• 2 months ago


00:30Thank you very much for your time.
01:00So, Prerna was a vernacular school in which the Prime Minister had received his primary education.
01:07And now we have brought an innovative program in which a wonderful combination of Indian culture and technology is being done.
01:16So, what is Indian heritage to children and today we have reached Chandrayaan.
01:21So, it is an attempt to develop the whole journey and a national pride.
01:26So, for that it is a program based on 9 values which defines a true leader.
01:32Like courage and bravery, self-respect and humility, compassion and service, innovation and curiosity.
01:38Similarly, there are 9 values.
01:40So far, 840 children from 420 districts have participated and now there is a 43rd batch.
01:48So, there are 20 children in each batch who come from 10 different districts and 10 different states.
01:54They are given an experiential learning program of 6 days.
01:59What kind of education do the children take here and what do they learn?
02:07So, here we make them face 3 questions.
02:11Like who am I? What is my heritage? And what can I do for the country?
02:16These 3 things are emphasized.
02:20And after this, we have seen that the children go to their schools, communities and cities.
02:25What they have learned in Prerna, they are teaching more children in their society.
02:30So that the values and feelings we have for India reach every person and their contribution is towards a developed India.
02:41Modi ji also started his studies in Prerna school and he has increased the same values in the children.
02:51What will be the subject of Modi ji?
02:54In this, based on the 9 values I told you, he has many stories, movies and discussions.
03:03So, the inspirational personalities like Prime Minister, Gandhi ji, Vivekanand, Atal Bihari Bajpayee ji,
03:11they are sharing their experiences and learnings from their lives.
03:33What is your name?
04:01My name is Shubham Meena. I have come from Rajasthan.
04:06Shubham, the school where Modi ji used to study, you have come to learn your 9 different values.
04:15What was the reason and what will you learn today?
04:18First of all, I would like to thank PM Shri Narendra Modi ji for selecting me here in Prerna.
04:30I am on such a big stage today because of this program run by him.
04:35I am being told about 9 state values here.
04:39I am being told about 9 state values here.
04:50I am feeling very good after coming here.
04:53I am proud of myself that I was selected for this program.
04:58I am PM Modi ji.
