Amor Amargo Capitulo 53 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 53 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 53 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 54 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 55 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 53 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 53 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 53 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 53 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 53 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 54 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 55 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 53 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 53 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 53 Completo HD
Short filmTranscript
00:00Escondidas como criminal no no no somos criminales entonces que son
00:05Te quieres convertir en una traidora a tu familia de tu sangre
00:25Have a
00:28Oye recuerdas que te pregunté que estaba pasando entre tomas y abril ah
00:32Si si pero creo que no está pasando nada va por lo menos eso me dio a entender tomas porque
00:39Tengo que decirte algo que escuché me tiene muy preocupada a ver dime dime qué pasa
00:44Es que creo que gabriela va a ser algo terrible
00:47No entiendo qué le está pasando pero siento que tienes que decirse lo tomas pues puede salir
00:52Si quieres nos vemos ahí en la puerta de la hacienda
00:55Sí, sí, yo creo que sí
01:38Pero también es bueno que sepas que frente a una investigación de lo que pasó en la distribuidora
01:43el nombre de ese inversionista va a salir a relucir
01:46y por lo tanto también el nombre de quien lo mandó
02:04Tengo algo importante
02:09Que decirte
02:12Puedo pasar si claro pasa
02:17A ver
02:20Platica me me dijo andres que algo andan mal contigo que es
02:27Que conocías tanto a mi papá de una cosa
02:30Es que él era un hombre malo
02:34Preguntas eso
02:36Yo entiendo que mi papá se quería vengar de la san jose si eso me queda muy claro
02:40Pero crees que pudo haber sido un hombre cruel y que para lograr esa venganza pudo
02:46recurrir a métodos poco legales
02:51Jaime nunca renunció en ese deseo que tenía de vengarse y eso lo llevó a la muerte
03:00Ahora no sé si ese deseo de destruir a la san jose
03:05lo haya podido llevar a
03:08cometer algún error
03:09no lo sé
03:15Mi abuela la está presionando para que señale a tomás con su
03:19Creo que es muy grave andres y tu hermana que dijo que lo va a hacer que está loca
03:25Es absurdo mi hermano casi lo que sé cuando tu hermana desaparece yo lo sé pero algo está pasando y no entiendo qué es
03:32y creo que tu no tiene que saberlo para que hable con ella
03:36que es todo esto eva
03:37no sé no sé no sé tampoco entiendo pero creo que creo que tomás tiene que intentar hacerla entrar en razón
03:44mi abuela lo quiere lejos de aquí y lo va a hacer como sea lo va a mandar a matar o no sé qué va a ser
03:50no entiendo
03:56No va a estar bien
03:58ay andres lo siento mucho
04:00ay no
04:01no digas eso bonita
04:03no tienes nada que ver con lo que pasó
04:05ya sabes que todo se va a solucionar
04:07lo vamos a arreglar
04:13oye ya me tengo que ir
04:17pero mañana nos vemos porque quiero contarte algo
04:19pero bueno ahorita no quiero que
04:21ya sabes
04:23sabes que cuentas conmigo
04:25yo también
04:41vivir sin violencia
04:43merezco respeto
04:45merezco respeto
04:47merezco vivir sin violencia
04:51merezco respeto
04:53merezco vivir sin violencia
04:55merezco respeto
04:59merezco vivir sin violencia
05:01merezco respeto
05:03te parece bien verte con ese tipo a estas horas de la noche
05:07tenia que hablar con el
05:09hablar de que a escondidas como criminales
05:11no no no somos criminales
05:13entonces que son
05:15te quieres convertir en una traidora a tu familia de tu sangre
05:21no no quiero hablar contigo
05:23ah no quieres hablar conmigo
05:27que esta pasando
05:29que esta niña se anda viendo
05:31con el muchachito ese
05:33el hermanito de tomas a estas horas de la noche
05:35no se que tema
05:37tan importante tenia que tratar
05:39nada pero lo tengo que hacer así
05:41porque tu quieres controlarnos todo el tiempo
05:43estoy harta de vivir escondido ya no quiero
05:45tranquiliza tranquila por favor
05:51eva calmate no hagas esos escandalos
05:53tu tampoco me digas nada
05:55ahora quieres justificar a la abuela como siempre
05:57yo no entiendo que es lo que hace para enredarte
05:59y que sigas creyendo que es buena pero no es así
06:01y tu sabes que no lo eres
06:03no me faltes al respeto
06:05abuela basta
06:07ya no quiero vivir mas aqui
06:09les juro que me voy a ir a vivir lejos
06:11ya no quiero estar cerca de ti
06:15ah luego digame
06:17lo que te atiende en la cabeza es a eva
06:19y que los jimenez no han cumplido con su cometido
06:21mirenla como se pone
06:23y aun asi
06:25seguimos sin hacer nada
06:27sin prestar atencion a sus problemas mentales
06:37hola tomas
06:39he estado pensando en ti
06:41en todo lo que te ha pasado
06:43y quiero decirte nuevamente que aqui estoy por si necesitas a mi
06:47gracias vera
06:55que pasa tomas
06:57acabo de hablar con eva
07:01me dijo que gabriela te va a denunciar como responsable de su
07:03intento de asesinato
07:05que le pasa esta loca o que?
