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Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 68 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 68 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 68 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 68 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 68 Completo HD
00:00I know that Mar is innocent, I will never hurt anyone and that is why I came to support her.
00:10I know that Mar is innocent, I will never hurt anyone and that is why I came to support her.
00:43Don't cry, ma'am.
00:45I know there's something we can do.
00:47Well, it's just a miracle, Juan.
00:50And I believe in miracles.
00:51And I know Mar will get out.
00:54Thank you very much.
00:56I think it's best if we leave now, Mom.
00:58No, no, no, no, daughter, no.
01:02I can't leave your sister here alone.
01:05But we can't do more than wait.
01:09Mom, I know it's hard.
01:10We can't do anything else.
01:12No, no, I don't care.
01:14I'll stay here, on this bench, but I want you to feel close to me.
01:19I want you to know that I didn't leave you alone.
01:23Look, she's your daughter.
01:26And at least she's calm.
01:28If I see her like this, she's going to worry more.
01:30Juan is right.
01:32Come on, Mom, let's go home.
01:34If you want, I can give you a ride.
01:37Let's go, let's go.
02:02My little girl.
02:04Good evening, young people.
02:05Good evening.
02:06How is Dad?
02:07Dad is still the same.
02:09I felt very anxious and that's why I wanted to come see him.
02:12You know your sister has been very worried.
02:15I just want Dad to be okay.
02:17Sorry, sorry to meddle, but I think it would be very good if the doctor saw her.
02:21Just to know that the baby is coming well.
02:25I don't think it's necessary.
02:27Cami, I think the lady is right.
02:30Besides, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that I am very sorry for what is happening to your father, young people.
02:37Thank you very much, Susana.
02:39But I have been praying a lot.
02:41I already ordered the rosary for all the neighbors in the neighborhood.
02:46My daughter, come, listen to me.
02:48Take advantage of the fact that you are here so that the doctor can see you.
02:52We have been taking care of my sister for a while.
02:55Well, she needs you guys a lot, young people.
02:57Well, then I'm going home.
02:59Take care.
03:05Chaparra, everything will be fine.
03:08Promise me.
03:10Just like when you were a girl.
03:13That's how I promise you.
03:27Who arrived?
03:31What happened, son?
03:32Good night.
03:33Good night, dad.
03:34Today I am preparing a chicharroncito with potatoes, nopalito, mom.
03:39And I need to heat up some tortillitas.
03:42Pass me the tortillero, please.
03:52Why aren't you looking at him, son?
03:54Where is he?
03:55There he is, in front of you.
03:57There, son.
04:03Juan, son, what's wrong?
04:05I'm fine.
04:06Where are Camila and mom?
04:08Ah, they went to the hospital to see Mr. Portilla.
04:11No, it's just that it got worse.
04:12No, no, no, no.
04:13No, no, no, no.
04:14No, no, no, no.
04:15No, no, no, no.
04:16No, no, no, no.
04:17No, no, no, no.
04:18No, no, no, no.
04:19It got worse.
04:20No, no, no, no.
04:21But, you know, all of a sudden Camila started worrying about him
04:23and they've been gone for a while.
04:25I hope they don't take very long.
04:31don't fool me.
04:32What's wrong?
04:35I saw Amar.
04:39Yes, I went to see her.
04:41I couldn't stay quiet anymore.
04:43What are you talking about, son?
04:44I told her.
04:46I told her that I still love her.
04:49I swear, if my dad dies because of Mar,
04:51I'm not going to stop until he rots in jail for life.
04:54No, I don't think it was Mar.
04:57So who was it, Nicolas?
04:59Mar signed the divorce.
05:01Hector just told me, Leonardo signed it.
05:04If she really wanted the money, she wouldn't have done something like that.
05:07Well, she probably did it to look good, so no one doubts her.
05:11I can't believe you two.
05:13Valeria and Mar have you like a couple of idiots.
05:16Camila, I'm only doing this because I want to know the truth.
05:19Because it doesn't make sense to me that it was Mar.
05:21So who? Cami?
05:28But what a surprise that you're here!
05:34When I found out what happened to your dad, I came as soon as I could.
05:38Come on.
05:45Just knowing that she's in jail...
05:48It reminds me of when I was there, Dad.
05:51I can't take it anymore.
05:53Don't say that, son, don't say that.
05:55Yes, Dad, it's just that no one knows what it's like to be in there.
06:00You feel so... so alone.
06:03I'm not going to leave her like this, Dad.
06:05Son, I understand, I've never been to jail, but...
06:10Remember that you have a wife and you're going to have a son.
06:15What are you doing visiting Mar?
06:20I know I shouldn't visit her, yes, I shouldn't.
06:22That I shouldn't see her, but I couldn't, yes.
06:25I feel very bad.
06:28As much as life is telling you not to get close to her,
06:31you're crazy!
06:34Don't insist anymore, son, please!
06:36I don't know why I did it.
06:40Open your eyes.
06:42I already sent you the most beautiful gift that exists, a family.
06:47Are you really going to despise him?
06:49No, no, of course not.
06:50Well, then explain to me what do you gain by being with Mar?
06:55Mar has also gotten you into trouble.
06:58It has caused you pain, and now she's in jail.
