• 2 months ago
India-Bangladesh Border: এখনও থমথমে সীমান্তের সুখদেবপুর গ্রাম, কোন আশঙ্কায় ঘুম উড়েছে বাসিন্দাদের?



00:00Yes, they can. Today, I have heard that 6-7 people have gone into the water.
00:03They have gone into the well.
00:05Yes, they have gone into the well today.
00:08When they heard the sound of the water, the B.S.F. was on the road.
00:13Yes, they were there.
00:14When they heard the sound of the water, they went inside.
00:186-7 people have gone into the well.
00:21They heard the sound of the water and went inside.
00:24Why did they come to India?
00:25The Ugras are coming to India.
00:28When they come to India from Bangladesh, they benefit.
00:32Did they stop you from giving the money?
00:34Yes, they stopped us from giving the money.
00:36They went to Gurugala.
00:38They went to Gurugala and sold their meat.
00:40They benefited.
00:42They benefited.
00:44Did they stop you from giving the money?
00:45Yes, they stopped me from giving the money.
00:46Did the B.S.F. build a bank there?
00:50Yes, they built a bank there.
00:51They have everything in their land.
00:54Are you cutting down the crops?
00:56Yes, we have everything in our land.
00:59Are you cutting down the crops?
01:00Yes, yes.
01:01Who is cutting them down?
01:02The Bangladeshis.
01:03Why are they cutting them down?
01:04They are cutting them down and eating the cows and the sheep.
01:08They have been destroying our land for 5 years.
01:20We can't go back in time.
01:24Are you cutting down the trees?
01:26Yes, we are cutting down the trees.
01:28We cut down the trees 2 months ago.
01:32What can we do?
01:33We cut down the trees.
01:34They didn't bear any fruit.
01:36The benefits we will get from this will be minus points.
01:43We have lost.
01:45We didn't benefit.
01:46Who are you?
01:47Tarapada Mandir.
01:49The situation is like this.
01:51The work has been stopped since yesterday.
01:54They don't let us work.
01:56Our BSF is going to work.
01:58They have taken away all our rifles.
02:01They have destroyed everything.
02:04Our BSF can't do anything.
02:08They can't do anything.
02:10Why did they destroy everything?
02:12They destroyed everything.
02:14If they destroy everything, they will fire.
02:17They will fire?
02:18Yes, they will fire.
02:19I haven't seen anything.
02:22Yes, BGV.
02:23For so long.
02:25Are they gathering people in Bangladesh?
02:27Yes, thousands of people are coming to the village.
02:29For so long.
02:30Do you have terrorists in your house?
02:34If they take away our future, will we be able to live?
02:38We can't live.
02:40They will fire at us with guns.
02:43Yes, they will fire.
02:44We have lost our lives.
02:46We have lost our lives.
02:47We can't live in peace.
02:49What is happening here?
02:52The terrorists entered your house.
03:03What is your name?
03:05They have destroyed everything.
03:07They have destroyed everything.
03:11The BJP, the Bangladesh Border Guard, they don't want to be here.
03:16They want to bring in the water money.
03:22That's why they are creating problems.
03:24What will happen with the water money?
03:26Nothing will happen.
03:27The water money will come.
03:29The government has no money.
03:32They will send the soldiers to India.
03:36They will destroy India.
03:37The soldiers will come?
03:39I don't know if they will come or not.
03:40I'm not sure.
03:42They don't come.
03:44But there are other governments now.
03:46There is no government.
03:48There is no government.
03:49There is the UNIS government.
03:50They are creating a bunker.
03:51They are creating a bunker.
03:53Who created it?
03:56The Bangladesh Border Guard.
04:00Are you from Bangladesh?
04:02Yes, we are from Bangladesh.
04:03We have been here for a long time.
04:04Are you terrorists?
04:06We are terrorists.
04:07We are ready. We are ready to fight with them.
04:11We are ready to fight with them.
04:15What about their facilities?
04:17They will send us money for water.
04:23They have facilities.
04:27What is your name?
04:29They have cut down the trees.
04:39We have cut down the trees.
04:45How many hectares of land do you have?
04:47We have 150 hectares of land.
04:54They have cut down the trees.
04:59So you are not going to charge them?
05:01No, we are not going to charge them.
05:07What is your name?
05:10They have cut down the trees.
05:14They have cut down the trees.
05:16They have cut down the trees.
05:18They have cut down the trees.
05:20They have cut down the trees.
05:22They have cut down the trees.
05:24They have cut down the trees.
05:26They have cut down the trees.
05:28They have cut down the trees.
05:30They have cut down the trees.
05:32They have cut down the trees.
05:34They have cut down the trees.
05:36They have cut down the trees.
05:38They have cut down the trees.
05:40They have cut down the trees.
05:42They have cut down the trees.
05:44How many telegraph towers do you have?
05:46We have 150 telegraph towers.
05:50How many?
05:54Did you have to pay for it?
05:56Yes, we had to pay.
05:58Are you going to fight with the people who have cut down the trees?
06:04Who are you going to fight with?
06:06We have to fight with the terrorists.
06:08We have a guarantee.
06:10They have cut down the trees.
06:12They have cut down the trees.
06:14We have to fight with the terrorists.
06:16We have to fight with the terrorists.
06:18What is your name?
06:20My name is Kolas.
