• 2 months ago
Spencer Pratt says he feels like a ghost after losing everything he has in the Pacific Palisades wildfire ... and the weight of starting life from zero and figuring out a way to provide for his family is hitting him hard.


00:00You know, it comes in waves, like, when you just started showing all the photos, you know,
00:07you start, you know, I've been trying to focus on all the good and positives, like people
00:12trying to help Heidi and her music, so that keeps me but then we started talking about
00:16the actual situation and I see those images and the photos and you know, then it's like
00:21waves of emotion because I try to like, not focus on this but I mean, again, I'm alive,
00:29my family's alive, I, you know, I do have some shady cough now from going back to the
00:34rubble without a mask, which was one of the dumber things I've done, maybe in my life
00:39when I've done a lot of dumb things.
00:41Yeah, I mean, just the air is so toxic right now, I can only imagine what it must be like
00:47in the middle of that war zone.
00:49That's the thing, when you see it on the media and you see all the IG reels and you see the
00:55TikToks, whatever, and you see how horrible it looks, and I'm sure it's the same thing
00:59with war zones in real life that people, you just can tell, you drive through it and you
01:04smell it and you walk and you try to like process it, it's so much more insane than
01:12just like what you're seeing on the internet.
01:14Like this is the town I grew up in my whole life, my parents' house burned down, my house
01:22I grew up in, they didn't get a single thing, not even a photo out because my dad didn't
01:30have insurance.
01:31I said, why didn't you have insurance, dad, and he's like, because I always thought if
01:35our house were to burn down, that would mean the entire town would have had to burn down.
01:39What stage are you and Heidi at right now as far as where you're going to live and what
01:47you do, say, just for the next six months, never mind the next couple of years?
01:52Well, thank God we made Heidi's album in 2010, put all our money from the hills into it,
02:00which was one of our biggest regrets for the last 15 years.
02:03But thank God everyone on the internet has gotten behind it and has made it a number
02:08one album in US, Australia, Netherlands, UK, Ireland, Canada.
02:16So God willing here, I'm going to just put all my energy to keep that going and hopefully
02:22be able to buy a new house and buy my parents' house because I feel like if you're number
02:27one in music and you can keep that going, that should be enough to buy a house.
02:32But obviously I want to rebuild on our lot.
02:35I don't want to make white of the situation, but being a salesman is in your DNA that in
02:43the middle of this devastation where you have to think about such basic things about
02:49what can I wear?
02:51Do we have medication?
02:53Where are we going to live?
02:55You are a salesman.
02:57And the fact that you are making the most of what you got, that you can focus on Heidi's
03:01music and that you can actually create a plan on the heels of all of this, I got to say,
03:09it's pretty amazing.
03:10I got no other choice, so it's a powerful feeling to be at zero.
03:26We put all our money into this house, we didn't own it, it had a mortgage, I spent all my
03:31money on crystals, I had all my money in crystals that burned down and shattered, so feeling
03:38at zero is just like, it's such a powerful, like, you know, I'm up till four a.m. every
03:45night now just like making TikToks, like posting this and it's like, I feel like, you know,
03:51my heart is pounding so hard because I'm like, you just got to, you just got to stay positive
04:08Is what you're feeling the pressure to provide, to figure something out for your family, right?
04:13Yeah, I mean, like, life as we know it is gone, I don't have a single childhood memory,
04:19my mom, her whole life was just like collecting all my trophies and anything that like, any
04:26memory I've ever had, my room, my childhood room was like a time capsule, I'd go in there
04:31and just look through the drawers and all my photo albums and just like, just knowing
04:37like, I'm a ghost, like, I truly only have like, Heidi Montag merch shirts, which is
04:42ironic, which I need them right now to promote, but like, you know, I just have none of the
04:48things that, and I know people are like, you have your family, you have your health, yeah,
04:52but it's like, you know, just having nothing is a crazy feeling when, you know, obviously
04:58there's a lot of people on earth, that's their existence, but it wasn't mine, so it's like,
05:02it's a big adjustment and, you know, and there's, like you said, tens of thousands
05:07of people right now going through this, so my only focus right now is like, providing
05:12for my family and securing, you know, a house to live in for our lives again, get one for
05:18my parents, and also like, I'm going all in, I'm helping everyone to rebuild the Palisades
05:24and like, you know, that's, that was my life, like, I repped the Palisades, you know, when
05:31Mort's Deli was back there, I would be at Mort's Deli every day, sitting where now
05:36Hank's is, and it's like, I don't leave the Palisades, and now it is gone, it's decimated,
05:41there's nothing there, so forget my, like, own life, like, my world, every, Gunner's
05:47school, you know, is gone, like, his elements, preschool's gone, the preschool I went to,
05:52it's gone.
05:53How are, how are Heidi and the kids holding up?
05:56You know, today was pretty heavy, we enrolled them in, like, a new school, and, you know,
06:01I felt like I was in a movie scene, because, like, you know, there's some movies where,
06:05like, I don't even know, but I feel like it was a movie scene where, like, my now seven-year-old
06:10is the new kid at a random school, you know, with all new friends, and he's the kid whose
06:15house burned down, and his town burned down, and, you know, I'm sure he's having to, like,
06:20you know, he got his hood on, and, you know, we were talking to the grief counselors, I'm
06:24just, like, what, what happens, it happens so fast, you know, just, like, just, like,
06:33and it's, like, yeah, you're just not prepared for something like this, you know, you see,
06:39and it's, like, you know, I saw what happened to Maui, and how tragic it is, and you watch
06:43it, and you're just, like, oh, that's so horrible for those people, but, like, then when these
06:49things happen to you, you're just, like, oh, my God, I get so crazy, that's why, you
07:00know, I try not to talk about any of this, that's why the music has been, like, such
07:05a shining light, and you're, like, oh, you're a good salesman, it's, like, if I talk about
07:10anything else about, like, Streamlight, his music, Streamlight just has me, like, in tunnel
07:15vision, and it, like, is a light at the end of the tunnel, you know, like, I'm, like,
07:19but if I, like, you know, focus on the, like, actual situation, it's just so tragic.
