• 2 months ago
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 48 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 48 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 49 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 50 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 48 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 48 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 48 Completo HD
00:00Now Camila, now Graciela, and I'm Joaquin.
00:05Oh, no, please.
00:07Ofelia, come on.
00:09You had absolutely nothing to do with them leaving.
00:12Don't underestimate me.
00:15Because the next one is you.
00:23How was it?
00:31Mom, can you pass me the salt, please?
00:33Son, here.
00:35Hey, do you want more Coca-Cola?
00:37Oh, yes, yes, please.
00:38Oh, I know you.
00:39Oh, how delicious.
00:41Eat one, son, eat one.
00:45Hey, son, how can you be so calm?
00:50Why do you say that?
00:51Well, because of Camila.
00:53It's not possible that you don't know anything about her.
00:55I already called her and she didn't answer.
00:57She hasn't looked for me either for some reason, has she?
01:03Son, we women like to be taken care of,
01:07to be taken care of, to be aware of us.
01:10Mommy, can you leave Camila's issue alone?
01:13Can you stop pressuring me so much, please?
01:15But Juan is your wife.
01:17Well, old woman, it was good, wasn't it?
01:19They are big and they will know how to fix their problems.
01:24Oh, well.
01:25Don't worry.
01:28Camila, how are you, honey?
01:29Don't you want to sit down to eat?
01:30No, I'm so happy I can't believe it.
01:32Oh, damn, what happened?
01:34You can't imagine.
01:35My dad is alive!
01:39Yes, what happened is that everything was a mess
01:42and it turns out that he didn't have that accident.
01:44My dad is alive and he's fine.
01:47Oh, Ofelia, you don't even reach my heels.
01:49What's more, the dirt on my shoes is worth more than you.
01:53Oh, Paula, that's the difference between us,
01:56that I know what it is to live in poverty
01:59and that made me strong.
02:01On the other hand, how long do you think you'll last
02:04if you lose all this?
02:06Oh, no.
02:07Let's see, I think you're not dimensioning things very well.
02:11The only one Luis forces us to respect in this house
02:13is your daughter, not you.
02:15The same thing happens in your case, dear.
02:18Leonardo could divorce you.
02:21Oh, for many reasons.
02:25So, it's better for you not to get involved
02:28where they don't call you.
02:31Because even if you wanted to ruin my daughter,
02:33you never could, nor will you be able to do it.
02:37Let's see, my dad really never had an accident.
02:41He was only robbed and the one who died was one of the thieves.
02:44Can you believe it?
02:46I never would have imagined it.
02:49Oh, daughter, I feel so sorry for you.
02:51I'm sorry.
02:52I'm sorry.
02:53I'm sorry.
02:54I'm sorry.
02:55I'm sorry.
02:56I'm sorry.
02:57I'm sorry.
02:58I'm sorry.
02:59I'm sorry.
03:00I'm sorry.
03:01I'm sorry.
03:02I'm sorry.
03:03I'm sorry.
03:04I'm sorry.
03:05I'm sorry.
03:06Oh, daughter, I feel so sorry for you.
03:10Hey, so the son waiting for Marcia is your dad's, right?
03:13I guess so.
03:17Son, son, why don't you say anything?
03:20Don't you feel happy for Camila?
03:25Well, maybe I had thought that after what just happened,
03:28it would be good to spend a few days with my family.
03:31And with the fact that my dad came back,
03:33I don't know, maybe we could go live over there.
03:40Did you see me?
03:50What did I say?
03:51No, nothing bad.
03:53Just that Juan is a little awake and probably didn't sleep well.
03:57Did he leave?
04:00It has nothing to do with you, really.
04:02I'm going to go talk to him right now.
04:04Excuse me.
04:10I mean, I really don't understand what I did wrong.
04:13Don't worry, daughter.
04:14Well, maybe you got it in a curve or with something in your head.
04:17Just be patient, okay?
04:37How could I be so stupid?
04:41How could I fall into the sea?
04:44At what point did I think that child could be mine?
04:46For God's sake.
04:53How are you, son?
04:55Are you okay?
04:59I swore that the baby I was expecting was mine.
05:03But I realized that it wasn't.
05:06Now there's nothing that lets me be close to her.
