• 2 months ago
Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag are going scorched earth on city officials in Los Angeles after losing their home in a wildfire ... saying some head-scratching decisions are to blame.


00:00Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt, you know of course that they were one of the thousands
00:05of families displaced here in Los Angeles when their home was burned down in the Pacific
00:11They are doing something about it and they have now taken what could be, really filed
00:17what could be a landmark lawsuit.
00:18It's going to be the first of many.
00:20Filing a lawsuit against the City of LA and specifically City of LA's Department of Water
00:26and Power, blaming them for negligence that led to the destruction of their home.
00:34It all has to do with water and the lack thereof that they believe, I suppose, could have saved
00:40their home.
00:41Look, I mean, this wildfire was going to do an incredible amount of damage.
00:48The question, would it have done as much damage if things would have been different?
00:52What's really interesting, I haven't even shared this with you.
00:54I have a poll that I just got, that somebody just texted to me, that they did in LA and
01:02it's unbelievable.
01:03I mean, the majority of people are really upset with the response.
01:08They're really, really upset with the response.
01:10I didn't know how it was going to land, but there has been a groundswell over this.
01:15And I think that's what makes this lawsuit so interesting is that, depending on how this
01:21one goes, there are, let's say Heidi and Spencer win this or they get a settlement
01:27from the city.
01:28They don't go to trial and they end up getting a settlement.
01:31That means, how many times is the city going to have to pay because you know that all the
01:36other victims will be lining up to do the same exact thing.
01:39That's true, but the suits are going to come long before this thing resolves itself.
01:43This is what we were saying, that even if you are one of the fortunate people that your
01:46home was not touched by this, there's no way this disaster isn't going to affect you.
01:51Hi, my name is Angelica from Chicago, and I completely agree.
01:55These LA wildfires have been completely devastating.
01:58Unfortunately, it's not something that's new to the state of California and Los Angeles,
02:02so I do find it a little bit difficult that the city is going to actually grant this lawsuit
02:08and side with the victims in this case, because to your point, it opens up a huge floodgate.
02:14And who's to say in the future, no one else can come back and request large settlements
02:18and money from the city of Los Angeles.
02:21So I just think it's a very long uphill battle, and I just don't know how it's going to play out.
02:26But the heart goes out to all the victims.
02:27I think the statute of limitations in this case, I haven't researched it, but I think
02:32it would be a two-year statute of limitations.
02:34So they've got time.
02:36People have time to line up and sue.
02:37So this is really interesting how it resolves itself.
02:40Especially in a city where we have fires a lot.
02:47So there's some precedents that will be set here.