07:01Yes, but she's innocent, Dad.
07:03She has to get out.
07:04Look, it will surely be so.
07:05Say yes.
07:07And then what are you going to do?
07:09Let's see.
07:12Juan, look me in the eyes.
07:14I'm talking to you.
07:16I know that maybe you are not so in love with your wife.
07:21But believe me, when you see your son that you can't have in your arms,
07:26that little thing, so defenseless,
07:31Mar is going to forget you.
07:33She's going to forget you.
07:36Do you think?
07:37I'm sure.
07:38I'm very sure, son.
07:48Thank you very much for coming.
07:50You don't know how much you have missed me.
07:52And you to me.
07:53This time away from everything has not been easy.
07:56Hello, Arturo.
07:58Hello, Priscila.
08:01I've been working a lot.
08:03I've been attended by incredible doctors.
08:06And I feel much better.
08:08That's why I decided to come and see you
08:10to apologize for everything I've done to you.
08:14I'm not that woman anymore.
08:18And I'm very happy for you.
08:21And I thank you.
08:23I'm happy for you.
08:25I remembered I have a meeting.
08:27I have to go.
08:28Yes, I'll go with you.
08:29Don't worry about me.
08:30I'll stay with Pris.
08:32Nice to see you, Priscila.
08:37Pris, I can't believe you're here.
08:40I know.
08:41The decision to return was not easy.
08:43I worked hard to feel better.
08:46That's why I came, to support you.
08:48Thank you very much.
08:50I understood that you can't think life well.
08:53I'm very proud of you.
08:57How's your dad?
08:59I'll tell you later.
09:05This will help you.
09:06Thank you, daughter.
09:08But nothing will take away this pressure
09:10that I feel here on my chest.
09:12I know.
09:13But we have to be strong for Mar.
09:15All because of that damn Paula.
09:18If I had one more second for myself,
09:20I would have killed her
09:22and then I'll make her confess.
09:25I understand that you want to end her.
09:27I feel the same way.
09:29But you can't show up at the Sportillas' house.
09:32Do you know why?
09:33Because that only causes more problems for Mar.
09:35I know.
09:36But I'm desperate.
09:39I understand.
09:40But I'm convinced that everything will be fine.
09:43You'll see.
09:44Why are you so sure?
09:46Nicolás will help us.
09:47He told me.
09:49And why will Nicolás help you?
09:51Because he also wants to know the truth.
09:54I think it's a coincidence that it's him
09:57who's always helping you.
09:59And not Arturo, who supposedly loves you so much.
10:06I'm so glad you're here.
10:09The chicharron is ready.
10:11Hey, did you put nopales on it?
10:13Nopales, chips, whatever you like.
10:16Oh, honey, how cute.
10:19Are you sure?
10:21No, no, it's fine, as you say.
10:24What happened? Is everything okay?
10:26Yes, it was Camila.
10:27She told me she was going to stay in the hospital to take care of her dad.
10:30Well, I don't find it strange, son.
10:32You should have seen her. The poor thing was all worried.
10:35The good thing is that she'll be able to be with him.
10:37That way she'll be much calmer, right?
10:39Well, yes.
10:40I asked her if she was going to the hospital and she told me
10:42that it was better not to stay here.
10:44And that?
10:45Well, her brothers and her friend Priscila will be there.
10:49It's okay, son, give her space.
10:51But don't leave her so alone either.
10:54Look, I'm telling you as your mother and as a woman.
10:58Camila needs a lot of your support, Juan.
11:04Thanks for telling me, Mom.
11:06I promise I'll support her.
11:08Yes, son.
11:18This is all my fault.
11:23We're here because of me.
11:28Because I didn't tell Juan the truth.
11:32And we should have been together, the three of us.
11:37But it's too late.
11:41He made his life with Camila and there's nothing else to do.
11:45I did everything, Mara.
11:48I can't believe it.
11:50I can't believe it.
11:53I put my life and yours in Luis' hands.
12:03All I have to do is take responsibility for you and me.
12:10I don't know how I'm going to do it.
12:13I don't know how I'm going to do it.
12:17But you and I will be fine.
12:21I promise, baby.
12:43Drink, Cami.
12:45I brought you tea because you can't drink coffee with the baby.
12:50Brice, thank you so much for being with me all night.
12:54I can't believe you're going to be a mom.
12:56And that you got married.
12:58Everything was very fast, but I'm happy.
13:01I'm glad.
13:03I really need you.
13:05And you to me.
13:06You've always been with us in the good times and in the bad.
13:11And I missed you a lot, Cami.
13:15I have to go.
13:16But if you want, I'll take you home.
13:18With your husband.
13:21I'm not going to forgive you for not inviting me.
13:25But I want to take the opportunity to go to the gynecologist.
13:29Hey, do you think you can lend me some money for the consultation?
13:33I left everything at home.
13:35Of course, of course.
13:37Here you go.
13:40I swear I'll pay you back later.
13:42Don't worry.
13:45I'm going to say goodbye to Arturo and I'm leaving.
13:47Come in, come in.
13:58Hey, Arturo.
14:07I fell asleep.
14:08Yes, I brought you coffee.
14:11Here you go.
14:16Hey, thank you for coming with us.
