00:00:00Thanks for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe!
00:00:30You're all that I want for me, me and you.
00:00:41Call me.
00:00:42You're all that I want for me, me and you.
00:01:28Forgive me.
00:01:30No, please.
00:01:31What do I do?
00:02:07¿Qué pasa?
00:02:12¿Tampoco lo sabía?
00:02:14No, no lo sabía.
00:02:15¿Dónde está?
00:02:16Iré de una vez.
00:02:18No, no vaya.
00:02:19Hay muchos reporteros y, además, no se encuentra allí.
00:02:27Esta mañana, el ex vocero presidencial Peg Saon
00:02:30anunció que le donará toda la herencia de Peg Janot al pueblo.
00:02:34También anunció que todos los procedimientos legales
00:02:37y medidas posteriores las manejará su representante legal.
00:02:41La presidencia aceptó su carta de renuncia
00:02:44y busca al mejor candidato para reemplazarlo.
00:02:49se marchó.
00:03:17¡A comer!
00:03:24¡A comer!
00:03:29¡Con cuidado!
00:03:34Muy bien.
00:03:35Coman mucho.
00:03:36¿Puedo comer más?
00:03:38Tienes que comer para crecer.
00:03:40Yo seré más alta y más guapo que el Dr. Sanu.
00:03:44¿Por eso?
00:03:45¿No puede casarse con él, sí?
00:03:50No crezcas.
00:03:51Nada le gana ser lindo.
00:03:57Por favor.
00:03:58Por favor.
00:04:12¿Por qué quieres callarlo?
00:04:17¿De qué hablas?
00:04:23¿Te enteraste?
00:04:25Peg Saon donará su herencia.
00:04:28Lo sé.
00:04:30¿Cómo podría no enterarme de eso?
00:04:33El hogar Nuri...
00:04:35también recibirá una donación.
00:04:38¿De Saon?
00:04:39Es alguien anónimo, pero...
00:04:42¿Quién más?
00:04:46Renunció y...
00:04:48donó todo lo que tenía.
00:04:50Nadie lo ha visto ni sabe dónde está.
00:04:53Pareciera que el hombre llamado...
00:04:56Peg Saon desapareció para siempre.
00:04:59Así es.
00:05:02Peg Saon se murió.
00:05:09Es cierto.
00:05:11Está muerto.
00:05:19Última hora.
00:05:20Confirmamos que la señorita Honey Yu, esposa del vocero Peg Saon...
00:05:24regresó a casa sana y salva...
00:05:26cuatro días después de haber sido secuestrada.
00:05:30La policía de Seúl arrestó a Shim Kyu Jin, esposa de Peg Saon...
00:05:34por haber ordenado el asesinato de la señorita Honey Yu.
00:05:38También arrestaron e investigan a Min, la persona que lo llevaría a cabo.
00:05:43Min declaró que empujó el vehículo al río...
00:05:46para hacerlo parecer un accidente...
00:05:48y que le ordenaron dejar las pertenencias de la señorita Saon en la escena...
00:05:52como zapatos y teléfono para confundir a la policía.
00:05:55El sospechoso que había secuestrado a Honey Yu...
00:05:58la amenazó con un arma.
00:06:00Y a pesar de todas las advertencias...
00:06:02el sujeto murió por un disparo en el lugar.
00:06:37¿Sigues allí?
00:06:41Sé que estás allí, maldita sea.
00:06:44¿Por qué? ¿Por qué me encerraste aquí?
00:06:56¿Cuánto tiempo me encerrarás?
00:06:59Te dije que...
00:07:04no quiere volver a perderte, cariño.
00:07:10Me arrepiento mucho...
00:07:12de haberte...
00:07:14protegido, ¿no?
00:07:17¿No te hubiese perdido?
00:07:25¡Peg Saon!
00:07:27Escucha con atención.
00:07:29No quiero...
00:07:32dejarte aquí encerrado.
00:07:35Te protegeré.
00:09:11Siempre creí...
00:09:14que era más afortunado que otros por nacer en...
00:09:18una familia influyente...
00:09:21y por tener un padre tan...
00:09:33Pero no era así.
00:09:36La verdad sobre...
00:09:38mi padre es lo opuesto a lo que creía sobre él.
00:09:41¡Sólo eran mentiras!