05:11I feel like I'm dead.
05:15Come here, baby.
05:18Come here.
05:20Oh, daughter.
05:22I don't like to see you like this.
05:25Vale, don't let what happened to your sister
05:28affect your relationship with Arturo.
05:30In the end, it was all a misunderstanding.
05:32Yes, but nothing justifies what he did.
05:36It's obvious that you're in love with that young man.
05:39I've never seen you like this before.
05:41No, I've never felt this way.
05:45And you know what, Amparo?
05:46I do regret it.
05:48Because the only thing that has brought me here is that smell.
05:50No, no, no.
05:52Don't say that.
05:53There's really nothing more beautiful than love.
05:58There was a moment when everything was perfect.
06:02But I only asked for one thing, Arturo.
06:05For him not to hurt me.
06:06And look, it was the first thing he did to me.
06:09Vale, what happened was very strange.
06:13But you have to listen to your heart
06:17and try to fix things.
06:19That's not going to happen.
06:22Because if everything had been true,
06:24he wouldn't have changed his mind, Amparo.
06:27But he didn't.
06:29Don't be so hard on him.
06:35I know you thought that baby was your son.
06:41But it wasn't true.
06:45It was just an illusion.
06:51I feel so stupid.
06:54I can't stop thinking about those things.
06:58Do you know what you have to think about?
07:00Do you know what you have to worry about?
07:02Your marriage, son.
07:05I don't...
07:06I don't feel like you're really in love with Camila.
07:12Stop lying to yourself, Juan.
07:16It's just that I didn't have an illusion with the baby.
07:19It's just that Amar lied to me.
07:21How could I believe he loved me, Dad?
07:23God, I'm such an idiot.
07:24What happens is that you're a man with principles.
07:29With a good heart, a big heart.
07:32And I don't want you to regret that again.
07:37Yes, but I...
07:39I have to stop thinking about her.
07:41I don't want to suffer anymore, Tomas.
07:46And what are you going to do?
07:48That's what my marriage is for.
07:51Camila will help me forget Amar forever.
08:13¿Dónde andaban?
08:15Juan necesitaba dar una vuelta para aclarar su cabecita.
08:19Pero ya se siente mucho mejor.
08:21¿La dejó?
08:23¿Y Camila?
08:24¿Dónde está?
08:25Se fue con su familia.
08:29¿No te dijo nada más?
08:32Lo que pasa es que recibió una llamada de su papá
08:34y después se fue.
08:36Yo creo que deberías ir con Camila.
08:38Ella va a necesitar que la apoyes, hijita.
08:40Sí, sí, tienes razón, papá.
08:41Ahorita regreso.
08:43Con cuidado, ¿eh?
08:48Dime qué pasó realmente.
08:50Lo que pasa es que nuestro hijo sigue enamorado de Amar.
08:57Juan creía que el niño que espera Amar era de él.
09:01Hasta estaba pensando en regresar con ella.
09:03Ay, no puede ser.
09:05Pero cuando se enteró que el bebé es realmente del señor
09:07Portilla y que no hay manera de que vuelva a estar junto a ella,
09:13se puso muy triste.
09:15Eso no puede seguir así.
09:17Juan se tiene que olvidar de Amar.
09:19Mi amor, tú y yo sabemos que el amor verdadero,
09:23ese no se controla.
09:27Yo solo le pido a Dios que Juan la supere.
09:29Pues va a tener que hacerlo.
09:31Él no puede estar cerca de una mujer que solo le ha hecho daño,
09:47A ver, mi hijita, tómate este tecito,
09:51te vas a sentir mejor.
09:56Ya están todos abajo, ¿eh?
09:58No, qué ganas de estar viendo cómo los pone Luis en su lugar.
10:03Que aprendan que no nos pueden tratar así como basura.
10:10¿Y ahora qué dije?
10:12No te dije nada.
10:13No, no, si no tienes que.
10:16Estoy viendo cómo me ves.
10:18Hija, nos trataron horrible, te humillaron.
10:22Tienen que pagar por eso.
10:24Esa familia está rota.
10:26Y todo es por nuestra culpa.
10:28Y nosotras no hicimos nada.
10:30Solamente estábamos defendiendo lo que nos corresponde.