07:13ah buenos dias
07:15digame en que la puedo servir
07:19vengo para darle informes del tiburon se acuerda?
07:23el que era amigo de mi hermano
07:25toma asiento
07:29a ver
07:35el tiburon estuvo aqui en todos los santos
07:39porque no me avisaron
07:41su marido se convertio en un borracho bueno para nada
07:43y no le dijo a nadie
07:45entonces como se entero?
07:47pues una comadre los vio
07:49platicando hace poco
07:51luego ella hablo con el tiburon
07:53y el le dijo que se pelaba del pueblo
07:55porque la ley lo andaba buscando
07:57pero no eso no es cierto
07:59ah no?
08:01pues a saber si ese infeliz cometio un delito
08:03y tenga cola que le pisen
08:05porque no es de fiar
08:07sabe que necesito hablar con su marido
08:09para saber que fue lo que dijo
08:11y tambien con su comadre
08:13que le parece si me pasa los datos?
08:15claro que si
08:17aqui le dejo
08:19el numero de mi comadre
08:21y quiero
08:23aprovechar la vuelta
08:25quiero comentarle esto
08:27es que
08:29esta mujer
08:31es la causante
08:33de que Beatriz San Jose
08:35decidiera dejar a Jaime
08:37a los 5 años
09:13despues de que Jaime se fue del pueblo
09:15bueno de que doña Leonor lo echara
09:17llego esta mujer
09:19con semejante panzota
09:21diciendo que el hijo que esperaba
09:23era de ella y de Jaime
09:25a ver
09:27no entiendo nada este hijo es Tomas
09:31no es Tomas
09:33ese muchacho debe tener ahorita
09:355 años seguramente
09:37nacio despues de que esa mujer
09:39fue y se lo dijo a Beatriz
09:41esta mujer estuvo con Jaime y con Beatriz
09:43antes del accidente
09:45que les pudo haber dicho
09:47no pues eso si no se
09:49y bueno como se llama?
09:51se llama Alicia
09:53pero no recuerdo el apellido
10:05yo soy de tu equipo
10:07tenlo en cuenta
10:09para cuando me necesites
10:13soy Francisco
10:15deja tu mensaje
10:19que haces aqui?
10:35que paso?
10:37tenemos que hablar
10:39pero es urgente
10:41bueno quizas sea mejor que vengas conmigo
10:45no sabia que estaba Tomas aqui
10:47vino para platicar de unas cosas
10:49necesitabas algo?
10:51no nada
10:53luego te busco
10:57Tomas es muy peligroso
10:59que vengas a la fabrica
11:01estamos pelados y mi abuela ya esta sospechando
11:09que bueno que te veo
11:11te acompaño a tu oficina
11:13para contarte sobre Guillermo
11:15no despues voy a ver a Gabriela
11:17es que ahorita mi hermana esta ocupada
11:19pues vas a tener que desocuparse
11:21porque tiene que atenderme
11:23es importante lo que le voy a decir
11:25es que ella esta
11:27con Tomas
11:37no tiene sentido exponernos tanto
11:39este juego es peligroso
11:41terminemos con el
11:43de que juego hablan?