00:09:43Y mi hijo, a quien...
00:09:45di por muerto...
00:09:47regresó y me agobió aún más.
00:09:49Yo quisiera...
00:09:51cortar todo...
00:09:54y conexión...
00:09:56con mi familia.
00:09:58Sólo quería...
00:10:01Sólo seré Pekion.
00:10:04Queridos compatriotas...
00:10:07tengan misericordia con...
00:10:11mis pecados y carencias.
00:10:13Yo, Pekion...
00:10:15les doy mi palabra de...
00:10:17que ahora seré...
00:10:20un hombre nuevo...
00:10:22y mejorado.
00:10:31¿Puedo creerlo?
00:10:35Una noche...
00:10:38en la que me quedé sin respirar.
00:10:45Me quedé sola...
00:10:48en un espacio más oscuro.
00:10:53Me he perdido.
00:10:57En los recuerdos...
00:10:59que se desvanecen...
00:11:01se me ocurren...
00:11:03imágenes de ti.
00:11:07Me lleno de lágrimas.
00:11:11No puedo soportar...
00:11:13la ansiedad.
00:11:15Me he detenido...
00:11:17en mi corazón.
00:11:21Te doy mi palabra.
00:11:27Te acerco como un sueño.
00:11:31Quédate conmigo.
00:11:34Ahora me siento en paz.
00:11:40Quiero volver a respirar.
00:11:44Porque me siento en paz.
00:11:48Quiero durar la noche.
00:11:54Estos son los últimos resultados que hemos obtenido.
00:11:58Después de todo...
00:11:59los Pek no produjeron otro presidente.
00:12:02La acusada...
00:12:04mató a su suegro...
00:12:06y planeó otro asesinato sin ningún tipo de remordimiento.
00:12:10Lo que...
00:12:11resultó en la muerte...
00:12:13de otra persona.
00:12:15Este es...
00:12:17un crimen sumamente grave.
00:12:19Por eso, la sentencio a...
00:12:22la cadena perpetua.
00:12:32La madre que falló dos veces en proteger a su hijo...
00:12:39Quiso que le dieran...
00:12:41la pena de muerte.
00:12:46El leal mayordomo de los Pek...
00:12:49recibió solo cinco años de sentencia.
00:12:52Porque admitió los cargos y se arrepintió,
00:12:54pero también porque la víctima...
00:12:56no quiso denunciarlo.
00:13:04El escándalo de la familia Pek que conmocionó al país...
00:13:08terminó como si nada.
00:13:13Y luego él...
00:13:15desapareció después de abandonar...
00:13:18todo lo que tenía en su vida.
00:13:26no quería...
00:13:30a su hijo.
00:13:32No quería...
00:13:36a su hijo.
00:13:39Todo lo que tenía en su vida.
00:13:56Dime, ¿has dormido?
00:14:03¿Por qué sigues viniendo?
00:14:06Sabes bien...
00:14:09que traicioné a Pek Saun.
00:14:12Eras con quien más hablaba.
00:14:16Tanto en persona como por teléfono.
00:14:20Hasta que descubrió tu traición.
00:14:24Sí, correcto.
00:14:27No importa que...
00:14:29si recuerdas cualquier cosa que te haya dicho, por favor...
00:14:35puedes decirme.
00:14:39Dijo que...
00:14:41prefería desaparecer...
00:14:44cuando lograra sus...
00:14:47cometidos y no tuviese nada más...
00:14:50que lo motivara a seguir adelante.
00:14:55Su plan original era...
00:15:05Así es, pero...
00:15:07¿y ahora?
00:15:09¿Cambiaste de parecer?
00:15:15Voy a tener la vida que siempre soñé.
00:15:18Con la gente...
00:15:21que quiero a mi lado para siempre.
00:15:24No creo que...
00:15:26haya desaparecido porque logró...
00:15:29lograr su venganza.
00:15:34que haber existido otra razón.
00:15:48¿Y Yu?
00:15:50Señor Cam.
00:15:52¡Cuánto tiempo!
00:15:54¿Cómo está?
00:16:00¿Cuánto tiempo?
00:16:03¿Vino a ver al señor Pak Doje?
00:16:06Ah, sí, vengo a veces.
00:16:09Me molesto cuando...
00:16:10pienso en lo que hizo.
00:16:12¿Sabe lo que dicen?
