• 2 months ago
Link Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ZBVEEk
00:01:30You're going too fast for a load like that.
00:01:52What do you think we are?
00:01:54Sorry, miss.
00:01:55What's the hurry?
00:01:56I'm Rick Daniels, press agent for Coal King's Varieties.
00:02:00This Mr. Coal King himself.
00:02:02We have taken the Rutherford Mansion, Sergeant.
00:02:04Could you direct us?
00:02:05Well, there's no way to miss it.
00:02:07Look, Sarge.
00:02:08I'll take it easy.
00:02:09There's no need in handing us the ticket.
00:02:10These girls have worked hard on the show all winter.
00:02:12We're on our way to the beach for a month.
00:02:14If you want, I'll call your lieutenant and...
00:02:18That's enough, Daniels.
00:02:19The Sergeant understands.
00:02:20You'll see the Rutherford Place down the road to your left.
00:02:23Go a little slower.
00:02:24You've got a valuable load.
00:02:26Oh, Sergeant.
00:02:29Well, well, I fixed that.
00:02:55Come on, girls.
00:03:09Look at this.
00:03:14Oh, fine.
00:03:15This is wonderful.
00:03:16Well, pretty house.
00:03:17You're Mrs. Weebles, the housekeeper?
00:03:20The broker told you to expect us, of course?
00:03:26I'm Mrs. Thorne, wardrobe mistress of the company.
00:03:29Come in.
00:03:35Your baggage has arrived, it's upstairs in your rooms.
00:03:39Upstairs, girls.
00:03:43May we take a look at the rest of the house?
00:03:47Ah, this would be Mrs. Pebbles, huh?
00:03:49Mrs. Weebles.
00:03:50No banter, Daniels.
00:03:52While cheer up, youth and beauty have arrived in brilliant wit.
00:03:55The old house will re-echo to music and laughter.
00:04:02Show people.
00:04:07Oh, this place needs a little air.
00:04:11Yes, a little dusting wouldn't hurt either.
00:04:13I should say not.
00:04:16Oh, what a beautiful view.
00:04:18But the ocean always makes me sad.
00:04:21Ghosts are here, ghosts of gayer days.
00:04:23I once lost a dear friend by drowning.
00:04:26Where's that caretaker?
00:04:29Oh, we wanted to use this for rehearsals in a general sitting room.
00:04:33Yes, ma'am, I'll get some dusters.
00:04:36Drink is the root of all evil.
00:04:40Uh-oh, one of them.
00:04:42Probably a very sincere, kind woman.
00:04:45I'll be back to help as soon as I see if the girls are all right upstairs.
00:04:49And Marcia gets a whole suite to herself.
00:04:51That's your choice by right, Winifred.
00:04:53Oh, no, Ruby, Marcia's our lead for the next season.
00:04:56This room's been cleaned, it's really nice.
00:04:58I think we should bring more beds.
00:05:00All the rest of us sleep in one room.
00:05:02It'd be safer.
00:05:04What are you feeling unsafe about now?
00:05:06In this big house, anything.
00:05:08Just anything could happen.
00:05:11Oh, Winifred, Adelaide.
00:05:13I think it would be better if you girls shared the rooms with Marcia.
00:05:16Well, this I call a grand plaisir.
00:05:18We can manage you very well, Mrs. Brower.
00:05:20Go on, you goose, we'll help you take over.
00:05:23This I call a swell break.
00:05:25Oh, girls, no horseplay.
00:05:27Where's Centaur?
00:05:28Maiden waiting to the sole great star, Marcia.
00:05:32Come on, Lois.
00:05:34And Clem, this we gotta see.
00:05:36Oh, I think I'll just stay here.
00:05:40Marcia isn't going to like this.
00:05:42I hope.
00:05:45Oh, Marcia.
00:05:46The other room in this suite is for Winifred and Adelaide.
00:05:49I was going to put Centaur in the other room.
00:05:51I'm sorry, Marcia.
00:05:53Centaur isn't a maid.
00:05:54She'll stay with the other girls.
00:05:56Oh, clumsy don't with a cruel thing.
00:05:59I could put that down.
00:06:00Girls, please.
00:06:02I'd talk with you.
00:06:03Leave me, I want to talk with her.
00:06:04There's no need for us to use the room.
00:06:06The arrangements have already been made.
00:06:08Come, girls, I'll have no quarreling.
00:06:10Sicker, Adelaide, sicker.
00:06:13I knew something dreadful was going to happen when we came here.
00:06:16Oh, now, dear, come along.
00:06:17Maestro expects us all entrance with him before evening.
00:06:24Again you make trouble with your bad temper
00:06:26and your so grand manners.
00:06:27I might suggest you mind your affairs.
00:06:30In Switzerland, in France, always the same thing.
00:06:33You flirt with rich men and poof, trouble.
00:06:35I would advise you to mind your own business.
00:06:38You make the fool of Colt King, same as the others.
00:06:41You will ruin the show.
00:06:42I will own this show.
00:06:44And listen, you know the maestro's rules.
00:06:47What if he were to find out that Doc Brandt is your husband?
00:06:50There is other work in this country.
00:06:53Women like you, someone should like that.
00:06:56Furthermore, the maestro and a lot of other people
00:06:59might like to know who Doc Brandt really is.
00:07:03Bad as you are, you would not do a thing like that.
00:07:07But we're all going swimming before dark, dear.
00:07:15Pig, I could kill her.
00:07:31Well, where have you been?
00:07:33Pick those things up.
00:07:35No, wait a minute.
00:07:38We're going swimming, but I'll get you excused.
00:07:41I want you to go to Adelaide's trunk for me.
00:07:44Oh, please, don't make me steal.
00:07:46Steal? Who do you think I am, Fagin?
00:07:49Look, in Adelaide's trunk there's a small metal box.
00:07:53There are some letters in it.
00:07:54No, Marsha.