11:45me pueden explicar
11:47vine a exigir la cartera de clientes
11:49para llevar a cabo mi propuesta
11:51antes de los 3 meses estipulados
11:53estas seguro que a eso vino
11:55no estoy dispuesto a perder mi dinero
11:57o me dejan actuar o se acaba la sociedad
11:59no tienen dinero
12:01mira Tomas te voy a mandar la lista
12:03pero por favor retirate
12:05ya la escucho
12:21estas segura que nada mas
12:23vino a eso
12:25no hablaron de nada mas
12:29digale a su marido que por favor
12:31venga a hablar conmigo
12:33si yo le digo
12:35con permiso
12:47buenos dias
12:49quiero hablar con usted
12:51iba de salida es urgente?
12:53si es que sospecho que
12:55Magdalena puede estar detras
12:57de la muerte de Jaime
13:01siéntese por favor
13:03lo que dice
13:05es muy delicado
13:07si lo se
13:09y por eso vine a contarle lo que se
13:11antes de que hable con ella
13:13no se me parece correcto que la investigue
13:15pero usted tiene que saber
13:17quien es esa mujer
13:19bueno hasta ahora los indicios se dirigen
13:21hacia alguien mas
13:23pero es curioso que con usted
13:25me comentan sobre ella
13:27y quien es la otra persona?
13:29lo siento no se lo puedo decir
13:31pues yo si tengo cosas que contarle
13:33cuando Magdalena
13:35se entero que Jaime queria divorciarse
13:37dijo que preferia haberlo muerto
13:41no sera porque estaba dolida
13:43dolida de que?
13:45a esa mujer lo unico que le interesaba de Jaime
13:47era su dinero
13:49desde que llegamos a todos los santos
13:51recibe llamadas muy sospechosas
13:53esta inquieta la veo nerviosa
13:55y para colmo
13:57he notado que lleva una relacion
13:59muy extraña con Julio
14:01sabe usted si ellos se conocían
14:03de antes de que vinieran a todos los santos
14:05no lo que yo sepa no
14:07no es el tipo de amistades
14:09que maneja Magdalena
14:11a ella lo unico que le interesa es el dinero
14:13y buscar quien la mantenga
14:15pero de que trae algo con ese hombre
14:17lo trae
14:19y ocupé para hacer algunas otras cosas
14:21no falles con lo que te pedi
14:23no tio
14:25vas por alla
14:49Magdalena no ama a nadie
14:51no tiene empatía con nadie
14:53solo piensa en ella
14:55y eso fue lo que ocurrio cuando se junto con Jaime
14:57hableme de la relacion que tenia
14:59el señor Jaime y la señora Magdalena
15:01era una relacion pesima
15:03Jaime se caso con ella
15:05no entiendo ni porque
15:07seguro lo enredo como hace con todos
15:09se le fue metiendo
15:11se apodero de la casa
15:13se apodero de todo
15:15pero nunca amo a Jaime
15:17y creo que el tampoco a ella
15:21entenderas que despues de lo que hizo
15:23Eva anoche lo logico seria
15:25que le contara al hermano
15:27para poner al tanto
15:29a Tomas de tus planes
15:31pues ya viste que Eva no le dijo nada a Andres
15:33y pues Tomas no este enterado de nada
15:37porque no le dijiste que piensas
15:41no sera que estas pensando en no hacerlo
15:43pues si insistes tanto en el tema
15:45la que va a lograr que me eche para atras
15:47vas a ser tu
15:49por cierto
15:51volve a buscar a Francisco y no me contesta
15:53deja ese asunto por la paz
15:55decidio irse
15:57y fue lo mejor
16:01donde pongo al nuevo
16:05viene directo de la central camionera
16:07ahora si que literal
16:09se murio en el viaje
16:11a ver dame sus datos por favor
16:13comunicacion no tenia cartera
16:15nada de nada
16:17segun la informacion del boleto
16:19este cristiano se llamaba Francisco Carrera
16:21y venia de
16:23todos los santos
16:25vete a saber donde es
16:27quien sabe pero vamos a pasarlo por aca
16:33el señor Carrera no hablo conmigo
16:35tiene contrato firmado por un año
16:41esto esta raro
16:51hay alguien ahi
17:03no se mueva
17:23necesito que lo hagan rapido
17:27si lo hacen bien
17:29va a haber mas
17:33ay lo siento que pena
17:37tu eres Enrique Olivares
17:41como estas
17:43supongo que te acuerdas de mi
17:45Magdalena Morray
17:47como le va señora
17:49me puedes hablar de tu y decirme Magdalena
17:53algo me dice que tu y yo
17:55no pienses que soy confiansuda
17:59siento que el destino nos esta juntando
18:01no crees
18:03porque hay temas que nos unen
18:05de eso estoy segura
18:07mira tengo algo de prisa
18:09y no puedo darte mas detalles
18:11pero yo soy de tu equipo
18:13tenlo en cuenta
18:15para cuando me necesites
18:21me voy con el recuerdo
18:23de esa mirada profunda
18:25tan misteriosa
18:27que me devuelve la fe en la vida
18:29porque estaba pensando
18:31que en este pueblo solo había feos
18:33y una mujer como yo
18:35cuando quieras
18:37nos tomamos algo
18:39see you
18:45see you
18:59see you
21:49I need a cell phone so I can get in touch with my daughter.
