• 2 months ago
King Charles welcomed organizations dedicated to educating the next generation on the Holocaust as he commemorates Holocaust Memorial Day,

Report by Ajagbef. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00During the event, maybe stow them somewhere safe.
00:04That would be my advice.
00:06And Phoebe, I could just light the candle and take one.
00:11I don't know why I said grown-ups as well.
00:31What was liberation like?
00:39Unbelievably joyous and grateful.
00:42It was a liberation out of the blue.
00:46This time column had not come to liberate us,
00:49but had done so purely by choosing to travel along the same road that we had been marked,
00:56and thereby frightening our little astronauts into turning and running to save their lives.
01:32This is Nadia, Amy, a graduate of the agency in the year 11,
01:37and David, who is their history teacher.
01:41Excuse to miss class.
01:46Does he teach you as well?
01:48Very well.
01:50I love my history.
01:58Yes, so I made this one, and I wanted to focus a lot on how the lovely music brought all the members.
02:19The problem is getting them going.
02:22They can't have that because it goes wrong.
02:37Where were you born?
02:42I was born in a town called Kassel in central Germany.
02:47What concentration camps were you at?
02:53From Riga we were moved to Dretschuh.
02:59From Dretschuh to Stutthof, concentration camp of Stutthof.
03:08From Stutthof we were moved to a labour camp.
03:13From Stutthof we were moved to a labour camp called Stolp.
03:18From Stolp we were to respond to injustice.
03:24It is a tempting response because the injustice, much more often than not, does not affect oneself personally,
03:33but to ignore witnessing it on someone else is a dangerous response.
03:40We take a lot of young people, including Phoebe and Jacob, to visit Auschwitz,
03:46but Lara and Jake, or Lara has used the headset in the classroom.
04:10I was called Marcel Anisfeld.
04:15He was very strong and brave.
04:18We showed the family well because of that.
04:24We wanted to create a 3D element.
04:28Marcel is a beautiful artist and his memory is eternal.
04:39He is the best singer in the world.
04:43He did not get enough of it.
04:46Are you all missing today's school?
04:49You are going to go back and see it.
04:55Have you enjoyed doing it?
04:59I learnt quite a lot this morning.
05:01Listening to the incredible people.
05:04I do that a lot.
05:07It is not meant to be.
05:08It is very special as well.
05:10I have never reached it completely.
05:13You heard I enumerated the various councils.
05:18Are you playing in an orchestra anyway?
05:24I am involved in many different projects.
05:27It is my third with National Music Theatre.
05:32It is a great group of people.
05:35It is an honour to be here.
05:38Is that your violin?
05:40It is mine.
05:41I own it.
05:42It is one of them.
05:45I have some remarkable ones.
05:51Is it the right wood to make the violin?
05:56I do not make violins.
05:58I do not want to tell you too much.
06:29One of the survivors recognised one of the guards
06:33who had discarded his uniform
06:36and dressed himself in the striped colour of his clothing
06:41masquerading as a survivor.
06:45We did not fall upon him and leave him
06:48but we brought him to the British troops
06:50who had liberated us
06:52and he was taken away to be arrested and punished.
06:57People had the opportunity to just fall upon him
07:00and to leave him.
07:02It must have been a strong temptation.
07:04I was not involved.
07:05I was only just 15 years old.
07:08This is another remark.
07:10But that is how people behaved.
07:13They had not lost their humanity.
07:16It just shows what it means to have to leave.
07:19It was an idea.
07:21But I went anyway.