00:07:56Please, I can't.
00:07:58Do you want the maestro to know that you're under 18?
00:08:00Oh, I can't lose this job, Marsha. I can't.
00:08:03It's my chance and, well, I need the money.
00:08:08Bring me three or four letters.
00:08:11Three or four will do.
00:08:17All right, let's go then.
00:08:21All right, Max.
00:08:25Mr. King will be down soon, girls. Then we can swim.
00:08:28Oh, maestro making an entrance, eh?
00:08:31I just deserve not to win.
00:08:32Of course you'll swim, dear.
00:08:34Sun, sea air, exercise, that's the tonic.
00:08:36Say, where's Lois? She has a headache.
00:08:39I don't think I'll go in either, Mr. Thorne.
00:08:41Well, that'll be all right then, Lois.
00:08:43Come on, girls.
00:08:47Perfect. Perfect, Daniels. We should have pictures.
00:08:51We're posing a set for the magazines tomorrow.
00:08:53Good. Then today we swim.
00:08:58Come on, sweetheart.
00:09:01Come on.
00:09:04Come on, sweetheart.
00:09:07Come on. Come on. Come on.
00:09:09Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
00:09:37Where's Marcia?
00:09:39Her robe was gone when I came out.
00:09:41Maybe she's ill or something.
00:09:43I hope it's serious.
00:09:45This woman, she's sick all the time. Inside.
00:09:50Has anyone seen Marcia?
00:09:52I think she went up to the house, maestro.
00:09:58I wonder if Marcia and maestro quarreled.
00:10:00You can't quarrel with a lap dog.
00:10:06I don't think so.
00:11:16The root of evil.
00:11:18You said it. Lots of evil has come out of the sea.
00:11:20The world, for instance.
00:11:22Liquor is the root.
00:11:24Crime the stem and branches.
00:11:26And what's the fruit?
00:11:59You look like if you have seen the ghost.
00:12:02It's kind of chilly.
00:12:06Did you see some toy or noise?
00:12:08No, I... I was just in the cabana.
00:12:19Lois, you in there?
00:12:21Come on.
00:12:37Marcia, what have I done?
00:12:39What's going on?
00:12:48What happened?
00:12:51Quiet, girls, please.
00:12:53I think you better leave the room.
00:12:55Look, maestro, for the good of the show, Lois is dead.
00:12:58She'll not mind if it looks like an accident.
00:13:00You couldn't move the body?
00:13:02Why, sure, to the beach. It'll look like a drowning.
00:13:04We'll work it out when the fuss dies down.
00:13:06It'll be easier on Lois's mother, too.
00:13:08You press agents are all calloused.
00:13:10I forbid it.
00:13:12Take the edge off the fresh news breaks and we can handle it quietly, I tell you.
00:13:15I forbid it.
00:13:17She was garroted a cord around her neck.
00:13:19What kind of a cord is that?
00:13:21A silk cord. Silk, huh?
00:13:23That's an old Chinese custom.
00:13:27Now, Clem, this is no time for hysterics. Come on.
00:13:29Come on, girls, come. We'd better leave right now.
00:13:40Oh, for heaven's sake, Clem, let up.
00:13:43Don't let her come near me!
00:13:45Clementine, control yourself.
00:13:47She drank a silk cord!
00:13:49She was in the house with poor Lois all the time!
00:13:52Oh, I wish Doc were here. What she needs is a pill.
00:13:55You'll have to humor him.
00:13:57Oh, sure, Clem. The Chinese garrote people all the time.
00:14:00You're accusing me?
00:14:02Jacques, Jacques, this is very bad.
00:14:04The garrote is an old French apache custom, too.
00:14:06That's right.
00:14:08And if it was Marsha up there, you'd have some tall explaining to do.
00:14:10I'm going to see if you men have found any trace of Marsha.
00:14:12No, Winifred.
00:14:14They asked us to stay here until the police come.
00:14:16Girls, please try to be calm.
00:14:18Yes, until Marsha's found, we won't know anything.
00:14:20All Marsha's clothes are still up here.
00:14:23Don't stare at me like that.
00:14:25Santoy, dear, no one accuses you.
00:14:27It was a silk cord!
00:14:29I've read about the Chinese!
00:14:32I'll put an end to this.
00:14:34I met a detective, the world's greatest detective.
00:14:36His name is Jimmy Chan, great Chinese detective.
00:14:40He'll protect his countrywoman.
00:14:42Santoy, where are you going?
00:14:46I'm going to...
00:15:10Mr. Chan!
00:15:13Murder! It's murder!
00:15:16hello but it's mr. chance resident mr. Chan Jimmy Jimmy murder it's murder
00:15:23that gets those detectives it's all they understand
00:15:40yes murder murder Jimmy Jimmy he's murdered hold on now be calm don't get
00:15:45excited be calm everybody now I'm with you wait a minute be calm now wait a
00:15:49minute wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute 26 Malibu Drive Malibu
00:15:59Drive oh good grace that's all right hold it now
00:16:01don't get excited now who mr. Chan good wait a minute mr. Chan mr. Chan mr.
00:16:11Chan mr. Chan good evening oh good mr. Chan
00:16:17Jim has just gotten murdered I just got it over the telephone what where we're
00:16:20caught come from 26 Malibu Drive there's a whole lot of girls and they said he
00:16:25just got murdered Malibu Beach how long since you've seen Jimmy
00:16:28well this afternoon he must have had a date but them girls said he just got
00:16:32murdered I can understand the girl part of it the rest of it no we go I'll get
00:16:37car you'll get your clothes off yes sir good graces me this you are sure you
00:16:48have correct address yes sir mr. Chan I heard it playing a whole lot of girls
00:16:53screaming in the Holland about Jimmy please you will drive carefully in the
00:16:57city we make up time on Coast Highway yes sir
00:17:2126 Malibu Drive
00:17:34Santoy found her. You must find Marsha sergeant. Now let the sergeant talk. What's he know
00:17:39about it? I'll have to take your statements separately. Have they moved?
