• 2 months ago
Ciara Miller Says Gamers on 'Traitors' Have 'Chips on Their Shoulders,' Bravo Stars Are 'Most-Liked'


00:00Sarah, you on Traitors. So good. I'm obsessed with this show.
00:04Overall, how would you describe that experience for yourself?
00:07Um, definitely like an out-of-body experience. It was like a competition show was so crazy and
00:15I don't think I knew what I was getting myself into with the survivor people and the big brother
00:21people, but I ended up finding my little my people and I'm I'm really glad that I did it.
00:27Actually, it definitely pushed me outside of my comfort zone, but it was,
00:30it was definitely very challenging. And now watching it back, I mean, I can't wait to see
00:35the rest of traders because I feel like I'm watching it unravel like with everyone else.
00:39I only knew or know as much as me and that's like one 20th of the story. So I can't wait.
00:47No spoilers, but was there any of like the physical challenges that you were like?
00:52Um, yeah, coming up, there was a lot of running, so much running. I'm so sorry.
00:58There's some, that's why I like was like, I'm going to lead on the boat because I was like,
01:02there's no way I can row this boat and no way I wanted to row the boat. So I was like,
01:07I'm going to just yell. Yeah. Did Kyle give you any advice going into it?
01:12Look, honestly, no. And to be honest, I didn't even really ask because I had like five days
01:19before I knew that I was kind of leaving to go out there. And so the clothing was more than
01:25game plan. I was really focused on my clothes, getting into, getting to New York as opposed to
01:30like game planning. I was like, you know what, if I look at it, I can figure everything else out.
01:35Was I focused on the wrong thing? Yes. But at least, you know, I look cute being lost. I don't
01:41know. Watching back the first three episodes though, are there red flags that you kind of
01:46picked up on like that you or like you think that you missed when it comes to the traders?
01:52I just will say, I haven't watched it yet. So I will just say like my gut was right in the
01:56beginning and I like the more you talk to people, the more they kind of like sway you. So my gut was
02:03actually right in the beginning, but I ended up kind of like focusing my attention on something
02:08different. Always trust your gut. Always trust your gut. And what did you think of the strategy
02:12of the housewives take down early on? I mean, like I went in there with the strategy that I
02:18would never vote for any Bravo people. I'm like, you don't go after your own kind. And so the
02:24takedown of the housewives, I just feel like some of these survivor, big brother people had chips
02:29on their shoulders and like, they're going to take out the Bravo people because they know that
02:33they're the most liked. They're just mad that our shows aren't competition shows. And that
02:38we have continuous shows and that we get really far in the trader.
02:44Amanda, would you ever do it? Oh man. If I had to do not for the physical activities and I,
02:50I'm not participating in any physical activities, no way. And I think I would, I would be the Ekin
02:56Sue. I would just be so lost. Um, and just be and trust everyone and believe everything everyone
03:03said. So I'd be terrible at it. I don't think you would be terrible at it. I would, I would
03:09probably cry every day. As soon as someone put my name on the chalkboard, I would cry. I cried.
03:15No, I cried.
