• 2 months ago
00:00Kyle, congratulations, second time that you've won the Strat Puffer, how does it mean to you?
00:05Oh thank you very much, first of all that's very kind and reading the absolute world,
00:10what a race, definitely my favourite race on the calendar, it's just the atmosphere,
00:17the organisers, everyone is just so amazing and yeah, just love it, can't beat it.
00:25The conditions weren't for the faint-hearted, it was down to double digits negative-wise,
00:29what was it like riding it?
00:31Oh it was definitely wild out there, it was like cross-race, it was almost like
00:37like a cyclocross race, it was just like, it was like riding in stands, it was,
00:42what an experience, I always want to ride a snowy puffer and I'm very lucky to get one today, so
00:49You always do well in this event, but what does this year mean to you in particular,
00:54compared to your previous one?
00:55Oh thanks very much, you know, the first one was just, that was amazing, but this one is
01:02just equally, yeah, it's super special to myself and my family and friends, it's just,
01:12it's a solo, they say a solo race as such, but it's a full team sport, you know,
01:18they've done such an amazing job and I couldn't have done any of it without them, so.
01:23Were you aware of how far ahead you were in the race?
01:26You know what, it seemed like it could have changed at any point because everyone was,
01:31everyone was flying, we got a bit of a gap and I can't even remember what time it was,
01:37but we just pushed on and I kind of, I didn't, didn't kind of check too much,
01:42just kind of kept pedalling, kept pushing pedals and just see what happens, so yeah.
01:48And just to be greeted by your loved ones at the end, that must make it extra special too.
01:53Yeah, that means, again, that means the absolute world, yeah, my wife Diane, my mum,
01:59my sister and her fiancé and friends, you know, it was, let's say, yeah, dream come true again,
02:06so yeah, over the moon. Are you coming back next year to claim a hat trick?
02:10Oh, well, I don't know about that, I don't know about that, we'll see what's on for next year,
02:18but yeah, even if I'm not here next year, this can't be that much bigger than me.