10:34No, bueno, a ti.
10:36¿Y a mí?
10:37No sé.
10:39Mar, a ver.
10:41¿Tú le mentiste a Luis?
10:44¿No, verdad?
10:45No, por supuesto que no, pero...
10:46No, no, pero nada.
10:48Ellos son los que están mal.
10:51Inventaron cosas de ti.
10:53Y está bien que alguien les haga ver lo que han hecho.
10:56Que esos labios sucios, cochinotes,
10:58no se atrevan a decir algo mal de ti.
11:02O de nuestro bebécito.
11:07Nos dijeron que querías hablar con nosotros.
11:10Así es, Leonardo.
11:12¿Qué pasó?
11:13Que mi tía se fue porque papá regresó a su esposa.
11:16Aunque te burles, Camila.
11:18Yo decidí casarme con Mar.
11:21Y justo de ella es de quien quiero hablar con ustedes.
11:24Papá, tienes que entender que nosotros creíamos que habías fallecido.
11:28Y sí, perdimos el control cuando vimos que la prueba era negativa.
11:32Porque se le hicieron al cuerpo equivocado.
11:34Sí, papá, eso ya lo sabemos.
11:36Pero tú también entiéndenos a nosotros.
11:38Nunca nos dijiste los motivos de tu boda.
11:41Te casaste porque está embarazada.
11:44Para hacerte responsable, por eso.
11:46Bueno, eso explicaría muchas cosas.
11:48No, lo único que explica es que papá se metió con la servidumbre.
11:53¡Suficiente, Camila! ¡Ya!
11:57Estaba esperando el momento indicado para decírselos.
12:01¡Pero pasó esto!
12:03Me criticaste tanto.
12:05Ya no resulta que tú embaraces a esa chava.
12:08Lamento mucho de no haberselos dicho antes.
12:10Pero eso es la verdad.
12:12El hijo que espera a Mar será su hermano.
12:15Crecerá como un portilla.
12:17Pues entonces yo no quiero ser parte de esta familia, papá.
12:21Mamá era una dama.
12:23¿Y ahora quieres que acepte ser hermana del hijo de la sirvienta?
12:26¿Y qué cabeza cabe, papá?
12:28Mar es una gran mujer.
12:30Que haya trabajado en la casa no es para que la menosprecien.
12:34Estoy muy decepcionado de ustedes.
12:39Eso que hicieron,
12:41no lo voy a pasar por alto.
12:55Ay, mi amor.
12:57Ya quite esa cara.
12:59Deberías estar muy contenta porque tu esposo está vivo
13:02y te está dando tu lugar.
13:05Y que además,
13:06pude rescatar nuestras cosas antes de que las tiraran.
13:09No es eso.
13:11Solo que ya no quiere estar metida en tanto problema, mamá.
13:14Pero es que esos problemas de los que hablas
13:16y tanto te estresan,
13:18te los buscaste tú.
13:19A ver.
13:20¿Quién te manda confiar en alguien como Paula?
13:26Ay, por favor.
13:28A leguas se ve que esa mujer es una víbora.
13:30Eso no es cierto.
13:31Ella es una buena persona.
13:33Todos aquí la juzgan como a mí.
13:35Eso te hace creer.
13:37Se puso esa piel de víctima
13:39nada más para que se la creyeras.
13:42Pero es venenosa.
13:44Te está usando.
13:45No me he hecho nada.
13:47Ay, Mar.
13:48Con todo respeto,
13:49no puedes ser tan tonta, hombre.
13:51No soy tonta, mamá.
13:52Pues entonces no actúes como tal.
13:55A ver.
13:56¿Cómo crees que te sacaron la prueba de ADN?
14:00Lo he estado pensando y no sé.
14:03Abre los ojos, por el amor de Dios.
14:07Paula te llevó con un doctor.
14:10¿Tú crees que ahí me hicieron algo?
14:13Te engañó para que fueras
14:15y poderte sacar esa prueba.
14:17Pero solo me revisó.
14:19No seas confiada, hija.
14:20No seas confiada.
14:22Ya deja de serlo.
14:25La gente no es como tú, mi amor.
14:28Y sobre todo las que son como Paula.
14:30Porque ella sí es una realista.
