• 2 months ago
*Bilateral relationships with U.S. generates great expectations
*Increase in minimum wage is one of Sheinbaum´s most successful policies
*Sheinbaum denounced that the Right-Wing opposition wants the contraction of democracy


00:00President Claudia Sheinbaum gave a report in her first 100 days in office where she
00:04highlighted that the Mexican humanism model, under the premise of for the good of all,
00:09first the poor, works to generate well-being.
00:12Antonio Aranda, our correspondent, has the details.
00:17In her first 100 days in administration, Claudia Sheinbaum has shown that she will follow the
00:22policies of the so-called fourth transformation.
00:24However, she will have to profile her own style of government, considers this analyst.
00:29The legislature of the Congress of the Union that started with his mandate, or almost with
00:37his mandate, had a great avalanche of constitutional reforms approved, but most of them were basically
00:41the agenda of President López Obrador.
00:49Many of these changes are initiated by him.
00:51There are some issues such as substantive equality, such as the reform that gives social
00:55security to digital platform workers that are hers, but we are at a very early stage
01:00to say that there is a differentiation from her.
01:07Among the challenges that generate more expectations in the short term is the bilateral relationship
01:12with the United States.
01:13A person who wants to deal with Donald Trump has to be very astute, has to be very crafty,
01:21has to be very left-handed, has to know how to appear to be strong while feigning weakness
01:26and vice-versa.
01:27Obviously, what we are seeing here is a defense of the conationals residing in the United
01:33States because of their own extra-official condition, not naturally accredited.
01:38But apart from that, they are wrapping themselves in the flag.
01:41We are going to work, we are going to collaborate, but we are not going to submit ourselves.
01:50In 2025, security and judiciary reform will be high on Scheinbaum's political agenda.
02:00We are going to see how this year develops and how President Scheinbaum performs, and
02:04obviously her success is something that concerns us all.
02:08United States, security and judicial reform are going to be the three strong issues and
02:12how much capacity Claudia Scheinbaum is going to have to maintain leadership within the
02:16great coalition that is Morena.
02:23The increase in the minimum wage is one of the most appropriate policies to improve the
02:28welfare of the working class, according to this specialist.
02:33Something that we have found to be going in the right direction is the increase to the
02:36minimum wage.
02:38What we have seen is that between 2018 and 2024, this minimum wage has recovered 111%
02:44of its purchasing power in real terms.
02:47The president's promise is that the minimum wage will be equivalent to 2.5 basic food
02:56The promotion of higher education is another strategy that will improve the population's
03:00standard of living in the medium term.
03:06Education is related to greater opportunities and higher average income growth.
03:10It is a strategy that is sorely needed.
03:12In the end, we want economic growth, and for that we need a robust training of different
03:16professions, especially through higher education and vocational training programs.
03:25In the end, this must be a great success in order to grow.
03:28We need an increase in the human capital of the population.
03:31This is more than necessary.
03:37The increase in social programs and more support for women are public policies that
03:42will help strengthen their development, the specialist explains.
03:48I would like to highlight the return of the full-time schools.
03:51These were eliminated during the last administration, and it is a good thing for the president to
03:55reinstate these programs.
04:02In the Mexican labor market, we have a great failure, and it is the low labor participation
04:06of women.
04:07When we analyze the causes, we find the use of the time that women dedicate to the care
04:10of children, the elderly and the sick, which at the end of the day is unpaid work.
04:19Scheinbaum has denounced that the right-wing opposition wants the contraction of democracy,
04:24but she is committed to maintaining the separation of powers as effective counterweights for
04:28institutional stability.
04:31One of the commitments of President Scheinbaum as a guiding principle of her policy is to
04:35prevent the return of the neoliberal system that socializes losses and privatizes profits.
