Nachdem sein Vater finanzielle Schwierigkeiten bekommt, muss der 12-jährige Max in Coco Farm seinen Garagen-Laden schließen und aus der kanadischen Stadt Montreal aufs Land ziehen. Die wohlschmeckenden Hühnereier auf dem Frühstücksstisch geben ihm jedoch eine neue Geschäftsidee und mit seinem Cousin Charles und YouTuberin Alice bringt er den Farm-Verkauf seiner Familie auf Vordermann.
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00:05I found a business.
00:06Oh, okay. What is it?
00:08I'm going to start a poultry farm with Charles.
00:10They just sold hens.
00:11Are they hens?
00:12I don't know.
00:13In the morning, I ordered a first 300.
00:15And in no time, we're going to get to 500
00:17and we're going to make $100,000 a month.
00:19Have you ever thought about how you're going to buy 500 hens?
00:22Who's going to take care of 500 hens?
00:24Where are you going to put 500 hens?
00:27Do you think you're going to need employees?
00:29People today don't buy a product anymore.
00:31They buy why you're making your product.
00:33What do I propose?
00:34I'm going to take full charge of the branding.
00:36We have a new logo.
00:37It's the wolf that's painting it.
00:38Why don't we put a big sign
00:40with lots of little lights around it,
00:42like at the dance?
00:43Like at the bingo?
00:45This is the list.
00:47The amounts for the quotas are written on it.
00:50I'll leave you until Friday to comply with the regulations.
00:52If you want to survive in the agricultural business,
00:55you have to join the mass.
00:57The mass is poisonous.
00:59They won't touch my chickens.
01:02Who are we to produce eggs?
01:04Homo sapiens.
01:08I don't have the money to pay you.
01:09I don't need the money.
01:11To feel like you're helping something,
01:13that's important.
01:16Coco Ferme isn't about eggs.
01:17It's about the idea that what we eat
01:19should come from animals that are loved.
01:20My mom always tells me
01:21it takes a village to raise children.
01:23It takes a village to start a business.
01:26Coco Ferme, it's going to be something
01:28we're going to build together.
01:31Hey, you guys!
01:32Are you going to have a little bath?
01:34No, no, no.
01:35Oh my God!