00:16:14Odia al pecado, no al pecador.
00:16:22Siempre preguntaba...
00:16:25¿De qué hablan tú y tu esposa?
00:16:28¿Cómo le demuestras...
00:16:32¿Cómo se puede ser...
00:16:34un mejor esposo?
00:16:36¿Con tu esposa...
00:16:39se han mentido o...
00:16:41¿se han ocultado algunos secretos?
00:16:43A veces hay que actuar como si no supiéramos nada y solo dejarlo ir.
00:16:47Debe esforzarse para que su matrimonio funcione.
00:16:53es que haces todo eso?
00:16:56Cantas, bailas...
00:16:59quería aprender...
00:17:02y se esforzaba.
00:17:11Quiero saber más.
00:17:25Yo le...
00:17:28enseñé esto.
00:17:30¿Puedes creerlo?
00:17:33Íbamos de camino al seminario, en el autobús.
00:17:36Me preguntó cómo demostraba mi afecto.
00:17:39No sabía que lo había practicado.
00:17:42Mucho menos contigo.
00:17:44Lo extraño mucho, de verdad.
00:17:46Fueron momentos muy especiales.
00:17:51Algo que no olvidaré.
00:18:01Muy bien.
00:18:02Te queda lindo.
00:18:07que cuando...
00:18:08era niña siempre comíamos tonkatsu en Navidad?
00:18:11Porque es delicioso.
00:18:14Cuando vivía con el director Hon,
00:18:16comía muchas cosas ricas en Navidad todos los años.
00:18:20Pero nada como nuestro tonkatsu navideño.
00:18:23Me gusta mucho.
00:18:24Por eso dije que quería comerlo.
00:18:27Fue mi idea venir acá.
00:18:29Aquí tienen su comida.
00:18:36Oh, vino de nuevo.
00:18:38Buen provecho.
00:18:50Qué rico.
00:18:51Oye, papá.
00:18:53¿Ya habías venido?
00:18:55Sí, claro.
00:18:56En mi cumpleaños.
00:18:59¿Con quién?
00:19:01Mi nuero.
00:20:04quiere decir que viniste en...
00:20:07And then what? Did he come back? Did you see him?
00:20:37I don't know.
00:20:55Let's go.
00:21:07It's almost Christmas.
00:21:10I don't want you to be alone in this house.
00:21:13You'd better come with me.
00:21:17If you want, we can go on a trip together or something.
00:21:21How long will you be alone?
00:21:24How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not leaving?
00:21:29Are you going to wait for him?
00:21:31It's been six months.
00:21:34What if he comes back and I'm not here?
00:21:41What do I do if he leaves and I lose him again?
00:21:47I still...
00:21:51It's hard to believe that he's not here with me.
00:21:55When I woke up in the hospital, I could swear that he...
00:22:00He was with me.
00:22:09I know I slept for several days because I was very tired.
00:22:19But when I woke up, he was always there by my side.
00:22:25As if nothing happened.
00:22:32When I saw him that last night...
00:22:35And I...
00:22:37And I...
00:22:45Are you okay?
00:22:48I don't know.
00:22:51I don't know.
00:22:54I don't know.
00:22:57Are you okay?
00:23:03What relief.
00:23:08I had a dream where they shot you.
00:23:13No, no.
00:23:15I'm with you.
00:23:18Go to sleep now.
00:23:42I clearly remember the warmth of his hands as I slept.
00:23:47I feel like I'm going to walk through that door at any moment.
00:23:50He won't come.
00:23:53I thought you'd forget about him after a while.
00:23:57How is it that...
00:23:59You don't let go of him for a second.
00:24:04So you know.
00:24:06You know why he left and why he hasn't come back with me.
00:24:09You know?
00:24:12All I'm going to tell you is this.
00:24:18Forget him.
00:24:20Because he won't come back.
00:24:22But tell me why!
00:24:25Why are you telling me all this?
00:24:28Tell me, please.
00:24:30Tell me, Ina.
00:24:38You won't listen to me, no matter what I say.
00:24:41The truth is, I don't want to see you suffer.
00:24:44I want you to be happy now.
00:24:53I need him to stop suffering so much
00:24:56and to come back to being happy.
00:25:02I really need him, Ina.
00:25:05I miss him so much.
