• 2 months ago
The Texans kept the receipts. Seth Payne and Sean Pendergast go over them here before we finally turn the page.
00:00And we had will Anderson jr. On the post game show. And as usual, he was outstanding. He
00:06said in the post game show, he said, man, they were playing with our name this week.
00:11I'm going to tell you, it was like, man, we got to go out physical money. They playing
00:14with our name, man. Like we're a tech front. So we pride ourselves on being dominant up
00:18front and being physical up front. And I think that's one thing that we really took personal
00:21this week.
00:22When you said they're playing with your name, are you talking about all the noise outside
00:25the building? Yeah. Like I just, you know, and I thought we did a really good job of
00:28handling the noise this week. Like at the end of the day, it's about us. And you know,
00:31we, we said that we have to execute better, be mentally sound, but of course, somewhere
00:36the noise is going to slip through. And I thought we handled it really well. Like we
00:39went out there and we proved them that we belong here. Like we're a playoff team and
00:43we got the guys to do it and we just got to keep rolling.
00:45Yeah. The, so like, like we said, I mean, there's, you can delete your social media
00:50apps and everything else, but when Rex Ryan has such a good soundbite on ESPN, it's going
00:56to make it through like that. Somebody is going to send it to you, text it to you, tell
01:00you about it, or you just see it because it's on in your doctor's office or something like
01:06that's going to come through. And, but that's, that's almost the perfect way. There is a,
01:11you know, the old school way where it's not, you're not flooded with it. 24 seven on your
01:16phone is your, is your, you know, perusing social media. It's a, you get that one little
01:20nugget and you're like, Oh, okay. Rex Ryan. Oh, it's a bye week for the chargers. Is it?
01:25Which, and even before the Texans turned it around in that game, I was happy to see like
01:31what we had talked about, which was listen, Rex Ryan, even if the Texans don't win this
01:36game, the Texans defense is going to get their pound of flesh. They're going to, they're
01:40going to come up and the chargers are going to feel it. They're going to feel very much
01:43like it's not a bye week. Even if they'd won by 21, the Texans defense, these guys are
01:49not punks. All right. And that's the big thing. If I'm Will Anderson and I'm here, I'm here
01:54and Rex Ryan say that. And mind you, Rex Ryan was once upon a time, an awesome defensive
02:00coordinator with opportunistic, aggressive, hard hitting defenses. And now that fat old
02:05man is saying this is like a bye week. Yeah. I'm going to go out and just, yeah, go die.
02:11It is. It is. I'm going to go out exactly who we are. And they did a good job. Can I
02:18give people a peek behind the scenes a little bit? You and I, during the break, you can
02:21tell me like you're like you, you know, from all the excitement of the game and post nasal
02:25drip, yellow post nasal drip. And so you were, you were talking yourself through managing
02:29it through this two hour show during the break. And you're like, I think I, you know, I'll
02:33just kind of manage the octave level I get to. And I, you know, paraphrasing here, took
02:38all the three minutes for that to go out the window. Rex Ryan did it to you. Yeah. I didn't
02:41yell though. That's all right. As long as I don't, as long as I don't use my normal
02:44radio voice, I'll be okay here. Here was Rex Ryan. Here was Rex Ryan doubling down, Ben.
02:50Here was Rex Ryan doubling down on his bi-week take. Rex, the Chargers are a road favorite
02:57in Houston. Are the Chargers the better team? Greeny, I heard somebody say it was a bi-week
03:01that the Chargers are going to win. Houston, we have a problem. Okay. Okay. Greenberg,
03:10you're suspended for two weeks. Anybody that says any TV or radio personality that uses
03:15Houston, we have a problem. Suspended for two weeks. That's the new penalty. It's the
03:19suspended for two. No, just not allowed it. Not allowed in Houston. You're not allowed
03:24in Houston. Yeah. Remember I was standing behind that lady waiting and boarding an airplane
03:29once and I was going to compliment her. She was with her husband. It wasn't going to be
03:32like a creepy compliment or anything. Cause she had, she had really cool shoes or something
03:36like that. And like, just as I was about to, she said, and she's like, it is too hot here.
03:41Houston, we have a problem. I hope the plane crashed. Yeah. So Greeny, not allowed in Houston.
03:49Not allowed in Houston. No. Yeah. And, uh, and Rex Ryan, you know what else angered me?