14:33¿Sí me entiendes, verdad?
14:37Si vine es porque estúpidamente creí
14:39que podemos arreglar las cosas después de lo que pasó.
14:42Pensé que estar cerca de la muerte
14:44te iba a hacer darte cuenta
14:45de lo que era verdaderamente importante en la vida
14:48y resulta que la escoges a ella.
14:50Así no son las cosas, Camila.
14:52Yo solo quiero que no se confíen.
14:54La vida cambia en cualquier momento.
14:56El único plan que ustedes tienen
14:58es heredar lo que yo les pueda dejar
15:00así no pueden seguir.
15:02A ver, nosotros solo quisimos defender lo nuestro
15:05a una mujer que pensamos que te había engañado.
15:08Pero es que si no nos dices la verdad,
15:09también para nosotros es muy difícil entenderte, papá.
15:14Y lo siento, papá.
15:16Pero Leonardo tiene toda la razón.
15:18Papá, si hay algún otro motivo
15:19por el que te hayas casado con Maro,
15:21por lo que estés haciendo esto, por favor, dinos.
15:25Sabes que yo ya no quiero saber nada más.
15:31Camila, Camila.
15:34Lo único que estoy entendiendo de todo esto, papá,
15:37es que tú ya tienes un camino
15:39y esperas que nosotros hagamos lo mismo.
15:43Entonces a mí sácame del testamento.
15:46Tú sabes que eso no es lo que me importa.
15:51Yo solamente me voy a quedar con el hecho
15:53de que estás aquí, que estás vivo,
15:56y eso me hace feliz.
15:59Lo demás no me importa.
16:04Papá, yo no me quiero ir de la casa en la que crecí,
16:11que está llena de recuerdos de toda mi familia.
16:16Yo te prometo que no vamos a tener problemas con tu mujer,
16:20pero no me pidas que le acepte
16:23ni a ella ni a su hijo.
16:36No, no, no, me vio la cara.
16:39No quiero decir te lo dije, pero te lo dije.
16:42Paula me dijo que me entendía,
16:44que podía confiar en ella,
16:45porque había pasado por lo mismo.
16:47Esas son las peores, las que más te sacan cosas.
16:51¿Cuántas veces te he dicho, hija, que no confíes en nadie?
16:55No toda la gente es como ella.
16:57No, son peores.
16:58Hasta te corrieron.
16:59Pero porque se dejaron llevar por lo que Camila les dijo.
17:03Así es.
17:04¿Cómo te puedo hacer entender que nunca debes confiar en nadie?
17:08Yo no quiero una vida en la que no pueda confiar en nadie.
17:11Es triste, pero así es.
17:13Bueno, aunque tú estás de suerte, mi amor,
17:16porque me tienes a mí.
17:18Y en mí sí puedes confiar,
17:21porque yo nunca haría nada para lastimarte.
17:24Soy mucha madre y mucha más abuela.
17:29Nadie se va a meter contigo ni con nuestro bebé, nunca.
17:35Te lo juro.
18:06Mañana voy a venir por las cosas que me faltan.
18:09No esperaba que estuvieras aquí.
18:12Vine por ti.
18:14Tú eres mi esposa y yo siempre voy a estar contigo.
18:17¿En serio?
19:24Ay, hermano.
19:26No entiendo en qué momento nos volvimos tan diferentes.
19:31Sé lo que sea.
19:33Yo solo espero que no te arrepientes
19:35de la decisión que tomaste.
19:54¿Qué dígan?
19:56Sí, ni me lo digas.
19:58Una locura, hermano.
20:01Oye, ¿hablaste con Valeria? ¿La buscaste?
20:06¿Y qué pasó? ¿Qué te dijo?
20:09No quiere saber nada de mí.
20:11No, no te desanimes.
20:13Yo estoy seguro que todavía la puedes recuperar.
20:15Hermano, con Valeria es diferente.
20:17Yo no entiendo por qué no me funciona
20:18lo que me funcionaba con las demás.
20:21A veces siento que con Valeria
20:22todo es mucho más difícil.
20:23Solo tienes que verla.
20:25Ella está enamorada de ti.
20:28Lo que tienes que hacer es acercarte de corazón.
20:31Además, ya la conquistaste una vez, Arturo.