00:25:22I'm sorry.
00:25:53Can we see each other for a moment?
00:26:05Why there?
00:26:22Why there?
00:26:33The number you dialed is not in service.
00:26:36Check the number and try again.
00:26:45The number you dialed is not in service.
00:26:48Check the number and try again.
00:26:52The number you dialed is not in service.
00:27:42The number you dialed is not in service.
00:27:52The number you dialed is not in service.
00:28:10A call from Argan?
00:28:12It was more than a call.
00:28:15Honey, you?
00:28:17Yes, it's me.
00:28:18It's for you.
00:28:20It's international.
00:28:22Please sign here.
00:28:53Thank you, Miss.
00:28:55The Sign School was founded for children who lost their hearing due to war.
00:28:59Thanks to your donation...
00:29:05Children can project their voices to the whole world.
00:29:08Their eyes are full of hope,
00:29:11and their future looks bright.
00:29:13Please don't forget our children,
00:29:16so they can continue to dream big.
00:29:24The International Boy Band School?
00:29:44How much was the donation?
00:29:46Two billion.
00:29:48Two billion?
00:29:52Wow, Iyu.
00:29:54Do you have that much money?
00:29:56I told you it wasn't me.
00:29:58I don't have that much money.
00:30:00And who was it?
00:30:02You two.
00:30:04Argan's war correspondents, right?
00:30:06Do you know where he could stay?
00:30:09But who are you talking about?
00:30:11Pek Zahon?
00:30:16Do you think he donated the money?
00:30:18Who else could it be?
00:30:20The call from Argan,
00:30:22two billion, four hundred and six, six hundred and four.
00:30:26Is it a coincidence?
00:30:32What's the point of this?
00:30:34If you find out where he could be,
00:30:36then you won't go and...
00:30:38Tell me if you know where he could be.
00:30:40Hey, Hon Iyu.
00:30:42Argan has a civil war.
00:30:44Not everyone can go through there.
00:30:47Hey, you could die.
00:30:49If I stay here, anxiety will kill me.
00:30:52For me, it's the same as being shot and killed in Argan.
00:30:56I won't leave until you tell me something.
00:31:02The picture.
00:31:04What picture?
00:31:06Have you seen the background?
00:31:08He's a fan of sunsets,
00:31:15Have you seen the picture?
00:31:19I haven't seen it.
00:31:21I don't know.
00:31:23I don't know.
00:31:25I don't know.
00:31:27I don't know.
00:31:30There's a place over there
00:31:32where I always went to see them.
00:31:35It's a place with incredible views.
00:31:39I took a lot of pictures of the beautiful red sky.
00:31:53It's red.
00:31:54Yes, like your cheek.
00:31:59It's red.
00:32:02You're welcome.
00:32:32Many children have become deaf because of the war.
00:32:35This institution was made possible thanks to your help.
00:32:39We thank you.
00:32:43By chance,
00:32:45is this the person who donated to my school?
00:32:50Well, we received the donation in your name,
00:32:53but it wasn't in person.
00:32:56I heard there's a place to see the sunset.
00:33:00How can I get there?
00:33:02The sunset?
00:33:04You mean the Westin Chapel?
00:33:06Yes, that one.
00:33:07You can't go for now.
00:33:09Why not?
00:33:10The rebels occupied the area.
00:33:12They'd kill you when you got there.
00:34:01Hands up!
00:34:25Hands up!
00:34:55Wait! They just attacked!
00:34:57Let's go!
00:35:56Let's go.
00:36:15Hold on!
00:36:55Come on!
00:37:25Let's go.
00:37:55You came.
00:37:56I told you to wait.
00:37:58Why did you...
00:38:06What are you doing here?
00:38:26It was for you.
00:38:31Do you know how many times I changed my plan for you?
00:38:36The truth is,
00:38:38it didn't make sense to plan anything.
00:38:43Everything would be ruined.
00:38:48Then let it happen.
00:38:50I'll ruin everything.
00:38:55Always with your plans.
00:38:59came out of us according to your plans.
00:39:02It didn't work for me.
00:39:04My plan was always to divorce you.
00:39:07You know that.
00:39:09But let's forget it.
00:39:13I couldn't get away from you.
00:39:16I couldn't.
00:39:18I couldn't get away from you.