03:56There was people out there that thought that when Rex Ryan said originally that it was
03:59a bi-week that he actually was confused and thought they did have a bi-week and that's
04:04why he was like, no, that was a setup for a joke. Like don't, don't, don't let Rex Ryan
04:09ridicule you even further. Yeah. No, Rex Ryan, not allowed in Houston. I can't speak for
04:13those. If you didn't get the joke, I have nothing. Rex Ryan and Mike Greenberg, not
04:18allowed in Houston. That's right. Band. Um, if you, if you're wondering whether or not
04:21the Texans heard this noise during the week, here was Joe Mixon in the locker room with
04:26a gigantic stogie. I mean, lighting this thing up with what looked like a blow torch after
04:31the game.
04:32Okay. I mean, it was funny. Um, the, the here's that was, that was Joe Mixon. Um, we're going
04:51to get to Rex again here in just a second. The next time that D'Amico Ryan says we don't
04:56listen to the outside noise, we don't hear the outside noise. Just remember this cut
05:00right here. Hey, man. Hey, outstanding job by everybody. How was that by week? I'm not
05:10mad at him or anything like that. I'm just saying from now on D'Amico, just when it comes
05:13to the outside noise and we ignore that. And I understand maybe you don't take it to heart.
05:18Like it ruins your confidence or anything like that, but nobody, nobody cares if you're
05:22taking it and using it as, as rocket fuel. You know what I mean? You want to, it was,
05:27it's about finding balance. You know, you don't want it to distract you or anything.
05:30And it is like we said, it's old school. It's old school. Bulletin board material is
05:36one thing. And you're like, Oh, just enough to get your, raise your cackles a little bit.
05:40Yup. Yup. All right. Now, Rex Ryan on NFL countdown on Sunday after the, the day after
05:45the Texans mopped the floor with the chargers, try to apologize to the Texans. Take a look
05:51at a worst day, me or Justin Herbert. It's probably right there, but I got to tell, I
05:57got to tip your hat to him because that team played their absolute asses off. Look, if
06:02you guys were going to play like that, I would have taken you to win the Superbowl. I'm seeing
06:07the games going up into it. One in five against playoff teams. I'm seeing all that. And I'm
06:12sorry, Houston.
06:16That apology sucked. That, that, that, that sucked. He doesn't have the, he's too much
06:20of a blowhard to pull it off is everything. I feel like ever since he said that, I feel
06:25like, well, you're just disingenuous about everything. So why would I, why would I accept
06:28your apology? Disingenuous? Well, I don't even think he should have to apologize. You
06:32know my feeling on that set, but you should have to apologize for sports takes your take.
06:37Yeah. Well then, but again, though, like you said, if you're, that's where I honestly,
06:41like I was getting offended on behalf of the Texans defense. Cause I love those psycho
06:44freaks. I love the way those guys play football. My God, my favorite play in the game. It wasn't
06:51even a Daniko Autry doesn't get a quarterback hit or a sack out of it or anything, but when
06:56he destroyed the right guard, he snatched his soul. Oh my gosh. That guy's soul left
07:02his, left his body and departed through the patch in the roof. It was a, he just bull
07:08rushed the hell out Daniko Autry. What a game. Oh my gosh. He had a good game and he had
07:13that precisely the kind of play that defense has been playing all year long. And not to
07:18mention the chargers were bad against playoff teams to Rex Ryan. They'd won two games. They
07:24were two and five against playoff teams. And those were both against the Broncos. So don't
07:29sit here and tell me because, and that was the thing that was so stupid about that take.