00:17:44yes the coroner took over now who is Marsha? The murderess. Oh now Madge we
00:17:49don't know. There's very little the girls can tell you sergeant if you'll wait
00:17:54until the men come back they may have news of Marsha. And where are the men?
00:17:57They're out looking for her. Someone send for a detective. Oh thank heavens.
00:18:02I'm here looking for number two son Jimmy. But he's not here mr. Chan.
00:18:10Understood Jimmy was here and in trouble. Oh that must be a mistake sir. Oh mistake
00:18:16sometimes bring most fortunate relief. I see all other troubles are in most
00:18:22capable hands. Good evening sergeant.
00:18:26A very serious thing has happened mr. Chan. This is the sergeant's big break. Give him a
00:18:30chance. I'm Reynolds of the state police mr. Chan. This is out of city
00:18:34jurisdiction but now that you're here I'd be glad if you kind of look things
00:18:37over. But a Chinese girl tells me many persons are wrongfully accused. Was a
00:18:43dead girl so very badly hated? Oh no mr. Chan Lois was a sweet harmless child.
00:18:49The murder of Lois is a mystery but the missing one Marsha we all hate her.
00:18:53I kid on myself. Oh correct Lois was strangled. Adelaide's right we all hated
00:19:00Marsha. Not hate Mads that's a bitter word. Marsha she will not be found. I hope
00:19:06not. Question the men. Ask them. Girls please. Mr. Chan would you care to
00:19:13talk to us separately? Would like few moments alone with sergeant if you please.
00:19:17Some girls. Upstairs. No no not up there. No need to go to that room. We can make a general
00:19:24dormitory where you can all be together. Come on. Don't worry mr. Chan will clear
00:19:31things up. The sergeant looked capable to me. We but as a detective. That looks
00:19:42like an ordinary bathrobe cord to me sir. I was more concerned about the
00:19:47presence of my number two son Jimmy in this house. Well I haven't seen him sir
00:19:52but I'd appreciate any time you can give the case sir. Oh mr. Chan I met you when
00:19:58you were on the March case. I was handling publicity for the March flower
00:20:01mills. My name is Rick Daniels. I'm delighted. Being press agent you will
00:20:06have facts for life or details. Mr. Chan am I glad to see you. Mr. Cole King I
00:20:13believe. Yes sir. Your presence here is a great relief to us. One moment. What is
00:20:21your position on Mr. King's show? Physiotherapist in charge of diet.
00:20:25General physical culture. George Bradt. Mr. Chan. An honor sir. Any sign of the
00:20:30missing girl? No we searched every room in every cabana. We can't find her
00:20:34anywhere. Now gentlemen I will ask you for careful statements and details please.
00:20:41I'll be in my cabana girls. Madge will take care of you. Good night. Good night.
00:20:47Clam hold it. I saw it too. Somebody out on the porch. A man. He went into the next room
00:20:56through the window.
00:20:59Clam I have guard antlers. Yes sir.
00:21:09What is trouble piece? Someone went in here from the porch. A man. I saw him jump through the window.
00:21:29So you will explain your behavior with speed. Well Pop you see it was this way.
00:21:40Also intelligence. Well I found the address on the telephone pad. I figured
00:21:45you were on the case and that you might need some help. And when I saw the state
00:21:48cops up in the highway I knew that they had just stopped. So I just climbed up.
00:21:53Hello Jimmy. I found the address on the telephone pad. Unorthodox though not unusual.
00:22:00One moment please. You and Birmingham will take up positions in rear. No one is to leave
00:22:07premises. Okay Pop. Our quarters are in a cabana Mr. Chan. Kindly remain in the house.
00:22:12Ladies return to your rooms. Sounds official. I still think the sergeant could handle it.
00:22:24Position up buddy. Yes sir. Trunk. All right sir.
00:22:41Jimmy ain't nobody gonna try to leave the house tonight. Come on let's find a place to stretch out.
00:22:46Pipe down I'm already in touch with Pop. Yeah but I'm plumb exhausted. I want to go to sleep.
00:22:50Sleep? Why don't you try sleeping on your feet for a change. That ain't a bad idea.
00:22:59Hey duck. There's somebody now.
00:23:11He went into the cellar. What are you worrying about? He ain't leaving the house.
00:23:16He's always looking for trouble.
00:23:22Now wait a minute. Now where are you going? Come on this will square us with Pop. I'm already
00:23:26square with your Pop. Well you stay here. I'm going in. That's just what I'm. Whoa gangway.
00:23:30I changed my mind.
00:23:45Jimmy? Oh Jimmy. I wonder where did that boy go?
00:25:15That's me.
00:25:45Good gracious. Mr. Chan. Come out somebody. Jimmy hold on. I got you. Hold on. Mr. Chan.
00:26:00Jimmy. Good gracious. Come on all of you. You got me surrounded. I got you. Come on.
00:26:04Good gracious. Jimmy. Mr. Chan. Come here.
00:26:07Jimmy. Good gracious. Come here. Jimmy. They tried to kill me. Everybody tried to kill me.
00:26:17They hit me across the head Jimmy. They conked me. Look at everything falling on me. I saw
00:26:21him run. He had a bundle in his hands. Yeah he might have had a bundle in one hand but
00:26:24he sure had a club in the other one. Where's my hat? Jimmy. Let's get out of here. Get
00:26:29the thing off of you. Come on. Let's go. Take this with you. Oh gee Pop. You scared me.
00:26:36You observe something in cellar? Yeah somebody went down there and tried to stuff a bundle
00:26:40in the furnace. Person make exit? Carrying bundle away in hands? Only in one hand Mr.
00:26:46Chan. Yeah he clipped Birmingham. Resume vigilance. Person with bundle. Most important.