14:18You're welcome.
14:21Why aren't you going to rest?
14:30I don't know where to go.
14:32I don't know where to go.
14:34I don't know where to go.
14:42What a change, Priscila came back, didn't she?
14:44I'm very happy to see her like this.
14:47Yes, me too.
14:49It would be great if you became friends again, like before.
15:04You forgot the keys.
15:07Hey, mom.
15:09What's up?
15:10Oh, I'm sorry, Valeria.
15:13Sorry, I thought you were my mom.
15:16I changed my mind.
15:18Or is it something else?
15:19Yes, yes, I wanted to let you know that I'm already signing the divorce.
15:22But I had to let you know or write to you before coming.
15:24I'm sorry, Valeria.
15:27I have to go, Valeria.
15:28I'll take you if you want.
15:30Yes, I'll get ready and come back.
15:48So I'm going to see my baby?
15:50Yes, and we're also going to listen to the heartbeat.
15:53I hope your husband can come to the next consultation.
15:55I would love to meet him.
15:57I don't know if I can.
15:59He works a lot, but he didn't want to wait anymore.
16:01Yesterday I had a pain that left me very worried.
16:04Right now we're going to see how everything goes.
16:09And how is your father doing?
16:11The same.
16:12Maybe that's what makes me so stressed.
16:15Maybe that's why I've had pain.
16:20All right?
16:24Change and we'll talk right now.
16:40You're going to tell me the whole truth.
16:42Let go of me.
16:43Don't expect me to believe that you don't know anything.
16:46I know what Paula and you did.
16:48They were together with the painting.
16:51But I didn't come to charge you for that.
16:54I came to beg you.
16:57To ask you to tell the truth for whatever you want.
17:01Everything you know.
17:04Go, Ofelio.
17:05I'll call the police.
17:06I'm not letting you go.
17:09Since they got to the mansion, they've always been very bad to us.
17:13As if you were superior.
17:16Yes, and that's why I'm sorry, Lupita.
17:19But what about Mar?
17:20Mar, what did he do to you?
17:22Tell me if he ever offended you.
17:26I never thought of hurting someone like that.
17:29And Mar...
17:30I would never have done anything to Luis.
17:33Your daughter is an interested person.
17:35She was the one who took you out of the mansion, not me.
17:38So go and don't come back.
17:40You know that the woman you are protecting is a harpy.
17:45And that she set a trap for Mar.
17:48My daughter, Lupita, is not a criminal.
17:51So tell me, what are you hiding?
17:54You heard what I said.
17:56I'm not involved in anything.
17:58Look at me.
17:59My daughter is in prison with a baby in her womb.
18:03Have some compassion.
18:05Please, look.
18:06Look, I beg you.
18:08I beg you.
18:09Tell me.
18:10Tell me.
18:11Have some mercy in your heart, please.
18:14Don't go, Lupita.
18:16Lupita, don't go.
18:20Oh my God.
18:27Doctor, what's going on?
18:31Unfortunately, you have an ectopic pregnancy.
18:34What is that?
18:35That happens when the ovum is not implanted in the uterus,
18:39but stays in one of the lungs.
18:41Well, how can that be fixed?
18:44Unfortunately, there is no way to solve it.
18:52We have to interrupt the pregnancy.
18:54Your life is in grave danger.
18:56No, no, that can't be.
18:57Camila, I know what I'm telling you is very hard,
19:01but your life is really at stake.
19:04I'm going to prescribe a pill.
19:06I need you to take it to interrupt the pregnancy.
19:09It is very important that you take it between today and tomorrow.
19:12You will feel a little pain, but that is normal.
19:15And what happens if I don't take the pill?
19:17If you don't do it, if the embryo continues to grow,
19:20it can burst the fallopian tube.
19:22And that is very dangerous for you.
19:24No, no, my baby has to be born.
19:25Don't worry, why don't you call your husband
19:28and I'll come and talk to both of them.
19:30I'll explain.
19:32No, there's nothing to explain.
19:34That can't be true.
19:40The truth is that I was surprised that Mar signed the divorce.
19:44Me too.
19:46Well, he probably did it to pretend to be innocent.
19:49I don't know.
19:51She told me she didn't marry my dad out of interest.
19:53Oh my God, what else was I going to tell you?
19:56You believed her.
19:59Well, the important thing here is that your dad and that woman
20:03are already separated forever.
20:05Well, that's one less problem, right?
20:08And when are they going to sentence her?
20:10The investigation is still going on.
20:13What? What do you mean they're going to investigate?
20:16But if they already have the statements of the girls,
20:19I don't understand what else the police need.
20:21Nicolás asked for all the elements of the investigation to be exhausted.
20:24He wants to be sure of the truth.
20:27And what does that mean?
20:29Well, the police will continue to look for evidence.
20:32If Mar was the culprit, they will prove it.
20:37And if not, then I don't know what's going to happen.
20:52Mar, I really don't understand.
20:55Why did you sign the divorce?
20:57How do you know?
20:59Nicolás told me.
21:01Nicolás? Nicolás?
21:03He's helping us find the truth.
21:05Leonardo came to see me.
21:07He asked me to sign it.
21:10I can't believe it.
21:12They always swore that I married Luis for his money.
