle that lights up in the wind.
01:35Sometimes it flickers to the right and to the left.
01:38Sometimes it flickers.
01:40Sometimes it lights up brightly.
01:42But when the wind of illness blows hard,
01:46it can be extinguished without warning.
01:51Let's all close our eyes and breathe in and out.
02:01Breathe in and out.
02:05It is very peaceful and calm because this is the sound of a normal person's breathing.
02:10But try to listen to this breathing sound.
02:15It hurts. It torments. It torments.
02:19Because this is the breathing of a cancer patient.
02:23If we look at the X-ray images in front of us,
02:26the first, the second, and the third,
02:29can you see which one has a new cancer problem?
02:32Only radiologists who have 10 years of experience
02:37can make a diagnosis.
02:39And unfortunately, these experts are only in big hospitals.
02:43They want to get a diagnosis,
02:45but they don't know how many weeks or months until they get it.
02:47Alternatively, we can go to a private hospital
02:49and do a low-dose CT scan with a machine like this.
02:53But the cost may be thousands of ringgit.
02:55And today, we will introduce a local innovation,
03:01Scanser AI, a new cancer detection system
03:05that is powered by AI technology.
03:08We have trained our AI model with more than 900,000 X-ray images.
03:15And now, if we insert an X-ray,
03:17Scanser AI can detect problems in the lungs,
03:21including the risk of lung cancer,
03:24in just 3 seconds.
03:26Dr. Saiful, please show the demo of Scanser AI.
03:28Okay, we enter the information or X-ray image,
03:33and we press the button.
03:34In 3 seconds, 1, 2, 3,
03:37we will be shown the risk of lung-related diseases.
03:41And if we press the heat map here,
03:44it will show the location of the disease.
03:48Here, we can see there is a nodule mark.
03:51And from the information here,
03:53we will send it straight away and refer the patient
03:56to a nearby hospital for further action.
04:01To commercialize,
04:04to release other MDAs,
04:07how many more X-rays,
04:08what is the bare minimum threshold
04:13of the number of X-ray scans and accuracy that you must achieve?
04:17We have already referred to MDAs.
04:20Actually, to be commercialized,
04:22we need at least 80%.
04:25So actually, for the X-ray image,
04:27it has a minimum.
04:29Actually, how many images doesn't matter,
04:31but what's important is that the more images,
04:33the more accurate the accuracy.
04:37But he already got 900,000,
04:40so the algorithm cancels, right?
04:44So actually, they are ready.
04:46All he needs is a better software developer
04:49to make the UI, UX better, right?
04:52But the problem is,
04:53he researches, we make research.