00:26:52Not the way I figured that thing Jimmy.
00:26:55Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.
00:27:21Quiet girls. It's Santor. Jimmy. Oh. I am so glad to learn you are not cause of this
00:27:31latest disturbance. Remain where you are please. Drink. Santor what happened? What's the matter?
00:27:41What happened? What's the matter? Tell us. Upstairs. Someone threw something over my
00:27:46head. I can smell it here too. Ruby don't go up there. Don't. I can smell it down here.
00:27:53No. It's ether. Impossible. There's a plot against all of us. Do I smell ether doctor?
00:28:07Yes sir. A cloth must have been saturated with it. It's fantastic. It's madness. This
00:28:13house is haunted. Please young ladies I would suggest you all go quietly to your rooms. The
00:28:19little Chinese girl is evidently the center of general mystery here. Well why don't you
00:28:23search the place. By now attackers have ample opportunity to escape or to join us here.
00:28:43What a horrible night. I didn't sleep a wink. You're snoring. It was us Manu. Poor clam.
00:28:50She was nervous before we ever came here. Feel better this morning dear? I slept a little.
00:28:56I'm inside the poor kid till she arrives. It's so funny the time. He's all soft. Still
00:29:01carrying around my own protection. What is the great Mr. Chan doing? He has the situation
00:29:05well in hand. Oh Mr. Chan is working it out. You've got to admire him. He's quiet, intelligent
00:29:11and persistent. Persistent and admirable quality.
00:29:24Good gracious life Mr. Chan. I knew it was going to happen sometime. No, no, no Jimmy
00:29:29get up. Could not possibly happen that way. Come in Birmingham. Could not possibly. Birmingham
00:29:34come here. Yes sir. I want you to stand right there. Bend over and simulate pilfering of
00:29:43trunk. Oh yes sir. Imagine you are stealing something from the trunk. Now you are familiar
00:29:50with technique of the Gerot. They didn't teach that in my school Pop. Observe. When held
00:29:58in this manner Gerot cannot possibly be caught if victim should suddenly grasp the cord.
00:30:05Gee Pop where did you learn that? In the school of hard experience. Simulate pilfering. Now
00:30:14I am Gerot. I enter from this door. I approach the victim stealthily. Not now Mr. Chan, not
00:30:25now. You see Jimmy that is what I mean. It was utterly impossible for Gerot to approach
00:30:32victim from behind while victim is kneeling in that position at the trunk. I get it Pop.
00:30:37That lowest girl wasn't at the trunk. Uh-huh well deduce further. Remember the body was
00:30:42lying here where these marks are placed upon the floor. She hurled away from the trunk
00:30:47and saw the killer. Uh-huh deduce further you are reaching the point. She recognized
00:30:52the killer. She couldn't believe what she saw with her eyes or she would have gotten
00:30:56further away. Maybe clean away. Indicating what? That the killer was a friend. Exactly
00:31:01what I am trying to demonstrate. The killer Jimmy was a friend. Oh Mr. Chan maybe that
00:31:07girl didn't see the killer at all. Maybe the killer was transparent. No further deductions.
00:31:22Action. If only we could go swimming. A good idea but forbidden. Sergeant's orders stay
00:31:27here or in the house. We got the orders from Mr. Chan. Detractor. The sergeant is a great
00:31:32criminologist. He told me so himself. Crimes and criminals. It all seems like a nightmare.
00:31:39Oh Mr. Chan is it how you say permissible to go swimming? I think nice swim would be
00:31:46very refreshing for everyone.
00:32:08Toting your own laundry Rick. I'd be glad to do any washing sir. Uh no thank you it's
00:32:13just something I had for the maestro.
00:32:29Brian Birmingham you will both follow movements of Mr. Daniels very closely. Oh but Pop Santoy
00:32:35and I were going to go for a swim. Swim later.
00:32:44Oh Clementine look what I found. It moved. Don't touch it Ruby don't. Afraid of a crab.
00:32:55It's fine. Clementine get it before it goes in the water. Where are you going?
00:33:14It's Marshal. Marshal.
00:33:28The tide washed her up huh? Remove cord. You will also examine knot very closely. Got it.
00:33:38Another one. Strangle. Good gosh another cord. Everyone will please return to the house except
00:33:47the sergeant. You remain here and instruct the coroner.
00:34:01It's obviously a suicide Mr. Chan.
00:34:05She killed Lois and then go out and drown herself n'est-ce pas?
00:34:09You observed knot? It was a granny knot sir. You also possibly examined victim's throat?
00:34:16Yes the trachea was flattened. What would you say regarding possible period of immersion?
00:34:23Ten or twelve hours. He is only guessing Mr. Chan. Well I have only a superficial knowledge
00:34:28of such things Mr. Chan. I am certain coroner will agree with your every statement. Excellent. Doctor?
00:34:37It can't be a suicide Mr. Chan. She was a good swimmer. She'd have to tie the cord on herself.
00:34:42Knot was a kind women tie. Also many men.
00:34:48He's going off the beach with that package. Birmingham's watching him. I will take care of it.
00:34:52I must ask you all not to leave this room. I have much to discuss with you later.
00:35:22No. You will open it please. I can explain Mr. Chan.
00:35:44I will listen to your explanation at the house in the presence of your friends.
00:35:53Yeah. Yeah. Right.
00:36:01Well the coroner says she couldn't have died by drowning. I thought not. She wasn't the kind.
00:36:08Better we leave this place while the excitement is still on. You don't know America honey.
00:36:13They'd hound us and never let up. I'll live with you in caves. Even in tree trunks.
00:36:18Only to run away from this. I've been running away for years. Time has come now to face it.
00:36:23That detective. He knows everything. Already he called you doctor. Yes I caught that.
00:36:33Look before we go in. I was trying to keep somebody from being framed. This robe was planted on him.
00:36:38The maestro? That's right and you can check on that. He found it in his clothes closet.
