• 2 months ago
അതിരാവിലെയായിരുന്നു പ്രതിഷേധ പ്രാർത്ഥന തുടരുകയായിരുന്ന വൈദികർക്കെതിരെ പൊലീസ് നടപടിയുണ്ടായത്


00:00I am a market.
00:02There are no power plants.
00:04Everyone is doing their own business.
00:06The police has come here for a protest.
00:08The doctors are holding his hands.
00:10You should have told us earlier.
00:12You should have brought three kilos of banana.
00:14We will come later.
00:16You are hungry.
00:18Where did you come from?
00:20I came from Abinthi.
00:22Show the newspaper.
00:24The police has started a hunger strike in Brazil.
00:28The police has come here for a protest.
00:30The doctors are holding his hands.
00:32You should have told us earlier.
00:34You should have brought three kilos of banana.
00:36We will come later.
00:38You are hungry.
00:40Where did you come from?
00:42I came from Abinthi.
00:44Show the newspaper.
00:46The police has started a hunger strike in Brazil.
00:48The doctors are holding his hands.
00:50You should have told us earlier.
00:52You should have brought three kilos of banana.
00:54We will come later.
00:56You should have told us earlier.
00:58Show the newspaper.
01:00The police has started a hunger strike in Brazil.