00:39:21In fact, I couldn't stand another day without being by your side,
00:39:24and that's why I came.
00:39:26How stupid.
00:39:28Why do you say you can't live without me?
00:39:32If I already know everything.
00:39:36How do you know?
00:39:40All I'm going to tell you is this.
00:39:43Forget it.
00:39:46Because she won't come back.
00:39:48My sister told you something.
00:39:52Not before that.
00:40:10What did you discover that day?
00:40:13Why did you look at me like that?
00:40:16Answer me!
00:40:17Why don't you tell me what you heard that day?
00:40:22Did you know that...
00:40:24your father Peck Janot...
00:40:27killed Honeydew's brother?
00:40:30That's right.
00:40:31The accident.
00:40:34He ordered them to...
00:40:37run him over with the truck.
00:40:46Peck Janot tried very hard to hide me,
00:40:49but his brother saw my face.
00:40:57From my veins to my name...
00:41:02the sins ran.
00:41:05I thought protecting you...
00:41:08was the only right thing to do.
00:41:19I realized...
00:41:21that I took away...
00:41:23much more than I protected you.
00:41:27Your childhood.
00:41:29Your family.
00:41:31Your dreams.
00:41:34It was my father who trampled them.
00:41:43See the light
00:41:45It wakes up the night
00:41:49And well...
00:41:52you already know.
00:41:55And I...
00:41:59She knows too.
00:42:04She took a risk...
00:42:06despite knowing everything.
00:42:12I love you.
00:42:34You abandoned me because you felt guilty.
00:42:38I didn't abandon you.
00:42:42I had to punish myself.
00:42:47I made up excuses.
00:42:54She already knows everything.
00:42:56And she doesn't care.
00:43:00I could stay and...
00:43:02pretend I don't know anything.
00:43:06The important thing is that from now on I will make her happy.
00:43:11I kept justifying myself.
00:43:16Because I can't live without you.
00:43:20My goal was always...
00:43:23to be free.
00:43:32That's why...
00:43:35I felt disgusted.
00:43:40I just wanted...
00:43:43to punish myself until I could forgive myself.
00:43:47How much longer do I have to wait?
00:43:52You know well...
00:43:56that we have spent much more time...
00:44:01in misunderstandings and problems than loving each other.
00:44:05Do I have to keep waiting?
00:44:10How much longer?
00:44:13Should I be the one punishing you?
00:44:15Should I make you pay?
00:44:21You are punishing me.
00:44:25Here, in front of me.
00:44:29What I want most is to hug you.
00:44:33I keep control.
00:44:40I can't control myself anymore.
00:45:10I love you.
00:45:40There are so many things I want to tell you.
00:45:47Can I write them down and send them to you tonight?
00:45:55Without realizing it, my world is full of you.
00:46:02Is it okay for me to love you?
00:46:09My love.
00:46:12I've been waiting for this moment for so long.
00:46:18Even if hardships come and I fall down,
00:46:22you are the only one for me.
00:46:26I'll confess my feelings that I've been holding back.
00:46:32I can't live without you.
00:46:40Like the moonlight that shines on us,
00:46:43I'll only look at you.
00:46:47As if I've missed you for a long time.
00:46:54All my time, all my memories,
00:46:58it's all about you.
00:47:02I can't help but love you.
00:47:09My love.
00:47:16My love.
00:47:29It's true.
00:47:37We spent three years together,
00:47:40but I never saw your phone and I had no idea.
00:47:45It's sunset.
00:47:48It used to be you.
00:47:58Is that why you came to Argan?
00:48:03I didn't want you near me,
00:48:08but I could see you here.
00:48:13I never imagined you'd be here with me.
00:48:23Did you call me?
00:48:29I had a dream.
00:48:34You were crying a lot.
00:48:41That's why I wanted to use it as an excuse to hear you again.
00:48:50But I didn't think you'd come all the way here to see me.
00:49:00Why did you use my name in the donation?
00:49:052 billion.
00:49:08Don't you remember?
00:49:122 billion.
00:49:14One, you can't ask for a divorce as a boyfriend.
00:49:18Two, no matter what happens, we won't get divorced.
00:49:21Three, we'll make a proactive effort so people know we're married.
00:49:26If you don't do any of this, you'll pay in billions.
00:49:32That's right.
00:49:34Consider it your pension.