20:34Yo sé que la puedes conquistar otra vez.
20:37Eso fue gracias a ti.
20:40Por tu culpa.
20:42Porque nos encerraste en esa cabaña,
20:43sino quién sabe qué hubiera pasado.
20:45Porque solo necesitaban un pretexto.
20:48Pero ahora lo puedes hacer tú solo muy bien, ¿no crees?
20:54Mira, yo ya me voy a mi departamento.
20:56Solo recuerda que mañana tenemos que empezar
20:58con lo de la campaña.
21:00Sí, tenemos que revisar lo de lanzamiento, ¿eh?
21:02Sí, te quiero.
21:03Yo a ti, hermano.
21:26¿Cómo te sientes?
21:33¿Ya te tomaste tu medicina?
21:35Sí, ya me la tomé.
21:38Mañana tengo consulta con mi doctor.
21:41Qué bueno.
21:46Sí, tengo un dolor.
21:53es diferente.
21:56Es como...
21:58si tuviera el alma cansada.
22:01Por eso te dije que no quería regresar.
22:03A mis hijos nunca les faltó nada.
22:06No entiendo por qué quieren más y más.
22:09Estaban enojados y tenían razón de estarlo.
22:12Ellos solo querían saber la verdad.
22:14Sí, pero lo hicieron de la peor manera, Mar.
22:18Descubrí una parte de ellos que no me gusta.
22:24Espero poderlo arreglar por su bien.
22:28Lo siento mucho.
22:34que te quede clara una cosa, Mar.
22:37Este es un problema entre mis hijos y yo.
22:41Tú no eres culpable de nada.
22:45Yo estoy aquí...
22:48para cuidarte.
23:18No deseo a nadie mi experiencia.
23:22Usado, abandonado y dando penas.
23:26Se fue con mi inocencia en la maleta.
23:31La ambición ahora es...
23:34mi consejera.
23:38Cueste lo que cueste me levantaré.
23:42Hoy sé que valgo mucho y ahora cobraré.
23:46Castillo, dinero, apellido.
23:51Yo hago mi propio destino.
23:55Cueste lo que cueste me dominaré.
23:59Y todo lo que quiera lo voy a tener.
24:04Ni gratis, prestado, ni fiado.
24:08Lo quiero todo de contato.
24:12Hoy sé que llore yo, a que llore otro.
24:17Pues que llore el mundo.
24:43Hola, Valeria. Soy Rocío. ¿Te acuerdas de mí?
24:47Sí, nos vimos en casa de los Portilla.
24:50Sí, sí. Hola, Rocío. ¿Cómo estás? Claro que me acuerdo.
24:53Oye, necesito hablar contigo.
24:56Híjole. Tengo un poquito de prisa.
24:59Es que me urge.
25:01Quedaste de marcarme y me quedé esperando.
25:04Yo sé. Lo siento.
25:06Han sido días bastante complicados y no había podido.
25:10Bueno, está bien, pero por favor necesito hablar contigo hoy mismo.
25:15Es que de verdad no puedo. Tengo mucho trabajo.
25:18Valeria, por favor. Mira, no te voy a quitar mucho tiempo.
25:21Máximo cinco minutitos. Por favor.
25:48El señor Portilla apareció en su casa.
25:50Su muerte fue un malentendido ya que minutos antes del accidente
25:54lo asaltaron y lo bajaron del coche.
25:56Aquí unas imágenes del velorio en el que sus familiares creían despedirlo.
26:00Nuestras cámaras estuvieron presentes.
26:03¿Qué pasó?
26:05El velorio en el que sus familiares creían despedirlo.
26:08Nuestras cámaras estuvieron presentes.
26:10Les prometo que a su tiempo responderé sus preguntas.
26:14Por ahora, les pido que nos den privacidad para poder despedir a mi padre.
26:20No puede ser.
26:22¿Qué estaba haciendo esa mujer cerca de Nicolás?
26:28Ya me voy a trabajar.
26:30Ojalá que tengas un buen día.
26:32Nos vamos para comer, ¿no?
26:33Yo voy a salir al rato.
26:35¿A dónde vas?
26:36Voy a ir por las cosas que me falta traer de casa de mis papás.
26:39Si quieres, yo te llevo.
