• 2 months ago
Celtics too 3-point reliant? Do you enjoy watching today's style of basketball? Should #NBA think about moving the 3-pt line?
00:00Hello, Chuck. Morning, guys. How are you? What's up?
00:06I want to ask you guys something, you know, about the three point shot, because I had read a comment
00:11by Adam Silver about that this morning. But now when when they had implemented the three point
00:18shot, the 1980 season. Now, how do you guys think the offense was going before that without the
00:25three point shot prior to that? What do you mean? It was it was basically a big man,
00:30low post Kareem Abdul-Jabbar type of basketball guy hook. Yeah. You know,
00:35it was like get the it was get the ball inside. I mean, you always had shooters like Bob Cousy,
00:42whatever. How was Bob Cousy his rookie year? Did he look good or
00:46probably more of a mid range game? Larry Bird, whatever. But I just it's the what bothers me
00:54is the over reliance on it, because if you're not hitting them, then you end up being in trouble.
01:01And the Celtics of late have then they have to go to the contested twos. And they're not
01:07that great at that. So I don't know. But what's summarize your thought for me, Chuck?
01:14Well, I heard that Bob Cousy Cruz had said, was it last year or around about that? He said
01:21that the seller shouldn't use that as a first option. It should be a weapon, but not as a
01:29first option. Well, too late for that. I mean, that's Joe Mazula's philosophy when he says he's
01:35the best coach in the NBA. And so I don't think they're going away. But that's what that's kind
01:41of like with the new NBA is when you think about it, how many teams are built where they their
01:48game is to win in the low post. I mean, there are big men out there. So I wouldn't say,
01:52you know, like built on big men. They're not built that way. But you could have adjusted your game
01:57when you got Porzingis. But even Porzingis was the reason why he's the unicorn is because of
02:02his ability to knock down three pointers. So like when you think about you get a guy like that,
02:07the whole thing in the NBA now is about spacing and opening the floor up.
02:12And the way you do that is you want to have guys that can knock down threes. And when you start to
02:17see the way the game has evolved over the years. Yeah. I don't agree. The discussion started
02:23because there is a news report or there was some speculation that the NBA is going to look at
02:34the overreliance on the three pointer and how they can if it's affecting the overall game,
02:41what they can do about that. But I'm not. But why do you think you don't because guys
02:47are successful in shooting the ball from three points and it's in and it's in from the three
02:53point line. It's an advantage. You don't take that away. You know how you get better ratings
02:57in the regular season, no matter whether there's threes or not. You decrease the number of playoff
03:02teams and you not it's you know what I'm saying? Like the reason fans aren't interested in the
03:08regular season is because by and large, the best players aren't. Yeah, because it's stupid
03:11playing game, too. That's stupid. Like, you know, you don't have the entire league outside of what
03:15six that aren't eligible to get into the playoffs at the conclusion of the regular season. That's
03:20no way to run a business. But they keep missing the forest for the trees because they're saying
03:26that we get extra money from TNT, NBC and ESPN if we have more playoff games. Right. But just just
03:33like in baseball, where the one game playoff was the freaking balls, they made it a three game
03:38play in because they wanted to get the two extra games when negotiating a new TV deal. And this is
03:43a reaction to the ratings, you believe, right? Of course, which have continued 20 percent
03:50precipitously for the NBA. Right. And the thing that and the reason why is because and my my
03:58dear, my way of fixing it, it might have been off the wall, but it takes that stupid analytics out
04:04of it because why do you think so many teams hawk up threes nowadays? Because I honestly I think
04:11it's because the players want to shoot them. And now it has that because and because the players
04:16now run the league. No, no. The reason why the reason why the game is no, the reason the ratings
04:21have dropped in. I'm not talking about the ratings. No, but in general, I'm just let me get
04:25this out. It's because the they these guys are focused only on offense. Nobody plays any defense
04:33because it's not flashy, flashy. And so people find the game boring. If the game is only offense
04:40and it's only three pointers, people find that boring. And the other the other thing, Greg,
04:46just start quickly with the other reason that this is an issue, just like in baseball,
04:50the best players are seeing their contracts only rise and they're being told they need to change
04:57for the health of the game when the game is the one giving them six hundred million dollars for
05:02a six year deal. So if you're LeBron James or Steph Curry or Jason Tatum or Jalen Brown,
05:07why do you need to change anything? The reason why is because of the stupid
05:10analytics part that was brought into this, where people will say if the three pointer
05:17is more valuable than the two pointer. So the more three pointers you take, even if you have
05:22a better field goal percentage and two pointers, the more three pointers you take will give you a
05:27better chance of winning the basketball game. So that's why I know it was a crazy theory.
05:33But if you own and I know you don't want to really eliminate the three point, I could. But
05:38if you eliminated the three point line, then there's no analytics where teams go, hey,
05:43they could shoot 50 percent from the field. Yeah. And we shoot thirty five percent. And we
05:49win based on analytics. That would be one fix would be just eliminating the three entirely.
05:54Every bucket is worth two points. Doesn't matter where you shoot it from. And I mean,
05:58I guess that would be because that's the Atlantic's analytics part of it. Greg,
06:02it's even now in football. Right. What about golden shooter? Only one guy is allowed to shoot
06:08threes throughout the entire game. I would go with Pete. But Greg, just in all sincerity,
06:12I like that. And you can pick a different one for each game. Yeah. You could select who your
06:16golden shooter is going into the game. If this ratings decrease is with sports betting now
06:23everywhere, which everybody thought was going to be this shot of adrenaline into each of these
06:29league's TV ratings. It's not good. This is Ed from my adopted home continent, the main. What's
06:36up, Ed? How are you, folks? Great show, as usual. I've got the solution. All they need to do is get
06:43the soccer parents involved and then have no point and everyone gets a trophy.
06:50That's a good thing. That's a good thing. But I and they're not going to obviously do away with
06:56the three point line. So I think this is just going to be some because that's just the way it
07:01is. They'll say, hey, if we shoot this percentage from the three point line because threes are worth
07:07more than twos at, you know, it's going to give us a better chance to win. And that's how the
07:12analytics play into the games nowadays until there's a way unless they make it. And I saw
07:18some of this before, but, you know, like the alley you being worth more. And yeah, it's but
07:27how do you get the game back if you're not going to eliminate the three point line? You're still
07:33going to have it where people are just going to hawk up threes and say it gives us a better
07:39chance to win because three is more than two.