21:15And if by signing the divorce they will realize that it is not so,
21:19then I hope it works.
21:21Oh, Mar.
21:23All I want to prove is that Paula is to blame for all this.
21:27That's all I care about.
21:30And that my baby is okay.
21:39No, no, no, this can't be.
21:42I can't lose my baby.
21:44You have to be born, baby.
21:47You have to be born.
21:49Because if you are not, your father will not see you.
21:54No, you have to be born.
22:01You have to be born.
22:14I can't lose you, baby.
22:16I can't lose you.
22:18I can't lose you.
22:26Well, I want to think that my dad will be better.
22:29Well, yes, I want the same.
22:31Hey, there's something I have to tell you.
22:34I was waiting for the right time to do it,
22:37but in these circumstances, that moment does not exist.
22:40What happened, Leo?
22:42I'm going to take the company's address.
22:47After they quit, my dad spoke to me
22:50and told me that he wanted me to be his right-hand man.
22:53Man, I never imagined that something like this would happen.
22:57But I want you to know that the company is in good hands.
23:00Leonardo, my dad is going to get out of this.
23:02Yes, yes, but if he doesn't, we have to be prepared.
23:06And does the council already know this?
23:11But it's the company of our family.
23:13I mean, we are the ones who have to agree.
23:16If you want, you can continue with Nicolás.
23:19You can go back to the company,
23:21but we do have to get better.
23:24You know what? You're right.
23:26It's not a good time for this.
23:47Make yourself problems and poverty
23:51Believing blindly in your promises
23:56I didn't wish anyone my experience
24:00Used, abandoned and giving sorrows
24:05He left with my innocence in the suitcase
24:09The ambition is now my counselor
24:16No matter what it costs, I will get up
24:21Today I know that I am worth a lot and now I will charge
24:25Cash, money, last name
24:29I make my own destiny
24:34No matter what it costs, I will dominate
24:39And I will have everything I want
24:42No loan, no debt
24:47I want it all in one go
24:51So that I cry, so that another cries
24:55So that the world cries
25:13And finally, famous fashion, cuisine and more only in Cuéntamelo Ya
25:18Benson Bull, who caught the eye of Cirque du Soleil after seeing his various performances during the Grammys
25:22From Monday to Friday with the stars
25:25What are you looking for?
25:27I want you to work for me. What do you say?
25:31You can't fall in love with that bitch's daughter.
25:35Forget about her.
25:37Beyond hate, today I dare to love you.
25:39And would you dare?
25:40Starts Monday, February 24th, 6.30pm, for the stars.
25:44Charlie de Janira already looks like a high school boyfriend.
25:47If I kiss you, I'm going to stop.
25:48I'm not going to make you look bad in front of everyone.
25:50What did you feel?
25:51And I'm not going to let you stop until you tell her the truth.
25:53You have to kiss again.
25:59In my dear inheritance, we know how to make you laugh.
26:02This is when you finish the notification.
26:04In the first hours of the day, you will have all the information in the news.
26:08What matters in Mexico, and also beyond our borders.
26:12In a space where the stories have to be known quickly and clearly.
26:17I'm Carlos Hurtado, and I'll be waiting for you in the news on Monday, Friday, 5.50pm, for the stars.
26:24Donald Trump demonstrated that he himself has no interest in imposing these arrangements.
26:28With Trump, it's one day at a time.
26:31Trump's trade war was the dumbest war in history.
26:37Third grade, Wednesday.
26:39At the end, in point with Enrique Acevedo.
26:42With the stars.
27:07Wouldn't you like to make some money?
27:09You just have to take my side, and that's it.
27:11I'd better give him the reason.
27:14Brian and I are the authority, and we are respected.
27:17If you love a crime, arrest me.
27:20In Boda de Loco, we know how to make you laugh.
27:22Friday, when you finish the notification.
27:24Get in touch with the hottest sports results.
27:32Exclusive interviews.
27:34Analysis and opinions.
27:36Sports contact.
27:38Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 11.30pm, with the stars.
28:03Details in point with 10.30pm.
28:33Don't make yourself look bad in front of everyone.
28:35What did you feel?
28:36And he's not going to leave you alone until you tell him the truth.
28:38You have to kiss again.
28:44In Mi Querida Herencia, we know how to make you laugh.
28:47This Thursday, when you finish the notification.
28:49If Valentine's Day comes as a surprise.
28:56Remember that the best gift is friendship.
28:59Because it's very nice to have many, many, many, many friends.
29:02Happy Valentine's Day.
29:04We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
29:07Monday to Friday with the stars.
29:32Beyond hate, today I dare to love you.
29:34And would you dare?
29:35Starts Monday, February 24th, 6.30pm, with the stars.
30:03My daughter is not well.
30:04Try to understand her, she needs help.
30:06And you won't find her here.
30:07No, it can't be.
30:12No one is going to take away your heritage, mom.
30:14How are you going to pay for it?
30:15By fishing.
30:19The best games of the MX League are on VIX.
30:24The most beloved teams of the Clausura Tournament return.
30:28With exclusive games.
30:30Streaming only on VIX Premium.
30:34Subscribe and follow the MX League now.
30:57Previously on El Chavo...
