• 2 months ago
Un hombre se reencuentra con su amigo de la infancia. Para recuperar el tiempo, lo invita a vivir con él, sin saber que él esconde un gran secreto.


00:14How are you, brother? It's been so long!
00:16I didn't know you were here!
00:19It's been a long time, 12 years since we last saw each other.
00:22At least, yes.
00:23What are you doing here?
00:24Nothing, I always come here to take a walk.
00:27And you caught me just in time because I came to say goodbye.
00:31I have to go to Santiago.
00:32But why, man?
00:34No, the thing is that my parents died.
00:38So, I'm going to have to stop studying.
00:41You know, for the money.
00:42I'm not going to have money for the monthly fees, for the materials, you know?
00:46I didn't know about your parents, man.
00:48I'm sorry.
00:51Listen, my parents aren't dead either, but they don't live in Chile.
00:57So, I don't know, I live alone.
01:01I have a room here in Bolá.
01:03Can I use it?
01:04So, you don't stop studying.
01:06You can save some money, I don't know, man.
01:09It's been so long, we've been friends since we were kids.
01:13I don't know, I really appreciate the offer, but...
01:17We don't see each other often, man.
01:19But now we have time for that, you know?
01:22To recover everything that has already happened and that we don't know about us.
01:27So, what do you say?
01:29It's the best offer, man.
01:31I like a friend, brother.
01:33It's good, right?
01:36Thank you very much.
01:37Hey, that's good, man.
01:38That's good, let's see.
01:40And what are you doing here?
01:43I'm going to do a job for the university.
01:45Terrible, man.
01:46I met Daniel, practically, since I was born.
01:50Well, then, due to circumstances of life, at 12 years old, we had to separate.
01:55But Dani was one of those childhood friends that you never forget.
01:58And that's how we met Dani.
02:00The truth is that he was an excellent companion.
02:03Zero mess in the coexistence.
02:05My childhood friend became my lifelong partner.
02:08Besides, the crazy cook was exquisite.
02:12Hey, Maria, the toast.
02:15Hey, stop treating me like a dwarf, huh?
02:17Well, but if you're going to get ahead of yourself, why not?
02:20How do you want me not to get ahead of myself if I'm the one who has to do all the things here?
02:24The laundry, cleaning the kitchen, all the mess you leave?
02:28So, for the good deed of the day, you'll invite me out, dog.
02:33But as a friend, yes.
02:36No, no, if I'm not going out today, I have to study.
02:39And you should do the same, because it's been like three days that you go to the same page,
02:42and tomorrow you have a problem with the book.
02:45Well, what happens is that I don't like to read, man.
02:47I mean, I like, I don't know, the images are easier, right?
02:52You know what's worse? That we don't talk anymore.
02:54Today we're going out, we're going to meet our future sex.
02:58And the best thing is that I invite you.
03:00No, no, if it's true that I have to study, Jimmy, seriously.
03:02Hey, if it's true, I'm not asking you.
03:05I'm informing you.
03:07I'm not asking you.
03:12You're a trained sculptor, son of a bitch.
03:14You're a trained sculptor, son of a bitch.
03:33I saw you, man.
03:35What are you talking about?
03:37What do you mean, what are you talking about?
03:39Don't shut up, man, if I catch you.
03:43It's your secret, man, I'm talking about your secret.
03:45You don't know how to tell me, man.
03:47I mean, yes, yes, but I was waiting for the moment, right?
03:51What moment, son?
03:53All this time living together, me introducing you to any girl.
03:57I don't understand everything, why do you reject it, son?
04:00I mean, we've been friends all our lives and you're not able to tell me?
04:08When do you know how to tell me that you're having problems with Paula?
04:11I saw you liking her on Facebook, man.
04:13I saw it there.
04:14Paulita, I love you.
04:16It's fine that I liked her when I was a boy, but now we've grown up.
04:18Each one took his own course.
04:20The thing is that you tell me and that's it.
04:21It's trust, man.
04:23Or what?
04:24Did you think that I was going to kick you out of the subject because you're having problems with her?
04:26Is that why you didn't tell me?
04:27I don't know, man.
04:29You're an idiot.
04:30We're brothers, man.
04:32How are you going to do that?
04:33We're going to fight for a girl, man.
