• last month
Sol Campbell pokes fun at infamous Spurs-Arsenal switchGoogle
00:00It's that time of year again, the time when people start to wonder if the grass might
00:08be greener.
00:09Why don't they just switch sides and change allegiances, take it from me, big moves pay
00:19Sure, people will have opinions, but who cares what people think, of course you can stay
00:27with them for another year, but is anything really going to change, it doesn't look like
00:30it to me.
00:31So if you're thinking about transferring this January, I say go for it, it's not like you're
00:39doing anything outrageous, you're just switching to something much, much better, the Google
00:45Gemini, what were we just talking about?
00:49We were talking about separating delicate whites from strong colours like red in your
00:53wash cycle.
00:54Yeah, that was it.