31:28But it won't be easy for him.
31:30What do you want me to do, aunt?
31:31That I don't divorce him?
31:33That's exactly what I want.
31:35Monday to Friday at 2.30pm, with the stars.
31:39Donald Trump showed that he himself has no interest in imposing these arrangements.
31:43With Trump, it's one day at a time.
31:46Trump's trade war was the dumbest war in history.
31:52Third grade, Wednesday.
31:54Finishing on point with Enrique Acevedo.
31:56With the stars.
32:22Advice, guests, games and all the fun is on today.
32:25Today we are going to discover the benefits of the Champi massage.
32:28And at the end, famous fashion, cuisine and more, just in Cuéntamelo Ya.
32:32Benson Bull, who filled his eye with Cirque du Soleil after seeing his various performances during the Grammys.
32:37From Monday to Friday, with the stars.
32:39Cantinflas is willing...
32:41Always at your command.
32:42To occupy any position.
32:44You already know that your man is here.
32:45And be the center of attention...
32:47Who are you?
32:48Now you'll see who I am, now hold on, little girl.
32:50Of your fun.
32:51Very good.
32:52Express yourself.
32:53This Saturday you will receive at Gran Hotel.
32:55And Sunday will be the extra.
32:57With the stars.
32:58See you soon.
33:11My mother, since Valeria was born, I stopped asking you for things for me.
33:16And you know that for a long time I believed that God had forgotten about me.
33:23And since my Mar was born, I have only asked you for things for them.
33:29You are the only one who can help me.
33:31Mar is innocent.
33:35She is...
33:37She is expecting a baby.
33:39And they are accusing her of things that she did not do.
33:43Please, Virgin of Guadalupe, please.
33:48I know I've been wrong many, many, many times.
33:54But well, but my daughters, what fault do they have?
33:57They are not to blame for the things I did.
34:03Forget about me from now on, but not my daughters.
34:06I beg you.
34:07I beg you.
34:12I can't protect them from everything.
34:15But you can.
34:20I beg you.
34:22I beg you.
34:43Cami, I'm glad you're here.
34:44How are you, my daughter?
34:47A little tired.
34:48Well, sit down.
34:49Do you want me to make you some fruit?
34:51Did you have breakfast?
34:53Yes, yes, I had breakfast.
34:55Well, tell me, how is your father doing?
34:57The same, no news.
35:00Give him time.
35:01I know he's going to recover.
35:03Hey, did you see the doctor?
35:06What did he tell you?
35:07How is my granddaughter or my grandson?
35:08Did he tell you what it is?
35:10No, we don't know yet.
35:11It's too soon.
35:12But everything is fine.
35:14I just want to change and rest now.
35:17I think I already know what you have.
35:19Because the same thing happened to me.
35:22You're afraid of what's going to happen.
35:25That's normal when you're pregnant.
35:27My daughter, everything is new.
35:29You don't even know how you're going to do it.
35:31But don't worry, okay?
35:33Look, when Juan was going to be born,
35:35I felt that he was not ready for his arrival.
35:38And I confessed it to my mom.
35:39And my mom told me that the same thing had happened to her.
35:44That happens to all of us, my daughter.
35:48And I'll tell you something.
35:50That's just a sign that you're going to be a very good mom.
35:55Because look, right now you're worrying about that baby.
35:59I know your mom is not here.
36:01And I can't imagine how difficult that must be.
36:05But you're not alone, my daughter.
36:07You have me.
36:09I'm like a mother to you.
36:12Come, come, come, come, come.
36:21Chema, this is very delicate.
36:25This is very delicate.
36:30Your wife was putting drops of a drug on you to cause death.
36:35I can't believe it.
36:37How is Luis?
36:39He remains unconscious.
36:40We don't know what's going to happen.
36:42If he's going to wake up, if he's not going to wake up.
36:44It's horrible.
36:45But how did you know that the wife was the one who was administering the drug?
36:49Because the very silly woman wanted to fool us by saying that they were drops to relax him.
36:54But of course not.
36:55It's something much more dangerous.
36:58She surely did it to keep the money.
37:00Of course, yes.
37:02Why else?
37:04And that's exactly why I'm telling you everything.
37:08It is important that this information is known.
37:10That people know what that woman really is like.
37:13What horror that people are willing to do for money, right?
37:16You would be surprised.
37:19Well, thank you very much for always giving me the information.
37:22Well, then I trust that you will do it and that obviously my name will not be in the article, right?
37:30You know I never reveal my secrets.
37:34I warn you that I will upload it immediately.
37:36So in a few hours this is going to be a scandal.
37:39Thank you very much, Chema.
37:54I can't lose you.
38:00Your father will not want to stay with me if you are no longer.
38:10Do you have the door safe?
38:11I'm going, sorry, I didn't realize.
38:25What are you doing?
38:27I need to tell you something.
38:32Me too and it is very important.
38:35Look, I know I've been very distant, but I want you to know that from now on this is going to end.
38:42No, no, no, wait for me, wait for me.
38:44From now on I will be close to you and our baby.
38:48I will never miss you.
38:50I already have my son.
38:52Look what I bought.
39:03Don't you like it?
39:04No, yes, I love it, thank you very much.
39:16Now yes, you are going to hit me.