04:35Okay, but tell me a little bit.
04:37Is she still living in Valdivia?
04:39Yes, yes, she is.
04:41Is she still in Valdivia?
04:43She's still living there.
04:48She's beautiful.
04:49She's beautiful, man.
04:52Well, in any case, I'm going to invite her here to the depo.
04:55I mean, I...
05:00Clearly, we're friends.
05:02We have a code.
05:04Don't worry about me.
05:05I mean, the good vibes.
05:06It's your house.
05:08Okay, thank you very much.
05:09I appreciate it.
05:10I'm going to tell her.
05:12Come on in.
05:15Your apartment is so nice.
05:17It's my apartment.
05:20Sorry for coming.
05:21Thank you for having me.
05:22I swear I'm going to be here for a couple of days.
05:24Don't worry about it.
05:25It's your house.
05:26Hey, Dani.
05:27I don't know what happened to Ro...
05:35I mean, you were there...
05:38I mean...
05:40Are you okay?
05:41I mean, you showed up.
05:43Jaime, right?
05:46So, you two live together?
05:53Didn't Daniel ever tell you?
05:55We've been living together for about six months.
06:00No, he hadn't told us.
06:01So, you two are...
06:02We're roommates.
06:04We're roommates.
06:07Of course, that's thanks to Jaime's generosity.
06:09His parents also allowed me to be here.
06:11Well, I also have to say that I have a great roommate.
06:14Dani has been my best friend my whole life.
06:18Well, and congratulations.
06:19You have a great roommate.
06:21I mean, the most faithful person on the planet.
06:23I can assure you.
06:25The most faithful.
06:26Or, I don't know.
06:27Lovers, boyfriends, whatever you want to call them.
06:30Roommates, roommates.
06:33I'm just leaving.
06:34Kiki and Lata can't talk right now.
06:36But when I get back, maybe...
06:40I'm so glad you're here.
06:42You know the house.
06:43It's quiet.
06:44Everything's fine.
06:46Listen, I'm leaving.
06:47I'm leaving.
06:49Hey, it was great seeing you.
06:53I'll let you know if I come back.
07:01So, for Lolo, huh?
07:05It looks like we're going to have a lot to talk about.
07:12I envied the love they had for each other.
07:14They were so cute, both of them.
07:16I never saw them kiss each other.
07:18Well, a little bit.
07:19When they said goodbye.
07:22But that was pure love and you could tell.
07:25I admit that I always looked at Paulina with a different eye.
07:28I may be very unfortunate, but a girl is a friend.
07:30You don't touch her.
07:32I never played with the bottle.
07:34How come you never played with the bottle?
07:35No, no.
07:36I never played with the bottle.
07:37It's a matter of who turns it around.
07:42Of course.
07:43Yes, like that.
07:45Well, that says you two have to kiss now.
07:51A kiss.
07:52That was the game of the bottle.
07:53A kiss, not a little kiss.
07:56Well, but that was the game.
07:57A kiss, a kiss.
07:58Not a little kiss.
07:59Oh, come on.
08:00Not so much.
08:09So now it's your turn.
08:12Yes, the thing is that playing with other people is more entertaining.
08:15But well, that's how it is with her.
08:20Is it their turn?
08:21Or not?
08:22Is it their turn to kiss?
08:25I mean, yes, but we were explaining to you.
08:27In this case, it's already started.
08:29Yeah, but what's going on?
08:30Are you getting serious?
08:32But if you explained it...
08:34It didn't work at all.
08:35We're adults, we're adults.
08:37We're not kids anymore.
08:38It's just a kiss.
08:39It's okay.
08:40Go ahead.
08:42Come on.
08:44Oh, that's not so nice.
08:47No, no.
08:48The kiss I gave to Pauli.
08:50Yeah, but you're crazy.
08:51You're not friends.
08:52You have nothing to do with it.
08:54Yeah, well, a real kiss.
08:55Go ahead.
08:57Come on, man.
08:59Take advantage of it.
09:00Didn't you like it when I was a kid?
09:02You're heavy.
09:03I'm telling you the truth.
09:05But when I was a kid...
09:06Well, take advantage of it now.
09:07We're adults now.
09:09Give him a kiss.
09:29That was all, you see?
