• 2 months ago
Gladys trabaja en una caleta y se ve enfrentada a Ignacio, el ingeniero a cargo de la construcción de un nuevo edificio de lujo en el lugar. Ella luchará por su gente y estará dispuesta a todo, sin embargo, el amor podría poner en jaque sus buenas intenciones, poniéndola en un difícil escenario.


00:00¿Qué opinai que yo vuelva a la mar?
00:25No, pero mi amor.
00:27No, honey. That's what I'm here for.
00:30You don't have to do all the men's stuff.
00:32Oh, come on, don't be so macho.
00:34We women do everything here.
00:36Besides, I was one of the best fishermen, remember?
00:38I know, honey.
00:40But you know what?
00:41As long as I can work,
00:42I want you to focus on selling the fish,
00:44got it?
00:45And your studies.
00:47Oh, yes, I know.
00:48Now, help me.
00:49Bring them over here,
00:50I'm going to weigh them quickly,
00:51I have to get to my client.
00:53Clean, come on.
00:54Come on, come on.
00:56Come on.
01:08Here you go.
01:09Thank you very much.
01:10Have a good day, my boy.
01:11Hey, Clay.
01:13What's going on there?
01:15I don't know.
01:16They must be building.
01:18That's what it looks like,
01:19but is that the land that the prosecutor is in?
01:22I don't know.
01:23Besides, the beach is full.
01:24They can't build there, it's illegal.
01:26Yeah, but they're going to tell those powerful people.
01:29If they touch it, they'll do whatever they want.
01:31But it's not my bag.
01:33No, it's not my bag.
01:35You know what?
01:36We're not going to be left with the water.
01:37I'm going over there.
01:38You keep taking care of the people.
01:40There are plenty of granddaughters to sell.
01:49I wanted to ask you a question.
01:51What are you doing here?
01:53Excuse me, miss, but you can't be here.
01:56Oh, why?
01:57The beach is full.
02:00Who are you?
02:03Clay Machuca.
02:05And you?
02:07Ignacio Valdivieso.
02:09Nice to meet you, Clay.
02:11Nothing, I'm just telling you.
02:12We're doing some land measurements
02:14for the next building complex that's going to be built here.
02:17Where? A hotel?
02:19No, a condominium with luxury apartments.
02:21Oh, you can't do that here because it's hot.
02:23I think you can.
02:25Is that why you sent us to do the measurements?
02:27You can't destroy the work of these people.
02:29These people have been working here for years.
02:31Plus, the beach is full.
02:34But if you have any complaints,
02:36I invite you to go to the municipality.
02:38If you'll excuse me, I have to keep working.
02:40Thank you very much.
02:41I'm not excusing you.
02:44You're going to meet me again.
02:46Clay Machuca, so you don't forget.
02:57They didn't give me any more information,
02:59but the thing is already cooked.
03:01The municipality gave them all the permits,
03:03so they're going to install a huge mole next door
03:07and they're going to destroy our cage.
03:09We can't allow that.
03:11That would be the end of our work.
03:14No, you can't do that, right?
03:17They did everything behind our backs again
03:19so we couldn't defend ourselves and we couldn't complain.
03:22But this is over.
03:24This is over.
03:25We can't send the work of years of us,
03:27of our families, to the tip of the hill.
03:30No more, do you understand?
03:31Never again.
03:33Let's see, who's with me?
03:36That's it.
03:37Look, we have to go and complain for our rights.
03:39We have to complain for our rights, Oscar.
03:41We're going to go and protest.
03:43The whole town will find out who we are.
03:46Do you understand?
03:47We're the people of La Caleta and we're staying here.
03:50Do you understand?
03:55No to construction!
03:56We're La Caleta!
03:58No to construction!
04:00No to construction!
04:02No to construction!
04:04No to construction!
04:06No to construction!
04:08No to construction!
04:10Gentlemen, please, you can't be here.
04:13Leave the place, please.
04:15We're going to leave here.
04:16We're going to tell the whole town that you want to destroy the beach.
04:20We're not going to leave here until you take out all your garbage and leave La Caleta.
04:24Gentlemen, please, if you don't leave, I'll have to call the police.
04:27I've had enough of this.