21:53You don't have permission to have one of those devices.
21:57My friend Andres said he was going to give it to me.
22:00And I also have to be connected to the world.
22:03Of course not.
22:04You don't have to be connected by cell phone to any world.
22:08Lucia is an adult.
22:10She has to solve her own problems herself.
22:13You are a support.
22:15A relief for her.
22:17And that's the only reason I allowed her to be her godfather.
22:20Andres calls you on a fixed number.
22:23And that's it.
22:25So I'm going to make a deal to get my cell phone.
22:29What deal?
22:30You're not even going to ask Andres for that cell phone.
22:34Ah, Mr. Mercedes.
22:36But I have to be in touch with Lucia.
22:39I want her to know that I'm here for whatever she needs.
22:42When Lucia needs you,
22:45When Lucia needs you,
22:47she's going to come looking for you,
22:48or she's going to call you from the orphanage.
22:51So that means you're not going to think about it
22:53and you're not going to let me have a cell phone, right?
22:56If you really want to help Lucia,
22:59give her love.
23:00Be unconditional.
23:02But don't take it as an excuse to ask for a cell phone.
23:06Ah, I want to see the time when I'm an adult
23:09to be able to decide for myself.
23:12Be very patient.
23:14Because as long as you're in my position,
23:16you're going to do what I think is best for you.
23:22You win.
23:31Simon says that one must use one's imagination
23:34and think about what you would like to be.
23:37I may seem silly for believing that,
23:40but doing it gives me a lot of peace.
23:42Don't say that you're silly.
23:44Stop believing that you're silly.
23:48Simon says that the saddest he felt
23:50was when he opened his arms the most,
23:53and imagined that he was in his magical world
23:56and only then was he happy.
23:59I have no other alternative right now
24:02than to imagine that this world exists.
24:04And I want to get to that happy world,
24:07but with my Gil.
24:09Being with him,
24:11but with open or closed arms,
24:14I am immensely happy.
24:18Everyone should have a Gil in their lives.
24:23That's a matter of imagining
24:25that we are where we are happy.
24:28That's all.
24:31Look, I beat you.
24:32Keep the stones.
24:35I'm just learning.
24:37Things won't go well for you
24:39unless you want to help us
24:42so we know what really happened.
24:47What are we going to do?
24:49If you don't want to go to jail,
24:51you better understand everything.
24:54But how?
24:56That guy is not stupid.
24:58He's not going to come like this.
25:00Find a way to locate him.
25:02You said you were with Carmen, right, cousin?
25:07You have to be so cruel to remind me.
25:12You too.
25:14Oh, stop the nonsense.
25:16Explain to me.
25:18How did that man get to the distributor?
25:21Because I never knew about his existence.
25:25Oh, idiot.
25:26Of course, Carmen.
25:30Let's see, Tomas.
25:31I told you to talk to Gabriela.
25:33I tried,
25:34but I couldn't be alone with her.
25:37And the subject is delicate.
25:39And you?
25:40Did you find out anything about the man
25:42who swindled the distributor?
25:44I was reviewing some emails I had with your dad
25:46when he hired him and look what he said.
25:50It is clear that your dad wanted to prove
25:52that the San Jose factory was in a bad economic situation
25:55to be able to offer to buy it, of course.