26:42¿En serio me puedes llevar?
26:47Claro que sí.
26:48Tú eres mi esposa y te voy a ayudar.
26:52Gracias, Juan.
26:54Me encantaría que fuéramos juntos.
26:57Ándale. Cuando termines de arreglarte, te llevo.
27:12Well, despite what happened to you, you're fine, Luis.
27:15Thank you very much.
27:17The treatment we've taken has worked very well.
27:21But I want to raise the dose a little.
27:23Only in a preventive way.
27:26They have been very strong emotions for your heart.
27:28Yes, I thank you very much, Javier.
27:30I'm glad you're alive, Luis.
27:33I can't go. My children still need me.
27:36They're not ready for me to leave them.
27:39I'm going to keep doing everything for them.
27:41Just remember that you have to take care of yourself.
27:43I don't have it very clear.
27:44Now, more than ever, I have to regain all the control of my company.
27:48And my family.
27:52Oh, that's good.
28:03Hey, Mar.
28:04Don't be so selfish.
28:05Get out of here.
28:08What they did to you was very unfair.
28:10But it's good that in the end everything was cleared up.
28:12You're a hypocrite.
28:14I can't believe what you did, Paula.
28:16Oh, well, I can't know what I did.
28:18Let's see, you and I were doing very well.
28:19So I don't understand what's going on.
28:20Oh, stop lying.
28:21Okay, why am I lying? Can you tell me?
28:23I know you had to see that the DNA test was done.
28:27No, that's not true.
28:29You better not say anything because I don't believe you.
28:31You're a liar.
28:50Thank you very much for coming.
28:53What do you need, Mrs. Rocio?
28:55I don't have much time.
28:56I'm late.
28:57I need to see the Portilla boys.
29:00I can't wait any longer.
29:02I thought that with Luis' death it would be much easier,
29:05but it turns out that he didn't die.
29:08It was all a misunderstanding.
29:10But I don't understand why he can't see them.
29:12Luis' children are already grown up.
29:14They already have their lives made.
29:15I assure you that they are doing quite well.
29:17It's just that I need to be close to them.
29:22What's going on?
29:23Why so much urgency?
29:26I was never his nanny.
29:29I don't know what you're up to,
29:31but explain to me what you want.
29:34Okay, it looks like you're a person I can trust.
29:39I need to be close
29:41because one of them is my son.
29:49How do you think I'm going to participate in something like this?
29:52I swear I had nothing to do with it.
29:54Don't try to fool me.
29:55You took me to the doctor.
29:57To the doctor?
29:58Of course, that's what it was about.
30:00Don't act like you don't know anything.
30:02Let me ask you something, please.
30:06The doctor you take with you is also Camila's doctor.
30:10And it's not because I'm thinking badly,
30:12but what if it was her?
30:14Maybe Camila has been thinking about doing it for a long time and...
30:18No, I'm sorry.
30:20I never imagined that you would be able to do that lowly thing
30:23and I would have had to take you to another doctor.
30:25Forgive me.
30:28Mar, really, I considered him a trustworthy doctor.
30:31You swear you had nothing to do with it?
30:34Of course not.
30:37Do you remember that I told you that I wanted to help you
30:39and that I was going to be there for whatever you needed?
30:42Well, I assure you it's still the same.
30:44I don't know, Paula.
30:46I have a lot to think about.
30:53I'm sorry.
30:59That's not going to be true.
31:01I know it's hard to understand, but it's the truth.
31:05It's complicated.
31:07But one of them is my son.
31:10And I know he's been doing very well
31:13and I've always been grateful
31:15because the Portillas have given him a life
31:17that I could never have given him.
31:20That's not true. That's not true.
31:23My life hasn't been the same without him.
31:26Although I had nothing to offer,
31:28I could have raised him.
31:30Not with those luxuries, but with a lot of love.
31:34What you're telling me is crazy.
31:37They have believed all their lives that they are siblings
31:40and they are surrounded by a lot of love.
31:42Believe me.
31:43Yes, I know.
31:44And you don't know how it hurts me.
31:47Because I left him in that house.
31:51Because I had no choice.
31:53Do you really think that now is the best time to get him back?
31:59I don't know.
32:01I've tried for a long time, but I haven't succeeded.