04:28Calm down, did you hear me?
04:29We're going to leave here.
04:31Calm down, please.
04:34Calm down.
04:35No to construction!
04:36No to construction!
04:38No to construction!
04:40No to construction!
04:43Calm down!
04:50Calm down!
04:51No to construction!
04:52No to construction!
04:53No to construction!
04:54No to construction!
05:10I'm very sorry about everything that happened.
05:14Are you sure?
05:15Really, Gladys, believe me.
05:17Really, I wouldn't have wanted anything to happen to you,
05:19if you were the ones who got violent and started breaking things.
05:21What did you want me to do?
05:23What could I do?
05:25Don't call the cops, for example.
05:26But you guys forced me, Gladys.
05:31It's okay, I'm the guy who hurt you.
05:32How are you?
05:33There he is.
05:34He broke his leg and has bruises.
05:38He's hospitalized.
05:40His name is Oscar.
05:41He's my color.
05:44I'm sorry.
05:47I'm sorry.
05:50Feel this.
05:56The air.
05:58The sea breeze.
06:02The tranquility of this place.
06:06This is what they're going to destroy.
06:09And even if you tell me that nothing's going to happen to Caleta,
06:12all the people are going to lose their lives.
06:15You know that.
06:16No, no, Gladys, it's not going to be like that.
06:18No, this is going to be a wonderful place.
06:20It's going to be a beautiful place
06:22where people are going to come on vacation,
06:24to spend it as a family.
06:25That's what it's going to be.
06:26Do you really think we're going to be able to fish here in the bay again?
06:33What you're here to do is destroy.
06:36You're not going to build like you say.
06:38But of course,
06:40you don't care about that.
06:44Because for you this is a business.
06:46For us, it's our life.
07:18I'm not going to make the complaint.
07:20But don't keep pressuring me, Gladys.
07:23What the hell is wrong with you? I have no idea what you're talking about.
07:26Oh, you have no idea what I'm talking about.
07:28It turns out they stole my truck with all the measurements
07:30and you have no idea what I'm talking about.
07:32No, I have no idea.
07:33But I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone from here.
07:36Nobody listens to us
07:38and that's the only way we have to defend ourselves.
07:40Oh, to defend yourself.
07:41I'm going to go.
07:42I'm going.
07:43I'm going.
07:44Oh, to defend myself.
07:45Oh, to defend yourself.
07:46I'm going to go.
07:47What are you defending?
07:48Of a couple of fishing stalls?
07:50Of that?
07:51Let's see.
07:52Why did you come to look at my work less?
07:54Are you willing to tell me how many boats there are here?
07:57How many people work here?
07:59No, because you have no idea of workers.
08:02You're a savage.
08:04If you're really interested in knowing what's going on here,
08:07come see me tomorrow.
08:08Let's see if you're going to think the same thing.
08:11I'm already working, so excuse me.
08:14Excuse me.
08:40I'm glad you came.
08:42I thought you were going to leave.
08:45No, I'm a man of my word.
08:47That's what I see.
08:52All these people you see here get up at five in the morning
08:56to go look for sustenance for their families.
09:00It's not just us who work here selling fish.
09:03There are many people who depend on this.
09:12In each of those boats there are...
09:16I don't know...
09:18like a hundred stories of families
09:20who have been integrating nature in a respectful way.
09:26Fishing and conserving.
09:35Hey, Claudine.
09:38You don't look like a fishmonger.
09:40I don't know.
09:41Anyone who saw you...
09:42I don't know.
09:43Anyone who saw you was the last thing they'd think.
09:45I don't know.
09:46You work in a boat selling fish.
09:49It's weird.
09:50I'm a fishmonger.
09:51It's in my genes.
09:54I haven't been here in a long time.
09:57My parents died in an accident.
09:59That's why I had to take over the business
10:01to pay for my studies.
10:02You're studying?
10:03That's great.
10:04What are you studying?
10:05I'm going to be a social worker.
10:07I think that's why you're a fighter.
10:11I like to work
10:13defending the causes of the weakest.
10:15That's good.
10:16I like that.
10:17I like people to fight for their ideas,
10:19for their thoughts,
10:20for their convictions.
10:21That's good.