09:30It didn't cost me much either.
09:34I'm going to buy.
09:35Does anyone want anything?
09:36Buy what?
09:37We have everything.
09:40Yeah, but there's always something missing.
09:41Maybe a cigarette.
09:42Does anyone want anything?
09:52Since that day, something broke between us.
09:55Paulina stopped coming to the apartment.
09:57And Daniel got sad.
09:59I had to spend my time studying.
10:01Otherwise, he was going to kick me out forever.
10:04That year went by very quickly.
10:06Very distant with Dani.
10:08He got very skinny.
10:10Well, I assumed it was because of his job.
10:14What's up, man?
10:16Hi, man. What's up?
10:17Where were you?
10:18Oh, well, nothing.
10:19Tega is driving me crazy.
10:21Well, and me, the job.
10:22Me, the study.
10:23Hey, you know what?
10:24They took me from the clinic.
10:25They left me a message from one of the exams.
10:27What's up, man?
10:28Are you sick?
10:29No, not as sick.
10:30I have a tumor in my lungs, but nothing serious.
10:33I'm fine.
10:34Well, why didn't you tell me?
10:35Do you need money?
10:37No, no, I'm really fine.
10:38It's a silly thing.
10:39It's going to pass.
10:40Really, it's nothing serious.
10:41Now I have to go to work.
10:43Are you going to see Paulina?
10:46Send her my regards,
10:47as I haven't seen her in a long time.
10:54Well, see you.
11:06Pauli, I need you to...
11:08I need you to understand me, Mom.
11:11No, but how am I going to understand you?
11:13You have to tell Jaime.
11:15You have to tell your family.
11:16You can't stay like this.
11:17What family?
11:18I don't have a family.
11:19Pauli, you are my family.
11:21Jaime is my family.
11:22That's why you have to tell him.
11:25Please, enough.
11:26Please, don't leave me alone, enough.
11:29It's my decision, enough.
11:38Damn, I finally see you, man.
11:41I thought you were done, man.
11:44This guy doesn't tell me anything at all,
11:46and we live together.
11:48Hey, Jaime, you're drunk.
11:49It's so early, man.
11:50Correction, man.
11:52I'm drunk,
11:54but there's a reason, man.
11:56I got a job.
11:57Ah, I finally got a job.
11:59But my best friends forgot.
12:02What's up, celebrity?
12:07What happened?
12:11Did you do something, man?
12:13No, Daniel didn't do anything to me.
12:16He's the only one who hurts himself,
12:18keeping so many secrets.
12:19Paulina, shut up, please, okay?
12:21No, no.
12:22Because he's been keeping secrets for years.
12:25Either you tell him, or I tell him.
12:26Paulina, please don't do this to me now, shut up.
12:28No, enough.
12:30Understand that we are already grown up.
12:32You know what? I'm going to leave him alone.
12:34And start thinking what secrets I told him first.
12:53I'm waiting for you, man.
12:54Tell me, what's up?
12:58You got pregnant.
13:02What do you mean, impossible?
13:03Are you crazy?
13:04What happened, man?
13:05What do you want me to tell you?
13:07We're friends, aren't we?
13:09Yes, but I'm afraid we should stop being friends, Jaime.
13:12Well, if you don't tell me, that's going to happen, man.
13:14What's up?
13:15You're not going to understand.
13:16What did you do to Paulina, man?
13:17Did you break up?
13:21We never started.
13:23Come on, man.
13:24I saw them.
13:25What's up?
13:27Do you love each other?
13:28What's up?
13:29Jaime, don't listen to that either.
13:32I know you've always liked Paulina since you were a kid,
13:34and you still like her.
13:36If you've given us a chance now,
13:39it's just my fault.
13:41You know what, Daniel?
13:43I told you.
13:44Paulina is your girl.
13:47And I wasn't going to meddle, man.
13:48What's up?
13:49Did I promise you or not?
13:50You like each other, come on.
13:54Not like you, you're tired.
13:56I don't understand anything, man.
13:59What do I have to believe?
14:11I like men.
14:14You're kidding me, man.
14:17Since when?
14:20Did you realize today, man?
14:23No, I always knew that.
14:26Paulina also knows it.
14:28I'm sorry.
14:30I'm sorry.