07:33It wasn't like the Texans were facing the Ravens or the chiefs or the bills who the
07:37Texans have beat earlier this season. They were facing another wildcard team that had
07:41its flaws and blemishes. I thought this one that we're about to play, we're going through
07:44the receipts from last week from the people who disrespected the Texans. I actually thought
07:49this one was worse than the Rex Ryan one. I think Rex Ryan's just kind of, first of
07:54all, Rex Ryan's in football. So I value his opinion more than, you know, somebody who's
07:57not been in a locker room before when it comes to stuff like this. But Ian Rappaport man,
08:02like multiple shots at the Texans, everyone's sort of laughs about the Texans getting the
08:08Saturday early game. It's kind of the Texan side and everyone sort of assumes that they're
08:12going to come out and lose. And I know that the Texans have looked uneven this year, but
08:17if there's one perfect opportunity for them to give everybody the metaphorical middle
08:22digit, this would be it, right? I mean, the charges are good, but surely the Texans have
08:27been just as good. The Texans have been a little uneven offensively. CJ Stroud has been
08:31too many interceptions for anyone's liking, but the talent for sure is there is a perfect
08:36opportunity for the Texans to come out and get a win that absolutely no one expects them
08:41to get. It's again, they're disrespecting the defense. He can't even bring up the fact
08:47that the Texans defense has been phenomenal against most quarterbacks at NRG stadium this
08:52year, other than Lamar Jackson and some of us, right? Exactly. You and I were talking
09:00like, you and I sat there and I was talking in the press box and Seth goes, have any,
09:05have any other quarterbacks had a good game here in NRG stadium this year other than Lamar
09:09Jackson? And I'm like, yeah, I'm trying to block it out too Seth, but Will Leavis had
09:13a good game here. Can't explain it. Yeah. Um, no. So that part of it and you know, so
09:21much of it played out the way we figured it would have to for the Texans to win is that
09:25you're really going to have to ride the defense in those turnovers. Um, I, you didn't, I didn't
09:31expect the offense to, especially after being so lethargic for one and a half quarters,
09:38I didn't expect them to all of a sudden show up in the way that they did. Um, but the defense
09:43battling the defense, keeping them in the game, even before they started getting all
09:48their turnovers, like just keeping that a six nothing game against all odds. That was
09:53the part that it's not as dramatic, um, other than the third and two stop on the first drive
10:00that, and you know, and that was the defense's own doing. They let, that was why it was scary
10:05because when the charges came out and just drove down the field on the defense, it just
10:10felt like, Oh, Oh, Oh goodness. Uh, what is going on here? If the defense isn't showing
10:15up, what the hell are we going to do? But they took that punch and, and then they rolled.
10:19Yup. They sure did. Uh, I wonder if Jason Kelsey ever ended up watching the game. The
10:24one that I'm definitely not watching is Houston versus charges. I don't know why that one's
10:27like not even, that's the least interesting game to me. I, I I'm watching it because I
10:33think that's probably who you're playing. I'm going to play. Yeah, right. And Jason,
10:37you missed a hell of a game, man. You missed it. Also Jason. Um, I don't know if Jason's
10:41aware of his job responsibilities just yet. Dude, you're on Monday night football. You're
10:47not going to watch the game. What the hell are you talking about? I'm just going to read
10:52the Cliffs notes on this. Maybe I'll let AI kind of synopsize it for me. There we go.
10:58Watch the cutup of it. Um, I'm going to go shove down a college kid somewhere. I'll be
11:06too busy beating up college kids. I'm going to the college football play. I have to beat
11:09up on some kids in the parking lot, throw their phones on the ground and stomp them.
11:13I hope nobody's recording any of my slurs. Do you think that the Texans are going to
11:17get the same level of disrespect this week that they got going into that chargers game?
11:21Oh, a hundred percent. Yeah. And I would say also, I think that again, with guys like
11:28Jason Kelsey who don't watch playoff football games or Rex Ryan, he obviously hasn't watched
11:32football all year long. Like that first chiefs game in Kansas city. Yes, it was in the regular
11:38season. Um, but it wasn't like, I mean, that was a competitive game and CJ Stroud ultimately
11:43kind of got them to a point where they, they could have tied it up, but then also made
11:49a couple of really bad mistakes and they had a game management issue that knocked them
11:53out of contention in that one. But it was a, it was a three quarter game there. So yeah,
11:58the Texans, I'm not surprised that they're eight point underdogs, but, um, I'm, I, yeah,
12:03I think some of that is perception that kind of built into it. I would, I would bet on
12:09the Texans this week with those points.
12:10You would take the points. Yeah. Yeah. I think so too. More than a touchdown. I think I would
12:14too. Maybe this season betting or taking the points against the chiefs. You know, they,
12:19they played, they played a lot of close games. This is the playoff chiefs too. It is a playoff
12:23chiefs, but I, you know, I think the Texans, man, I feel, I don't feel like the offense
12:27is completely right, but I feel like they figured some things out this week and I feel
12:31like they're, I feel like they're going to be playing a little more confidence in this
12:33game than they've been all year. You know, they've been attacking the entire field more
12:38effectively. They've gotten Niko involved in the short game. Um, and in some, in some
12:44respects, I think part of that is that the, the past protection still is not pristine,
12:50but you can rely upon it a little bit more. I think they feel a little bit more comfortable
12:54with it. So I, I think you might get a different version of CJ Stroud and then the offense
12:59in its entirety is supposed to be 19 degrees. The high is going to be the high, at least
13:04as of yesterday on Saturday is going to be 19 degrees. So this is where the benefit might
13:08come in. CJ having been under recruited as a high school prospect, the fact that he's,
13:14he's spent time, he's had to wear a winter hat before. Uh, like all these things that
13:18at least he's not going to be like one of these, uh, sec kids that has never played
13:22in cold weather before.
13:23That's right.