10:22Even if that means
10:24that we're both at war.
10:27Of course.
10:30I can't deny that there's a taste there.
10:32I like the idea that we fight.
10:34That's good.
10:35You like it when we're at war.
10:37So let's do it.
10:44This is war.
10:46No, no, no.
10:47What are you going to do?
10:49You're crazy.
10:50What are you going to do?
10:55I don't want to get wet!
11:05Do you like to play dirty?
11:07Is that what you wanted?
11:09Did you want to kill me with pneumonia?
11:10No, no!
11:11You wanted to throw me down, didn't you?
11:14I'll take you home and iron your clothes.
11:16Let me go!
11:17Let me go!
11:18Let me go!
11:20Let me go!
11:25That's it.
11:26We're ready.
11:30I find you laughing very funny.
11:33No, it's just that I'm nervous to see you dressed like that.
11:41Hey, Gladys, I'm really sorry about everything that's going on.
11:45I wasn't clear about everything that was going to happen.
11:48I'm just another engineer.
11:51On the contrary, I swear I would avoid all this.
11:59Yes, I know you're a good man.
12:07No, I would have loved to meet you in other circumstances.
12:12And why do you say that?
12:19Because since you asked me that day for the first time,
12:23I haven't been able to get you out of my head.
12:27You're kidding me.
12:28I'm sorry.
12:31I'll iron your clothes.
12:36I'm not kidding.
12:40Really, everything is more serious than ever.
12:48No, I'm sorry.
12:49I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything.
12:51I'm just...
12:53No, if you don't apologize to me,
12:56I like it when you tell me those things.
13:02When I go to see you at work,
13:06and to fight with you,
13:08I don't know if it's for the cause or...
13:11or to see you.
13:27I don't know what I'm doing.
13:29Why? Are you regretting it?
13:34I like you, but you and I are supposed to be enemies.
13:39If all my enemies were like you, I wouldn't have any problems.
13:42Come on, get serious.
13:43You're not taking the weight of what's going on.
13:45I'm taking the weight.
13:47Here, take my hand.
13:48No, no, no, no, no.
13:49No, no, no, no, no.
13:50No, no, no, no, no, no.
13:51No, no, no, no, no, no.
13:52No, no, no, no, no, no.
13:53No, no, no, no, no, no.
13:54No, no, no, no, no, no.
13:55This can't go on.
13:58Besides, what am I going to do with Oscar?
14:00And this is the cause.
14:01Okay, listen to me.
14:02You got me into your life, so don't try to get me out of it now.
14:07Clarice, I like you.
14:09I like you a lot.
14:10Really, I'm going to fight for you, even if that means, I don't know,
14:13breaking the other leg of your bololo.
14:26Is it final then?
14:28Yes, Oscar.
14:30I'm very sorry.
14:36I knew you didn't love me and that...
14:39that one day you were going to break up with me, but...
14:41not right now.
14:43Forgive me.
14:46What am I going to forgive you?
14:48I'm a sinner, but...
14:50I also know that the heart is not going to be forced.
14:52Have a good day, Clarice.
14:58There's nothing else to say.
15:14How much does the queen have to do?
15:16I don't know.
15:18I don't know.
15:20How much does the queen have to do?
15:25What are you doing here?
15:28I thought you had left, Jaco.
15:30That you had regretted it.
15:33And why aren't you in the play?
15:36Because I quit.
15:39Yes, because...
15:40I had to choose a path.
15:44And you are my path.
15:45Now, the thing is, I don't know if you're going to be scared of...
15:49smelling with a cigar.
15:53Well, but...
15:55I work.
15:57Ah, well.
16:08I'm working now.
16:09Ah, I see.
16:12Later, then?
16:33I want to keep this moment forever.
16:38Before they destroy it all.
16:43I wouldn't be so sure about you.
16:46Why do you say that?
16:48Well, because when I was taking things out of my office...
16:51there were some documents and the truth is that the project is full of irregularities.
16:55So I think it's going to be stopped for a...
16:58long time, I think.
17:02That we can save all this?
17:05We're going to save it and we're going to save it together.
17:08And I told you I was going to fight for you and that's how it's going to be.
17:12This fight is just beginning.
17:17I love you.