25:59How long did it take
26:00for my father to hire this man
26:02and negotiations began?
26:03I already told you, a maximum of a year.
26:06There was nothing that would stop your father
26:08from his goal of buying that factory.
26:10I can't get Gabriela out of this now.
26:13How can I tell her that my father broke the distributor
26:16and then went to buy the factory?
26:18This is bad.
26:19Wherever you look at it, it's bad.
26:22That's not the father I knew.
26:25It's not.
26:26Let's see, the truth is that we don't know
26:27if your father did that, Tomas.
26:29It would be a matter of locating Camilo Ariza
26:32and we'll get out of doubt.
26:35Anyway, the best thing is that Gabriela is aware.
26:38Let's see, it's not because of lack of will.
26:40It has not been possible.
26:48Mr. Camilo Ariza,
26:50I ask you to please answer my message.
26:53Mr. Guillermo San Jose wants to talk to you.
26:56It is convenient for you.
26:58But, let's see, don't you think it's very naive
27:01to wait for a criminal to answer
27:03after leaving a message?
27:06You are a criminal and I have you in front of me.
27:08Let's see, but it wasn't like that with me.
27:10I just took a little bit of Camilo's earnings.
27:13Oh yeah?
27:14But that Camilo doubled those earnings with my money.
27:19My money.
27:23Yes, but then he promised us
27:25that if we invested a little more
27:27we would triple the earnings and I fell.
27:30He won my ambition.
27:31In what head does such stupidity fit?
27:35He doubled your money the first time so you would fall.
27:39And you did it.
27:40Come on, eat your chocolate.
27:43Now you have to attract him
27:45and bring him here to that scammer with all he likes.
27:50You are going to propose a business to him.
27:55Do you really think I'm going to fall?
27:59He doesn't know you're aware of the fraud he did in the factory.
28:04He thinks you're so stupid
28:06that he's probably going to bite the hook.
28:12Underestimate me.
28:14That was your big mistake, beautiful.
28:29What happened?
28:31We have to locate Camilo Ariza.
28:35Guillermo says that Carmen is uploading photos with him.
28:38We can follow their networks and locate them.
28:41Check if we have contacts near them
28:43to bring him here as soon as possible.
28:55I love you.
29:09Everyone knows he was always in love with my mom.
29:12Oh my God, Gabriela.
29:13Your mom was always a very attractive woman
29:17and he was just another lover.
29:20Dr. Hernández, I'm sorry.
29:22I need you to sign these papers.
29:25If you'll be so kind.
29:26Sorry, but I'm very busy with my patient.
29:30Let's find a better time
29:32because I need to see what I'm going to sign.
29:34We've been trying to get you to sign those papers for a while.
29:38This matter cannot be delayed.
29:39These are the rules.
29:41The drugs are already at the pharmacy.
29:43Please don't forget to do your job.
29:48Of course not, doctor.
29:51Thank you very much, doctor.
29:52How much do I owe you?
29:53Don't mention it.
29:55You don't owe me anything.
29:57I'll be here.
29:58If you feel bad, let me know.
30:00Thank you very much.
30:01Say hello to your wife.
30:02You're welcome, doctor.
30:03Take care.
30:04See you later.
30:07Doctor, you're not always going to be here.
30:10Let's see.
30:12How much longer do you need
30:14to understand that it's time to retire?
30:17Being here
30:19is part of my life.
30:22And I would never want to be away from here.
30:25My colleagues, my patients,
30:28they're like family to me.
30:30I don't want to be rude to you.
30:32Because, in general, we have a lot of appreciation for you.
30:36But your retirement has no turning back.
30:39So I'm going to ask you to sign these papers now.
30:42Because we need a date for your retirement from this clinic.
30:46I've given my body and soul to my sacred profession
30:50for more than 40 years of my life.
30:53That doesn't mean anything.
30:56I'm sorry to contradict you,
30:59but I don't want to be rude to you,
31:03but you have problems with the new systems.
31:06You have problems with the computer.
31:09Everything is electronic now.
31:11There have been several failures,
31:13and in some of them, the life of the patients has been at risk, Doctor.
31:17I assume I'm wrong.
31:20But we're all wrong.
31:23I can learn to use the new technology, and I'm going to do it.
31:28Or now it turns out that we old people are useless.
