• 2 months ago


00:00During the pandemic, when all the factories were being shut down, people's jobs were being snatched away, people were losing their homes, jobs were being lost, everything was being shut down.
00:13At that time, Archana Kushwaha was returning from Surat to West Champaran. That pandemic was no less than a nightmare for her.
00:24Everything was dark. When Archana Kushwaha returned to West Champaran, what did she see and how did she forget this pandemic?
00:34We will talk to her. Today, she is the owner of a sari and lehenga factory.
00:40Archana ji, ETB Bharat.
00:43You have returned from Surat during the pandemic.
00:47What did you feel when you returned here?
00:51The pandemic was like a nightmare. When the lockdown was imposed, all our work was shut down.
00:58When I was returning to my home in West Champaran, I was worried about what I would do there.
01:04I was worried about my children and my family. I was worried about how I would manage my expenses.
01:09I was worried about what I would do there. Would I get work there or not?
01:14When I returned to my home, with the help of the central government, the state government and the district DM, I got Rs. 25 lakhs.
01:24With this, I started my startup in West Champaran.
01:27You have set up such a big startup.
01:30What do you feel now? You have forgotten the pandemic.
01:33Today, you are where you are. You have worked hard. How do you feel today?
01:38I am very happy. I never imagined that I would become the owner of my own business.
01:42I have given employment to 25 people. Many people are working here.
01:47I supply clothes, saris, etc. to West Champaran, Betia, Patna, Gorakhpur and UP.
01:56You go to different states, from UP to all over the world.
02:03What is your turnover here?
02:05My turnover is Rs. 3 crores in 3 years.
02:08This is my third year. It has been 5 years since I opened the factory.
02:12But for the past 3 years, my factory has been running well.
02:17This year, my turnover is Rs. 3 crores.
02:20So, you started with a needle and now you are working with an aeroplane.
02:25So, you started with a needle and now you are working with an aeroplane.
02:31My turnover is Rs. 3 crores.
02:34When Arsena Kushwaha returned from Surat during the pandemic,
02:39what must have happened to her?
02:41Everything was dark.
02:43But when I got the support of the government, everything is bright.
02:48Today, she is happy. She is happy at home.
02:51I did not have to go out.
02:53Today, I am the owner of a factory in my own state.
02:57I have given employment to 25 people.
03:00Jitendra Kumar Gupta, ETB Bharat, B.T.I.
