• 2 months ago
Watch the Gentle Deep Dive Trailer for Marvel Contest of Champions, a mobile fighting game developed by Kabam. Take a look at the latest trailer to see Gentle's combat and abilities. Gentle is available now in Marvel Contest of Champions in iOS and Android.
00:00What is going on, summoners? We're back here today with another Champion Deep Dive.
00:05Today, we're talking about Gentle.
00:11So, sit back and relax, because it's time to get into it.
00:24Gentle enters the contest with impressive muscle mass,
00:28granting him immunity to bleed and stun when performing a well-timed block.
00:33He also gains a Pursuit passive for 15 seconds when an immunity triggers
00:38or when the opponent purifies or cleanses a debuff.
00:42Additionally, he gains a Reinforce passive for 20 seconds when struck by a crit through block,
00:48a guaranteed crit, or if struck by two critical hits within two seconds of each other.
00:54When either Champion's combo meter passes a multiple of 15,
00:58he gains an Unstoppable passive for 2 seconds.
01:02This also happens for 3 seconds when the opponent purifies or cleanses a stun debuff
01:08or triggers a stun immunity, and an Indestructible passive,
01:12which is removed if the opponent activates a special 3.
01:16Now, when striking with or being struck by basic attacks,
01:20Gentle has a 31.8% chance to gain muscle mass, granting increased attack for 15 seconds.
01:27For each mass, he inflicts a 5% Daunted passive.
01:31When struck and when starting a combo against a non-stunned opponent,
01:35muscle mass is paused for the duration of the combo,
01:38plus an extra 4 seconds if it was a 5-hit combo.
01:42Muscle mass is also paused during specials
01:45and for 3 seconds when the opponent is struck with a heavy attack.
01:49This has a cooldown of 15 seconds if the opponent was stunned when struck.
01:54Gentle's 4th Light attack cannot grant muscle mass,
01:57but consumes 1 to inflict a Rupture debuff for 15 seconds.
02:02And at the max of 12, he inflicts an extra 60% Daunted passive,
02:07but Gentle loses 10% of his base health when finishing a special attack.
02:12Gentle does not benefit from the Recoil mastery,
02:16but each point increases this Daunted's potency by plus 10% flat.
02:21Now, let's check out his special attacks.
02:26During his special attacks, if unstoppable, he gains increased attack,
02:30and it's paused against non-tech champions.
02:34On the final hit of his special 1, he inflicts a Fear passive for 15 seconds,
02:39and at the end of the attack, he gains 5 muscle mass.
02:43With the special 2, on activation,
02:46he gains a non-stacking 25% Reverb passive for 15 seconds.
02:51Also, when the attack ends,
02:54he gains a non-stacking Physical Resistance passive for 20 seconds.
02:59And he gains increased critical rating for the duration of this attack.
03:14The special 3!
03:17On activation of the special 3,
03:20he gains a non-stacking 35% Reverb passive for 25 seconds,
03:25and he gains 12 muscle mass.
03:28Now, let's check out his signature ability.
03:33When awakened, he reduces the health lost when finishing a special attack
03:37at max muscle mass by up to 50%,
03:40and, while unstoppable, this damage is reduced by an additional 50%.
03:45Additionally, he gains increased block penetration per muscle mass.
03:50Now, let's take him out for a spin in the champion rotation.
03:56To begin, strike the opponent to start gaining muscle mass and inflicting Daunted.
04:01Complete medium-ending combos when they aren't stunned to keep it paused,
04:05Once you complete 15 hits, use your special 1 while unstoppable to gain 5 more.
04:11Try to heavy the opponent when they aren't stunned to keep your mass paused for longer.
04:16Continue the process of gaining and pausing your mass as you build a special 2,
04:20and then launch while unstoppable to gain your Reverb passive.
04:24If the opponent isn't already knocked out, just repeat until they are.
04:28Now, when a stun is purified or cleansed, he goes unstoppable and indestructible.
04:34So, don't be scared to parry those pesky skill champions.
04:38And keep in mind, when he reaches max muscle mass,
04:41he inflicts an additional Daunted with increased potency,
04:44making those special 2 crits and Reverb bursts break the opponent into pieces.
04:50And hey, that pursuit passive he gains from bleed immunity and debuff purification
04:55will help in certain matchups against defenders who can also evade,
04:59keeping his loop intact and making sure he hits the bullseye every time.
05:05Thank you for watching this Champion Deep Dive for Gentle.
05:10And hey, if you liked the video and want to see more, click subscribe, like, comment, and share.
05:17And if you haven't already, join the official Marvel Contest of Champions Discord and come discuss.
05:23And remember, we'll see you in the Battle Realm!
