अहमदाबाद/गुजरात: अहमदाबाद में साबरमती नदी के किनारे रिवरफ्रंट पर आज से पतंग उत्सव की शुरुआत हो चुकी है। इस उत्सव में 47 देशों के 143 और भारत के 11 राज्यों के 52 पतंगबाज हिस्सा ले रहे हैं। यह उत्सव 11 से 14 जनवरी तक चलेगा और अहमदाबाद के रिवरफ्रंट के साथ-साथ स्टैच्यू ऑफ यूनिटी, राजकोट, वडोदरा, सूरत जैसे शहरों में भी आयोजित किया जाएगा। कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत वैदिक मंत्रोच्चार और सूर्य स्तुति से हुई। पतंग उत्सव के दौरान सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम भी आयोजित किए जाएंगे। यह पतंग उत्सव मुख्यमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के कार्यकाल में शुरू हुआ था और तब से हर साल आयोजित हो रहा है। देश-विदेश के पतंगबाज अपने अनुभव साझा कर रहे हैं जिससे यह उत्सव पहले से और भी खास बन गया है।
#GujaratKiteFestival #KiteFestival2025 #InternationalKiteFestival #SabrmatiRiverfront #KiteFlying
#GujaratKiteFestival #KiteFestival2025 #InternationalKiteFestival #SabrmatiRiverfront #KiteFlying
00:00Bhupendra Bhai Modi, when he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat,
00:04since then he has started a kite festival in Ahmedabad, in front of Sabarmati building.
00:13Today, for at least 25 years, there is an international kite festival in Ahmedabad.
00:20Bhupendra Bhai Patel is the Chief Minister of Gujarat.
00:23Apart from Ahmedabad, there is an international kite festival in 11 different tourist areas of Gujarat.
00:34People from many countries of the world participate in the kite festival,
00:41and the state government arranges for it.
00:43This year, the cultural program that was organized was also a great program.
00:47The state government has also arranged for tourists from abroad to come and visit the festival.
00:58Yes, of course. I also spent some time in Goa, and over there it was also really beautiful.
01:03I really like the food, sometimes a bit too spicy, but I do like it, it's really tasty.
01:11This is my fifth time coming here to India. I like coming here, the atmosphere is nice.
01:18I like the kites, you know, and I design my own kites.
01:23Mostly I do stick kites, which is a very popular kite.
01:32I have done that five times on the rooftops now.
01:37I like it a lot. I know about him, yes. He has done a lot of nice things, you know, for the country.
01:45He is, I think, one of the best prime ministers there is, no?