00:49:40Because I plan on breaking up with our vows.
00:49:48Because Pek Zahon will ask for a divorce.
00:49:57When I stop being Pek Zahon,
00:50:05I'll marry you.
00:50:18I love you.
00:50:48I love you.
00:51:10Let's change seats.
00:51:14When you open the door, Mr. Pek will come out.
00:51:17And I'm nervous.
00:51:20Can we change seats?
00:51:22No, thank you.
00:51:23This isn't the presidency, and he's not the spokesman anymore.
00:51:26Relax, please.
00:51:28Yes, yes.
00:51:35Come in.
00:51:37I'm very hungry.
00:51:38We're here.
00:51:48More food?
00:51:51Did you cook all of it?
00:51:54It's delicious.
00:51:56I cooked.
00:51:58You cooked?
00:52:00I'm proud of you.
00:52:01You don't let your wife do anything here.
00:52:04You learned a lot.
00:52:08Well, it's not that.
00:52:10It's just that the kitchen isn't exactly...
00:52:16It's so cute.
00:52:18Let me see.
00:52:19Give me your hand.
00:52:20Oh my God.
00:52:21Look at this.
00:52:23It's a ring.
00:52:25But I don't know if I understand.
00:52:28Why marry the same man twice?
00:52:31It's true.
00:52:32It doesn't matter.
00:52:33We all approve.
00:52:36I'm happy.
00:52:37That's love.
00:52:40By the way, is it true?
00:52:42About your name?
00:52:44Did you change it?
00:52:50Baek Ju Yeon.
00:52:52Baek Ju Yeon?
00:52:55What does it mean?
00:52:58Ju is unique and Yeon is love.
00:53:03And all together means unique love?
00:53:12How romantic.
00:53:18Why are you looking at me like that?
00:53:20Congratulations, sir.
00:53:22He's the best husband.
00:53:25So when do you plan to return to the presidency?
00:53:30I won't go back.
00:53:33What will you do?
00:53:40I'll have to get used to Baek Ju Yeon.
00:53:45But let's toast to this beautiful couple, right?
00:53:53Wait a minute.
00:53:55Another toast to us.
00:53:59Let's get married.
00:54:05That's great!
00:54:09Congratulations, Yuri!
00:54:13My congratulations.
00:54:15I didn't know.
00:54:17I'm happy.
00:54:19I'm very happy.
00:54:20You look so cute.
00:54:22Well, guys, let's drink and celebrate.
00:54:27It's a good idea, right?
00:54:31Of course it's a good idea.
00:54:33Isn't it?
00:54:34Yes, of course.
00:54:35It's great.
00:54:38What is this?
00:55:22Are you tired?
00:55:25You said you cooked everything.
00:55:28Well, I did.
00:55:37I really liked today's energy.
00:55:41I'd like to have a noisy house with more energy.
00:55:47We need another member, right?
00:55:52I'll start at the studio next week.
00:55:56I want to be a news reporter again.
00:55:59I like my job and I don't want to stop interpreting.
00:56:04Well, that's good.
00:56:11Cooperate, Honiju.
00:56:13We need another member so that the house has energy.
00:56:18What did you say?
00:56:20Let's go.
00:56:50Here, eat more.
00:56:57Do you like spicy fish?
00:57:00I haven't been able to eat this since then.
00:57:06I think the smell reminds me of the lake.
00:57:20I'll make you something else.
00:57:27No, it's okay.
00:57:45You still cook well.
00:57:58Try the kimchi.
00:58:01Register him?
00:58:03I'll come visit you soon with him.
00:58:06I wanted to come today, but I told him you could treat him badly.
00:58:11You know me.
00:58:13You dug your grave when you had to go look for him,
00:58:16you secretly married him.
00:58:18Oh my God.
00:58:20You said Iju never smiled.
00:58:24And look at her.
00:58:26She looks very happy.
00:58:29What else do you want from her?
00:58:33Tell me, where do they live?
00:58:36It's far from here.
00:58:39Okay, where?
00:58:42Little by little, Mom.
00:58:44I'll come visit them.
00:59:01I know he really cares about you.
00:59:05May they be happy for a long time.
00:59:30Sorry I didn't tell you anything.
00:59:35But I didn't know how you'd take it.
00:59:38I didn't come to congratulate you.
