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ليه بنحب السكريات؟

في هذا الفيديو، نستكشف السبب وراء حبنا الشديد للسكريات، وما الذي يجعلنا نشعر بالمتعة عند تناول الحلويات.

من الناحية البيولوجية والنفسية، السكريات تؤثر على دماغنا بطريقة مدهشة، وتحفز إفراز المواد الكيميائية التي تشعرنا بالسعادة. لكن هل هي مجرد رغبة عابرة؟ أم أن هناك عوامل أخرى مرتبطة بالعادات الغذائية، والتغذية، وتأثيرات السكر على صحتنا؟ تابعونا لاكتشاف الإجابة!

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓
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00:00The first time you see a piece of chocolate, your heart beats, and your eyes only see the light, and you keep eating and eating.
00:07The result? You know for sure.
00:09So why do we like sugars like this?
00:11A study published in Nature magazine says that there are signals the brain receives that work like a reward system.
00:17When you eat something sugary, the brain produces a substance called dopamine, which gives you a feeling of happiness and comfort.
00:24And why is that?
00:25Because your body tells you, thank you, I got energy.
00:29The brain doesn't just like sugars, it treats them like a treasure.
00:34And another Harvard study proved that the brain needs a lot of energy to work.
00:39And sugar is the main source of this energy.
00:42But keep in mind, when you take a lot of sugars, the brain requires more.
00:46And it starts to get us into a loop.
00:48As you say, the brain works in a system that requires more to be happy.
00:52And that's what makes sugars a habit, or even addiction in some cases.
00:57So what's the solution?
00:58We don't have to stop, but we have to be smart in our choices.
01:01Many studies have shown that natural sugars, like fruits, are much better than manufactured sugars.
01:07Because fruits don't just give you the sugar your body needs.
01:11There are also fibers and vitamins that help.
01:13Sugar is a natural thing.
01:15Don't try to resist it, so you don't feel deprived and get the opposite result.
01:20You can take simple amounts of sugars, and within your daily calories,
01:25and rely on natural honey for sweetening.
01:27Dark chocolate is also a good choice.
01:29When was the last time you ate something sweet?