00:36:43I prefer to listen to your explanation in presence of the other suspects.
00:36:48Listen Mr. Chan. I know crime. There isn't anybody in this house that could have killed Lois except Marcia herself.
00:36:54Then Marcia took the water route. Suicides do not garrote themselves by tying granny knot at back of neck.
00:37:01I've seen a lot of crime. Repetition of your merit only go to prove your fear of fault.
00:37:08Mr. Press agent. Continue inside please.
00:37:21It's Marcia's robe. Where was it Rick? I had it. It's Rick. Rick!
00:37:28Please. Please. For the benefit of everyone I wish to inform you it's my opinion. Marcia did not kill Miss Lois.
00:37:37Mr. Chan several of us saw Marcia going into the house while we were swimming.
00:37:41Sergeant has a theory on that. He thinks somebody wore the robe and then went into the house.
00:37:45Excellent deduction but lacks point of fact. And Santoy had every opportunity.
00:37:51Santoy is a petite doll and she herself was attacked. No?
00:37:57You sound repressed. And that ether business could have been phony. If anyone wanted to cover up.
00:38:04Mr. Chan. It's plain you suspect all of us of the actual murder of trying to shield someone.
00:38:11Daniels. Don't stare that way. You look like a vulture.
00:38:16Mr. King.
00:38:22You are familiar with these cords? This one possibly from black gown?
00:38:27There is no black gown in the wardrobe Mr. Chan.
00:38:34Excuse please. Chinese girl who is familiar with wardrobe tell different story.
00:38:39This cord which killed Miss Lois is from your black beach robe.
00:38:44And this one with silver thread is from Marcia's gown.
00:38:49Alright. So that is correct. How do you expect to get cooperation from one you so obviously and wrongly accused?
00:38:55Spill it you dope. You are the guilty one. Let's get him out of here where we can give him the third degree.
00:39:00Wait a minute Daniels. Don't you see? It's a trick of Chan's. It's an old oriental custom trying to get us to accuse each other.
00:39:06You are going to talk. Don't ever lay a hand on me again.
00:39:09You killed them both. Why don't you spill it?
00:39:11Daniels. This police court stuff. I'll have you arrested.
00:39:15Rick. Stop it.
00:39:16Look. I was loyal to you and your show. But enough is plenty.
00:39:20I took that robe out and tried to bury it because I thought somebody was trying to frame you.
00:39:24Then Chan caught me and the finger is on me.
00:39:26Daniels. You took that robe to Chan.
00:39:28Oh. Skip that.
00:39:30But Doc here has got something in his pants that stinks.
00:39:32And the finger is on him too.
00:39:34The girls are accusing each other.
00:39:35You are ruining lives cold king.
00:39:37When you are the guilty one why don't you spill it?
00:39:39Stop it Rick. Get yourself more evidence.
00:39:42I got evidence enough.
00:39:43He let the same Marcia make a fool out of him.
00:39:45Then he got tired of it.
00:39:47And he garroted her with a cord from his own bathrobe.
00:39:49Now stop him Mr. Chan.
00:39:51No. No. Please continue.
00:39:53This kid Lois was a chiseler.
00:39:55She shook Adelaide's trunk for the tin box to put the bee on you Doc.
00:39:59Blackmail. And that's where you came in.
00:40:01She was swiping a box when she saw you fix Marcia.
00:40:04You had to kill Lois with a cord from Marcia's gown.
00:40:07I don't know anything about it. You are crazy.
00:40:11Oh. Now I see it Daniels.
00:40:14You are the murderer.
00:40:16You killed Marcia.
00:40:18Marcia took Winifred's job in the show.
00:40:20And ever since then you have been moody and ugly.
00:40:22You killed Marcia and then later took her body out to sea.
00:40:25Oh. That won't get you anywhere.
00:40:27Hey. Wait a minute.
00:40:28You killed Marcia.
00:40:30Daniels. You're calloused.
00:40:32You tried to make Lois's death look like suicide.
00:40:35Obstructing justice is very serious crime Mr. Daniels.
00:40:39Sergeant. You will make investigations and bring proper charges.
00:40:43Shall I handcuff him sir?
00:40:44Oh. Not necessary now.
00:40:47Listen all of you.
00:40:48When I shall have dismissed you.
00:40:50The men will all go to their cabanas.
00:40:53The ladies will remain here in this house.
00:40:56Oh. Mr. Chan.
00:40:57You won't make us put in another night in this house.
00:40:59Impossible to speed up investigation now.
00:41:02You two.
00:41:03In a few moments will meet me in my headquarters.
00:41:06First room on the right at the top of the stairs.
00:41:08Talking Adelaide.
00:41:09Why they are no more guilty than I am.
00:41:11That is very interesting comment young lady.
00:41:14Perhaps I will be able to question you later on.
00:41:17He won't question sir.
00:41:20Sergeant. You will please join my two assistants.
00:41:22Right sir.
00:41:23No one is to leave house or cabanas.
00:41:25Speech party okay sir.
00:41:26If carefully guarded. This is routine precaution.
00:41:30I am convinced the murderer is in this room.
00:41:48It's a dame sergeant.
00:41:50I'll get her.
00:41:51You stay here. See that none of the others try it.
00:42:17Oh. So it's you.
00:42:34Where were you going?
00:42:35To mail a letter.
00:42:36Wise cracks won't help honey.
00:42:38You sure fooled me.
00:42:39Move over.
00:42:40I'll drive back like a good girl sergeant.
00:42:42Oh no you don't.
00:42:43I'll send for the bike later. Move over.
00:42:47State board of medical examiners.
00:42:57What's this?
00:42:58I'm not talking.
00:43:18You wish I should open this letter doctor?
00:43:22Of course. It's my application to the state board.
00:43:24I gave it to Ruby to post because she had a better opportunity to escape.
00:43:28Tomorrow is the last day for filing. I decided to drop it.