39:20Take me.
39:21Take me.
39:35It's good to see you.
39:37How is your father doing?
39:39The same.
39:43I know that our relationship has never been the best,
39:47but I just want you to know that I'm here for whatever you need.
39:53I'm seeing Leonardo very badly.
39:55I'm really worried because I don't know what else to do to help them.
39:59Well, in the end, you are also my family.
40:04There are too many things.
40:06Everything that is happening with the company,
40:08the investigation of the case and my father.
40:11Yes, Leonardo also told me that the police will continue to work on that.
40:16Yes, Nicolás and we want to know everything that happened, the truth.
40:22Of course, and what are they going to do?
40:26I don't know, they have to check, they have to take the statement to everyone.
40:30I think they have to come to the house.
40:32Hector asked me to do the whole procedure.
40:35Of course.
40:36Of course.
40:38They need to investigate and be sure that they find what they need.
40:43I hope there is justice.
40:48Let's go.
41:00I need to meet our son.
41:02I need to meet our son.
41:05I know I haven't been affectionate with you or the baby,
41:09but I promise you that everything will change.
41:14You don't need to do it, Juan.
41:17Why do you say that?
41:19Juan, the baby...
41:22What? What happened?
41:24I went to the doctor and...
41:26Oh, I wanted to accompany you, why didn't you tell me?
41:29How is he? Could you see him?
41:30Tell me.
41:34He's fine.
41:36That's good, isn't it?
41:43Let's see.
41:45Did you like him?
41:49Look, Juan.
41:55Look at his pants, look at his pants, look.
42:00Look at his pants.
42:30Look at his pants.
43:00Look at his pants.
43:01Look at his pants.
43:29Can we do something for Mar?
43:31The authority will analyze all the statements of Mar, Lupita, Paula.
43:36There are some contradictions and that can help
43:39so that the evidence against your sister is not gathered.
43:41That's not enough.
43:43I want you to prove that Mar didn't do anything wrong,
43:46because that's the truth.
43:47Mar is not like that.
43:49Valeria, we are doing everything possible to tell the truth.
43:53I'm sure that when that happens,
43:55Mar will be fine, he will be free, you will see.
44:00We keep you informed.
44:02Thank you, Hector.
44:05It's good news, Valeria.
44:07At least there is an opportunity to help your sister.
44:11And that's thanks to you.
44:13Because you believed me.
44:16How's your dad?
44:18What can I tell you? My dad is still the same.
44:20Why, Nicolás? Why does everything have to be so difficult?
44:24No, Valeria, don't be sad.
44:27Everything will be fine.
44:29You will see that everything will be fine.
44:36Good afternoon.
44:39How are you, ma'am?
44:41We were just talking about Mar's case,
44:45getting to know each other.
44:46Very well, I appreciate it.
44:48Anything else?
44:51No, nothing else.
44:53We are in contact, Valeria.
44:54Yes, thank you.
44:56Excuse me.
45:17My daughter is not well.
45:19Try to understand her. She needs help.
45:21And you won't find her here.
45:22No, it can't be.
45:27No one is going to take away your heritage, Mom.
45:29How are you going to pay for it?
45:30By fishing.
45:40Today we are going to discover the benefits of the champi massage.
45:46Just tell me now.
45:47Benson Bull, who filled Cirque du Soleil's eye
45:49after seeing his various performances during the Grammys.
45:51From Monday to Friday, with the stars.
45:54Let's see if you don't end up star-struck just because you're a star.
45:57Wouldn't you like to make some money?
45:59You just have to stand by my side.
46:02I'd better give her the reason.
46:04Brian and I are the authority and she respects us.
46:07If you love me, it's a crime to arrest me.
46:10The Crazy Wedding. We know how to make you laugh.
46:12Friday at 8 p.m.
46:14Join us in this story at Todo Volumen on Saturdays.
46:18I have a lot of plans for us.
46:20Do you have plans for us?
46:22I did tell you I'm married, didn't I?
46:25Why did you paste all those pictures on the wall?
46:27I was a fool, Mom.
46:28I refused to lose her.
46:30This story is on Todo Volumen.
46:32Saturdays at 5 p.m.
46:34If Valentine's Day comes as a surprise...
46:41Remember that the best gift is friendship.
46:44It's nice to have many, many, many friends.
46:47Happy Valentine's Day.
46:49We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
46:51Mondays to Fridays with the stars.
46:54Wake up and know the most relevant information every morning.
46:58With the analysis of each news.
47:04Sport, weather and entertainment.
47:06We have the keys to start the day well and well informed.
47:09Wake up. Mondays to Fridays, 7 to 9 in the morning.
47:12With the stars.
47:44Donald Trump demonstrated that he himself has no interest in imposing these arrangements.
47:48With Trump, it's one day at a time.
47:51Trump's trade war was the dumbest war in history.
47:57Third grade. Wednesdays.
47:59Ending on point with Enrique Acevedo.
48:01With the stars.
48:13With the stars.
48:25What are you looking for?
48:26I want you to work for me.
48:28What do you say?
48:31You can't fall in love with that son of a bitch's daughter.
48:35Forget her.
48:37Beyond hate.
48:38Today I dare to love you.
