• 2 months ago
ৰাইজৰ কোনো আপত্তি নাথাকিলে মৰিগাঁও জিলাত ১০০০ বিঘা মাটিত আন এটা নতুন উদ্যোগ স্থাপনৰ ঘোষণা মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰীৰ ।


00:30Concert in Parkham from 2 o'clock.
00:32Concert in Parkham?
00:33And higher secondary Parikha, this is ahakali concert?
00:36Sir, notification changed, also sir.
00:38Changed also.
00:38Sir, tell me…
00:39Higher secondary Parikha Kegua please relax one minute.
00:42...mrinda uddhamita asani
00:45Dikhon asani dhanyate
00:47ahamara atmakhahaya gotara
00:54partham panjayan daumahajan
00:57ditya panjayan
00:59The bank also has arrangements to give Rs 25,000 for state aid, and Rs 50,000 for other financial support to the bank.
01:11In this way, my cabinet will receive Rs 2,000 crores.
01:24In this way, my cabinet will receive Rs 2,000 crores.
01:32In this way, my cabinet will receive Rs 2,000 crores.
01:56In this way, my cabinet will receive Rs 2,000 crores.
02:23In this way, my cabinet will receive Rs 2,000 crores.
02:42In this way, my cabinet will receive Rs 2,000 crores.
03:04In this way, my cabinet will receive Rs 2,000 crores.
03:31In this way, my cabinet will receive Rs 2,000 crores.
03:52In this way, my cabinet will receive Rs 2,000 crores.
04:22In this way, my cabinet will receive Rs 2,000 crores.