00:43:31Best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go a little bit haywire huh?
00:43:36Very well. I accept explanation.
00:43:39I think perhaps sergeant you had better mail letter.
00:43:42You may open it first if you wish.
00:43:44I guess I'll mail it Mr. Chan.
00:43:46Good work sergeant.
00:43:48Sit down please.
00:43:50I suggest now we all talk together freely.
00:43:55Well it seems obvious to me Mr. Chan.
00:43:57Marshal killed Lois contrived to tie a similar cord around her own neck since she was so good a swimmer.
00:44:02One moment please. One moment.
00:44:04If either garrote had been tied with square knot, a surgeon's knot, case would now be closed with you arrested doctor.
00:44:13Sit down please.
00:44:15Today I confirmed a suspicion which began to germinate when I first see you.
00:44:21Six years ago in New York City a very young and promising doctor was accused of wife murder.
00:44:28There are lies, lies, lies.
00:44:30Lies, lies yes perhaps.
00:44:33Young doctor was exonerated but the whole affair ruined his life.
00:44:37All right. He went to war.
00:44:40He went to war.
00:44:41There he met a girl and married her.
00:44:45Now you know everything Mr. Chan.
00:44:47Thank you so much.
00:44:48When you were both in Paris you knew this girl Marcia very well?
00:44:53Oh zut we know her too well.
00:44:55No, no.
00:44:56Let it drop Adelaide.
00:44:58I'm suspect again.
00:45:00You refuse to talk about yourselves?
00:45:03What is there to say?
00:45:04The medical association disowned me.
00:45:06I couldn't resume practice when I came back.
00:45:08Marcia got Adelaide a job with this show and there was a job for me.
00:45:11It's as simple as that.
00:45:13I have no wish to reopen old wounds.
00:45:16Adelaide knows I was completely innocent of that charge Mr. Chan.
00:45:20Then yes perhaps but now.
00:45:23By simple process of elimination doctor I have arrived at a most important conclusion in this present case.
00:45:30I am very sorry but I am under the painful necessity of accusing you of a most serious crime.
00:45:36Accuse me Mr. Chan?
00:45:37No, no this is all wrong.
00:45:38I killed Marcia.
00:45:40Adelaide, Adelaide.
00:45:41Mr. Chan doesn't want dramatics.
00:45:43Excuse please.
00:45:44On contrary dramatics highly valuable just now.
00:45:48I am convinced doctor you tell only partial truths.
00:45:52I am convinced you find dead girl's body in this room.
00:45:56I am also firmly convinced you removed from this room certain articles which Lloyd steal from trunk.
00:46:02No, no.
00:46:03He was with me everywhere in the water on the beach everywhere.
00:46:06It's no use Adelaide.
00:46:08I found Lois.
00:46:09That metal box of yours was on the floor beside her.
00:46:12I took it away.
00:46:14You did find her then continue.
00:46:17But she was dead Mr. Chan.
00:46:19I tried artificial respiration it was no good.
00:46:22I knew in a bad situation I was in.
00:46:24That metal box contained personal letters referring to that affair in New York.
00:46:29I saw the whole thing being bungled by the local police to ruin us.
00:46:33To destroy everything Adelaide and I have together.
00:46:36Our entire future.
00:46:38This box contain other articles besides letters.
00:46:41Lots of things.
00:46:42Everyone have something in it.
00:46:43It was only in fireproof container of the girl's head sir.
00:46:45Oh we have some letters.
00:46:46Winnie Fred.
00:46:47Some toys.
00:46:48Some jade.
00:46:49Mrs. Thornton.
00:46:50You can produce this box.
00:46:51It's in my cabana sir.
00:46:53We will go at once to cabana.
00:46:54Go ahead.
00:47:00Contents of box may reveal new clues doctor.
00:47:03Doc never did this to Lois.
00:47:05We care if she steal box sure.
00:47:07But we not care that much.
00:47:09Evidence so far quite convincing.
00:47:11But puzzle always deepest near the center.
00:47:15Mr. Chan it's gone.
00:47:21You'll excuse me doctor if I seem slightly suspicious.
00:47:25It was here.
00:47:28It's been cut open.
00:47:29I had no chance to slip this bag.
00:47:31Until boxes found can offer very little comfort.
00:47:34Oh no no please.
00:47:35We tell the truth.
00:47:36All the truth.
00:47:37Isn't there anything we can do to convince you Mr. Chan?
00:47:39I will bend every effort to find the box.
00:47:41But in the meantime doctor I must assure you.
00:47:44Your position is extremely delicate.
00:47:51Here goes my chance for the state medical examination here.
00:47:54They can't win people like this.
00:47:56Please they just can't.
00:47:58If Chan arrests me.
00:47:59The publicity everything will come out.
00:48:02Oh it does not matter.
00:48:03We have lived through so much.
00:48:04We overcome this.
00:48:06I live with you in jail.
00:48:07In hovels.
00:48:09I even live with you in pork pies.
00:48:11It's pig's dies honey.
00:48:13Oh what's the difference.
00:48:23Hiya Pop.
00:48:24Santoy needed some air.
00:48:26Can be arranged.
00:48:27Well that's fine.
00:48:28She's kind of scared with all those other dames.
00:48:30I mean girls around.
00:48:31They've been picking on her.
00:48:32Oh it isn't that bad Jimmy.
00:48:34Everyone's nervous and jumpy.
00:48:36Couldn't she go back to the city with us tomorrow Pop?
00:48:38I'm afraid too soon.
00:48:40You have made tall talk of prowess as detective.
00:48:43Honor of Chan family now at stake.
00:48:46Well Santoy got it all wrong.
00:48:48I'm afraid too short time to bring this to conclusion.
00:48:52Can't you speed it up Pop?
00:48:54Leisurely hunter have time to stalk prey.
00:48:57But hunter in haste must set trap.
