• 2 months ago
১৪ বছৰ ঘৰ আৰু আপোনজনৰ পৰা আঁতৰত থকাৰ যন্ত্ৰণাৰ অৱসান ঘটিল ৷ ঘৰলৈ উভতিল লক্ষ্মী, পিতৃৰ মুখত বৰিঙিল হাঁহি ৷


00:26My name is Babul Sarkar
00:28Your daughter?
00:30Lakshmi Munim Sarkar
00:32Lakshmi Munim Sarkar
00:34It's been 8 years since my daughter was born
00:39She used to roam around in my house
00:46We didn't get to meet each other
00:52She passed away when I was 8 years old
00:56I thought I would do a funeral for her
01:00Her son passed away when he was 17
01:02I had to do a funeral for her at the age of 12
01:07So I went to India to look for her
01:12I came here to stay
01:17What do you have to say about your daughter's recovery?
01:20She has recovered very well
01:23She talks very well now
01:28She never used to listen to anyone
01:30She talks very well now
01:33She talks very well
