• 2 months ago
We take a look ahead towards Blue Monday, often referred to as the most depressing day of the year. We'll explore why this date has gained such a reputation and share advice for residents of Birmingham on how to improve their mood and make the day more manageable.
00:00Blue Monday, often referred to as the most depressing day of the year, falls on the 20th
00:05of January this year. It's a term popularised to describe the third Monday in January, when
00:11a combination of post-Christmas debt, cold weather and unfulfilled New Year's resolutions
00:16can lead to low spirits. Longer nights and shorter days can contribute to seasonal affective
00:21disorder, making this time of year feel more difficult. However, there are steps people
00:27in Birmingham can take to improve their mood. Physical activity, like walking in one of
00:32the city's green spaces, can help boost endorphins. Staying connected with friends and family
00:37is also important, as is taking time to relax and focus on self-care. Whether it's setting
00:44small achievable goals, planning ahead for brighter days or simply practising gratitude,
00:50these actions can help to shift the focus towards positivity and resilience.