14:32I'm sorry.
14:34I'm sorry.
14:35But when are you going to tell me, man?
14:38All this time living together,
14:39when the fuck are you going to tell me, man?
14:42Stop, man.
14:43You saw me naked, brother.
14:45I slept with you.
14:48Well, because I didn't know how to tell you, Jaime.
14:50I don't know.
14:51Yes, but you're doing it now.
14:52No, but I didn't find the moment, man.
14:54I swear that only you and Paulina know it.
14:56Nobody else knows it.
14:58How many imbeciles did you bring here, man?
15:01I wasn't with any man.
15:02You didn't listen to anyone.
15:04I haven't even kissed anyone.
15:08If I kissed Paulina in front of you,
15:09it was to pretend.
15:10It wasn't for anything else.
15:13I've never been with anyone.
15:15Well, then you're not gay.
15:17Of course you're not gay.
15:18You're confused.
15:19That's it.
15:20You're confused.
15:23I'm not confused.
15:30Jaime, I've been in love with you
15:31since we were kids.
15:37Let me go!
15:38Tell me it's a lie, man!
15:52When I come back, man,
15:54I want you to take out all your things.
15:55Did you hear me?
15:56I don't want to see you anymore, Daniel.
15:59take out your things and I'll leave.
16:05I haven't seen Daniel in about a year.
16:08Well, when I came back to my house,
16:09he wasn't there anymore.
16:11It's just that that day I felt betrayed,
16:13confused by his stupid lie.
16:17I once looked for him on Facebook,
16:18but I don't know, he closed it.
16:20Paulina too.
16:21His phones didn't answer.
16:23And I decided to go see Paulina.
16:30Oh, no.
16:31What a pain.
16:32I don't want to talk to you anymore.
16:34I'm the one who has to be angry here.
16:36You two lied to me and it was ugly.
16:39Oh, well, if you look at it that way,
16:40it's always like that.
16:41We lied to you.
16:42Yeah, yeah.
16:43But I don't come in a bad mood, you know?
16:45It's okay.
16:46I was in a relationship with Daniel.
16:48But, well, I have my reasons.
16:50You lied to me.
16:52After being together for a long time,
16:53it's like...
16:55Well, that's it.
16:56Well, that's it.
16:57And go ahead with the lie.
16:59No one leaves someone
17:00they're supposed to love
17:01in their worst moment.
17:03Like when he comes out of the closet?
17:05When he has cancer.
17:12Daniel has cancer.
17:13Don't play dumb.
17:15That day I left you two talking
17:16and he told you he had cancer?
17:19No, Pauli.
17:21That day Daniel told me he was gay, Mom.
17:23He didn't tell me about any cancer.
17:24But now I understand
17:25why he was so wrong.
17:28So, what's up?
17:29How is he?
17:33They diagnosed cancer in the lung
17:34and he didn't want to continue with the treatment.
17:38And can he be saved?
17:42Dani is terminally ill.
17:56Look who came to see you.
18:03What am I dreaming?
18:06No, you're not dreaming, Dani.
18:10What are you doing here?
18:12I came to see my brother.
18:17To see how he is.
18:19Forgive me.
18:24Forgive me.
18:25It's better if we don't
18:27talk about certain things.
18:30Look who came to see you again.
18:34Pauli has always been with me.
18:39Promise me one thing.
18:43I know you two broke up.
18:53That's not going to happen
18:55because you're not going anywhere with Dani.
18:58I'm going to make sure
18:59you get the best specialists,
19:02the best treatment,
19:03that you're in a comfortable place, brother.
19:09There's nothing left to do.
19:19I want to ask you for one last wish.
19:24What do you want, brother?
19:34Thank you for bringing me here.
19:38This is where we met, Jaime.
19:44I love you so much.
19:46We love you too.
19:55maybe this is going to be the last time I'm here.
19:58I want them to know
20:02that this has been the happiest day of my life.
20:09Some friends
20:10come and go from your life
20:11like a TV show
20:12while it's on.
20:15But Dani didn't.
20:17My friend,
20:19my brother,
20:20taught me that love goes beyond
20:21sexual conditions,
20:22time and prejudice.
20:25I'll never forget you, Dani.
20:28Who doesn't forget their childhood friends?