00:48:59A trap?
00:49:00Shrewdly baited.
00:49:02Pop's concentrating.
00:49:03He'll settle it fast now.
00:49:05You will find other assistant and take up post of observation of last night.
00:49:10Oh but Pop.
00:49:11Santoy wanted to take a walk.
00:49:12So she shall.
00:49:13So she shall.
00:49:14Nice walk.
00:49:16With intelligent conversation.
00:49:18With me.
00:49:25They can't keep us caged in here another night.
00:49:28Chan wants us all to get some rest.
00:49:30What's happened to the maestro?
00:49:32His nerves are shot.
00:49:33He's hysterical.
00:49:34Doc's got him in his cabana trying to calm him down now.
00:49:37Come on Clem.
00:49:38No no not upstairs.
00:49:39That will be best Clementine.
00:49:41Match can give you a rub down.
00:49:42And sleep?
00:49:43Probably no.
00:49:44Why I never sleep until this thing is all settled.
00:49:46In the wall.
00:49:47Noises in the wall like someone whispering.
00:49:49Oh it's just probably some rats.
00:49:52If you want we can bring in some bedding and you can sleep down here.
00:49:55Good I'm not hankering for upstairs.
00:49:57I'll help with the bedding.
00:49:58Well that's a sound idea.
00:49:59I think I'll go to my cabana girls.
00:50:01I'm terribly tired.
00:50:02Match can take care of you.
00:50:04Oh I tell you there's something in that wall.
00:50:07Someone call?
00:50:08Oh it's nothing Mrs. Weebles.
00:50:10One of the girls heard noises in the wall.
00:50:12Mice were overrun with them.
00:50:14Would you help bring some bedding for the girls?
00:50:16They're going to stay downstairs tonight.
00:50:22Let's go.
00:50:41Room for cover everybody!
00:50:42Room for cover!
00:50:47You're supposed to be on guard.
00:50:48What is you up to?
00:50:49What do you mean throwing people around like this?
00:50:50Listen I just talked to Pop.
00:50:51I don't mean to stay here by myself.
00:50:52It's about a box.
00:50:53If we find the box everything's okay.
00:50:55Oh is it a long box about six feet tall and got flowers piled up on it?
00:50:59No, no, no.
00:51:00It's a little tin box with some papers in it.
00:51:02And I've got a hunch where we can find it.
00:51:04In the maestro's room.
00:51:05He's with the doc.
00:51:06And I figure the maestro's guilty.
00:51:08Yeah but I ain't figuring.
00:51:10Hey you stay here.
00:51:12If anything happens I'll hear you yell.
00:51:14And you ain't kidding.
00:51:25Oh boy, oh boy.
00:51:27Not now.
00:51:28I'll tell you when.
00:51:29I'll tell you when.
00:51:31I'll tell you when.
00:51:32Not now.
00:51:33Be brave Nees.
00:51:51That ain't nobody but the housekeeper Miss Weebles or Miss Woebles.
00:51:55Wonder what she going in that door for?
00:51:58Where you going?
00:52:01Where you going?
00:52:03A policeman.
00:52:05Well you see one time there's somebody went down in there and I followed them see.
00:52:09So after they went second I went first and I come out first after I...
00:52:13So well what it was I went down in there second and when I followed them they come out first and what I was trying...
00:52:18Don't you get it?
00:52:19I'm no good at geometry.
00:52:20Did you see anybody go by here?
00:52:22Oh the housekeeper she went over there in that door.
00:52:24Keep your post.
00:52:31Keep your post.
00:53:02Keep your post.
00:53:11Keep your post.
00:53:21Keep your post.
00:53:41Keep your post.
00:54:01Keep your post.
00:54:29Keep your post.
00:54:58Keep your post.
00:55:05Oh this is a relief.
00:55:07Rather have Doc doing it wouldn't you?
00:55:09That would be a luxury.
00:55:13Poor Clem.
00:55:14You relaxed her Madge.
00:55:16But I don't suppose any of us will get any rest tonight.
00:55:18I've got one eye glued open myself.
00:55:22That should ease you a bit.
00:55:23I wonder where Santoy is.
00:55:25Snooping around.
00:55:26An old Chinese custom.
00:55:27Well come on let's get some rest.
00:55:32No they cannot.
00:55:46In the wall.
00:55:47It's in the wall.
00:55:48Holy cats whispering walls again.
00:55:50Oh Clem it's all right.
00:55:51We're all here.
00:55:53In the wall.
00:55:54It's in the wall.
00:55:55Nancy she heard it before.
00:55:57What has happened?
00:55:58Clem had a bad dream Mr. Chan.
00:56:00She's a Shakespearean addict Mr. Chan.
00:56:07Mrs. Weebles.
00:56:08Fine trick to play on a lady.
00:56:10Somebody slid it back from upstairs.
00:56:12You write longhand or shorthand?
00:56:14Drink is the root.
00:56:16You are spying making notes.
00:56:18What are you amateur detective?
00:56:20I have evidence.
00:56:21Plenty evidence.
00:56:22Ladies no need to be alarmed.
00:56:24Sliding panel is merely relic of old prohibition days.
00:56:28Right Mrs. Weebles?
00:56:29More of them.
00:56:33Next time try the front door.
00:56:35Oh I was following somebody.
00:56:38Bickle eh?
00:56:40Ruby it's no joking matter.
00:56:42Ladies levity is a great cure all.
00:56:45You will please all return to your chambers.
00:56:49Mr. Chan.
00:56:51You promised me I wouldn't have to stay here.
00:56:53No child.
00:56:54Mr. Chan's afraid for you.
00:56:56Why don't you come out with me to my cabana.
00:56:58You'll be able to sleep there all right.
00:57:09Where are other three men?
00:57:11In Doc's cabana I think.
00:57:14Noise of high surf must have prevented their hearing recent alarms.
