• vor 3 Tagen
Der introvertierte Karikaturist Chester Brown wird etwas überrumpelt, als seine Langzeitfreundin Sonnny Lee eine offene Beziehung vorschlägt. Während Sonny als fröhlich ihre neue Freiheit genießt, zögert Chester noch. Schließlich ringt er sich jedoch dazu durch, mit Sexarbeiterinnen zu schlafen und entdeckt dabei eine ganz neue Seite von Intimität. Paying for It ist eine Adaption des gleichnamigen autobiografischen Graphic Novels von Chester Brown.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/paying-for-it
00:01Think I'm falling in love with someone else. What do you want to do?
00:05I guess I'm just asking for your permission to see where this goes
00:12We haven't had sex in so long my birth control expired I
00:16Don't feel bad. It's what Sonny wants and I'm willing to go along wait till she starts having sex and your jealousy will really sit
00:26You're not exactly social what will you do to compete well, it's not a competition you could hire a prostitute
00:36It's your first time this is about what you want, I want to have vaginal intercourse with you, okay
00:44You look happy, I just saw a prostitute
00:48I realize Chester
00:51If there is no way I am paying for sex the disease factor alone is too scary. Yes, plus you're too cheap
01:00The romantic love is bullshit, and I'm not wasting any more time chasing
01:05No kissing on the mouth no digging for gold no dining at the Y no water sports
01:10No body slides no hugging and we use condoms for everything including blowjobs
01:15Okay, is this too much it looks like I have a vagina on my face
01:24Jealousy isn't natural. It's learned behavior
01:29What if it was just you and me that would be complicated
01:36Pop are you are you a cop no?