• 2 months ago
Jerman mencatatkan, jumlah kebangkrutan perusahaan tertinggi sejak 2009 pada kuartal terakhir tahun lalu. Pada kuartal IV-2024 sebanyak 4.215 perusahaan mengalami kebangkrutan yang mempengarahui hampir 30.000 pekerjaan.


00:05Thank you for joining us.
00:07Germany's highest number of companies crashed since 2009
00:11in the last quarter of last year.
00:13In the fourth quarter of 2024,
00:154,215 companies went bankrupt,
00:19affecting almost 38,000 jobs.
00:23Germany's highest number of companies crashed since 2009
00:27in the last quarter of last year
00:29according to a study by the Halle Institute for Economic Research
00:32or IWH, which was released last Thursday.
00:36This survey shows the impact of high-priced flowers.
00:42In the fourth quarter of 2024,
00:444,215 companies went bankrupt,
00:48affecting almost 38,000 jobs.
00:54This number records a level that has not been seen
00:56since the global financial crisis in mid-2009.
01:00Compared to the fourth quarter of 2023,
01:04the number of bankruptcies at the end of last year increased by 36%.
01:08This institute links this negative development
01:11not only with the current economic crisis
01:13and the increase in energy costs and revenue,
01:15but also with the monetary policy of the past.
01:19The increase in the flow rate and the abolition of subsidies
01:22is considered to be the cause of the lowest effect
01:24on the increase in the number of bankruptcies
01:26that has been started since 2022.
01:29From the sector side,
01:30the service sector recorded the largest jump
01:32in the number of bankruptcies,
01:34increasing 47% compared to the previous year,
01:37higher than the manufacturing sector,
01:39which increased by 32%.
01:42Various sources IDX channel