00:59:40When we saw each other again,
00:59:43I tried to make amends and be closer.
00:59:50that cost me.
00:59:54Then I started to think,
00:59:56and I saw what I did wrong.
00:59:59Before we got closer,
01:00:02I was the first one to say this.
01:00:09I'm sorry.
01:00:14I made you suffer a lot,
01:00:17and for a long time,
01:00:20I stared at you.
01:00:28I want to leave the past behind.
01:00:31If you keep thinking about the past,
01:00:34you'll be trapped there,
01:00:36and you won't enjoy today.
01:00:39Try it.
01:00:41Forget everything.
01:00:44Is that possible?
01:00:52I'm happy.
01:00:55And I no longer doubt my happiness.
01:01:01Thanks to him, I know I deserve...
01:01:05to be happy.
01:01:08You deserve to be happy, too.
01:01:12Believe me, Ina.
01:01:18First, a group of Koreans was kidnapped by armed militants
01:01:22in Ismael under the attack of Fatima.
01:01:26The government will organize
01:01:28a group to protect Koreans abroad.
01:01:31The plan is to send the expert in negotiations, Baek Ju-yeon.
01:01:35The authorities will use all the diplomatic resources
01:01:38to rescue the Koreans and bring them home safe and sound.
01:01:42That's the priority.
01:01:44Now we move on to Lee Jin-hyuk.
01:01:48Lee Jin-hyuk
01:01:54You can't answer the phone.
01:01:56Leave a message after the tone.
01:01:58Additional charges may be applied.
01:02:18What happened?
01:02:20Why did it take so long?
01:02:22Where are you? Are you okay?
01:02:24It's all over.
01:02:26I'm going home.
01:02:34Everything is ready to take off.
01:02:40Why did it take me so long to find you today?
01:02:44Why did it take me so long to find you today?
01:02:47There was no signal in the place.
01:02:51Why do you talk weird?
01:02:53What's so weird?
01:02:55Isn't it exciting, 406?
01:03:02Tell me, do you miss that woman, 406?
01:03:10Yes, I miss her.
01:03:13What do you miss?
01:03:15Her cold and threatening voice.
01:03:18It's very irritating.
01:03:21Why do you like her?
01:03:24Because she can't take it.
01:03:27Even if you don't complain,
01:03:29I can't know unless you tell me.
01:03:31If you don't say anything,
01:03:33I'll think I'm being a great husband.
01:03:36I don't want her to take it.
01:03:39Don't do it.
01:03:41Complain as much as you want.
01:03:43Feel free to scold me.
01:03:47Do you promise?
01:03:56If I call you now, what will I gain?
01:04:00Everything you want, 406.
01:04:04So keep calling me forever.
01:04:08I'll answer as if it were the first time.
01:04:14Then listen carefully,
01:04:16because I'll tell you what I want.
01:04:19Come home now.
01:04:21Do it as soon as you can.
01:04:24Come back with me.
01:04:27On my way.
01:04:31There's a marriage here.
01:04:35You haven't been able to open your hearts to each other.
01:04:42If you were honest,
01:04:45if you admitted how you feel,
01:04:48would you change?
01:04:51If you tried now,
01:04:54you could become a normal couple.
01:04:59There's a marriage here.
01:05:03A couple who promised not to hide anything from each other.
01:05:08A couple who promised to work together to be happy.
01:05:29My voice is like a dream.
01:05:35So that it doesn't hurt anymore.
01:05:40Will you hug me with a small wound?
01:05:47So that no cold night
01:05:52between you and me.
01:05:59Make a choice.
01:06:00Tell me in my heart.
01:06:05Go down to the future.
01:06:07Live again.
01:06:09To glory.
01:06:10I need to say my name.
01:06:13Say my name in my ears.
01:06:17The world that follows my voice
01:06:20is filled again.
01:06:21Back again.
01:06:22I need to say my name.
01:06:26Say my name.
01:06:29My voice is like a dream.
01:06:35When you call me, call me too.
01:06:38My world is a sunset dream.
01:06:41Say my name.
01:06:43I need you to say my name.
01:06:51I need you to say my name.
01:06:55Say my name in my ears.
01:06:59The world that follows my voice
01:07:02is filled again.
01:07:03Back again.
01:07:04I need you to say my name.
01:07:07Say my name.