31:32The order is that you leave the board of this hospital.
31:35So what we're going to do is that I leave you the documents,
31:38you sign them, and we start the process of your retirement.
31:44Good morning.
31:54Jose, I hope Tomas manages to solve this whole situation
31:58and talk to your sister.
32:00I'm also very worried about that.
32:02I think it's crazy that Gabriela wants to report Tomas.
32:05Me too. That would be terrible.
32:07Last night I fought with my grandmother.
32:10And I also got mad at Gabriela and Miriam,
32:13because things haven't been going very well lately.
32:15Why did you fight?
32:24Because last night my grandmother saw us together,
32:27but that's not the point.
32:29The point is that I want to leave my house.
32:32I want to leave because I'm scared.
32:34What's wrong with you?
32:37The thing is that my grandmother says I'm crazy
32:42and she wants to put me in a psychiatric hospital.
32:45What's wrong with her? Why does she say that?
32:49Because when I was little, I saw something very ugly that she did.
32:55And since that day I've been in charge of making everyone believe
32:59that I'm crazy and that I'm crazy.
33:01But you have to promise me that this stays between us.
33:04Because otherwise things can get very complicated.
33:07And I don't want that.
33:09But what happens is that I want you to understand why I want to leave.
33:13I'm not going to do anything.
33:15You can trust me.
33:17My grandmother killed my grandfather.
33:21And I saw her do it.
33:24I saw her kill my grandfather.
33:27And I saw her do it.
33:29Do it.
33:31And I'm not making this up.
33:34I swear. I swear I'm telling the truth.
33:37I just don't know how to prove it.
33:39And how to make people not say that I'm crazy.
33:43But it's true.
33:48That's very serious.
33:50Yes, it is.
33:52That's why I want to leave.
33:54I want to go far away from here, far away from her.
33:56Because I know I'm in danger being here.
33:59Because she wants to put me in a psychiatric hospital.
34:02She told me and she threatened me with that.
34:04And it scares me a lot.
34:11Keep insisting until that guy answers you and you let me know.
34:17Can we talk?
34:20You can leave now.
34:27What was Guillermo doing here?
34:29Aren't you supposed to stand him?
34:31My dear nephew came to close the accounts of the distributor.
34:36Because what I want is to finish with that matter.
34:40Well, here are the documents that Vera brought.
34:43But my recommendation is that you don't sign
34:46until the payment forms are established.
34:49It's not good to trust so much in requirements.
34:52I don't know how to do it.
34:54It's not good to trust so much in Enrique.
34:58Oh, Gabriela, Gabriela.
35:00Who has been on our side all this time? Enrique, right?
35:04He's always there wanting to support us.
35:09And unfortunately my Beatriz, your mother.
35:13She was always very stubborn.
35:16She never accepted his help.
35:17Could it be because my mother also distrusted him?
35:23I think you have to be careful with him and with Vera.
35:29If with all the money he has lent us he doesn't trust you,
35:32then I don't know what he can give you.
35:35That's exactly what I don't trust.
35:38He doesn't help us out of friendship,
35:40but there are always second intentions with him.
35:43What do you mean?
35:44That everyone knows he was always in love with my mother.
35:48Oh my God, Gabriela.
35:50Your mother was always a very attractive woman
35:54and he was just another lover.
35:56Yes, another lover who spent his whole life waiting for her.
36:01No, that's not true.
36:03He married Lucia, didn't he?
36:05A woman he mistreats, Grandma.
36:07Why would he marry her?
36:09Well, I don't know.
36:10I don't know and I don't care.
36:12Well, I do care.
36:14I don't like Enrique's attitude when he's with me alone.
36:18Gabriela, for God's sake.
36:21Enrique sees you with the love of a father.
36:26With you or someone very close to you.
36:28Stop making up ideas.
36:30No, you're the one who's making up ideas.
36:38Yes, I'm here with her.
36:41Perfect, we'll be there. Thank you.
36:46This afternoon we are expected at the police station
36:49to report as responsible for your second attempted murder to Tomas.
36:53This afternoon we are expected at the police station
36:56to report as responsible for your second attempted murder to Tomas.
37:03Well, I see that you are very clear about what we have to do.
37:10Okay, tell me now why I'm going to be there.