32:05I'm sorry, but I don't care who his son is.
32:08I don't want to know anything else about this.
32:10Please don't go. I need you.
32:13Why? Why do you need me?
32:15I don't know which one of them is my son.
32:18Arturo or Nicolás.
32:25That's the contract Valeria signed.
32:27Yes, it's fine.
32:29Although I see that his salary is low.
32:31Well, we calculated it like that
32:33because he had no experience in modeling.
32:35It's fine.
32:36I'm just going to ask you for a modification.
32:38I want you to give him a house loan for next month.
32:42A house loan?
32:44And you want me to cover it in sports textile?
32:47This is independent of what happens to my children.
32:50She needs it.
32:51Yes, it's fine.
32:52Agree with my secretary to make me proposals for this loan.
32:56Either as a bonus or directly providing the house.
33:00Hey, Hector, I'll take care of it a lot because
33:03I would like to help improve the conditions in which this young woman lives.
33:08Yes, okay.
33:09Yes, thank you.
33:12I don't understand anything.
33:14When they took my son away from me, he was just born.
33:17I didn't know anything about him for a long time.
33:20That's why I want your help.
33:22I have to know who he is and that he knows
33:25that I am his true lover.
33:28Marla, I'm very sorry.
33:30You are in love with Arturo, right?
33:34That's why I'm not going to participate in this.
33:37I don't want to hurt anyone.
33:39I don't want to hurt anyone.
33:41I don't want to know anything.
33:42But you already know.
33:44And with your help and without it, I will know the truth.
33:47Nobody is going to stop me.
33:49I can't.
33:51Despite everything that has happened, I love Arturo.
33:53And I'm not going to hurt him, I'm sorry.
33:56But at least think about it.
34:13Bring me a cup of coffee, right?
34:15We don't have a cup of coffee.
34:17Oh, well.
34:19Then a normal coffee, but with sugar and milk.
34:23Don't be bad.
34:25Of course.
34:27Ay, ay, ay.
34:30Oh, how nice it is to be back home.
34:37I imagine you must be very tired.
34:40Oh, if I knew the things I've had to put up with.
34:45Starting with you.
34:47Really, my mother-in-law would die again if she sees this.
34:51So much that I take care of her house.
34:52No, well, and I thank you very much.
34:54You were an angel.
34:57Daughter, come, come.
34:59I'll ask you for a coffee right now.
35:02I'm going to the garden.
35:03Come on, you'll miss it.
35:05Just don't feel like a pot coffee, because they don't have it.
35:11You think.
35:17No, these kings go too far.
35:24One of the Portillas is not the son of Mrs. Cecilia.
35:30No, no, it can't be.
35:34I can't know until I shut up.
35:38And now what am I going to do?
35:55I'm going to the garden.
36:05Are you waiting for me or are you going in?
36:07No, no, I'd better stay here.
36:09I don't want you to have problems.
36:11I'm just going to see what I can bring.
36:13I don't know how long it's going to take me.
36:14No, but I'll wait for you.
36:17Yes, yes, don't worry.
36:19Well, I'm in a hurry.
36:20Just don't bring too many things, because we don't have much room in the room.
36:49Good morning.
36:50Good morning.
36:51Do you want some tea?
36:53I think I'd be fine.
36:57How's everything going?
36:59How do you feel?
37:03I've already talked to Arturo.
37:05I know things are going to work out, Valeria.
37:07Oh, Nicolas, I don't think it can be done this time, really.
37:11He loves you.
37:12And I know you'll be able to fix the differences between you two.
37:24Forgive me.
37:25No, no, no, don't worry.
37:26Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me.
37:27Let me help you.
37:28No, it's okay.
37:29Oh, no, no, I burned you.
37:32Forgive me.
37:38Don't worry, Valeria.
37:39Lisa, Seado, you are being called to the meeting with Mr. Portillas.
37:43Yes, yes, tell them I'll be there in a moment.
37:47Everything is fine.
37:53Why didn't we start, Dad?
37:55Because your brother is not here.
37:56We have to wait for him.
38:00I'm sorry.
38:01I had an accident.
38:03Yes, take a seat.
38:08And now what surprise do you have for us, Dad?