48:39And would you dare?
48:40Starts Monday, February 24th.
48:426.30 in the afternoon.
48:43With the stars.
48:44Join us in this story.
48:46At full volume.
48:47On Saturdays.
48:48I have many plans for us.
48:50Do you have plans for us?
48:52Yes, I told you I'm married, right?
48:54Why did you paste all those photos on the wall?
48:57I was a fool, mom.
48:58I won't even lose her.
49:00This story is at full volume.
49:02Saturdays, 5 in the afternoon.
49:04To get here, first you'll have to laugh until you die.
49:07My name is Marilu.
49:08I have the best job in the world.
49:10In Mexico, there is a tradition of celebrating death in peculiar ways.
49:14Here, we all have fun.
49:16We know how to make you laugh.
49:18I die for Marilu.
49:19Starts Sunday, February 23rd.
49:21And available on VIX.
49:22Starting February 14th.
49:24In the first hours of the day, you'll have all the information.
49:26In the news.
49:28What matters in Mexico.
49:29And also, beyond our borders.
49:31In a space with the stories that you have to know.
49:34In a fast and clear way.
49:37I'm Carlos Hurtado.
49:38And I'll wait for you in the news.
49:39Mondays to Fridays.
49:405.50 AM.
49:41For Las Estrellas.
49:44If Valentine's Day comes as a surprise.
49:46I came to see you.
49:49Don't be fat. Disgusting.
49:51Remember that the best gift is friendship.
49:54Because it's very nice to have many, many, many, many friends.
49:57Happy Valentine's Day.
49:59We know how to make you laugh.
50:01With El Chavo.
50:02Mondays to Fridays.
50:03With Las Estrellas.
50:04En la mar.
50:05La marea esconde secretos y trae encuentros inesperados.
50:08Mi hija no está bien.
50:09Entiéndalo. Necesita ayuda.
50:11Y aquí no la va a encontrar.
50:12No, no puede ser.
50:15Y retos que vencer.
50:17Nadie te va a quitar tu patrimonio, mamá.
50:19¿Cómo lo vas a pagar?
50:22Mondays to Fridays.
50:238.30 PM.
50:24El gran amor de la vida de tu abuelo.
50:26Fue la abuela de Tomás y Andrés.
50:28Mi hijo está vivo.
50:30Sí, Alicia.
50:31Te voy a dejar en la ruina.
50:32A través de tu sobrinita Vera.
50:33No es más que una cucarachita.
50:35La fábrica de chocolate San José llegó a su fin.
50:38Una prueba de embarazo.
50:39Tengo motivos para que te hagas esos análisis.
50:42Gran final.
50:43Domingo 23 de Febrero.
51:04Charlie de Yanira ya parece novios de secundaria.
51:07Si te besé, voy para no hacerte quedar mal enfrente de todos.
51:10¿Qué sentiste?
51:11Y no te voy a dejar en paz hasta que le digas la verdad.
51:13Te tienen que volver a besar.
51:19En Mi Querida Herencia sabemos hacerte reír.
51:22Este jueves al terminar el noti.
51:24A ver si por lanzarse al estrellato no terminan estrellados.
51:27No te gustaría ganar un dinerito.
51:29Solamente tienes que darme por mi lado y listo.
51:32Mejor le doy la razón.
51:35Brian y yo somos la autoridad y se nos respeta.
51:38Si aparece un delito que me arresten.
51:40En Boda de Locos sabemos hacerte reír.
51:43Viernes al terminar el noti.
51:44Los mejores partidos de la Liga MX están en VIX.
51:50Regresen los equipos más queridos del torneo clausura.
51:54Con juegos exclusivos.
51:56Streaming solo en VIX Premium.
51:58Suscríbete y sigue la Liga MX ya.
52:29No estés gordito, asco.
52:31Recuerda que el mejor regalo es la amistad.
52:34Porque es muy bonito tener muchos, muchos, muchos, muchos amigos.
52:37Feliz día de San Pablo a ti.
52:40Sabemos hacerte reír con el Chavo.
52:42Lunes a viernes con las estrellas.
52:44Disfruta tus mañanas con las estrellas a las 9.
52:47Consejos, invitados, juegos y toda la diversión está en hoy.
52:50Hoy vamos a descubrir los beneficios del masaje champi.
52:53Y al terminar, notas, famosos, moda, cocina y más solo en Cuéntamelo Ya.
52:57Benson Bull, que le llenó el ojo al Circo Soleil
52:59tras ver sus diversas actuaciones durante los Grammys.
53:02De lunes a viernes con las estrellas.
53:14¿Dónde estabas?
53:16Pues, tratando de demostrar que mi hija es inocente
53:20y pidiéndole a la Virgen que le ayude.
53:23Lo que está haciendo el abogado de Nicolás nos va a ayudar mucho, mamá.
53:26Vas a ver.
53:27Eso espero.
53:29Gracias a él por lo menos tenemos esperanza para amar.
53:32Ese hombre está haciendo mucho por ayudarte.
53:34Nicolás se lo pidió.
53:36No, no me refiero al abogado.
53:38Te hablo de Nicolás.
53:40No es muy buena persona.
53:44¿Hay algo que me quieras decir?
53:47¿De qué hablas?