00:57:21Tonight you will keep careful watch between cabanas and house.
00:57:25Right Mr. Chan.
00:57:26But about Mrs. Weebles.
00:57:28Oh harmless.
00:57:30She may have overheard something of importance but I will question her later.
00:57:35But sergeant tonight keep careful guard.
00:57:39No one must cross between cabanas and house.
00:57:43You will also check on three men but do not disturb.
00:57:47Right Mr. Chan.
00:57:59Help me doctor.
00:58:02What are you giving him?
00:58:03Just a mild sedative.
00:58:05Poor devil he needs it.
00:58:06What he needs is a good shot of truth serum.
00:58:08I heard that.
00:58:10Get out of here.
00:58:13Throw him out.
00:58:15He's giving you a shot of truth serum.
00:58:17We'll squirt the truth out of you when you don't know it.
00:58:19Take him away.
00:58:21Take him away.
00:58:23This will calm your nerves.
00:58:25Bring sleep.
00:58:27I've got to confess.
00:58:30Talk killer.
00:58:31Throw a light on him.
00:58:32Keep him going.
00:58:33He's cracking.
00:58:34Get out for heaven's sakes and leave the man alone.
00:58:35Well they all crack when they're like this.
00:58:37I took that box.
00:58:39I took it out of your bag.
00:58:43Get out.
00:58:45Am I drunk?
00:58:46What's in it?
00:58:47What were you hiding?
00:58:49Her papers.
00:58:51She'll expose me.
00:58:53And ruin me.
00:59:04Get out Daniels or I won't be responsible.
00:59:07So you're covering for him.
00:59:09The box was in your bag.
00:59:11It's beginning to get clear now.
00:59:13You're wild.
00:59:14Get out.
00:59:15You needn't have given him that shot.
00:59:17It was the merciful thing.
00:59:19The only merciful thing.
00:59:21Maybe so.
00:59:23But I'm getting to a phone.
00:59:24I'll bring some law in here that'll make Chan look like a monkey.
00:59:46I know it's you Daniels.
00:59:48Come out with your hands up or I'll shoot.
00:59:50You wouldn't dare.
00:59:52I'll make you a deal.
00:59:53Come out with your hands up.
00:59:55Look Sarge.
00:59:56I got this thing cracked.
00:59:57Let's get to a telephone.
00:59:59Chan's orders.
01:00:00No one leaves this place.
01:00:02No one.
01:00:03No one.
01:00:04No one.
01:00:05No one.
01:00:06No one.
01:00:07No one.
01:00:08No one.
01:00:09No one.
01:00:10No one.
01:00:11No one.
01:00:12Chan's orders.
01:00:13No one leaves premises.
01:00:14But I tell you I got this thing cracked.
01:00:15Let's get to your headquarters.
01:00:16There's a promotion in this and I can see that you get the breaks.
01:00:19Chan's orders.
01:00:23Whether I go, so goest thou.
01:00:26I'll break you for this.
01:00:27I got influence.
01:00:28Not as much as I've got.
01:00:29Right now.
01:00:42Right now.
01:03:08Pop must be around these cabanas somewhere.
01:03:10Can we wait till morning to tell him?
01:03:12Oh no, he's got to know tonight.
01:03:13He might arrest an innocent person.
01:03:15And besides, we've got to watch these cabanas anyhow.
01:03:17You ain't fooling me.
01:03:18I know how come you ain't interested in these cabanas.
01:03:20Just that little Chinese girl.
01:03:23Hey, look.
01:03:37I found it, Pop.
01:03:43I have trap all set and you put big foot in it.
01:03:50Which way did it go?
01:03:51It went that-a-way.
01:03:52Well, hurry.
01:03:53We follow.
01:04:0870, 75.
01:04:09I've got to slow it down, Mr. Chan.
01:04:11Too bad.
01:04:12I was in hopes soon to overtake her in the car.
01:05:07It's Mrs. Thorne.
01:05:29You're too late, Mr. Chan.
01:05:33I wanted to ruin him.
01:05:36I wanted to make him suffer as badly as I have.
01:05:41Call King.
01:05:43The maestro.
01:05:46I was his wife.
01:05:49I ran away from him, but when I tried to come back, he wouldn't even recognize me.
01:05:57He gave me a job.
01:06:00Wardrobe midges.
01:06:04I was humiliated.
01:06:07Cast aside like-like something unclean.
01:06:13You can understand about Marcia and Lois, Mrs. Thorne.
01:06:17But why Santoy?
01:06:19Santoy knew.
01:06:21She stole my papers.
01:06:23My papers in the box.
01:06:26Papers stolen by others.
01:06:32I hope he suffers.
01:06:48Highway patrol, Jimmy.
01:06:49Directed here.
01:06:52She deserted years ago.
01:06:54Ran away with a dancer.
01:06:55Some of her letters here in the box.
01:06:57She put the bathrobe in the maestro's closet.
01:07:00Hoping the local police make the obvious arrest.
01:07:03Then quenched the evidence with the cords.
01:07:05Is that the way it was, Mr. Chan?
01:07:08Happy solution of case will permit you, doctor, once again to resume medical practice.
01:07:14Will you excuse, please?
01:07:15I'm in very great hurry.
01:07:18But Mr. Chan, Marcia went up the beach while we were in swimming.
01:07:22Mrs. Thorne went up the beach in Marcia's robe.
01:07:26Making it seem as if Marcia was killed in the house and then carried out.
01:07:31Thank you so much.
01:07:32Say, Pop, can I...
01:07:33Yes, you may take that walk now.
01:07:37Mr. Chan.
01:07:38No one has thanked you.
01:07:40Oh, I am sufficiently recompensed now.
01:07:43Thank you so much.
01:07:45Mr. Chan.
01:07:46Mr. Chan.
01:07:47What's the matter, Birmingham?
01:07:48There was mouses in them walls.
01:07:53Mr. Chan.