38:10I just want to announce a decision I made as president of this company.
38:15From now on, I will supervise all the movements you make in your areas.
38:20Nothing will move forward without my signature and without my authorization.
38:23Dad, I think this is too much.
38:25We are making the new sports line with the least support possible.
38:30Yes, but you are still using the resources of the company, Nicolás.
38:33And what do you want me to do, Dad?
38:35From today on, you are going to explain to me what you are going to do.
38:37Every decision you make, and if I don't agree, it's not done.
38:41Is it clear?
38:42I think it's an exaggeration.
38:45But is that how you want it to work?
38:47Well, that's fine.
38:49That's how things will be.
38:51And how are you doing with the sports line project?
38:55I offered them help and they didn't accept it.
38:58Believe it or not, we have everything ready.
39:00Well, then why don't you do it?
39:02Because we need some photos to finish the catalog, Leo.
39:06Well, speed it up, because it's been a long time since the announcement you made.
39:10I want to see the delivery processes and that's all.
39:21We have to make him want to work more.
39:23We can't give my dad any reason.
39:25As if things were that simple.
39:29Well, let's see if Valeria is ready.
39:31Yes, let's go.
39:37It can't be.
39:46What are you doing here?
39:49I don't have to give you explanations, do I?
39:55What's wrong?
40:01Why do you look at me like that?
40:02What are you saying?
40:04You know, I never imagined seeing you like this.
40:08In other clothes, I mean.
40:09I guess you always dreamed of seeing yourself like this, right?
40:13What do I tell you?
40:15You know what?
40:17The only thing money hasn't been able to change
40:20are your eyes.
40:22I know them very well.
40:25And if you're hiding something, it's behind your eyes.
40:29Get out of here.
40:30Why are you so afraid of seeing me?
40:32Tell me.
40:34You're not a coward.
40:37Let's change the pose.
40:38Hand on the waist.
40:39Hand on the waist.
40:40Very good.
40:45I'm going to get a little closer.
40:49Very good.
40:50How are you?
40:51Very good.
40:53No, Valer.
40:54Go back to the position we started with.
40:55I'm sorry.
40:57Don't worry.
40:58There are days when we're not connected.
40:59But the most important thing for the campaign
41:01is that you look natural.
41:04Very good.
41:06Look, Valeria.
41:09Maybe if you change your profile, that will...
41:12Can we take a break?
41:14Five minutes, even.
41:16Okay, yes.
41:19No, no, no.
41:22Well, I think we have to suspend the session for a moment.
41:36Well, at least you managed to get some things taken away from you.
41:39Paula, really, go away.
41:40I'm not here to listen to your poison today.
41:43Ay, Camila.
41:46Let me help you.
41:49Okay, no.
41:51Look, don't take it the wrong way,
41:52but I don't understand how they let Mar win.
41:56I wouldn't expect it from you.
41:57Look, even your aunt left.
41:58And you?
42:00I thought you were going to come back,
42:01but you let yourself be defeated.
42:02Very easy.
42:04Look, I'm leaving this house because I'm married.
42:07And I want to be with my husband.
42:08Of course.
42:10He wanted to be Mar's boyfriend.
42:15Ay, Camila.
42:17It seems that you enjoy
42:18staying with the works of others.
42:21But well,
42:23I wish you the best in your new married life.
42:29I wanted to help you,
42:30but you won't let me.
42:31Oh, how cute.
42:43I would love to know
42:44what your heart really says.
42:47But I'm sure you don't even listen to it.
42:49Because it scares you.
42:51Oh, no.
42:53I forgot that you don't have a heart.
42:55You don't know everything that has happened.
42:57You know what?
42:58I would like to tell Mr. Portilla my doubts.
42:59No, don't get my husband involved in this.
43:03His name is too much for me, right?
43:05How am I going to compare with him?
43:06A poor Chavez.
43:07With the great Luis Portilla.
43:09Mar's husband.
43:11And his baby's father.
43:13Because you're the father, right?
43:17You know what?
43:19Since the last time I saw you,
43:21I've stopped thinking about anything else.
43:25Don't you feel sorry for destroying me like that?
43:28I thought you could be that baby's father.
43:32I thought
43:33it was mine.
43:34Just like I thought you'd be mine forever.