53:49No me engañes ni te engañes.
53:52¿Ve cómo ese joven te ve?
53:55Mamá, por Dios, es el hermano de Arturo.
53:57Ay, hija, los hombres no hacen las cosas por bondad.
54:01Siempre tienen otra intención, algo oculto.
54:05Oficialmente estás muy enloquecida.
54:09Nicolás lo está haciendo porque es buena gente, nada más por eso.
54:13¿Y por qué hace lo que Arturo no?
54:15Porque son distintos, muy.
54:17Bueno, yo solo te digo que pongas atención.
54:20Aunque no me quieras creer,
54:22la experiencia es lo que hace que las madres sepamos
54:26lo que los hijos todavía no.
54:29Yo me voy.
54:53Leonardo, qué bueno que te veo, te estaba buscando.
54:55Es que a partir de hoy esta va a ser mi oficina.
55:00Así que dime, Héctor, ¿qué pasó?
55:02¿Qué me quieres decir?
55:04Estuve revisando los archivos de tu papá.
55:06Ajá. ¿Y?
55:08Que hasta ahora no he encontrado ningún documento legal
55:11donde diga quién tiene que quedarse a cargo de la empresa
55:14y en caso de que lo esté impidiendo.
55:16Yo creo que no necesitas saberlo.
55:20Yo creo que no necesitas buscar nada, Héctor.
55:25Yo ya hablé con Arturo y le dije que cuando los corrió a mi papá
55:28me pidió que yo fuera su mano derecha.
55:31Sí, pero hay todo un procedimiento que tiene que hacerse
55:33ante los accionistas y el consejo.
55:36Y si la voluntad de mis hermanos es mayoría,
55:38va a ganar lo que nosotros digamos ante el consejo.
55:41Pero, a ver, te estoy diciendo que ya hablé con Arturo.
55:44Nicolás, Nicolás ya tiene su propia empresa
55:47y Camila está de mi lado.
55:49Leonardo, con todo respeto,
55:52no estás listo para dirigir esta empresa.
55:55Y tú llevas muchos años trabajando para mi papá
55:59y si no entiendes el cambio que necesita la compañía,
56:03con todo respeto,
56:06te recomiendo que empieces a buscar un lugar nuevo para trabajar.
56:20¡Sin contacto!
56:24Oye, ¿qué respondió el juez a mi apelación?
56:27La rechazaron.
56:29¿Qué? Eso no puede ser.
56:31Yo no me puedo quedar más tiempo en este lugar.
56:34Pues no sé qué es lo que tenga que hacer,
56:36pero si se arrastras,
56:38voy a hacer que Paula diga la verdad.
56:40Esa mujer es muy peligrosa.
56:42Eso no me importa.
56:44Tú eres mi hermano.
56:46Y aunque ella tenga todo el apoyo de la familia Bortilla,
56:48yo te voy a sacar de la cárcel.
56:52¿Qué te digo, Mitch?
56:54Todo sigue igual.
56:56Mi papá no reacciona.
56:58Además, el caso no avanza.
57:00Lo siento mucho.
57:02Quisiera estar contigo.
57:04Creo que han sido demasiadas cosas.
57:06Con escucharme ya me ayudas mucho.
57:08Oye, ¿y qué va a pasar con tus padres?
57:12Oye, ¿y qué va a pasar con tus planes de venir?
57:14¿Siguen en pie?
57:16Sí, claro. En cuanto se arregle todo esto,
57:18yo me voy a Boston.
57:20Perdón que te lo pregunte,
57:22pero ¿qué va a pasar si tu papá no sale de esta?
57:26No, es algo que ni siquiera puedo pensar.
57:29Porque sería el fin de mi familia.
57:35Hagas lo que hagas.
57:37No te confíes.
57:39Paula es más peligrosa que una serpiente.
57:41A mí eso no me importa.
57:43Pero a mí sí. Ve lo que me hizo a mí.
57:45Fue capaz de convencer a todos de que...
57:48que yo la ataqué.
57:50No te preocupes.
57:52Yo no voy a caer en sus engaños.
57:54Solo ten cuidado.
57:56No quiero que por ayudarme te perjudique a ti.
57:58Lo voy a hacer con cuidado.
58:00¿Qué vas a hacer?
58:02Todo el poder de Paula está en manipular.
58:05Así como manipula a su marido.
58:09¿Qué pasaría si Leonardo...
58:11se enterara de quién es Paula en verdad?
58:15¿O tú crees que la quisiera igual si supiera...
58:18cómo era el pasado de esa mujer?
58:52Ay, Dios mío. Por favor.
58:57Por favor.
58:59Por favor.
59:07¿Quién sos?
59:16Aquí estoy, papá.
59:20Tú y yo queremos encontrar la verdad.
59:22Y que se haga justicia.
59:24Es momento de unirnos, Ofelia.
59:26Y de trabajar juntas.
59:28Si Paula está metida en más problemas...
59:32tal vez eso nos pueda servir a nosotros.
59:36¿Qué haces en la oficina de mi papá?
59:38Que se me dejó aquí.
59:42Sí, sí, sí. Después de correros a ustedes,
59:44habló conmigo y me pidió que me hiciera cargo de todo.
